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2009-06-26 6:16 PM

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Subject: ironman recovery....
so I thought I would finish cda and be ready for a nice long break. but I'm not. mentally and physically I'm more charged up than every to train and race.  so I signed up for augusta 70.3 in september and I'm going to do a local sprint july 11th. 
I've never had to recover from this distance, any experiences with how much recovery time to take? 

2009-06-26 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
I think it varies per person, but for me after CDA last year, I was on the bike for a 70 mile ride the Saturday after.  Although, I was not recovered yet. .. in short I was fully recovered after 3 weeks, but I did some training during that time.  At 3 weeks I was back to 100%. 

You are young (under 30) so you may be able to recover quicker than a 45 year old female or a 34 year old male (me).   
2009-06-26 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
For me I did a sprint 2 weeks after my IM as my family does it and it is tradition. I have never thought of DNF but I seriously considered it as it hurt a lot but funny for me I did well. I also did an IM relay (I biked) a month later but struggled to train that month and following. I started racing cyclocross 5-6 weeks after IMLP which is the exact opposite of IM training and found it exhilarating. Runs were awful even 6 weeks later. Finally I pulled the plug and took a full month off of running. I had signed up for a cross race and did it without riding before or after.

I think it depends on a lot of factors such as fitness level, age, how long you have been an endurance athlete, and more. You need to listen to your body. Sometimes if feels good but when you reach deep like doing that sprint you can tell you aren't quite fully recovered.

Probably I had is my mind and my body were not in agreements and so it felt really weird. My mind wanted to do a lot but my body didn't want to.

Edited by KathyG 2009-06-26 8:16 PM
2009-06-26 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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The Original
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....

It just depends on the person and everyone is different.  Here's how I felt:

I felt awesome after finishing IM FL '06 for about the first 2 weeks- I was ready to take on more races.  I think I tried to do too much because all of the sudden I felt like I had gotten hit by a Mack Truck after about 2 weeks post IM.  I ended up getting sick (like a cold or something like that) and then tried to race a 1/2 mary a month after my IM.  It was honestly one of the hardest races I've ever raced and it felt MUCH harder than a 1/2 mary should have felt.  It  took me a full 2 months to feel back at a 100%.  Had I not tried to do a race within my first month of recovery I probably would have recovered quicker and in the 1/2 the time I did.

Not sure if that helps you out or not.  But try to enjoy your time off (easier said than done) while you can- your body deserves it after doing an IM!  And congrats on finishing IM CDA!!


2009-06-27 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
I thought I was feeling pretty good, so I tried to run 5 miles today.  I got to mile 3 and thought I was going to die.  Running that 5 miles felt like I had been hit by a truck. 
2009-06-27 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
yea, today was my first workout and it was only an ez swim and yoga.  my legs felt so much more dead in the pool than I thought. Its funny how you don't really feel it until you try to work out.  From everything I'm reading and all of your advice I think I'm going to be ultra conservative these first few weeks and barely do anything at all.  I don't want it to kill my half later this fall! 
thanks for the input! 

2009-06-27 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
Here are some articles to read that may be helpful

first one

another one

last one
2009-07-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
Ha I'm glad it's not just me. I finished my IM last weekend (on the 29th) and while a bit sore for 2 days after, and some minor blisters, I felt pretty good. I was even semi-joking with my wife about doing a 70.3 (on Aug 2nd). But same as all of you - went out for a run and I was just beat. Not exhausted, not sore, just beat like I'd been in a really long fight. And I've been really really hungry.

I have an olympic in a month and a bit, so my issue is how much to train to keep my fitness but yet also keep injury free and allow recovery.

Edit: Great articles Kathy posted!

Edited by Khyron 2009-07-08 1:42 PM
2009-07-08 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
As noted, everyone is different.  That said, there are some pretty distinct patterns among the majority.  This is a pretty good outline of what that pattern looks like.
2009-07-08 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
I recently did two 70.3's two weeks apart and grossly underestimated the impact on my body and the recovery involved. I too felt jazzed to jump right back in as I was "feeling" really good. The day after the second race, I started swimming and biking at a medium distance/intensity and waited a few more days to start doing some very easy short runs. I think I was still kind of going on adrenaline and pushed things too hard. I really paid for it as the latter part of the "recovery" week started to fall apart. I was getting more sore and some older injuries started to twing/ache. I then took the next week off except for a few very light sessions. I am a little older so I recovery more slowly than most but what I thought would be a week or two was really at least two or three weeks.
2009-07-08 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....

Doctor figures 4-6 weeks before I can use my arm like a normal person  

I really felt pretty good the week after, although I did get stiff sitting in the car.  Last week, I was definitely feeling some fatigue in my legs even just walking around.  Less so this week. 

2009-07-08 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: ironman recovery....

For me, i took it day by day with things very unstructured if anything the first week, some swimming and elliptical the second week.  Running felt terrible for the first few times back on the horse (about 10 day i think) but did a 50k a little over a month after.  However- expectations of racing vs being out there were non-existant.  for me at the time, not in the capabilities.  just take it slow and see how the body responds.

2009-07-12 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
Recovery is just like everything else, the more your "practice" your recovery protocol the faster and easier your body can adapt to it and ... well ... recovery.

It's personal, of course, as everyone is individual and depends on your years of experience in the sport, how long you've practice your recovery protocol, etc.

When I did my 2 Ironman the same week my recovery protocol seemed to work incredibly well, but it's one I used often in training and over the years so my body was ready, willing, and able to accept it.

If you're interested in the protocol I followed, you can view it here:

Feel free to PM me with any questions.
2009-07-12 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2246472

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Subject: RE: ironman recovery....
as an update...I'm now 3 weeks post ironman, I did a sprint tri yesterday. I'm not 100% yet, but I'm getting there. My splits weren't too far off what they were when I did it in may but I really died on the run. My heart rate profile was pretty funny. you could see my heart rate spike and my pace drop off the last 1.5 miles of the run.thanks for all the advice, sometimes it just feels like you are never going to get back! I've been pretty conservative and its paying off. one more true recovery week (increased volume slightly, still no intensity) and i'll be building back into 70.3 training.thanks for all the advice again!!!
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