Finis Lap Track review

  • Price Paid:$75.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 2 years
  • # of logged workouts:

"Not bad, but not great. I won't swim without it, but as soon as a more reliable facsimilie comes on the market, I'll drop it like 3rd period French. "bohologo


Not the most intuitive interface.


Can be a little tempermental-if you drop it, the thing crashes and you have to reset, and lose all of your stored data.


Could be a little more rugged.


Needs to take a lesson from Timex and take more of a beating.


It's worth the purchase price, barely.


It does what it purports to do, but is high maintenance and often a headache to reprogram.

A great idea for tracking time, laps, calories, and distance.

This is a device that is not yet a product-the idea is an inspired one, but it's not quite user-friendly enough, nor is it solid enough. In lieu of something better I'll continue to use it, and hope Finis comes out with a more dependable upgrade.

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Buyers clubLap Track
  • 1 people use
  • 16 workouts logged
  • 10.57 miles / 7.25 hours logged