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2007-08-14 10:33 AM
in reply to: #924467

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

Aikidoman - 2007-08-13 5:18 PM
chirunner134 - 2007-08-13 4:08 PM Well I am bop swim, and on the bike, and on the run. Nothing I am good at.
Hey, you're out there - that is better than most - so I would say your dedication and drive is something your good at.... How is training in Chicago? I was there to visit a couple months ago and I thought there were some great opportunities to run and bike along the lake - could get a little crowded though, probably not the best place to be doing 17mph on a bike...

X2 - chirunner134 - having read a lot of your posts and race reports, I would say that your effort, dedication, and perseverence are definitely strong suits for you.  They are as important as anything else in triathlon, so don't discount them!

2007-08-14 11:44 AM
in reply to: #924473

New user
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
chirunner134 - 2007-08-13 6:27 PM

its ok. I just did my 27.32 mile training run in saturday.

I think I will be ready in time for the Chicago Marathon. I would like to get another marathon in so I am thinking about racing at the end of the month but it sucks because I got IMWI to try to sign up for.

What are you training for that requires a 27 mile run?
2007-08-14 11:47 AM
in reply to: #921811

New user
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I built my base running but this year I've come a long way on the bike and the swim. I'm curious to see if I do any better at Accenture this year.
2007-08-14 12:52 PM
in reply to: #925334

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
kblahetka - 2007-08-14 11:44 AM

chirunner134 - 2007-08-13 6:27 PM

its ok. I just did my 27.32 mile training run in saturday.

I think I will be ready in time for the Chicago Marathon. I would like to get another marathon in so I am thinking about racing at the end of the month but it sucks because I got IMWI to try to sign up for.

What are you training for that requires a 27 mile run?

training for the Chicago marathon of course. actually I had a 8 hour race and that was how far I could go in 8 hours in pretty hot weather.
2007-08-14 1:05 PM
in reply to: #921811

New user
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I'm doing the Chicago marathon this year too.

Wha was your time last year?
2007-08-14 1:05 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Sarnia, Ontario
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
For me it is a toss up between swim and bike.  I race to T2 and try to survive the run.  I might have tried to say mental toughness as was suggested earlier, but that failed me at my last race.  I think there's always a "weak" link to work on, no matter how much we train.

2007-08-14 1:09 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I will admit my weakest by far is the bike. ITs a long ways to be on a bike. I am still amased I been able to bike 56 miles. That just seems a little insane. Apart of me wishes I could bike to my grandmas house for thanks giving about 125 miles away. IF I bike to there I do not want bike home though.
2007-08-14 9:09 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

I'm best in T1...seriously it is weird as in big races I beat guys 15 years younger than me that can run fast. I think maybe in a former life I was a stripper or just being a Mom to 5 I'm good in chaos.

Of the three I'm so much better on the bike...usually win or come in 2nd on the bike top 10% of all women, MOP of Athenas on the run, I suck at swimming....but I have more folks to hunt down on the bike sucking at swimming.

2007-08-14 9:55 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
honestly in a race I am looking to get off the bike. I am not a fast runner but I will finish unless I get hurt or there is not enough time on the clock for some reason.
2007-08-14 10:14 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I love to ride and usually that is my best facet, but strangely enough, my last race I place better (overall and in the Clydes) in the run.  I wasn't overly happy with either, missing my both goals by a couple of minutes.
2007-08-15 7:17 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

When I first started, I thought biking was my strength, then I went on a group ride. I always knew I was a slow runner, but have taken over 4 minutes of my mile time since I started 4 years ago. Mind you most of the progress came in the first year. I have surprised myself at where I tend to place in the swim. I used to feel like a whale shark, but now I try to feel like a torpedo and swim much better. I even beat my local team's swim coach at a race (mind you he has asthsma and is 20 years older)

I feel I do ok in the T! and T2, but since they are such a small percentage of the race, I do not really feel that is an asset.

My biggest strength is to find ways to smile durring the race. Even in an A race I try to thank every voulenteer on the course. I try to inspire those I pass that are struggling (they are few and far in between). When I am struggling, like at my first and only 1/2 IM, I started to sing and whistle to keep my cmpetiveness at bay. I can blow up easily when I am chasing someone faster or cute in front of me. Going to the music makes me smile and gets some pretty interesting looks from the rest of the BOPers. To the most part it is infectious and everybody smiles, if even for a moment.

So I guess my strength is the love of the game. Having fun, even when I hurt, of just can not go any faster due to poor training.

2007-08-16 9:59 AM
in reply to: #921811

The OC
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I LOVE the swim then the bike. I can't run worth a darn
2007-08-16 1:16 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I think my strong point is my competitiveness....if there's someone in my sights, I work hard to catch and pass them!  As far as events go, it's a toss up between biking downhill and running.
2007-08-18 9:05 AM
in reply to: #921811

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In limbo
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

My strong point is the swim.  Or at least I float well.   My brother (total opposite build to me...very little body fat) insists that he sinks when he tries to swim.  I'm definitely the opposite there!  Even though I placed in the back half at my first tri I was in the top 3rd on the swim....w/pretty much everyone I knew who was racing they beat me overall, but at least I beat 'em in the swim!

