Beginner Triathlete - Diet & Nutrition articles

author : Nancy Clark
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photoPeople who range from casual exercisers to competitive athletes are eating at the wrong times, choosing the wrong balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and drinking too little fluids.
author : mrakes1
comments : 1
photoGenerally I bike for 1.5-2 hours, and by time I'm on my way home I'm shaky. When I get home I usually have a headache and am nauseated. What should I eat before or during my workout to prevent this?
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 0
photoWhile adequate protein is important in your sports diet, protein should take its place as the accompaniment to carbs (grains, fruits, vegetables) in each meal and snack.
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 0
photoFor many athletes and active people, nutrition is their missing link. Here are a few ABC’s to get you started on the path to winning with good nutrition.
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 2
photoCutting edge sports nutrition information from the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
photoSport drinks replenish what is lost during exercise, such as electrolytes, water, sugar, while energy drinks are designed to provide a boost in energy.
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 0
photoEven athletes are not immune from heart disease. The following bits of information might inspire you eat wisely to keep your heart beating for a long and healthful lifetime.
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
photoBy adequately fueling with protein and carbohydrates within 30-minutes post workout, consecutive workouts will be more successful.
author : mrakes1
comments : 3
photoAre your long workouts approaching 3 hours? Can't seem to eat enough or time your nutrition? Use the following calorie recommendations and recipes to create your own meal plan.
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 2
photoAlcohol and athletics is a dangerous duo. Serious recreational runners drink more than their sedentary counterparts. This article lists several of the negative consequences of alcohol.
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
photoIf you are a vegetarian looking for a more active lifestyle or a competitive athlete seeking a change in the diet, do not allow a skeptic to convince you that you can’t be an athlete and a vegetarian.
author : Ron
comments : 3
photoSo what is behind the Infinit line of custom nutrition products? We took a trip to the Infinit world headquarters and conducted an in-depth review of the Infinit Nutrition product.
author : mrakes1
comments : 3
photoProvide your body with a wholesome and nutritious meal and keep healthy, low-calorie evening snacks available for after dinner.
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 3
photoWhy do you think you need to take so many pills? Look instead at your eating patterns - not vitamin deficiencies - as contributing to the low energy.
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
photoGetting ready for a long workout? Here are some nutritional guidelines on how best to fuel your body in preparation for that long workout.
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