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2009-09-01 1:52 AM

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
It was a mistake, but it made me feel pretty guilty, given how much I pride myself on following the d@mn rules of traffic even when they are annoying. I do NOT like to give drivers ammo for hatin' on cyclists!

I was riding a loop around my house, trying out my pretty new roadie, and came screaming down a hill towards a T intersection. I was on the top of the T. The paved road - and about 99% of the traffic - turns left on to the long part of the T. The top keeps going straight onto a dirt road. Now, I've been running and driving in this area for over a year now, and had previously seen precisely two cars on the dirt part of the road. Honestly, other than glancing that way while turning, I'd never really thought about it too much, whether they had a stop sign or whatnot. I have only ever seen more than one car (including mine) at this intersection a handful of times; it just isn't a busy place.

So I come screaming down this hill, and start fluttering my brakes to make the left-hand turn. Wouldn't you know it, but THIS is the time when there is not one but THREE cars there! One is coming down the dirt road straight towards me, one is waiting to turn right from the long part of the T to go up past where I am coming down, and one is coming down behind me. Totally unprepared for the country version of a traffic jam, I flutter the brakes harder, careful not to start skidding on the steep and loose-gravel-covered road. I stick out my arm and swing into my left turn in front of the car coming behind me (I checked first, I had plenty of room).

And then I realized....the person on the dirt road intending to go straight did NOT have a stop sign. I totally blew in front of them illegally. I should have come to a complete stop and let them go.

Thankfully, they obviously realized what was going on given my speed, and slowed/stopped for me to go. It was a stupid mistake to make, but I was honestly so surprised by all those people in one place, I got flustered!

*sigh* So the next time you see a cyclist or runner or motorcyclist or whomever doing something stupid, maybe, just maybe, it is just a one-time screwup.

2009-09-01 4:29 AM
in reply to: #2381865

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...

If I understand correctly, you're saying that you had a stop sign, normally blow right through it because there are rarely any cars there, yet you say it's a one-time screwup?

2009-09-01 6:07 AM
in reply to: #2381865

New user
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
A screw up?  An accident, AKA a screw up, is based on doing something by mistake, with-out intention.  It sure sounded like to me that you intended to blow that stop sign.

It sounds like the only "screw up" was there was actually traffic at that intersection.

It reminds me of my ride on Sunday.  Came to a stop sign that I had to turn right.  Once turning right it begins a long steep hill.  Guess what?  A car came from my left.  I had to actually stop at the stop sign.  I then had to start up a long hard hill from a complete stop.

You should be saying a prayer that the driver was observant and didn't run you over instead of making excuses.

I'm sorry, but ignorance is not an excuse to break the law.
2009-09-01 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2381921

New Jersey
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
The way I read it, the OP did not have a stop sign. Instead, since the paved road turned left, the OP always assumed that the traffic turning left had the right-of-way, and the traffic from the dirt road had a stop sign. It wasn't until he was in the middle of the downhill and unable to stop that he realized his mistake - the traffic from the dirt road did not have a stop sign and he should have yielded to them before making the left turn.
JYou should be saying a prayer that the driver was observant and didn't run you over.
2009-09-01 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2381865

Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...

I had an anxiety attack reading your post. Be careful out there, all of us.

2009-09-01 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2381865

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western iowa, almost nebraska.
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
I needed a GPS to keep up with who was coming from where? on what side of the T??? I would find a road that is shaped like a lower case l and just keep riding for a couple hours turn around and repeat!!!!!! Glad your ok.

2009-09-01 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2381865

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...

Glad you're OK, but you're NOT *THAT* cyclist.  *THAT* cyclist is the one who routinely does this kind of thing.  You, on the other hand, got caught up in an "unfamiliar" situation (since there are rarely cars at that intersection) and accidentally asserted priority (right of way) when you should have yielded. 

2009-09-01 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2381865

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Extreme Veteran
Buford GA
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
I"m not sure where you were in this but guessing you ran a stop sign so that wouldn't be right on your part.

However if this dirt road was not technically a road and more a driveway or private access road they have to yield to any traffic in the road so even if you had stopped you would have had right of way to proceed from the stop first before they did even if they were there first.

Think of it like backing out of your driveway just because you have no stop sign doesn't mean you can fly down it and anyone in the road must yield to you.

2009-09-01 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2381956

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Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
Agree. OP did not indicate that he had a stop sign, and didn't say he blew through a stop sign. And there's no indication that he repeatedly blows through stop signs, so I think we can go a little easier on him.

What he's admitted to doing was a mistake, he failed to yield to the oncoming vehicle as he made a left-hand turn at the intersection, and luckily the oncoming vehicle reacted in time and didn't plow through him. Lesson learned and thankfully no harm done.

And I appreciate him posting this experience because it might remind me to check the oncoming traffic next time I ride into a similar situation.

2009-09-01 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2381956

Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
Tri365 - 2009-09-01 7:55 AM The way I read it, the OP did not have a stop sign. Instead, since the paved road turned left, the OP always assumed that the traffic turning left had the right-of-way, and the traffic from the dirt road had a stop sign. It wasn't until he was in the middle of the downhill and unable to stop that he realized his mistake - the traffic from the dirt road did not have a stop sign and he should have yielded to them before making the left turn.
JYou should be saying a prayer that the driver was observant and didn't run you over.

That's how I read it too.  Let's not be so quick to judge!
2009-09-01 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2381865

New user
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
Maybe he didn't have a stop sign, none the less he DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY.

He WAS that cyclist.

There are a lot of quiet roads in the morning where I run/ride.  This doesn't mean I just turn or cross intersections with-out looking.  It sounds as if his speed was more important then the rules of the road.

Assumptions and ignorance is not an excuse of the laws.  If you would have been "that car" and the other OP was in a car and the the two of you would have gotten in an accident.  Would you, "that car" simply say oh it was an accident.  No big deal.  Lets laugh it off and be on our way.

You got lucky on this one!  Being the small object on the road, you as a cyclist need to be more observant then the guys in the car.

Edited by JC5066 2009-09-01 10:16 AM

2009-09-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2381865

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Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
Just a minor FYI, but the OP is a she and not a he.
2009-09-01 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2382420

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Extreme Veteran
Buford GA
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
JC5066 - 2009-09-01 11:12 AM Maybe he didn't have a stop sign, none the less he DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY.

He WAS that cyclist.

If the dirt road was not technically a legal road then they did have right of way not the person in the car regardless of if neither part had a stop sign.
2009-09-01 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2381865

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
We all do knuckle headed things in traffic.  Since you survived make sure and don't do it again.

Glad you're all right.
2009-09-02 1:22 AM
in reply to: #2382486

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Turns out I was *that* cyclist...
DerekL - 2009-09-01 11:36 AM Just a minor FYI, but the OP is a she and not a he.

Thanks, Derek.

No, I did NOT have a stop sign. I do NOT blow stop signs (or traffic lights, or school buses, or whatever). The only stop sign involved was the guy making the right hand turn. The dirt road is a town-maintained road, and doesn't have a stop sign, but I don't know if drivers there "should" stop or not. I would assume not, since the road continues on from paved to dirt and the name stays the same, as does town maintenance.

We make dumb mistakes like this in cars all the time (at least, I've seen it plenty), but I'm usually so much more observant on my bike. If I had screwed this up in my car and gotten hit, my pocketbook would have hurt. If the other driver hadn't stopped for me on my bike, a lot more than that would have been ouchie.

I'm just thankful that nothing did go wrong - and reminded yet again how close to the edge we ride, especially when we're on home turf and think we know what is coming.
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