I think if I had a better bike then biking would be a strong point for me as well.  Lately I've been averaging 15-16mph on my good (away from traffic and stop signs/lights) training rides on my mountain bike.  I think if I got a bike that's a little more condusive to road riding i'd place better on the bike. 

My run still sucks.  A lot!

2007-08-23 8:46 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Framingham, MA
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

Since I've been running for only 9 months, swimming for 3 years and cycling for almost 25 years, I would have to say that my strongest leg is cycling.  I'm not great at climbing, but compared to other newbies I can power along at a pretty good clip.

However, I would have to say that I'm pretty strong at transitions, probably because I'm organized and I do quite a bit of "mental rehearsing" of my transitions at each race site.  Earlier this year I did a sprint tri, and my T2 was only 39 seconds.  Granted I did have a great rack spot, but I was noticeably faster than most other folks.

Now, if I could just get running pace up there...

Edited by swadland 2007-08-23 8:47 AM
2007-08-23 9:47 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I have learnt this weekend by strong point is my swim. I am not the best swimmer but its what I beat most people in. This weekend for the first time in my life overall in the triathlon I am a MOP swimmer. I might be closer to BOMOP swimmer but better than coming dfl or newr dfl. I guess its the one sport my excess weight does not hurt me the most.

2007-08-23 9:57 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Alexandria, NH
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
Congrats on the swim!  Every bit counts!
2007-08-23 10:02 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Owings, MD
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

I finished my first Sprint tri last Sunday (Iron Girl, Columbia, MD).  My strong point is my swim.  I was a year-round competitive swimmer in high school and still swim Masters when I can.  I'm also 5'11" tall.  Out of the water, I was 4/40 for Athenas and 70/1,704 overall. 

The bike is my worst leg.  I started cycling again this year after a 20-year hiatus and I'm using my husband's old racing bike for now.  My running isn't that strong either, but I figure I can always finish the run by walking if I need to, and I did that more than I wanted to on Sunday. 

After the bike and run legs, I was happy to have finished 27th in Athenas and 1,225 overall.  BOP is where I belong on those legs, so I stayed to the far right and let the cyclists and runners do their stuff.  I'll be there with them one day! 


2007-08-23 10:11 AM
in reply to: #937418

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
yeah nothing like in 1 year going from top 99% in swimming to the top 57%.

I know it was a slow day for many people on the day due to rain but I was in the top 74% on the bike compared to top 94%.

I willa admit I think I spent more time swimming than anything else but ulimately for those of us who have a few lbs or in my case alot of lbs to lose the thing that will ulimately speed us up, help to prevent injury, and make us feel better about ourselves out there is the lose of weight.

Keep swimming, biking, and running everybody

2007-08-23 10:12 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Alexandria, NH
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
Congrats on the swim... now if only I could swim like that... oh wait less people to pass on the bike... who then pass me on the run... :-)
2007-08-23 10:20 AM
in reply to: #921811

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?


 I'm going to follow you around all day making comments after you...

2007-08-23 10:59 AM
in reply to: #928423

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

Medusa_Ann - 2007-08-16 2:16 PM I think my strong point is my competitiveness....if there's someone in my sights, I work hard to catch and pass them!  As far as events go, it's a toss up between biking downhill and running.
We're a total match. On a GOOD day, I'm the hunter Athena, passing up every woman my size or larger on the course.  It's a great feeling.

And yeah, my run usually places me well and I have NO FEAR on downhills.  No braking, either. 

2007-08-25 3:57 PM
in reply to: #921811

New user

Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
I would say swimmer, former hs and college, biking and then running. I only started running last year and am still one of the slowest ones out there. It kind of discouraging coming out of the water in the top, maintining in the bike and having everyone pass you on the run.

But, considering last year I could not even walk a mile now I am prepping for a HIM in Cancun.

Higher BF swimmers do have an advantage with floating, but that is usually eleminated by the fact that you have to pull more weight through the water.
2007-09-02 2:46 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?
Hmmm, my first tri is in a few weeks, but I'll wager it's the biking, it's the only sport of the three that I've ever been competitive in. I routinely train twice the sprint distance each ride, whilst I am just coming up to the 5K distance in running ( recovering from injury, progress has been slow). I also train twice the sprint distance in swimming, and I have gotten to really enjoy it, but I'm still REALLY slow. So I think I'll go with biking. I'll report back after my race.
2007-09-03 9:11 PM
in reply to: #921811

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Joplin, Missouri
Subject: RE: So what is your strong point?

The long as it is flat or downhill.  Seriously, I can bust some out on flats and keep up with the 'guys'; but hit a hill or an incline after my legs are fatigued and off the back I go.  My average of nearly 17 mph on a century ride (the Almost Hotter N Hell 2007)  It was a flat century.

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