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2005-05-25 2:43 PM
in reply to: #163339

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

lablover - 2005-05-25 1:27 PM I dislike the moral superiority that many non-smokers feel. I have quit smoking, and am extremely happy about it, but I am willing to bet that a few people that are acting morally superior to smokers have some other not so great habits themselves. Pull the plank from your own eye first my friends...

I don't know if what I have is a moral superiority as much as it is an intellectual superiority: Here are these people continuing to do a behavior that has been proven to cause health problems and death; quitting is constantly shown as the single best thing you can do to improve your health and increase your life span. Not very bright to continue in the face of that evidence.

Ten-year, two-pack-a-day former smoker here, yes I have lost several close relatives and friends to smoking-induced diseases, watched an uncle drag an oxygen tank around for two years before the emphysema killed him, yet he never quit the habit. Yes, I have some not-so-great habits, but none that have been proven as big of a health hazard. Certainly can't help but feel like a freakin' genius compared to any smoker.

2005-05-25 2:46 PM
in reply to: #163090

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

kanoelani - 2005-05-25 6:36 AM For all you SUV lovers out there. Silverado now has a hybrid truck thats V8 but when you get to cruising speed it shuts off half of the engine. Better gas mileage (still not as good as a car, but I don't expect everyone to give up their luxuries, I'm not giving up my coffee ) Also Lexus has got a Hybrid luxury SUV they are coming out with 35mpg leather interiors. .

And how many kidneys will I have to sell to afford either one of those?

2005-05-25 2:50 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Lake Mary Florida
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Well I think I may be a snob too. However I don't think I feel superior to smokers.

I am single and was recently thinking about what kind of man I would like to meet. I have to say that NON SMOKER is my #1 criteria.

I quit 15 years ago when smoking during pregnancy caused a huge problem for me. I spent 8 weeks in hospital wondering if I would live long enough to meet my baby. I went in to hospital 7 months pregnant on April 8th 1990 and I have not had a cigarette since. (Scared straight!)
2005-05-25 3:02 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

How do you guys find time to train with all this moral debate? 

And shouldn't this thread be moved to the Cup O' Joe forum?

2005-05-25 3:11 PM
in reply to: #163364

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
TH3_FRB - 2005-05-25 2:02 PM

How do you guys find time to train with all this moral debate? 

And shouldn't this thread be moved to the Cup O' Joe forum?

No, but let's start an anti-coffee-drinker thread over there.

(get it? Cup O'Joe?

2005-05-25 3:14 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Don't get me wrong, I think smoking is asinine, I just dislike a certain attitude that looks down on the people who smoke. Most smokers beat up on thmselves enough, at least if they are anything like I was, they don't need you to do it as well. They are an easy target to judge when people should be concerned about larger political issues that affect all of us a lot more.

I have no problem with people who want to try to help people quit smoking. I think that is fantastic. It is the judging that irritates me. Being overweight is a huge risk factor to your health as well, but I find it hard to believe that most of you would call overweight people "stupid". What about having to pay for overweight people's medical coverage? What about people born with genetic diseases? It's a silly line of argument. Nationalized health care would of course take care of this problem somewhat as people would seek treatement before things had become critical.

As far as people smoking in enclosed spaces with children- of course that is not a behavior to be supported. I can't imagine anyone doing that with the wealth of info out there about smoking's detrimental effects. I do think that bars are a different story and that people should be able to smoke there if they want to. The country-and my city- don't seem to agree, but I am not too bothered since I don't smoke anymore.

People made a lot of the same arguments about alcohol as well. I think that was what Prohibition was all about. If you look at history these types of movements are cyclical. Again, I am not defending smoking, I just think that there are more important things to be worried about out there-like the fact that in many states you can't eat the fish that you catch, or that companies are dumping toxins in our air, or that tens of thousands of women and children and 1600+ of our soldiers are dead in Iraq thanks to our government "fixing facts around policy", and so on. But hey! That's just my opinion.

Edited by lablover 2005-05-25 3:16 PM

2005-05-25 3:26 PM
in reply to: #163369

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
the bear - 2005-05-25 3:11 PM
TH3_FRB - 2005-05-25 2:02 PM

How do you guys find time to train with all this moral debate? 

And shouldn't this thread be moved to the Cup O' Joe forum?

No, but let's start an anti-coffee-drinker thread over there.

