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2009-08-28 9:41 PM

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Subject: Mighty Hamptons
First tri, oly. September 13th. Taken all advice and two days ago did my first dress rehearsal. Almost imploded in the pool with my wet suit (so hot!) but did about 3/4mile, biked 24 miles and then ran about 5 miles. I am most concerned about the swim. I heard there are about 1000 participants and although I am a divemaster and pretty comfortable in the water, people are telling me that swimmers jump on your head and grab you etc. Loved the advice about breathing towards swimmers (dont have time to learn to bilateral breathe) any other advice?

2009-08-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2377569

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Subject: RE: Mighty Hamptons
I did the race last year and will be there again. The swim start isn't that bad as it goes off in waves and 100 - 200 people at a time. The bike has a few hills in the beginning nothing major and the run is super flat. Good Luck. Any other questions just ask.
2009-08-29 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2377569

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Subject: RE: Mighty Hamptons
Thanks. Someone said that it is best to wait 10 seconds after your wave starts before you go in. Agree? And also is it possible to touch the bottom of Long Beach and can you get wet before the race starts? Also where are you coming from?
2009-08-29 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2377569

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Subject: RE: Mighty Hamptons
You can wait 10 seconds to let the crowd go. You are not that far from shore during the swim but I don't think you can touch to bottom. You can swim prior to the start. Last year it was pouring so I was wet already. I am coming from Long Beach race day so it is a early start for me.

Edited by rtocco 2009-08-29 11:07 AM
2009-08-30 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2377904

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Subject: RE: Mighty Hamptons
Thanks. Best of luck!
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Mighty Hamptons Rss Feed