adumey's articles on

author : adumey
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photoI am not tough. I cried during the Lion King stampede, during Armageddon when Liv Tyler collapsed on the TV as her dad wished her farewell and, most embarrassingly, E.T.
author : adumey
comments : 0
photoOne of my fears, besides the radioactive material content of the Hudson River, was the water temperature. I found the water was much warmer as I inched closer to the holding dock.
author : adumey
comments : 0
avatarTo help you extract the most from my account, I will highlight the specific take-aways that will not only improve your race time, but reduce unecessary bloodshed.
author : adumey
comments : 1
avatarWilling yourself to train despite the seemingly endless distractions that cross your path and the inner-voices of self-doubt is inspiring.
author : adumey
comments : 0
avatarThe start down the road to a Half Ironman.
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Personal apple pies, loaves of banana bread and stacks of pancakes and/or french toast. Not withstanding these weaknesses, 05 Lake Placid Ironman or bust!