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2011-01-29 4:59 PM

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

Over on I talk the new equipment I bought for my bike and the fitting I had to go with it.  This was by far the most involved fit I've had done in nearly 10 years of cycling.

Now that I've been riding my tri bike for a few more hours, I still cannot believe the difference.

For a long time now, I've dissed those posts where people go on and on about bike fit, what I call the "fit is everything" crowd.  I was a believer that fit is only part of the equation, and not all that important.

I was wrong.  I am now a card carrying member of the "fit is everything" crowd.  If you find it, you'll know it.  I sound like an eHarmony commercial for bike fit, but it's true.

2011-01-29 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3328768

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
Sometimes experts actually know what they're talking about.  Wink

Congrats.  Sounds like you're off to a great season of riding.
2011-01-29 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3328829

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Central Indiana
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
Experior - 2011-01-29 7:16 PM Sometimes experts actually know what they're talking about.  Wink

Congrats.  Sounds like you're off to a great season of riding.

SOMETIMES is key.  I am a HUGE believer in proper bike fit, but I've had an experienced local shop fitter w/decent reputation "fit" me to seriously incorrect frame size.  (PM for details on request)

Choose your fitter wisely or you're just wasting $$ (or worse).
2011-01-30 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3328877

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
Absolutely right.... you need to work with a fitter you trust. Ask other cyclists/triathletes in the area and get recommendations.

If a fitter puts you an obviously wrong bike because that's what they happened to have in stock and wanted to move, then I would make sure I made a big stink about it! That's boarder line fraud... you paid for a service that was very poorly rendered. Kind of like calling a roofer and get a brand new roof, but it leaks...
2011-01-31 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3329628

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
Correct!  Ask around and then ask around some more.  If you're in Madison and wondering, go to Colin at Crono Metro.  Of course you can ask around but I'm guessing you'll hear the same.  I'll be heading there no questions when I get my new rig.
2011-04-12 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

OK, now it's been proven!  Sunday I raced my fastest bike split ever - 2:48:06 for 56 miles which is a 20mph average. 

I was at the Marquee Half-Iron triathlon-turned-into-duathlon down in Tempe.  The swim was turned into a 5K due to the lake closing (rain = urban runoff = lake closed until e. coli testing can be done).

After the 5K run came the 56 mile ride.  I rode the entire ride except a few turns on the aerobars - something I've never been able to do in a race before.  And that's on 8 weeks of training since the new cockpit & fit were done, for a total of 12 weeks this year.  After the bike I turned in a 1:59:35 run, which is off my HIM PR by only a few minutes, so I didn't cook my legs on the bike either.  5:16 total time.

This is the correct aerobars, seat, and fit all working together.  I'm really happy with the results so far.

Edited by brucemorgan 2011-04-12 9:40 AM

2011-04-12 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

Congrats on such a successfull race!

2011-04-12 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3442004

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
brucemorgan - 2011-04-12 9:39 AM

OK, now it's been proven!  Sunday I raced my fastest bike split ever - 2:48:06 for 56 miles which is a 20mph average. 

I was at the Marquee Half-Iron triathlon-turned-into-duathlon down in Tempe.  The swim was turned into a 5K due to the lake closing (rain = urban runoff = lake closed until e. coli testing can be done).

After the 5K run came the 56 mile ride.  I rode the entire ride except a few turns on the aerobars - something I've never been able to do in a race before.  And that's on 8 weeks of training since the new cockpit & fit were done, for a total of 12 weeks this year.  After the bike I turned in a 1:59:35 run, which is off my HIM PR by only a few minutes, so I didn't cook my legs on the bike either.  5:16 total time.

This is the correct aerobars, seat, and fit all working together.  I'm really happy with the results so far.

Bike fit is incredibly important...but don't sell yourself short!  Looks like some great fitness improvements were at play as well!!!

2011-04-12 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Extreme Veteran
Lawrenceville, GA
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
brucemorgan - 2011-01-29 5:59 PM

Over on I talk the new equipment I bought for my bike and the fitting I had to go with it.  This was by far the most involved fit I've had done in nearly 10 years of cycling.

Now that I've been riding my tri bike for a few more hours, I still cannot believe the difference.

For a long time now, I've dissed those posts where people go on and on about bike fit, what I call the "fit is everything" crowd.  I was a believer that fit is only part of the equation, and not all that important.

I was wrong.  I am now a card carrying member of the "fit is everything" crowd.  If you find it, you'll know it.  I sound like an eHarmony commercial for bike fit, but it's true.