(get it? Cup O'Joe?

Whatever you do, don't bash soda pop! We don't want another implosion.

I don't feel superior to smokers. I just think it's gross, like if I stood next to someone who had BO. Cleanup! However, I don't agree with the criminalization of tobacco (or marijuana, even though I've never inhaled), morbid though I find the habit to be. I do enjoy having an ice cold beer without having to breathe smoke, tho'.

2005-05-25 3:28 PM
in reply to: #162805

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

My original intent was to just cruise thru this thread and not say anything, but after reading some of the tangential posts here, I am going to climb on my anti-anti smoking snob(ASS) soap box. 

The ASS's seem to think that they do nothing that offends others...your constant complaining about how boned up our government is offends the hell out of me...ya don't like it, run for office or head for another country, we won't miss you! Sir, you cologne offends me; Ma'am, you have so much perfume on that I can't breath in the elevator; You who drink (yes, even just 1 beer) and drive, you scare and endanger me more than any smoker ever could, same goes for those who talk on the cell phone while driving and forget they are operating a 3000lb weapon.

I smoke: I will not smoke in your house(or mine), I pick up my butts, I do not smoke around children (mine or yours), I do not flick my butt (cigarette) out the car window, I am doing something that is legal and within my rights as an American citizen.  Do not presume that all smokers are incosiderate, careless slobs, and do not lump me in with that group, you do not know me.

Hybrid Cars...check on repair parts/labor cost?  Hydrogen power...you wanna drive a bomb, go ahead.  In SoCal traffic that is asking for trouble....

I do not begrudge anyone thier right to express an opinion, I have fought for that right for you for 20 years.  In turn, I reserve the right to counter your opinion with my own. I guess that I am just a Redneck Republican at heart who thinks there is tooooo much energy spent on whining in this country that could be better utilized on something productive. Sooo...with that being said, I apologize for the disjointed organization of this post, but not for the content.  I am sure I will be bashed by a Kerry-Edwards Democrat, but that's O.K. I can take it......

Oh, and to AlBearAngel: The only advice I can offer is for you to avoid public locations where smoking is not against the law.  Remember, we smokers have rights too.

2005-05-25 3:33 PM
in reply to: #163379

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Uhhhh ok... but hydrogen cars = safe. It's just another fuel. A fuel that will make us less dependent on foreign oil. YEEHAW!!!!

Aren't you guys building a hydrogen highway in Cali?

2005-05-25 3:45 PM
in reply to: #163117

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I'm with ya, baseball... but I'm not jumping into this convo... Smoking does stink. And I think we **SHOULD** outlaw farting.... (as per your prior post) but that's as far into it as I'm going to get.
2005-05-25 3:48 PM
in reply to: #162805

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I really loved to smoke and I had a very, very difficult time quitting. Took me a good ten years. I don't have a problem with people smoking. Sometimes I like the smell and sometimes I don't. If I really hated breathing second-hand smoke, I'd avoid places where I would be likely to encounter it. I do, however, reserve the right to start back up smoking when I turn 70 or 75.

2005-05-25 3:49 PM
in reply to: #163378

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Don't bash lipstick either!!!
2005-05-25 3:52 PM
in reply to: #163398

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Whizzer - 2005-05-25 2:49 PM Don't bash lipstick either!!!

Y'all just want to take all the joy out of my life, don't y'all?

2005-05-25 3:54 PM
in reply to: #163383

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Yes, but the fuel cell technology is still a little shakey.....forigen oil hell, we have all we need once drilling commences in alaska.  Don't get me wrong, I am all about environmental stewardship, but face it folks, alternate fuel technology just isn't gettin it done right now.  Oil exploration is not what it used to be, the rigs are safer and the companies are 'more responsible' than is the past.  I pay 2.45 a gallon, and I am all about finding DOMESTIC sources of oil so that we don't have to rely on the ragheads Middle East (OPEC) for fuel.  The other alternitive (standing by for blast) Go Nuke!!!  Safer than any other form of power, creates more jobs, allows more oil for transportation, reduces reliance on other countries, and it gives Green Peace something new to bitch about.
2005-05-25 4:04 PM
in reply to: #163407

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Well, of course it's still shakey - all new technology is shakey. The first automobile was shakey. You don't just give up because we haven't perfected it - we would never have made it to the moon if we did that and nor would we be driving cars!

