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2009-09-01 12:55 AM


Subject: IM Training Question

I am 6 weeks out from my IM race.  My question is, all of my long workouts are just that "really long" the issue I am having is that my training plan calls for 6 workout days a week, but when I have a long workout (such as a 100 mile bike or a 16-18 mile run) I find that if I have a day off before these long workouts the quality of the workout is MUCH better than if I do what the plan says which might be run 8 miles or bike 20-30 miles the day before my scheduled long workout.  Earlier in the training plan when my "longs" weren't that long I had no problem doing 6 days a week.  Is it better to "stick with the plan" or modify it to improve my long workouts?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

P.S.  I don't feel that I am undertrained.  My 18 mile runs are at 8 min/mi. pace and my 100 mi. bikes avg. 20 mph.

2009-09-01 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2381848

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: IM Training Question
I've run into something similar---I'm 4 weeks out, and this week and last week have been tough...I decided despite what the plan said, that I would try and get in the long workouts (since distance is really a key thing for an IM).  The shorter ones, like the 20-30- mile ride the day before a long run, I still did, but I would take the day after my long run off, or only do 30 minutes of low impact (not necessarily bike/run/swim either) to keep the legs loose.  That one day off really helped me on my long brick efforts 2 days later--and then it's a rest day after that too.
Try and just push through the next 3 weeks as much as you can--it's definetly hard, and you'll feel fatiqued, but then taper starts, and you'll be happy you got in all that work when your body tapers well (which is what I'm hoping to find after next week!!),
Good luck!
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