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Race Reports for East Fork Duathlon - Sprint Distance

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Race rating (3)
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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: The lake was flooded, having wiped out the entire beach area and then some. The area was pretty muddy and dirty, and when you combined the overcast weather, it was just kind of gross. Because the race company had less space to set-up, everything was so close together, and it just felt claustrophibic. Just not wanting to get icky (I know, I know: I'm such a princess), and having wanted to try a du since starting tris, I switched over to the du race morning. This was not an important race on my schedule, so I figured, "What the heck?" Let me just say this: I would rather tri than du! I'd heard dus are harder and I can attest to that first-hand. I'm really glad I ended-up princessing-out because I have a new-found respect for duathletes and I appreciate the role of the swim even more. Sure I would have liked a more MOP placing, but since this was my first du, I'm cool with it.
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