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2009-03-13 12:50 AM

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New York, New York
Subject: I hate cycling


Out of all the sports I thought I would hate - I thought it would be running. But I actually like running. As long as my joints hold up, I can run on and on and clear my head and it feels good getting my heart rate up.  You can also run along beautiful paths.

 I've always loved swimming - so no problems training there.

 I hate cycling.  I thought I would love it. I'm surprised by my pure hatred of it. 

  • I hate all the gear one has to buy. 
  • I hate cleaning the bike (I hate cleaning anyway - but now I have to clean a bike and its components too.
  • I hate the learning curve required over time. 
  • I still have a hard time with gear shifting and feel like I'll never get it.
  • I hate falling off the bike and getting bruised up as I learn to disengage from the clipless pedals - time and time again. I have begun to feel like an idiot.
  • I hate putting it in and out of my car.
  • I hate having to know the 'anatomy' of a bike.
  • I hate buying more stuff for the bike.  I hate having to frequent the bike shop.
  • I hate all of the clothes one has to put on when cycling outdoors in colder weather environments.

I just hate it.  I notice most people on here sort of have a problem with swimming.  As I said, I enjoy swimming -always have.  And I am happy to train to improve my crappy form.

Does anyone else despise cycling?  Any advice for me?  Bleah. I really hate it. I fall alot. I can't change gears and feel like I'll never get it.  I enjoy spinning which I have been doing 3-4 times a week for about a year now.  But cycling - eep!!!


yours truly,


2009-03-13 1:14 AM
in reply to: #2015072

Subject: RE: I hate cycling

Sorry - I'm afraid I'm in the opposite camp. But I can see where you're coming from. It definitely is the most time/skill consuming and expensive portion of the sport.

The only thing I can think of is to find someone who throughly enjoys cycling and spend some time with them. Hopefully some of their enthusiasm for the sport will rub off on you, and they'll be able to help you with things like shifting, not falling, understanding geometry and sorts.

2009-03-13 1:19 AM
in reply to: #2015072

Subject: RE: I hate cycling

Find a good group at your level to cycle with, and you'll gain a WHOLE new appreciation for the sport. I know trifolks often are supposed to "train" alone due to the aerobar issue, but I think that's a suboptimal approach.

I'm primarily a runner, and originally hated cycling as well, as I felt lost on the roads, with no motivation and no passion to ride. I found a few good local groups at my level (both better and worse than me), and they opened my eyes to a fantastic new world of spectacularly scenice bike routes (you have NO idea what you're missing until someone shows you!), fast group riding, and the joy of working together for hours to make it a safer ride from cars, as well as drafting when necessary.

I was a pure runner, but I've since come to really, really love the bike - even more so than my running (blasphemy!) Finding a group that worked for me made all the difference. 

2009-03-13 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I'm primarily a cyclist. I love cycling.

Yet, I can sympathize with you.  Winter riding can be kind of a drag.  Doing training rides in single-digit weather dressed up like the Michelin man; sandy/icy roads that limit top speed for safety, frozen water bottles, washing muddy bikes on frozen ground.  Well, those things can suck some of the joy out of road biking.

Hang in there. Spring is just around the corner.  It's possible that you'll reconnect with what is fun in cycling again when the weather gets nice.

2009-03-13 6:09 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
I understand you. The president of my Tri Club hates the bike, he refers to it as the necessary evil to get him to the run. Don't know why he feels that way, but he does, so i understand where you are coming from. Hopefully you get it all sorted out and enjoy it.
2009-03-13 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Cary, NC
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I come from a running background and it is certainly my favorite by far.  I have segued into cycling pretty easy, though it is taking me awhile to accumulate all the appropriate gear.  Swimming on the other hand is my nemesis.  When I am running or cycling I like to let my mind wander, when I do this while swimming I immediately feel as if I a have save myself from drowning.  I don't know what it is but as soon as i take my mind off of each stroke, everything goes awry.  I hope as long as i keep doing it I will begin to improve and perhaps even enjoy it a bit. 

So hang in there, with time (and the weather change) you may become an avid cyclist. 

2009-03-13 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
The more time you spend fixating on how much you hate cycling, i.e., making giant lists of all the things you hate about it, the less likely you are to stop hating it.  I think you need to find a way to change your mindset about it.  I dunno, find one good thing about cycling, and fixate on that, instead, and go from there.
2009-03-13 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
I love cycling.  I love the gear, the cleaning and repairing, and oh yeah, the riding.  Everything except the crashing.  I could live without that part.
2009-03-13 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling
Not too suggest spending more money, but a bike trainer is a relatively inexpensive piece of equipment that makes winter training so much easier. If you set it up in front of the TV, time goes by much quicker. You can't fall either. It's how I got used to my clipless pedals. But you will need to spend more time outside when the weather gets better to learn how  to handle your bike better. If you live in a subdivision, maybe you could ride just around your neighborhood some. Just spin easy to get used to stopping & starting. Then when you're feeling more confident, take it out on the open road. Also, I just found out thru this website that you can loosen the tension on your cleats if you're having trouble getting out of them.
2009-03-13 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Extreme Veteran
Cornfield in Northern Iowa
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
going to the bike shop and getting more stuff is the most fun part, when the wife lets me in there with any money
2009-03-13 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling
I suggest aquathoning, there is no point in doing something you dont enjoy.

