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2007-01-24 7:21 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!


Still 136.

Hope you are all doing better than me

Have a great day and I will post more after work!


2007-01-24 8:07 AM
in reply to: #665964

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
gained another .5. last week 216.5 htis week 217. not surprised as i have reallly not done much training at all
2007-01-24 9:21 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

Morning all

last week 221.7

this week 218

loss this week 3.7

Total loss 12

Finally got in a solid week of training and got my eating somewhat under control.  Have a great week everyone   

2007-01-24 9:25 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

Nope...not doing better...uncontrolled eating from stress has put me right back to where I started (well almost).

This week:  193.2  (yikes) up 3.8

Total weight loss:  2.2 pounds 

It is so amazing what my body does when I go into survival mode.  Working 14 hour days (worrying about it 20 hours a day), not exercising and sleeping enough, eating on the run, not being aware of how much I consume.  Even it I am eating good quality food, I can still get into trouble.  It is good that I am part of this group.  It makes me publicly face my struggles with my weight loss.  A big part of me wants to just vanish and wallow in it all.

Okay, I have said my piece....sorry for the gloom.  Time (again) to make positive steps forward.  Go team!  14% towards my goal is better than nothing! And I made it thru the holidays with a net loss!

2007-01-24 9:26 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Nice Job Joe!  You just about balanced me out!  Net gain 0.1 pounds!
2007-01-24 9:29 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th! know who I feel like?  Do any of you play Zoombinis with your kids?  You know the guy who sits on the rock and goes "Pizza!  I want a pizza!....Make me a pizza!" and then takes the pizza and stuffs it in his mouth in one bite....that would be me except I haven't even had the pleasure of the pizza.  Now where can I find that avatar......

2007-01-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: #665964


Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Good morning, everyone! Nice and warm here in Canada today, an almost shorts-worthy 6 degrees Celsius!

Anywho, before I slap on some sunscreen and go for a tan, I better weigh in:

Last week: 252.0
This week: 250

Total loss this week: 2 lbs.

Can't remember my total to date. I think its about 11 lbs.

Have a great day, everyone!

2007-01-24 9:40 AM
in reply to: #666115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
gaiaserver - 2007-01-24 9:25 AM

 Even it I am eating good quality food, I can still get into trouble.  It is good that I am part of this group.  It makes me publicly face my struggles with my weight loss.  A big part of me wants to just vanish and wallow in it all.


James - those are my sentiments EXACTLY! It has been a rough week for me. My workouts have stayed the same, but obviously I have not been keeping my eating in check. I know I have had way too many sweets so maybe I should start by cutting those out

Weight on 1/17/07: 165.2

Weight on 1/24/07: 168.4

Weight gain this week: 3.2 lbs

Loss for the challenge: 6.4 lbs

I seem to lose weight rather easily when I am working at it, but when I slack it seems to come back on even quicker. I need to recommit to eating better, but I feel limited in motivation. My motivation for exercising is not waning, but I hate feeling like I have to deprive myself. I am going to try to do better this week and hopefully will have better things to report next week.

I, too, am grateful for this challenge and would like to keep going after it ends because I continue to struggle. It sounds like there are others in the same boat! Keep working at it and I am going to try to post at least a 1 lb. loss next week.

2007-01-24 10:13 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!


Last week: 148.8
This week: 152

Having 6 days off due to my knee injury really hurt.  I tried to watch what I was eating but when you can't burn the calories....

::sobbing uncontrolably::

OK, this week WILL be better.  I'm training again!  It looks like I won't hit my goal for the challenge. (unless I can magically suck away 8 pounds in the next 7 days...)  But I hope to end on a downward trend that will continue into the next challenge!!!

2007-01-24 10:21 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Last week 197.4.  This week 197.8, so virtually no weight change.  What did change, however, was my method of checking bf%.  That stupid handheld is going in the trash due to chronic inaccuaracy.  Last night at my fitness evaluation, caliper measured bf% was 17.5%.
2007-01-24 10:28 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Weighed in this morning at 207.5lbs which is 6.5lbs down on last week.


However, I still look like a stickman digesting a bowling ball!

2007-01-24 10:32 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
a stickman digesting a bowling ball...great made me laugh.  Nice job on the weight loss.  Have a great week
2007-01-24 11:18 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

I think I missed last week. No matter, I am still 181lbs.

