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2012-07-01 9:02 PM

Subject: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
So I have been doing triathlons for a few years and built up to a (slow) IM. Unfortunately, I have taken some time off and put on some pounds. Currently I am about 35 lbs over my ideal weight. So here is my question:

I have a year before the races I would consider my "A" races (a sprint followed by a 70.3 two months later). Should I spend a few months trying to lean out as much as possible then focus on speed or should I let the weight loss occur with training?


2012-07-01 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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Clearwater, FL
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
Just train. If your nutrition is what it should be then your body composition will change.
2012-07-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
What he said. Train hard, eat right and the weight will fall into place.
2012-07-01 10:58 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
Yes on the swim and bike.  Don't train for speed on the run anytime soon.  Get your weight down, get a good solid base first.
2012-07-02 12:52 AM
in reply to: #4289641

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
Speaking from experience (75 lbs lost), I'm a big advocate for focusing on getting your nutritional habits cleaned up and losing weight that way (in conjunction with regular exercise...not necessarily race training) and then moving to focusing on racing.  It sounds like you may be a good example of a very common scenario where you depend too much on racing (and associated training) to keep your weight in check and maybe aren't as focused on maintaining a balanced, healthy diet for weight maintenance without that.  Work on getting your weight squared away in a manner that you can sustain even if you stop racing, then build on have time to lose the 35 lbs (and develop a fitness base for training) and still have plenty of time to do specific training for your races.  Definitely worked for me and I've avoided the yo-yo effect (for seven years now) and keeping my weight down makes the training that much easier.
2012-07-02 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4289641

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
I kind of struggle to see why one needs to exclude the other... if you eat a controlled, balanced and clean diet, and combine that with training, you will lose weight faster, than by just reducing your caloric intake... Weight loss is very simple math; calories in < calories burned = weight loss... Just eat a clean diet and you'll be perfectly fine.

2012-07-02 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4289641

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Littleton, CO
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
agree with most clean diet and train and you should get both! I have lost 115 lbs and all I do is train and eat correctly. I still have at least another 25 lbs and have been losing 2 a week every week.
2012-07-02 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4289641

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Grand Prairie
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness

I think the issue is, that at a higher weight you stress your joints more, hence you need to be carefull about training too hard on the run.

As stated before, look at your diet, train hard ont he bike and swim.

Easy on the run, you might even be walking for a bit, depending on how good your run-base is.

2012-07-02 2:40 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
I would say get your nutrition dialed in and when you do that and combine it with your training, the weight will fall off.
2012-07-02 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
It shouldn't be an either/or question. As others have said, if you are eating and training right, the weight will reset. My primary caveat is that you should not get into your head that you are not as fast as you were and then try to push harder. That is a recipe for injury. 
2012-07-02 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4289641

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Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness


Be careful not to fall into the "I worked out so I can eat whatever I want" mindset (it's easy to do!)

For example, I burn about 90 calories per mile (running). For a 5 mile run, that's 450 calories (right? Tongue out) ... that's about half the amount of calories in an average restaurant entree!

I use myfitnesspal to track calories in/ out, but I know BT has a nutrition tracker too.

Welcome back!

2012-07-02 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4290455

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2012-07-02 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4289641

Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness

As someone who has lost over 50 lbs now, I can tell you that weight loss is as The Claaw puts it "90% Nutrition and 10% exercise".  

Yes, you need to watch the input vs output, but agree with Trishie, you need to watch out for the mindset of I worked out and can eat what I want.  

Also on the running end, I don't know how long it has been since you have run.  You have obviously been through the training for an IM, so you know how your body is going to react to the running.  I would get out there, and find out where you stand on your runs.  Try a couple miles or even a 5k and see where you are at and go from there.  I don't know why you took time off, if it was for an injury, this may be something else to take into consideration. 

Good Luck!  

2012-07-03 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4289641

New user

Subject: RE: Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness
Once you start running again i would not start my run as the first exercise. Always ride first to get the joints warmed up. I have found that my run is pain free(joints) as long as I start my run after either swimming or biking. In all cases start back on your runs as part of a mini-brick
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weight loss then fitness or weight loss and fitness Rss Feed