I think you need to qualify that by saying the PROPER fit is everything.  There are plenty of poor quality fitters in the world.... gettinga  good fit for the riding style you do is very important... and not one fit "fits" all... there are a lot of things you can adjust to your goals, race type and ride style.  I think the most telling way to know a good fitter is if they start of with 30 minutes of questions trying to figure out your goals, racing style and issues you've had over the past year.  Here in Georgia... I've found 55nine performance to be one of the best fitters.  The fitting I had eliminated my plantar fasciitis AND added a totally new good dimension to my runs after a long bike ride... amazing stuff.

I won't go so far as to say that Fit is EVERYTHING... but I will say Improper fit is fatal!

2011-04-12 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
How about for Clydesdales??  I'm apprehensive to go get a fitting at the LBS...  Nothing hurts, but my bike was "Fit" by me which isn't too different from how it came off the rack...
2011-04-12 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3442031

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

SoberTriGuy - 2011-04-12 9:52 AM How about for Clydesdales??  I'm apprehensive to go get a fitting at the LBS...  Nothing hurts, but my bike was "Fit" by me which isn't too different from how it came off the rack...

Being a clydesdale doesn't change the fact that it's extremely important to get your Fit right.  What you have now might be functional and may not cause injury, but a proper fit will also help increase your efficiency and power output. 

2011-04-12 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3442031

Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

SoberTriGuy - 2011-04-12 9:52 AM How about for Clydesdales??  I'm apprehensive to go get a fitting at the LBS...  Nothing hurts, but my bike was "Fit" by me which isn't too different from how it came off the rack...

I'm not a clydesdale, nor a particularly fast cyclist, but I've been riding my bike for nearly two years using the same fitting system as you ("well, uh, my feet reach the pedals, so...."). I did a fit last week. My seat was nearly two inches too low.

I'm not going to blame two years of knee trouble just on that, but whoa. Two freakin' inches.

2011-04-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

Nice job Bruce.  That is a respectable time for sure.  Well done...but gotta agree....there's some fitness improvement there too.


2011-04-12 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

not sure which fit you went with...but i have personally done BG FIT and have seen fitted by RETUL folks.  these guys know what they are doing.


2011-04-12 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

My first bike I bought the guy fitting me told to stand next to the bike, and told me, 'Yep, looks about right, we'll need to lower the seat though'.   That bike never fit and was a pain to ride.

My second bike I got fit and it feels like an extension of my body.  The Speed Concept isn't quite there yet, but its close.  I keep messing with the seat and I think I need to drop my bars about an inch.  The guy that fit me did an okay job, but being in a tri bike my back has adjusted to the position and is looser now than it was when I bought it.

2011-04-12 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3442022

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
AndrewMT - 2011-04-12 7:48 AM

Bike fit is incredibly important...but don't sell yourself short!  Looks like some great fitness improvements were at play as well!!!

A little, but not a lot. 

The bike course was a shorter loop of the IMAZ course; at IMAZ it's three 37 mile loops and here it's two 28 mile loops.  I've never averaged higher than 18 on that course, and each time I've spent ~50% of the time in aero, and that time was often uncomfortable with some neck pain and some wrist pain.

On Sunday the conditions were ideal (low temp, low wind) and that helped, but what made the difference was that I could stay aero for all 56 miles - comfortably, with no pain, and feeling strong.  No neck pain, because I've been training in aero.  No wrist pain because I use ski bends now instead of R bends.

2011-04-12 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3442031

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
SoberTriGuy - 2011-04-12 10:52 AM

How about for Clydesdales??  I'm apprehensive to go get a fitting at the LBS...  Nothing hurts, but my bike was "Fit" by me which isn't too different from how it came off the rack...

I'm 220 so I believe I qualify

Go find a fitter:

Then talk with them about what they do. Call a handful of them.

Yes, it's worth every penny. Yes, it makes that much a difference.

2011-04-12 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3328768

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

Bruce, I'm right there with you. Have been for a couple (three actually) decades.

I will, however, add an emerging realization to the "Fit is Everything" ethos that is a modifier:

" Bike Fit and Conditioning are Everything".

Here is what I mean:

There has been a societal push to "sell" fit (literally and figuratively) as the singular answer for comfort and performance on the bike, especially for new riders. Good. We've learned it isn't the entire story though.

Problems is, as an industry, we left something out, and this is: Conditioning for sitting on the bike correctly.

Good bike fit, especially for new riders, is more than just getting a person comfortable on their bike. That is a crucial start point, because: In order to ride well, first you must actually ride. From that start point the new cyclist may aspire to improve their performance. Go faster. Be more efficient.

Some people think bike fit is a one sided "facilitation" of adjusting the bike to make you comfortable. It is not. At least, not entirely.

