Fall Frenzy Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Parker, Colorado
United States
Fall Frenzy Triathlon
65F / 18C
Total Time = 1h 21m 20s
Overall Rank = 155/550
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 5/26
Pre-race routine:

Since Travis and I were in later swim heats (9:25 and 11:10, respectively), we got to sleep in a bit. I ate a peach and drank vanilla soy milk at home and we loaded up the car and left around 8. Drank coffee and ate a Pria bar on the way. No parking near the rec center when we arrived, so we had to park in a nearby shopping center parking lot and walk over. Got decent enough transition spots. Then went into rec center and Travis lined up for his swim. I sat in the pool area and watched him swim (and I ate a banana and drank water).

After he left the pool area, I walked back to the transition area and watched him take off on his bike, dropped off my stuff and headed back to the pool area to see if I could get in on an earlier swim heat (since I had discovered, while watching Travis, that they weren't necessarily sticking to the assigned heat times - as soon as you got a group of 5 swimmers with similar times together, you could start). Turns out, I didn't have to wait long - 4 other swimmers in the 9:00-9:30 range wandered in soon after me and we decided to get in line to swim. I ate a Hammer gel not long before getting in the pool.
Event warmup:

None - decided to save it for the race.
  • 08m 59s
  • 500 yards
  • 01m 48s / 100 yards

Official time is 9:24, which includes the run around the pool to the door

Overall, very tough but exactly what I hoped for. I had estimated my 500-yd time at 9:00 - knowing it was doable but definitely a stretch goal, particularly with 4 other people in my lane. I seeded myself 3rd in my lane, which wound up being pretty much perfect. Guy behind me passed me late in the swim, but I also passed one of the girls who started ahead of me. I knew it was going to be an intense swim, and it was. My heart rate and RPE were through the roof almost from the get-go, but I hung with it and kept pushing. Only got a chance to draft after the guy behind me passed me. After the first couple laps I stopped trying to keep count, and was realized when the lap counter told me I only had one more lap left. Turned up the pace to finish strong and was thrilled to see 8:59 on my watch as I got out of the pool.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. 9:00 was my goal, but I would've been happy with anything under 10:00. 8:59 = awesome for me. Thought I was going to really hate the pool swim, but it turned out just fine (I still prefer OWS tris, but I'd do another pool swim one).
Transition 1
  • 01m 44s

About a .25-mile run from the pool to the transition area (1:32 for that, timed separately from T1). Took off my goggles and swim cap early on and ran to transition as fast as I could while trying to catch my breath a little. Socks and bike shoes on, sunglasses on, helmet on, grabbed a swig of water, and took off running to the mount area. Flubbed my mount a little - bottom of my tri bike shoes are slippery and it took me a few tries to get the cleat locked in.
What would you do differently?:

Not rush the mount - make sure I line up my shoe with my pedal correctly on the first try
  • 41m 19s
  • 11.75 miles
  • 17.06 mile/hr

Course was supposed to be 13 miles, but my bike computer had it at 11.75.

Started out on a bike path, then hit the open road. We had driven the course yesterday after packet pickup, so I knew what to expect. This was good, since the course had plenty of hills. And wind. As it turned out, it didn't seem as bad on the bike as it had in the car. Spun comfortably hard on the uphills early on and hammered the downhills (really weren't too many true flats). I knew the return was mostly downhill, so I was a little less conservative on the hills going out than I might've been otherwise. Biggest and longest climb was on the return. Had to talk myself and my bike through that one, but I stayed strong and before long it was over and I was back to downhills (albeit into a headwind). I had planned to eat another Hammer gel around mile 11, but as I got close on the return I knew the course was going to be short, so I took the gel around mile 10.5 instead. Good thing.
What would you do differently?:

Enh, not much. If I had realized earlier that the course was going to be shorter than the 13 miles I expected, I would've hammered earlier. Oh well.
Transition 2
  • 01m 13s

Got off the bike with less incident than getting on it had entailed. Ran into transition and racked the bike quickly. Ripped off helmet and bike shoes, slipped on running shoes and visor, grabbed race belt and took off.
What would you do differently?:

  • 26m 11s
  • 3 miles
  • 08m 44s  min/mile

Started strong; felt pretty good. Made a sharp turn down a steep decline (not paved) and thought "WHOSE idea was THIS?" since I knew I was going to have to run back up it on the way back. Kept a strong race pace. By now it was fairly warm and the path was mostly out in the sun - just a few shady spots. Grabbed water (nice and cold!) at the first aid station. Not long after that, as I ran by a fire department training facility (and thought to myself that my volunteer FF dad would appreciate that), wham! Got a sharp pain under the kneecap in my (2-surgeries-in-2007) right knee and it almost felt like it wanted to buckle. WOAH. Slowed down and walked a few steps to see what happened. Mentally regrouped and started running a bit again - I didn't want my last tri of this season to go down that way. (Didn't want to hurt it worse and take myself out of my fall running season, either, so I was careful) Few twinges but it otherwise felt sturdy so I kept going. Grabbed more water at the turnaround, which I hit in 13:40. Was kinda disappointed to see that time and vowed to negative split unless my knee totally gave up on me. Luckily, the twinges in my knee on the way back were fewer and further between than going out. I also decided it was more like runner's knee pain than anything more serious, so I pressed on. Grabbed gatorade at the last aid station. When I got to the short but steep off-road climb near the end, I powered my way up and then poured it on until the finish (passed at least 2 women). After I finished, I looked at my watch and was thrilled to see that I did indeed negative split the run, having completed the second half in 12:30!
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. Could've been well under 26:00 if my knee hadn't gotten weird, but all considered, this was great. AND my knee didn't fall off.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around a little. Got food. Sat around for the raffle and awards.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

As always, the bike remains my weakest link. More TITS would help, but I'm okay with my performance, all considered.

Event comments:

The swim was a little disorganized, but in this case it worked in my favor as I was able to start earlier than I would've otherwise. Everything else was pretty well-organized and there were plenty of volunteers and police at all the crucial intersections on the bike. Fun, relaxed race atmosphere with a decently challenging course. Nice fleece vests, too.

Last updated: 2008-07-24 12:00 AM
00:08:59 | 500 yards | 01m 48s / 100yards
Age Group: 6/26
Overall: 144/550
Performance: Good
Suit: 2XU tri top & Zoot shorts
Course: Indoor 25 yd pool
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 81F / 27C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 01:44
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
00:41:19 | 11.75 miles | 17.06 mile/hr
Age Group: 10/26
Overall: 261/550
Performance: Average
Wind: Some
Course: Out to an industrial park and back - plenty of rolling hills, lots of wind
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:13
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:26:11 | 03 miles | 08m 44s  min/mile
Age Group: 5/26
Overall: 139/550
Performance: Good
Course: Out and back on paved Cherry Creek trail; more gently rolling hills
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3