Vineman AquaBike - Aquabike

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Guerneville, California
United States
Vineman Inc
80F / 27C
Total Time = 7h 06m 36s
Overall Rank = 10/36
Age Group = M 20-29
Age Group Rank = 3/4
Pre-race routine:

Karen was able to secure us a great place to stay at Worldmark resort in Windsor. Nothing quite like having a full kitchen and 1 bedroom apartment for the race weekend. We arrived at Windsor HS at about 3pm where I was able to pickup my numbers and look around the race expo. Cooked up a large dinner of rice and chicken and drank some Powerbar Endurance. Couldn't sleep for the life of me as I was so anxious. Finally fell asleep around midnight.

Woke up at 5am. Started drinking Powerbar Endurance and did the Yoga Athlete DVD. Ate two Powerbar harvests and and a Gu Espresso Gel. Left for Guerneville around 5:40. Transition had been opened for awhile as we got the at 6am. Had to park down the street and walked the better part of a mile to get to the transition area. Get body marked and realize it is already 6:20am and I'm going to have to start in 35 minutes. I get my transition area set up. Lube up the bike shorts and put everything out that I want to change into in their places. I gulp down the Musclemilk I had in a shaker cup and feel the I have to go to the bathroom sensation. I go to where the portapotties are but realize I won't make it in time as I still have to get my wet suit on. Definitely not going to be able to make it so out to the starting area I go.

They don't do a countdown to when your wave starts which led to a funny situation. I'm sitting there out on the edge talking to a couple people and all of a sudden the gun goes off. We look at each other do a double take and say a collective "oh Sh$t" and we take off.

Event warmup:

Isn't the swim supposed to be the warmup at this distance?
  • 1h 12m 1s
  • 3862 meters
  • 01m 52s / 100 meters

After the gun goes off everyone jostled for position. I decided to start on the far right near the trees and work my way over to the madness near the buoy line. After the first bridge I settle in behind a female swimmer and followed her for most of the first lap. The first 1.5 laps I stuck with my original plan to do three breaths on one side, sight, switch to breathing on opposite side. The swim was pretty uneventful. I felt comfortable and by the first turnaround was already passing people in blue and white caps (5 and 10 minutes ahead of my start). First 0.6 mi took 19 minutes. The swim back was a little easier and with a slight current.Glanced at my watch took 18 minutes to get back. At this point I was very happy as I was halfway done and not feeling worse for wear. The way back out was also uneventful and I did the distance in 19 minutes again. The last 0.6 mi I was feeling confident enough that I went to swimming with a true bilateral breathing technique. I noticed I was going faster and my shoulder was still holding up. I glanced at my watch as I went under the banner....1:12:00. I was very happy and trotted off to the transition area.
What would you do differently?:

The swim went perfectly considering I switched my swim technique three weeks before the race from windmill to TI swimming. I think I could easily take several minutes off my time a year from now by just continuing to develop this swim technique and get an adequate swim base.
Transition 1
  • 09m 45s

Took my time in the transition area. Used the changing tent to put on cycling shorts for extra comfort and lube up the groin area with bodyglide. Drank 32oz of musclemilk for extra calories and took my allergy medication as well as a couple ibuprofen. Put on my cycling jersey, socks, headband etc.
What would you do differently?:

Check where to leave to the transition area. I ended up walking my bike around the whole transition area instead of cutting across my rack to the exit area and wasted almost a minute in the process.

  • 5h 38m 50s
  • 112 miles
  • 19.83 mile/hr

My nutrition plan was to drink what I had in the aero bottle to the first rest stop. At each rest stop I grabbed a Gatorade Endurance and Water. I put the water in the Aero bottle after the rest stop and drank that and the gatorade between each rest stop. 8 stops x 2 botles = 16 bottles of fluids consumed in the race. I also ate a GU espresso w/ caffeine at every 10 mile mark. Even with all that liquid I still had some dehydration issues on the second lap and had to make sure I was sipping more often as I got the chills in the heat.

I passed Karen on the first lap in front of the hotel at mile 53. She was still cheering for the guy in front of me when I then passed here and she realized there goes Oliver. I yell out "I love you" and keep on trucking. The second time she was near the finishing line and I saw her sign as she was cheering me on at the finish line.

The second loop was much hotter than the first and a wind started to kick up. I had to battle some dehydration issues despite my heavy drinking pre-ride as well during the ride. Around mile 90 the origin of the tibialis anterior muscle started to hurt and I had to drop down a gear to alleviate the pain. This pain also made the second climb up chalk hill a little more difficult than the first.

The drafting call I got completely sucked. On the turn heading on the road that Windsor HS is on on the first lap there is a false flat leading up to the turn. The guy in front of me slows down from 22+ to 17 mph on this little incline so I catch him near the turn and yell out that I'm going to pass on his left before the corner. He doesn't hear me or something and stays on the left side of the bike lane and I catch him in the corner unable to pass him. I let him go ahead of me out of the corner but a course official sees that I'm right behind him in the corner and writes down my number. I was mad ad proceeded to to the pass the guy after the HS. I was so angry at the penalty and it fueled me to go a little to hard to start the second lap.
What would you do differently?:

Make sure if I come up on someone to fully pass them so I don't get tagged with a drafting penalty.
Post race
Warm down:

Drink, drink, and drink some more water. Ate some of the food at the BBQ but it didn't really agree with me to well. Had a 15 minute massage on my right shoulder blade to try and get the monster knot out. Waited around for the awards ceremony and then went out to dinner for chinese food and some ice cream.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The fact that I started training almost exactly one year before this race to pull this race off was nothing short of a miracle. I am very proud of how far I have come in so little time. The picture of me is 1 month after I started working out and having lost the first 10 lbs.

Event comments:

Definitely a low key event compared to an NA IM produced race. I had a great time and to come in so close to 7 hours left me with a great sense of accomplishment and made all the training worth it. Will probably do the half-aquabike next year for fun.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2007-04-25 12:00 AM
01:12:01 | 3862 meters | 01m 52s / 100meters
Age Group: 3/4
Overall: 10/36
Performance: Average
Suit: Xterra Vector pro 2
Course: Two laps out and back in Russian river. Depth was 4-7 feet.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 75F / 24C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 09:45
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Bad
05:38:50 | 112 miles | 19.83 mile/hr
Age Group: 2/4
Overall: 10/36
Performance: Good
Avg HR 167. Max Speed going down Canyon hill drive 44.3mph.
Wind: Some
Course: Two loops starting in Guerneville to Geyserville to Windsor back to Geyserville and ending in Windsor.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 93
Turns: Average Cornering: Below average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3