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2007-06-28 3:12 PM
in reply to: #863242

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Edited by lvthgme 2007-06-28 3:16 PM

2007-06-28 4:26 PM
in reply to: #864916

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
lvthgme - 2007-06-28 4:12 PM

Jimbo...I will argue some of these points with you for a time. But not on this thread. You seem to be very liberal (in my view) and I seem to be very conservative (in my view). There are going to be many things we disagree about. I'm fine with that. I like certain people, and agree with certain viewpoints, and you will probably not like those people or agree with those viewpoints. I'm okay with that. I still like Coulter for the good and funny things she writes and says. She's still a very intelligent woman, in my opinion. I still don't agree with everything she says or does. I'm okay with that. The reason I was hesitant to specify quotes is partially b/c of how you've responded to what I have posted. They don't offend you. You don't see how I can consider those people as X or Y. And the ever present "Ann's said something mean" argument over and over. I know. She's acidic. I get that. I don't care. =)

If you want to argue some of these other points, feel free to PM me or post a new thread.

again, you're the one who said, "I just think that the media is quick to scream about statements like hers when they are from "conservative" people, and it tends to let more "liberal" people say similar things with no attention whatsoever."

i disagreed with that argument and asked for evidence of "liberal people" who said "similar things" that received "no attention whatsoever" because i think that's a baseless argument.

you then provided some statements. some were not from "liberal people." some received far more coverage than "no attention whatsoever." and i juxtaposed them all with the "ever-present ann said something mean" quotations to show that your examples were not "similar things." and none of the statements you gave meet all three of the points in order to support your argument.

i think most people would agree that a CNN anchor using the words "down the hole" in reference to the cost of the war in iraq is not the same thing as calling john edwards a faggot. if you want to make the argument that those are somehow similar, go ahead, but i don't think it's a "liberal" vs "conservative" thing.

anyway, i see there's a global warming thread up now. and everyone knows that global warming thread trumps ann coulter thread. (and now there's another coulter thread as well)
2007-06-28 9:29 PM
in reply to: #864555

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
lvthgme - 2007-06-28 1:29 PM

I'm okay with parents willfully inflicting pain on their kids for discipline, in a way that doesn't harm them long-term.  I personally wouldn't advocate hitting someone on the head.  Pretty dangerous.  Swatting on the butt?  Fine, to a certain point.  And I doubt he (and I know I) would not agree with this kind of punishment for a very young child. 

Listen, I make my v-ball players who I coach do push ups as a penalty.  They HATE it.  It is painful for them.  But they learn quickly to avoid those mistakes which are punishable by push ups.  It's the same thing, on a different level.   

Finally, regardless of his ideas of spanking etc. I still don't think that's evidence of an "obsession with violence." 

No, it's not the same.

  1. Your players can tell you to stuff it and walk away. They can leave the team. They are not powerless in this situation. Children do not have the option of walking away.
  2. Doing pushups does not invade their personal space. Children have a right to have their personal boundaries be respected, just as you do.
  3. Striking a child is NOT discipline. At best, you can call it punishment, but definitely not discipline. You are only teaching/reinforcing to the child that it is okay to strike someone who is weaker than you are. If you think striking a child is discipline, try striking one of your team players and tell them you're just disciplining them. Let me know how well that goes over.
  4. There are 50 ways you can come up with to discipline a child if you just put some thought into it. None of those ways have to include striking a smaller, weaker defenseless person.
  5. Saying that being struck as a child never hurt you is hardly supportive of the argument. It did hurt you - it taught you to believe the lie that it's okay to strike weaker people who cannot defend themselves.


2007-06-28 10:30 PM
in reply to: #864916

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?

Kiley, I admire your strength in the face of all this opposition. Good on you! I am behind you 100%.

2007-06-29 7:42 AM
in reply to: #865432

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
markz - 2007-06-28 11:30 PM

Kiley, I admire your strength in the face of all this opposition. Good on you! I am behind you 100%.

Yeah...I do, too. It's not easy being a singular voice in the face of such overwhelming dissent. I may not agree with her opinions, but I sure am glad she's sharing them.

2007-06-29 7:44 AM
in reply to: #865376

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?

I wonder how different the world would be if all parents substituted push-ups for spanking...

2007-06-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: #865596

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
run4yrlif - 2007-06-29 8:44 AM

I wonder how different the world would be if all parents substituted push-ups for spanking...

Ask my daughter

2007-06-29 7:57 AM
in reply to: #865376

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
Renee - 2007-06-28 10:29 PM
lvthgme - 2007-06-28 1:29 PM

I'm okay with parents willfully inflicting pain on their kids for discipline, in a way that doesn't harm them long-term.  I personally wouldn't advocate hitting someone on the head.  Pretty dangerous.  Swatting on the butt?  Fine, to a certain point.  And I doubt he (and I know I) would not agree with this kind of punishment for a very young child. 

Listen, I make my v-ball players who I coach do push ups as a penalty.  They HATE it.  It is painful for them.  But they learn quickly to avoid those mistakes which are punishable by push ups.  It's the same thing, on a different level.   

