Giant Avail Advanced 2 review

  • Price Paid:$3,000.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 6 months
  • # of logged workouts: 41

"Worth the money.
Compared to what I could have gotten from other brands for the same price, the Giant is a sensational bike.
She'll do me at least another three seasons.


Carbon bike, fantastic for the money spent on it.
Hasn't had a problem with me, and I am not the lightest or smoothest rider out!


Fantastic. This bike was selected for me by my bike fitter, so if it was wrong, I'd be concerned.


I could spend hours on the bike.


Probably ok, but I haven't tried to change it a lot since!


Was a bit disappointed that the price dropped with the US dollar right after Christmas, but oh well!


Very sexy bike.


Fantastic. The guy at the LBS did everything I needed him to. He changed the cranks, bars and seat for no extra cost.


Made a lot of difference to my ride for sure.

Very light, very good looking ladies bike.
For someone who is new to cycling, I could spend hours on the bike without trouble.

Shimano 105, although I have heard it has improved a lot from previous generations.
Doesn't get a lot of "cred" with more hardcore riders.

Buyers clubAvail Advanced 2
  • 3 people use
  • 179 workouts logged
  • 9936.43 miles / 739.71 hours logged