General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Do you have a life outside of triathlon? Rss Feed  
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2013-07-04 4:18 AM

Subject: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
All I seem to have time for is training, working, eating or preparing to eat and sleeping.

I have the weekend afternoons free but I usually spend this doing washing/cleaning or grocery shopping.

I literally don't have time in my week for anything else.

So.. Do you have a life outside of work and triathlon? Do you enjoy this lifestyle? Do you wish you did other things with your time?

2013-07-04 5:22 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Aalborg, Denmark
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Yes I do, but I am a student and therefore not bound to a normal 9 to 5 job.

I had to cut away some other hobbies to afford triathlon but I don't regret the choice. Things I do other than tri include playing in a band, reading and playing computer games. It's lucky that reading and gaming compliment recuperation so well.

I don't own a television and that frees up a lot of time. Triathlon does take up a lot of time and mental energy though, but it's fun and immensely satisfying.
2013-07-04 5:24 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Yes. I try to keep things balanced. I attend my son's sports events, spend time with my wife, friends, and family, and spend time coaching. In the end, I don't spend enough time training to race to my potential, but for me, maintaining balance in life is more important.
2013-07-04 5:57 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
I think that's why a significant population of triathletes are older. Once the kids are gone, a big chunk of time is freed up. Also, you generally have more money and triathlons can be an expensive sport. I do have a life outside of triathlons but I probably don't train as long as some others. Triathlons add to my life. They don't control it.
2013-07-04 6:11 AM
in reply to: TriMyBest

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Originally posted by TriMyBest

Yes. I try to keep things balanced. I attend my son's sports events, spend time with my wife, friends, and family, and spend time coaching. In the end, I don't spend enough time training to race to my potential, but for me, maintaining balance in life is more important.

Agree 100%. That is why I suck at triathlons, I am involved in to many other activities with my kids and coaching. But I not attempting to go pro or even win my age group, I do triathlons for the fitness and a stress relief because I am busy with so many other aspects of life. I think to be really great at triathlons you would have to sacrifice a lot of family time.
2013-07-04 6:14 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
What are your goals in triathlon?

In my opinion too many "recreational" triathletes put in just enough time to "ruin" their social life, but not really enough time to ever get "fast." That's LIMBO in my opinion.

If triathlon is just for fun, either you need to work on your scheduling or cut back on what's least important to you.

2013-07-04 6:59 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

Originally posted by Leegoocrap What are your goals in triathlon? In my opinion too many "recreational" triathletes put in just enough time to "ruin" their social life, but not really enough time to ever get "fast." That's LIMBO in my opinion. If triathlon is just for fun, either you need to work on your scheduling or cut back on what's least important to you.

I think Chris makes a good point.  IMO, this is especially true of the less experienced multisport age grouper with a limited knowledge of training principles, because they end up wasting a lot of time on training that results in minimal, or even zero, improvements.  Taking the time to learn how to manage their own training or hiring a coach to do it for them would allow many age groupers to improve performance while maintaining a life outside the hobby, because it enables them to spend their time more efficiently.


2013-07-04 7:19 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Absolutely! In fact triathlon has taken a backseat these last few years as I spend my time with my adolescent girls who have grown up way too fast. At one time I was way too involved with this sport and I realized it. I haven't done a tri since 2010 and haven't really been into it since 2008. I would love it if my kids were interested as well, but so far they are not. My youngest is on swim team and so we swim together and I lifeguard for her team. She will occasionally run with me. And my older daughter will occasionally bike with me. But my husband and I schedule our time around what they are doing so we can be a great big part of it.

2013-07-04 7:33 AM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
I would agree with above, training is a major part of my life but not the only thing. Outside of a challenging profession, I have an 18 yo daughter. At that age she doesn't really need or want me in many aspects of her life but when she does I want to be there. Often this means my training plans take a back seat and can make training a hit-or-miss proposition. Once things get more predictable in my schedule I get back to my training. Triathlon is a hobby, one with a significant time commitment at times, but a hobby nevertheless.
2013-07-04 8:26 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Depends on what you call a life. I don't hit the club so much and when I've trained for longer races I collapse on the couch at 10PM with enough time to stare at the ceiling for 5 minutes before I go to sleep and do it all again. I do put my wife and kids first and although that means missing a few workouts, we have a pretty good time.
2013-07-04 8:48 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Most definitely, beside the 1 hour of tri training that I do pretty much every day on my lunch hour some times 2 hours an extra one after supper, I also run 2 shelties doing dog agility, they also get 1 hour of advanced instruction ( lessons) each every week and about an hour to an hour and a half of practice weekly and a walk every day, WE trail them about once every 2 months or so for 2 of 3 full days. we don't have any kids at home anymore so this helps a lot but we usually visit family for a weekend at least once a month, for me that hardest thing is to make sure all the household chores get done, grass cutting, gardens, ect but the wife is not working anymore either so she does a lot of that if she can and that helps free up time for other stuff.

Is it busy, most definitely, but I usually manage to get it all done and even watch a bit of TV now and then. I also only work a 35 hour week so that adds an extra 5 hours to my schedule that a lot of people don't have.

2013-07-04 8:55 AM
in reply to: Batcheldor

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Yes, I do have a couple other hobbies, plus 3 kids, although the youngest turned 18 and graduated this year so he is getting busy doing more of his own thing. I am an avid motorcyclist and I stand up paddle board any chance I get. Could I be a better triathlete if I ditched those other hobbies and used that time to train, probably. Am I happy with with where I place when I race, middle of the pack on longer races and often placing in my age group in shorter races, yes. That's what I think is important, whether or not a person is happy with where they are at in this sport, or any other endeavor for that matter. If you can balance that with enjoying other things, that's the best.
2013-07-04 10:29 AM
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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Triathlon is my hobby, along with other hobbies.