2009-03-13 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2015072

Extreme Veteran
Austin Texas
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
That's funny, all true, but that is what I love about cycling. The gears, the cleaning, the rituals, dressing like an Eskimo in the winter (even in Texas). What I love most though, the SPEED! Once spring comes around, I bet you start to like it a little better.
2009-03-13 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
dbw27 - 2009-03-13 1:50 AM

Does anyone else despise cycling?  Any advice for me?  Bleah. I really hate it. I fall alot. I can't change gears and feel like I'll never get it.  I enjoy spinning which I have been doing 3-4 times a week for about a year now.  But cycling - eep!!!

I used to hate the bike, I dreaded any ride that would take me out on the road. It was hard, lonely, boring, and speeding cars freaked me out. But I wasn't going to let it beat me. I've liked triathlon from day 1 but the bike was the one part that was holding me back from really enjoying the sport. (and even those that love it find winter cycling tough!)

I started riding with other people. The social aspect of cycling is one reason why I like it. I also went out on some back roads and didn't think of it as a training ride - no HRM, no checking the bike computer... nada - and I let my bike and my legs take me out to the country and enjoy the view. I also had to consciously change my inner monologue - I can tackle that hill, I will clip out before the light, I will enjoy this ride....

Good luck with your journey and at Wildflower!

2009-03-13 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I totally understand your pain.  I used to HATE, HATE, HATE cycling!!!!!  Yes, with capital letters and lots of exclamation marks.  Swimming was great and running was fine, but cycling...........

I did an Ironman in 2007 and did not get back on my bike for 14 months.  I said I would NEVER ride again and therefore would never do triathlons again.  But after watching my friends do the 2008 IMSA I really wanted to do it again and thought what the heck let me just try my bike again.  If the first ride sucks as much as I think it is going to then I will know that IM and cycling are not for me. 

Well I got on my bike and it sucked, but not as much as I thought.  (The computer still said last ride was 180km).  I tried it again.  And I am not sure what the difference was, except that I was riding with people more on my level.   I was not constantly just trying to keep up and I ended up beginning to enjoy it.  Not so much that I thought I would become a cyclist or that it would be my favourite part, but I enjoyed it.  So much so that I ended up buying myself a tri bike in December and said that the time I would never ride for anything besides tri's so what was the point of getting an upgraded road bike.  I am now (almost) regretting that decision.  I am LOVING cycling.  It has gone from being the bain of my existance to the most enjoyable part (yes also the most expensive) but I am loving it.

I can't tell you what I did to bring about this change because I don't know.   All I do know is that for this IM I have cycled 2000 km more in the same time period than I did before my last one, and instead of being a chore I want to get out on the road.

 I hope you get to feel the same way eventually.


2009-03-13 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2015072

Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I don't love it. Wouldn't say I HATE it, but I don't love it. It's the vehicle that gets me from the swim to the run. Sometimes it's fun, esp. if I have a really nice flat or a teeny tiny decline and I can drop the hammer (well, as much as I can, anyway) and see how fast I can go. Thing that scares me the most - hills. Downhills. And being hit by cars. It freaks me out - and so I don't get out there and ride as much as I should.

But that doesn't sound like your problem - you've got a BIG old list there of stuff you hate about it. It's true, it's more of an "involved" sport in terms of all the crap you need to buy and all the crap you need to bring with you to go on a ride. Not sure what to tell you, but you need to find something you like about it. How long have you actually been cycling on the road? It took me awhile to figure out gear-shifting "strategy" - ie, all the times when I should shift. If you have access to a trainer, or better yet, a computrainer, ride them and practice shifting. My bike didn't seem to go into the big gear very easily. But I really just needed to do it more. And now it's like second nature.


2009-03-13 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
I don't like cleaning or maintenance and I suck at mechanical stuff in general, but I LOVE the bike. Move away from the nastier aspects of cycling, and think about what is cool. This is my list of loves:

I love the sun on my face, the feel of the wind and the amazing speeds I can reach powered only by my legs.

I love the smell of pine trees in the morning after a heavy dew.

I love cresting a steep climb, having a break in the trees and seeing the Applachian mountains surrounding me.

I love crossing bridges and hearing the whir of my chain doing it's thing on my drive train.

I love the sound of my Zipp 404 racing wheels.

I love the feeling of riding a section of road in a harder gear because I'm that much stronger than I was before.

Find your own list of joys about cycling. Even if it's only one thing, concentrate on it. Biking is a great opportunity to feel like a little kid again without all the weight and responsibilities of real life. How fast can I get to the top of this hill? How far can I go in an hour? I do love the bike Hope you can find some joy in it as well.


2009-03-13 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

Why not get rid of the clipless pedals for now.  Get some regular pedals with cages, or just not worry even about the cages and get out and get used to riding.  Once you have a better feel and appreciation for it, you can get back to worring about the pedals.  Having that one additional thing to worry about, something that can also be pretty embarrassing depending on where it happens, can add a lot of stess.

