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2009-08-31 6:04 PM

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Subject: Be honest!
I wasn't sure whether to post this in the nutrition section or here, but because the question is ironman specific, I figure this would be a good place for it. I'm almost half way through my IM training program and about 12 weeks from IMCOZ. I have found that my appetite is never ending. I have dropped a few pounds but that has leveled off. For the most part I am making good food choices. BUT, occasionally I find myself saying, "what the hell-I've worked out for 4 hours today. If I want a couple of hamburgers, I will have them." There are times when basically everything in the cupboard/fridge is up for grabs and I just don't care as much about quality because I am starving. What do you think? How well do you eat during IM training? Don't tell me you just eat broccoli and rice cakes. I won't believe you.

2009-08-31 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2381347

Subject: RE: Be honest!

I have to basically plan my whole day eating or I end up in the fridge at 10pm.  It's just too much of a PITA to get enough calories from good food unless I put some thought into it.  But yeah, sometimes a pizza or a burger is the only thing that will do

2009-08-31 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2381347

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Be honest!
98hogbay - 2009-08-31 6:04 PM

I wasn't sure whether to post this in the nutrition section or here, but because the question is ironman specific, I figure this would be a good place for it. I'm almost half way through my IM training program and about 12 weeks from IMCOZ. I have found that my appetite is never ending. I have dropped a few pounds but that has leveled off. For the most part I am making good food choices. BUT, occasionally I find myself saying, "what the hell-I've worked out for 4 hours today. If I want a couple of hamburgers, I will have them." There are times when basically everything in the cupboard/fridge is up for grabs and I just don't care as much about quality because I am starving. What do you think? How well do you eat during IM training? Don't tell me you just eat broccoli and rice cakes. I won't believe you.

Uh, I did that last year. I pigged out. And I gained a good 6 pounds.

So I paid for my choices. But I was starving... so pizza, Mexican food, etc. OH YEAH!

2009-08-31 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2381347

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Subject: RE: Be honest!
The second time around in IM training, I made sure to eat lean red meat (meaning steaks, mmm) + good carbs after my long runs and long rides.  It helped curb the binging and I recovered faster...
2009-08-31 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2381668

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Be honest!
I have that issue.  Eating is by far my biggest hurdle prepping for IM.  For me, its not a 'I deserve' type problem, its the social eating; coworkers taking me to a Mexican food place for lunch, weekend get togethers, family events, it all adds up.  I have a good 20 lbs to shave off in about 9 months.
2009-08-31 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2381347

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Be honest!
Honestly...I didn't change how I ate during IM training, just added more things like nutrition bars and the like before and after workouts to help make up the calorie deficits (in addition to the calories taken in during workouts, of course).  Allowed myself pretty much free rein on low-fat, high fiber, snacks...lean protein.  I absolutely never...ever...allow myself the "I earned this [X] crap food" out...the 75 lbs I lost was a lot harder to pull off than the IM training (and only happened because I completely retrained myself about nutrition).

2009-08-31 11:47 PM
in reply to: #2381347

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2009-09-01 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2381347

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Be honest!

Yea, it's natural for you to need a lot (LOT) more calories during this phase of your training.  Make generally good choices and don't worry too much about the occasional indulgence. 

I was training for an ultra during the early part of my IM training, and after running for 6+ hours, I remember feeling those gnawing hunger pangs for the next 4 days!  We ran Saturday morning, I ate lunch and took a nap.  I mowed through pizza that night enough to impress my teenage sons.  I was ravenous on Sunday, and remember thinking on Monday at my desk "I wonder how this armrest would taste..."  Finally, Wednesday after lunch, I "wasn't hungry." )

2009-09-01 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2381347

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Be honest!
Most people are probably going to hate my answer, but I did not change anything with my diet.  I do not always go out to Wendy's, BK, Moe's but I do NOT even give it a second thought if I am hungry and I eat there.  We are burning some serious calories, so in order to get the sheer number we need to keep going, I just eat.

I think were I differ from most people and you may want to really look at is snacking.  I snack on carrots and grapes throughout the day.  That keeps my metabolism going all day but it also keeps me hungry all day.  I eat about 5 meals a day which I think it MUCH better than what most people do and that is either skip Breakfast or have 3 large meals.  Graze all day long.

Look at your entire food intake, not just what you eat at meal time.  I think it's a good thing to constantly eat because that means your metabolism is working on high alert.  YMMV. (Keep in mind that I also have to eat about 4-5K calories to keep weight on)
2009-09-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2381347

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Be honest!

I'm about 3-weeks out from my IM and my appetite is never ending!  But I really have not changed my diet much...just more volume.  I've been eating my 3 regular meals a day. I'm pretty good about being consistant with bagels for breakfast and (large) salads for lunch...but dinner I'll have a cheeseburger, pizza, mexican, whatever sounds good.  For snacks I'll have yogurt, bananas, trail mix, chips w salsa, and even candy bars and ice cream.  Not to mention the energy bars I eat during workouts.  I've still lost about 5 pounds.  It's really hard to get all the calories needed wheen you train ~15 hours a week!  I just hope I don't continue with the snacking after the IM.

2009-09-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2381347

Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Be honest!
98hogbay - 2009-08-31 5:04 PM
How well do you eat during IM training?

I'm not training for an IM specifically but my volume is relatively high. I have not experienced an increase in appetite and I think it's because I've ramped up my volume so slowly over the last 2.5 years. I'm to the point now where I'm having to force myself to eat enough calories because I can't afford to lose any more weight.

And the answer to your question...
My wife makes me a big pitcher of high calorie fruit smoothie every morning (which I love), and she cooks a high protein healthy dinner every night (the leftovers of which I usually eat for lunch). Other than that I eat whatever I like and as much as possible with no restrictions.

2009-09-01 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2381347

New user
Subject: RE: Be honest!
I eat a lot lot lot more now than I did before my IM training.  I don't really watch what I eat.  Everything goes from fast food all the way to the healthy stuff.  I'm genetically slim anyway.  I've been pretty much in the same weight range since the day I graduated from high school 18 years ago.   I just eat the same stuff that I've always eaten but a lot more of it.
2009-09-01 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2381347

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Be honest!
Being female I've had a different experience. I gained roughly 8 pounds with no diet changes except increased volume to keep up with the appetite. I wasn't even "treating" myself after hard work. I've gone through three rounds of diet evaluation with my coach and about 3 months ago I gave up all refined grains - no cereal, no pasta, no bread, etc. - and processed foods, only having any of these things very sparingly and occasionally. Then about a month ago I eliminated refined sugar as well. So no, I don't eat broccoli and rice cakes, but I do eat rather boringly healthy in order to get the nutrients I need and not gain weight. I'm also not as hungry and haven't been for a long time so I think cutting out all the crap really helped.
2009-09-01 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2382620

Subject: RE: Be honest!
I am 3 weeks out from my first IM. I'm not sure how much I weigh, but I can tell you I've gone from a bigger 6 to a very small 4.  I eat all day every day but I go with the motto garbage in/ garbage out. When I do eat bad, I pay dearly for it. So when I do eat bad, I make sure the following day is an easy swim day or the one off day a week I have. Living in Texas training through the heat, I am always in a defecit on calories . Longs days in the heat kill my appetite so I am always in catch up mode.  I found last year trianing for HIM's I was having such a hard time recovering, this year I switched to eating lots of Superfoods (google it, it will give you a list) and it has helped my recovery and I have also gotten much faster......
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