The emerging side of fit for the current athlete culture acknowledges that most new athletes come to the cycling sports from a non-athletic or quasi-athletic background and at an advanced age- over 20. They need to condition themselves- their bodies- to sit on the bike and work effectively. Some of this is done in the cycling "school of hard knocks" where it is simply time in the saddle "getting your seat", losing weight and learning the sport of cycling. Some more of it is time off the bike building the muscular core, the complimentary muscles, reinforcing the skeleton and connective tissues through adaptation. These things are necessary to acheive an optimal interface with a bike.

Also, as fitness is adaptive- it ebbs and flows with work- so is bike fit and position. So it is a moving target that bares revisting.

It is great to see this realization creep into our sport though.

2011-04-12 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3328768

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Extreme Veteran
Fleming Island, FL
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
I agree. I well fitted bike can make a 6 hour ride a lot more tolerable, especially for IM traning. I used to have "saddle sore" type issues on any ride over 30 miles before a proper fitting. I kept trying new saddles with no relief until I got properly fitted. I am a cheapskate who does tris on an old aluminum Trek 1500 road bike with Profile Design T2+ clip-on aerobars, but the bike fit was worth every penny.
2011-04-12 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3328768

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
This thread has just about perfect timing for me. I have been seriously considering getting a good bike fit, and now I think I will pull the trigger!
2011-04-12 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3328768

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything

Ok, what kind of bike fit are we talking about?  My new bike (a Trek Equinox aluminum tri bike) was "store fit".  The owner of the LBS (a good one, I believe) put me on the bike and made adjustments for about ten minutes.  

Next level, the big tri shop near me (which has a very good reputation on our state forum for fitting) has their $125 Bike & Tri Positioning System Fit, a fancier "Retul" system for $225 which includes 3D measurements using infrared markers while you are in motion, and finally for $300, all that but also a Pedal/Shoe fitting.  The fitter I spoke to said the basic $125 fit took between a half hour and 1.5 hours and was the correct fit for 99% of the people out there.  

So again, how extensive a fit are you guys talking about here?

2011-04-12 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3443354

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
older2533 - 2011-04-12 6:02 PM

Next level, the big tri shop near me (which has a very good reputation on our state forum for fitting) has their $125 Bike & Tri Positioning System Fit, a fancier "Retul" system for $225 which includes 3D measurements using infrared markers while you are in motion, and finally for $300, all that but also a Pedal/Shoe fitting.  The fitter I spoke to said the basic $125 fit took between a half hour and 1.5 hours and was the correct fit for 99% of the people out there.  

So again, how extensive a fit are you guys talking about here?

I discuss it partway down this thread (from the first post here):

This was a Serrota based fit, $200 for 2 hours.  Based on what you describe, it's equivalent to the $225.  I didn't do anything with shoes or pedals.

2011-04-13 2:45 AM
in reply to: #3443354

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
older2533 - 2011-04-12 9:02 PM

Ok, what kind of bike fit are we talking about?  My new bike (a Trek Equinox aluminum tri bike) was "store fit".  The owner of the LBS (a good one, I believe) put me on the bike and made adjustments for about ten minutes.  

Next level, the big tri shop near me (which has a very good reputation on our state forum for fitting) has their $125 Bike & Tri Positioning System Fit, a fancier "Retul" system for $225 which includes 3D measurements using infrared markers while you are in motion, and finally for $300, all that but also a Pedal/Shoe fitting.  The fitter I spoke to said the basic $125 fit took between a half hour and 1.5 hours and was the correct fit for 99% of the people out there.  

So again, how extensive a fit are you guys talking about here?

I got a "Video Fit" from

It sounds like that's equivalent to your $125 fit. I got it one week before a century ride. I picked up close to 1 MPH average and was actually less worn out than I thought I was going to be. Dunno if that last was due to my training or the fit or a combo of the two but it's still there as an outcome.

They put dots on the outside of my knee and ankles and used a video camera to adjust my saddle, bars and cleats for a couple hours.

First thing he did before much of anything else was yank my saddle about 5" up and 2" forward. I had no idea how screwed up my peddling was until I went out on my next ride and realized how much I was cramped up before.

2011-04-13 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3328768

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Subject: RE: I was wrong, bike fit IS everything
Good thread and it's inspired me to finally get a fitting done. I've never had a "proper" fit before and I'm working to schedule a Retul fit on Friday at Toga in NYC.  I've been riding my Ordu for 3 years so it's overdue. I hope the fit leads to improvements in comfort and speed, we'll see how it goes. I'm a bit concerned that the store will tell me the Ordu is not the bike for me.
2011-04-13 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3443638

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