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2005-09-08 10:27 AM

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Subject: Ex-smokers are the worst.
I will agree that Ex-smokers are a pain in the arse. Because I’m one of them, and I WILL NOT STOP. I’m up to number three of close family/friends kicking off because of cancer. Ok Number 3 isn’t dead yet, but lung cancers usually do you in within two years.

Back the title. ‘Ex-smokers’. I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Once a smoker always a smoker. I have not smoked for 8 years and I can pick it up again in a second. The first three days of being a ‘non-practicing smoker’ were the worst. After day three you just learn to live with it day by day. Hopefully I will have to carry the burden of being a non-practicing smoker for a lot longer life then if I would have keep smoking.

A word to the young… PLEASE don’t start. Always say no to your first smoke! I know it seem cool because everyone else is doing it. And believe me it is really great (I LOVED smoking) But its not worth it. If you want to be cool and impress your friend be a great triathlete instead, the smokers will all look up to you.

Just a rant.


2005-09-08 10:52 AM
in reply to: #242678

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
I'm past the 3 year mark (1 June 2002).  Have no interest, desire to start back up (wife still smokes)..  I try to remember what it was all about.  Boy was I stupid for ever starting.
2005-09-08 10:55 AM
in reply to: #242678

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
Hi, my name is Michel and I'm an ex-smoker ... I am not a born again ex smoker though.  I do not tell people how terrible smoking is or make a ruccus when someone is smoking near me.  I do not bother my wife, who smokes, about how harmful second smoke is to me.  Second hand smoke is the least of my worries when I am riding my bike in traffic, sucking fumes and dodging irate drivers.  I do, however, tell me her every once in awhile that she should consider quitting but she insits that she "does not smoke enough for it to be harmful to her health"!
2005-09-08 11:18 AM
in reply to: #242699

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Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
"does not smoke enough for it to be harmful to her health"!

I hope she’s right… And good points on the ‘born again’ I just feel when you start seeing your loved once drop off because of smoking then others are still doing it… Do we shout from the watch tower or just sit and watch..?


2005-09-08 12:04 PM
in reply to: #242699

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
Machiavelo - 2005-09-08 7:55 AM

Hi, my name is Michel and I'm an ex-smoker ... I am not a born again ex smoker though.  I do not tell people how terrible smoking is or make a ruccus when someone is smoking near me.  I do not bother my wife, who smokes, about how harmful second smoke is to me.  Second hand smoke is the least of my worries when I am riding my bike in traffic, sucking fumes and dodging irate drivers.  I do, however, tell me her every once in awhile that she should consider quitting but she insits that she "does not smoke enough for it to be harmful to her health"!

You are a better man than me. I hope your wife comes around. My father and mother smoke. One would quit for a month only to start up again because the other was still smoking. They could never get their desires to quit in line. The only time they will not smoke is when I come around because they know if they smoke around my kids they will not see my kids. Sadly, I know I will lose them both to those damn things and there is nothing I can do about it...
2005-09-08 12:34 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.

My sister is a secret smoker.  No one else in my immediate family or even in my extended family smokes.  My grandmother quit smoking when I was a very young child.  And the non-smoking message was preached to us about as heavily as the 'Jesus Saves' one (we were Southern Baptists).

In my class last night, we took a 10 minute break about 2 hours in.  When we all returned to our seats, the woman sitting next to me apologized for "the smell."  She had gone out for a smoke and was concerned that we would be bothered by her cigarette smell.  Things are different in California, I guess.

Rice, I can understand you need to evagelize the "truth" that you've "found" about smoking and quitting and not starting.  It's the same feeling most of us have after we've completed our first triathlon and then want to get all our friends and family involved too.

Good luck with staying a smoker.  Supposedly, for every year you're not smoking, your lungs clean out a year of smoking.

2005-09-08 1:55 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
I guess I'm a smoker. You're right the first 3 days are the worst. I quit 5 months ago when my second son was born. I knew I needed to quit, and I knew I would NEVER smoke at home or around my kids (didn't want my wife to know I was smoking). When my second son was born, I was home with my oldest the whole time and never had time to smoke. In other words, my first three days off the 'juice' was fairly distracted and I hardly noticed.

Problem is, I've always enjoyed smoking. I think the criminalization of smoking is ridiculous. That being said, it's nice to go out to a restaurant and not need to take a shower when I get home. MA has been smoking in restaurants and bars.
2005-09-08 3:49 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
I haven't smoked in a year now.  It's been particularly tough since I moved to Virginia where it seems like everyone smokes.  I try not to be annoying to people who do smoke, although I do try to avoid being around smokers.  It's not so much that I'm worried about my health as I'm worried about starting to smoke again.  It's not really something that I want to start again...mostly because I don't want to have to quit again.
2005-09-08 4:15 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.

I just found another benefit of quitting smoking. It's been over 2 years for me so I called my life insurer yesterday to inquire about lower premiums. My annual premium will decrease by almost 70%.

Hmm, that's enough for an iPod nano, some fall cycling clothing and a few concert dvds to watch during the winter when I'm on the trainer.

2005-09-08 4:19 PM
in reply to: #242839

Mound, MN
Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
Hey someone else that hid it from their wife! I managed that too. I played a lot of golf, would stop off at the club for a shower or have an excuse to meet with a client for a drink so I could explain the smell, or blame a co-worker. Pulled this off for a year, then got sick of hiding and really quit. It sucked though because I couldn't share my frustrations or my accomplishments on how I was doing. So far so good though, replaced that addiction with running, biking, and swimming.

Good Luck,
2005-09-08 4:30 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
Both my parents were 2 pack a day-ers. In the same month, my mom had a heart attack and my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. They both quit cold turkey, though my mom said she'd start smoking again in an instant if she thought it wouldn't kill her. When I was a kid, the house stunk, my clothes stunk and I was plagued with respiratory infections. When I moved out, the bouts with bronchitis and pneumonia magically went away.

2005-09-08 6:42 PM
in reply to: #242678

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Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.

rice - 2005-09-08 11:27 AM I will agree that Ex-smokers are a pain in the arse.

Back the title. ‘Ex-smokers’. I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Once a smoker always a smoker. I have not smoked for 8 years and I can pick it up again in a second.


I AM a pain in the ass when it comes to smoking and damn proud of it.

I'm an "ex-smoker" of 13 years, and hell no will I ever consider myself "always a smoker". I no longer can stand the smell of that sh!t - whether it is in the air, on another person, on my clothes and I can't stand when someone else's cigarette smoke stinks up my hair!

People look stupid smoking, are even stupider if  they don't think it's harmful to their health and the health of those around them who have to inhale their smoke as well.

Now drinking on the other hand....     (oh, I can be pretty stupid if I drink a lot too!)

2005-09-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #242678

Subject: RE: Ex-smokers are the worst.
I gave it up too, 30 years ago. I don't consider myself a "smoker in hiding" or anything else along that line. It's gone and gone for good. I work in a welding shop, and it's bad enough having that smoke around. You watch some of these guys welding smoke curling up around their helmets for 8 hours a day...and to top it all off they go outside for cigarette breaks! Holy cow, you think they might not live past 40!

I have to say, the most unattractive thing I've ever seen is a woman driving by in her car, cigarette butt dangling from her lips.
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