I have an academic job, so I work 60+hrs a week. During busy seasons, probably 70+hrs a week.
Having 10hrs/week for training is pretty much my upper limit.
When I train,I try to get most of it.
So even though I am slow to begin with, I am improving as the training goes along.

Glad I have a wonderful husband and a huge group of supportive friends.
My family and social life keeps me balanced and sane.

Will take some break after the HIM next week, and focus on running this fall (less time consuming).

Edited by Lynn00 2013-07-04 10:39 AM
2013-07-04 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4795751

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
Yep, absolutely. Although its probably beneficial that I don't have kids, a spouse, a yard, a demanding job, or much of a care if I clean weekly. .
2013-07-04 11:34 AM
in reply to: thebigb

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

Yes, though I do train quite a bit and my other hobbies have now taken a back seat.  That's fine.  Things kinda go in cycles like that.

Somebody else mentioned not watching TV, that really frees up a lot of time.  I also try to do a lot of my training early, as commute or over my lunch hour to try to minimize its impact on family time.  I also don't socialize that much, never have.  It's just not important to me.  I would rather go for a run or ride by myself than socialize.  Socializing is draining for me.

One of my favorite hobbies is cooking, and that still happens:)

My house is definitely not as cleanas it was before triathlon. I go longer between haricuts.  My laundry doesn't always (ever?) get folded. My car is dirty. I just let all that stuff slide, never used to.  It's probably a net gain.

2013-07-04 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4795918

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
I just started farming out the majority of my laundry. Ahhh so freeing and crap gets folded and hung now! . Next up is a cleaning lady. Some day.

2013-07-04 11:44 AM
in reply to: thebigb

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

I've been through 4 cleaning ladies.  Military hold over.  If I'm gonna pay someone to clean my house, it's going to be effing clean;)

I'm not very good with grey area :/

2013-07-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

during IM training... no, not really. I was either s/b/r-ing, eating, sleeping, or working. My husband and I would go out to dinner/ movies sometimes, but it was pretty all encompassing.


Now that I'm "just" running I have a lot more time for friends and family

2013-07-04 3:45 PM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Extreme Veteran
, Kobenhavns Kommune
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
No.. wait, what? you say there is life outside triathlon?

Jokes aside, there are times that training will take priority in the weeks leading up to my A-race. While it doesn't exclude other interests or a social life entirely, I can't do it all. In those periods recovery is as much about recovering from workouts as recovering life beyond triathlon.

2013-07-04 4:01 PM
in reply to: thebigb

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

Originally posted by thebigb Yep, absolutely. Although its probably beneficial that I don't have kids, a spouse, a yard, a demanding job, or much of a care if I clean weekly. .

Haha same here

All though dating whilst training for an Ironman can get tricky. This being my third time on the IM train I feel way more relaxed and am prioritizing things outside of triathlon better.

For example, this past week (which happens to be "peak week" in my training), I've gotten drinks with a girlfriend, went to a holiday party, found time to make pasta salad for a family BBQ, attending family BBQ today (helps that it's a holiday), hung out with my boyfriend every evening, and am meeting a friend a few hours north of here to get in our last 100-mile ride Saturday. And my laundry is done.

But on the flip side I am paying a landscaper a huge chunk of money to fix my woefully neglected yard, and my house is filthy. Good thing I don't spend much time here

2013-07-04 5:38 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

Life outside of triathlon......

You mean like puppy's breath? Walking your twins, one in each arm, to sleep around the house? A backyard bar-b-cue? The first day of school? A hug from your grandma? Teaching your son to drive?  Sitting with a friend as his wife dies? Being the best man at a wedding?  A glass of wine by a fire?  Your daughters broken heart when her first love breaks up with her?

That life?

Yeah....all of my life exists outside of triathlon.  In fact, when it is all said and done this year, when I finally run an Ironman after nearly 30 years of triathlon, that IM couldn't possibly crack the top 50 highlights of my life.  It's just something I do so that I can enjoy life more.

Yeah, sorry, almost all of my life is outside of triathlon.

2013-07-04 6:23 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?

Triathlon is just something I do to keep fit, sure it's time consuming but any fitness routine is.  I've made some great friends through the sport and the community.

This site takes up some time, but probably so would something else if it wasn't this.

Triathlon is just something I do, not my life.  My life is more than that.

2013-07-04 6:39 PM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
triathlon is basically my main hobby

it gives me something to concentrate on and look forward to.

I don't really think of it as one dimension, as the "triathlon" but a wide variety with the 3 sports of swimming, biking, running.

for example, biking means road, tri and mtb biking...running means road and trails...swimming is ocean fun...

also maintenance and learning new stuff about gear is fun too.

choosing and planning destination races are also fun ...
2013-07-04 6:39 PM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

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2013-07-04 6:51 PM
in reply to: Flying Kiwi

Fernandina Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Do you have a life outside of triathlon?
I very much do still have a life outside of triathlon. I train more and go to sleep earlier. Have to pass occasionally on going golfing (but still sneak in plenty). I'm in the final part of my IM base build getting 9-12 hours a week of training now while working 35-40 hours a week. Coach gave me the okay to go on a cruise for the girlfriends birthday 11 weeks out from my first IM. I'm not going to KQ anytime soon, so why so serious? Hobby's are supposed to be fun, right?


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