Finally, regardless of his ideas of spanking etc. I still don't think that's evidence of an "obsession with violence." 

No, it's not the same.

  1. Your players can tell you to stuff it and walk away. They can leave the team. They are not powerless in this situation. Children do not have the option of walking away.
  2. Doing pushups does not invade their personal space. Children have a right to have their personal boundaries be respected, just as you do.
  3. Striking a child is NOT discipline. At best, you can call it punishment, but definitely not discipline. You are only teaching/reinforcing to the child that it is okay to strike someone who is weaker than you are. If you think striking a child is discipline, try striking one of your team players and tell them you're just disciplining them. Let me know how well that goes over.
  4. There are 50 ways you can come up with to discipline a child if you just put some thought into it. None of those ways have to include striking a smaller, weaker defenseless person.
  5. Saying that being struck as a child never hurt you is hardly supportive of the argument. It did hurt you - it taught you to believe the lie that it's okay to strike weaker people who cannot defend themselves.


Not a fan of the Spartans, are you Renee

2007-06-29 8:17 AM
in reply to: #865606

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
Stake - 2007-06-29 8:55 AM
run4yrlif - 2007-06-29 8:44 AM

I wonder how different the world would be if all parents substituted push-ups for spanking...

Ask my daughter

Cool. I seriously think it's a great idea. I mean, time out is great, but man, pushups would leave an impression.

2007-06-29 8:19 AM
in reply to: #865636

Subject: ...
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2007-06-29 9:07 AM
in reply to: #865376

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
Renee - 2007-06-28 8:29 PM

No, it's not the same.

  1. Striking a child is NOT discipline. At best, you can call it punishment, but definitely not discipline. You are only teaching/reinforcing to the child that it is okay to strike someone who is weaker than you are. If you think striking a child is discipline, try striking one of your team players and tell them you're just disciplining them. Let me know how well that goes over.

Don't go there, some of them may like that

  1. There are 50 ways you can come up with to discipline a child if you just put some thought into it. None of those ways have to include striking a smaller, weaker defenseless person.

Please enlighten us with 50 ways to discipline a child.  Because we all know that every child is wired the same way and reacts the same way to the same stimulus or in this case, punishment.  I agree that a spanking (note: I said spanking, not beating) is necessary…as a last resort.  Only after we all have gone though your 50 methods of discipline will any of us resort to a swift swat on the butt.

  1. Saying that being struck as a child never hurt you is hardly supportive of the argument. It did hurt you - it taught you to believe the lie that it's okay to strike weaker people who cannot defend themselves.

Let’s see, I’ve had my parents tell me I got a handful of good spankings as a child.  They had to tell me because I don’t remember any of them.  I had to ask them if I was ever spanked as I had this overwhelming urge to whack on weaker people who cannot defend themselves.  Now with the sarcasm out of the way, I agree on the premise that if a parent routinely beats on a child, puts them down, belittles them, and hurts them physically and emotionally THEN that child could learn to do the same to others.  As for the ‘last resort’ spanking, I don’t believe that that leaves a lasting impression of “it’s okay to hurt others” on kids (or the vast majority of kids).  I also think that a parent should get on the child’s level and tell why they were spanked.  We have yet to reach the point of spanking with our son as ‘time outs’ seem to work…so far.  I am not sure if this approach (getting on their level) is what helped with our son but I am sure it didn’t hurt.  After he would get his ‘time out’ time out we would tell him why he got it, tell him we love him, and get a hug and kiss.  He had a stretch after turning two in January were time outs were a near nightly occurrence.  Now, I’m not remembering the last time out we gave him.

Renee, you seem an intelligent, well-read person of strong convictions and I respect the heck out of that, even if I don’t always agree with your thoughts (on the rare occasion I do).  Just ask that if you are going to rip apart the written generalized statements of others, that you please be mindful of your own.  Just because Dr. Spock (or some other intellectual) wrote, “it teaches them that it’s okay to strike weaker people who cannot defend themselves” in a book somewhere does not make it an absolute truth.

2007-06-29 1:48 PM
in reply to: #863242

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2007-06-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: #866306

Subject: RE: What? No Ann Coulter thread this a.m.?
lvthgme - 2007-06-29 2:48 PM

Here is Coulter's latest column. I think it is a very interesting read and any open-minded person might learn something about her from reading it.

wow, this is a most impressive display of backtracking.

in one thread, you've gone from saying

"I don't think her comment was right"


"I'm STILL not defending what she said"


"No one here (I don't think) has excused her or agreed with her or in any way given her a pass for any of her comments"

to uncritically posting a full column by ann coulter in which she defends and makes exuses for the very same thing which you said nobody was defending or making excuses for. (and isn't posting a full copyrighted article a no-no?)

bravo. well played.

you're right, though. an open-minded person may learn something about ann coulter from reading this, but i doubt it's what you think they will learn.

Edited by jimbo 2007-06-29 4:47 PM
2007-06-29 5:13 PM
in reply to: #864328

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2007-07-02 9:05 AM
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