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2005-02-09 3:21 PM

Subject: Strength training to help my swimming and biking

The title says it all.  I pay good money to belong to a club, yet all I use is the pool.  What muscle groups can be worked on that would help me on the road and in the water?

I'd be more specific, but the bell rang and I have 20 hyper 7 year olds waiting for my attention.

2005-02-09 4:09 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
I wouldn't worry about strength when it comes to swimming. We were just talking about this earlier today. The biggest improvements you can make in the pool are becoming more efficient with your technique...unless you have already perfected your technique. As for biking I have one word for you...SQUATS! Don't waste your time with leg presses or curl/extension machines. Squats, front squats, and weighted lunges are all you need to do for legs in the gym...leave the actual biking and running to do the rest. I'd suggest working in the 12-15 rep range to start. After a month or so you can begin to mix in heavier sets for power and lighter sets for endurance. I'm currently on a volume kick where I do 4x25 with ~100lbs. You can start by using the Smith machine to help stabilize but it is really best to go complete free weight...helps build all the stabilizer muscles in your chain since you have to not only support the weight but also keep it balanced and stable through the motion.

Edited by TH3_FRB 2005-02-09 4:11 PM
2005-02-09 4:21 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking

I'm one of those preachers of the Church of Specificity, if you want to get stronger on the bike, ride lots, ride up some hills, if you want to get stronger on the run, run lots, run up some hills, if you want to get stronger on the swim, swim lots, swim up some...well, you get the idea.

2005-02-09 4:36 PM
in reply to: #115023

Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
I will tell you that Lance Armstrong trains with weights. So if you are asking my opinion about weight lifting helping your cycling then.......I can only assume there are some good exercises for swimming as well.
2005-02-09 4:37 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
I am following the weight program found in "The Triathlete Training Bible". It has many different phases: Anatomical Adaptation, Max Strength, Power Endurance, Muscular Endurance, and Strength Maintenance. Get a copy, its well worth it.

I do not do any upper body for swimming. My shoulders were getting sore from to much stress, so I dropped lifting. As stated above, swimming efficiently is more important than strength. Focus on that first.

Good Luck,

PS: You only have 20 hyper 7 year olds. Lucky you. My wife has 32 hyper 10 year olds in her class room this year. The school system is sure screwed up.

Edited by Blacktoe 2005-02-09 4:39 PM
2005-02-09 4:49 PM
in reply to: #115023

Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking

I should have put that link in my first post. Short and to the point. Doesn't say much about what exercises he does besides seated leg press and no squats (for safety reasons not that they arent effective) but it says why he and all cyclists should do weight training or cross training.

2005-02-09 5:00 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
For swimming try some core strengthening, and upper back, lats, shoulder etc if you want to lift. In the end if your stroke sucks it may not help, but if you are a decent swimmer it may. You could always get a session with a personal trainer to get some advice for your goals.

Edited by sue7013 2005-02-09 5:01 PM
2005-02-09 5:04 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking

Disagree that weights are not helpful for swimming.  As pointed out above, core strenght, shoulder strength, chest strength are all important.  You don't want to be ah nuld, but you need an anaerobic element (IMO)


2005-02-09 5:58 PM
in reply to: #115023

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Blenheim, Ontario
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
I agree that weights help everything swimming, biking and running. I do weights for all 3 and they have helped tons to improve my power. Squats are key for biking, anything to do with your hips and hip flexors. Also one legged drills on your trainer help alot with power and stregth on the bike. I find that doing weights help me from getting injured from swimming, because depending on how much you swim all your doing is working those muscles and not the reverse, ie only doing front crawl, it goes for the same in the weight room, you do biceps then you go do triceps, you always have to work the opposite or else things get to uneven and can cause serious injuries. I am also very fond of swiss balls, or exercise balls whatever you want to call them. They are amazing for working on your core. Your core is the most important part of your body for all three sports, you use your back and adominals for swimming, your lower back biking, and your whole core running to stabilize yourself. So I say the most improtant thing is core. So everytime I workout I also try to do a streght circuit to work my core also.
Just my 2 cents !

2005-02-09 8:00 PM
in reply to: #115118

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Strength training to help my swimming and biking
i never said they wern't helpful, but in my opinion, unless you have your form perfected then I'd consider that a much better use of time then lifting specifically for swimming. Sure, if you're already in the gym then do some light dead lifts and push-presses for the core or some seated rows and lat pulls for the back...actually, standard pull-ups are the best overall back exercise you can do.

ChrisM - 2005-02-09 5:04 PM

Disagree that weights are not helpful for swimming. As pointed out above, core strenght, shoulder strength, chest strength are all important. You don't want to be ah nuld, but you need an anaerobic element (IMO)


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