Next week is going to be challenging. Minimal running for the rest of the week. Seems I have a slight case of anterior shin splints that just won't go away.

2007-01-24 11:26 AM
in reply to: #665964

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

Hey I am posting here quickly while at work (trying to keep internet usage to a minimum while here)

Weighed in this morning: 164 - YEAH!!!

Last week (forgot to post): 165 

Beginning weight: 170

Total: -6 pounds

I'm sooo haaaappy. 

2007-01-24 11:30 AM
in reply to: #666194

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!



For you elektra - hang in there. 

2007-01-24 11:57 AM
in reply to: #665964

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

So have we ever figured out if next week is supposed to be the official end of this challenge? When we start fresh, I think we need to drop those people from the chart that haven't logged in over a month. I think a smaller group is better and helps us all stay accountable.

James - Thanks so much for continuing to do the charts for our team! It is MUCH appreciated, even though it sounds like you have a busy schedule right now. The graph is a help for me, plus I like to see everyone else's progress. Don't get too discouraged, remember, you are still way lower than when you started. Just go easy and work on gradually going down. That is my motto! I am going to go for gradual loss instead of this massive up and down. I just don't understand you people that hold steady for weeks at a time.

2007-01-24 1:33 PM
in reply to: #665964

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Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
I will report my weigh in tonight when i get home. The stick man who swallowed a bowling ball made me laugh outloud at work!! Today i feel so incontrol of the food. sometimes it is a total switch in my head.. the whole last 6 weeks i couldn't get in control even though i tried like heck. then today... bam. it seems so easy and common sense! don't know why that happens but it does!

wish me luck for tonight! weigh in
2007-01-24 2:21 PM
in reply to: #665964

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Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

Today: 147.0
Last week: 147.2. 
Down .2

That might just be that I was wearing different clothes, but I suppose I'll take it.  Good luck everyone. 

2007-01-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #666327

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
ignore this.

Edited by dblack1801 2007-01-24 3:46 PM
2007-01-24 3:47 PM
in reply to: #666327

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
MarkQuiet - 2007-01-24 11:18 AM

I think I missed last week. No matter, I am still 181lbs.

Next week is going to be challenging. Minimal running for the rest of the week. Seems I have a slight case of anterior shin splints that just won't go away.

Kirk: sounds like you're not running, either.  Switch to the bike or swim until you completely heal.  You're already trained for your marathons.

2007-01-24 4:14 PM
in reply to: #665964

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

I refuse to weigh in today.  I saw a number on the scale that I just can't accept.

So, I going to continue living in denial for another day, and see what happens tomorrow.


2007-01-24 7:25 PM
in reply to: #665964

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Last: 160.6


No change, which is a good thing.
2007-01-24 8:10 PM
in reply to: #665964

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New user

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Yay!  I'm down 2 this week!  It's about time! 
2007-01-24 10:16 PM
in reply to: #665964

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!

Jill (and Team Skinny)-

Thanks for the kind words.  It is my sense that next Wednesday is it.  The last weigh-in for the Winter Challenge.

As for moving forward, maybe we can just include those that specifically say in next week's post that they want to continue.  Also, since this is a continuation of the challenge, I would like to continue to track the weight loss against starting weights at the beginning of the WWC or whenever someone entered the group.  Unless everyone wants to start fresh and use next week's weigh-in as their starting weight.  Either way, I am here for the long haul so it doesn't matter to me. 

2007-01-25 7:52 AM
in reply to: #667105

New user
Lake Gaston, NC
Subject: RE: Good Bad and Skinny Weigh In January 24th!
Hey everyone, I thought I would jump in if thats ok. I wanna join in a challenge and I see this one is almost finished but thought I would intro myself and say hi. I weighed in this morning at 210. Kinda been stuck here for a bit but possibly am losing some inches. Just to let you know my background real quick. I was at 263 in July 2006, and having been doing alot of working out and learning to eat better. Some how I weighed about 230 in begining of December got to 210 today. Probably a little fast but I stayed at 230 for 3 weeks before my body decided to start losing again. So good luck everybody, I know Im new but I have been doing this on my own for awhile and would love to help out anyone I can. Talk to you soon.
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