Get out and enjoy the bike first, then worry about making big gains in performance.

2009-03-13 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2015192

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
autigers_1998 - 2009-03-13 6:51 AM
dbw27 - 2009-03-13 1:50 AM

Does anyone else despise cycling?  Any advice for me?  Bleah. I really hate it. I fall alot. I can't change gears and feel like I'll never get it.  I enjoy spinning which I have been doing 3-4 times a week for about a year now.  But cycling - eep!!!

I used to hate the bike, I dreaded any ride that would take me out on the road. It was hard, lonely, boring, and speeding cars freaked me out. But I wasn't going to let it beat me. I've liked triathlon from day 1 but the bike was the one part that was holding me back from really enjoying the sport. (and even those that love it find winter cycling tough!)

I started riding with other people. The social aspect of cycling is one reason why I like it. I also went out on some back roads and didn't think of it as a training ride - no HRM, no checking the bike computer... nada - and I let my bike and my legs take me out to the country and enjoy the view. I also had to consciously change my inner monologue - I can tackle that hill, I will clip out before the light, I will enjoy this ride....

Good luck with your journey and at Wildflower!

This is the key for the OP and many that share the view.  All too often, we look at our training as work to be done.  I used to do it with running all of the time, and thus I hated running.  I personally like to get on the bike and just ride.  Sure, there are times when you want to do intervals or stress something in your training, but it is more important to love being on the bike first.  IT'S NOT WORK.  Commune with your bike.  Develop a relationship.  There is no shame in talking to your bike. 

Once, I was on a ride by myself and I had gotten myself to an unfamiliar road.  It was a Saturday around noon and I didn't have anywhere I had to be, for once.  So I asked my bike, out loud.  I said, "What do you think Herschel, should we take a right and head back towards home or should we take a left and see if we can't find a town we've never been too?"

Well, I wasn't really paying that much attention, but another guy on a bike had pulled up behind me and started laughing.  He went right and said - "I do that too". 

2009-03-13 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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St. Michaels, Maryland
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

1) Rearrange your attitude and internal dialogue. Abandon the negativity.
2) Take an extensive bike maintenance course so the equipment won't seem so foreign.

If those don't work, find a different sport. In triathlon, cycling is a huge component of successful performance.
2009-03-13 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I hate my bike. The hours it takes, the danger, etc. I used to love my mountain bike, but then it got stolen for the second time. Part of it, I know, is that my bike does not fit me. Hopefully my trip to the LBS and the adjustments we're going to make will help.

I still think I'm going to hate it.

2009-03-13 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: I hate cycling
dbw27 - 2009-03-13 1:50 AM

 I hate cycling.   Any advice for me?


Take two weeks off, then quit. Sell all your stuff on ebay and then get about enjoy your life doing what you like, not what you think you "should" do.

2009-03-13 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2015255

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

barqhead - 2009-03-13 8:25 AM ...Find your own list of joys about cycling...Pam

I understand how you feel, OP.  X2 on finding something you like about it and moving from there.  Maybe join some group rides, ditch the HRM or ride on the non-clipped side of your pedal (if possible) just to go out and enjoy it without all the analysis, tech-crap and fear of falling over because you're clipped in.  Best wishes to you.

2009-03-13 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling

How long have you been cycling?  What made you interested in triathlon in the first place? Do you enjoy being on the road once you get started? Do you feel good about your workouts afterwards?

I ask you these questions because my answers to those questions are what got me past my initial loathing of the bike. I thought I would love it but then I found out how HARD it was to someone like me, who had ZERO road bike experience...I thought, gasp, those tires are so skinny & I am SICK of those clipless pedals demoralizing me and I am scared to death over how little room I have on the road.  As far as the cost & maintenance well, that's just the way it is, I mean, triathlon is not a cheap lifestyle.  If anyone who knew a damn about our sport broke into our home, they'd make a killing on gear alone! 

2009-03-13 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Subject: RE: I hate cycling
Why do you do something you hate? This is not a career, its a hobby. If you hate it, don't it.. just my take on life. Right now I love running, so I run.. my desire for the bike seems to go with the season, but I wasn't feeling it this winter.. so I didn't do it .. now I have a desire and a passion.. so I chase it.. IMHO if you don't have a want, desire or passion then what is the point?

Edited by slake707 2009-03-13 8:21 AM
2009-03-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2015072

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: I hate cycling

I'm with you. I don't think I hate it, but I resent it. Its my worse by far of the three (see my IM results, passed by nearly 900 people on the bike) and while I'm working hard to get better, its the workout I like the least. Throw in getting hit by a car and its really no good. Its not so much the gear or mechanics I hate, its the tension it creates for me. Riding was more enjoyable before I was afraid of every car that came near me, even things that sound like cars cause my heart rate to spike. Other bikes freak me out. Unleashed dogs scare me. Rough road scares me now. Anything that might make riding harder or cause an spill pretty much ruins my rides.

So, I'll keep doing it, because I like the races and I like the people and I'm pretty good swimmer and runner. But I doubt I'll ever feel great about biking again.
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