The bottom line with oil is that its a finite source and the closer we get to tapping out, the more expensive it will get. Hydrogen is clean, CHEAP, and we'll never run out of it. Did you know that you can buy a hydrogen fuel pump to store in your garage to fuel up? Say goodbye to gas stations! There is no down side to hydrogen. More jobs, cleaner environment, cheaper fuel.

Sing after me: Now is the time! Now is the best time! (and if you get that reference, I'll give you a big blue star!).

2005-05-25 4:08 PM
in reply to: #162963

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Baseball1 - 2005-05-25 4:44 AM
The second hand smoke debate is a joke. Of course if you take a rat and subject him to smoke 24hrs a day for 1/2 his life he is gonna get cancer...duh...

It's neither a debate nor a joke. Second hand smoke has been proven to cause cancer...in PEOPLE.

Of course, that is typically with people who have been exposed to a lot of 2nd-hand smoke over years: waiters, bartenders, those who live with smokers, etc. "Incidental" second hand smoke contact from those passing on the street probably never caused cancer in anyone. However, that does not change the fact that it is a legitimate and significant annoyance to certain people, like me.


2005-05-25 4:29 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Will Race for Beer

The Lexus is starting out at $36,000, but if you think about all those people putting down more than that for SUV's it sounds cheap. I don't have the money for either, but if I did have the money.... (i'd buy a new bike...I mean I'd buy a computrainer....I mean I'd buy the hybrid civic for $17,000 and get the bike and the computrainer....that is unless it came with a bike rack)

I read somewhere there is a Bio-deisel gas station is San Diego. You can run your car off of vegetable oil. I'm not kidding either. Deisel engines can use it, some need slight modification. The Jetta with the deisel engine doesn't need any modifications and it does burn cleaner than fossil fuels. I believe it may be a few more cents to the gallon. Can you tell I've become obsessed in the last few years. To be honest gas prices and the new added joy of sitting in rush hour traffic have really opened my eyes. I hate driving.

If anyone wants to know my addiction is coffee. Its my comfort food. I try to drink decaf sometimes because its more about holding that warm cup than the caffeine, but nothing like a good cup of coffee. I hope it never gets outlawed.

2005-05-25 4:38 PM
in reply to: #163436

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
my husband is still kicking himself for getting a golf turbo instead of a gti diesel he could have converted to burn biodiesel and/or canola oil. we already know our kids will be grilling us on why we bought a gas burning car when we could have gotten a hybrid. our only defense will be that the prius was BRAND new when we bought our car...and that the golf was parked in the garage as often as possible.
2005-05-25 4:39 PM
in reply to: #163082

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Baseball1 - 2005-05-25 7:28 AM

Try finding a "hybrid" that will haul a family of 7...Try finding one that will tow a boat...I will and you can quote me on this...NEVER DRIVE A HYBRID...(unless I am forced to by the govt.)

So when they produce a hybrid SUV that hauls 7 and has enough horsepower to tow a boat, AND gas is hovering in the $10/gallon range, you will not drive a hybrid, because...why?

2005-05-25 4:44 PM
in reply to: #163379

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
will race for beer - 2005-05-25 2:28 PM

< I guess that I am just a Redneck Republican at heart who thinks there is tooooo much energy spent on whining in this country that could be better utilized on something productive. Sooo...with that being said, I apologize for the disjointed organization of this post, but not for the content. I am sure I will be bashed by a Kerry-Edwards Democrat, but that's O.K.

Actually, your post mostly agrees with mine-at least on the smoking bit- and I am as flaming liberal (and proud of it) as they come. In fact, I am one of those dreaded "liberal academics", a member of the "liberal elite". So I don't think this is a Rep/Dem issue.

Edited by lablover 2005-05-25 4:47 PM
2005-05-25 4:48 PM
in reply to: #162805

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
i don't feel morally or intellectually superior to smokers (well, not ALL anyway...if you started smoking in the last few years, as bear said, that IS just stupid - although there are lots of kids who are starting smoking now who really don't know the health risks, or don't take them seriously because of their age). smokers like my father in law (did i mention he had to have half a lung removed on monday?) started back before we really knew how bad it was and then it took a long time before he was able to quit permanently. it muddies the waters to treat the issue like its a moral issue or just a bad habit issue. i know plenty of wonderful people who have smoked or still smoke. i consider it a bad habit, but i'm not out to force everyone to be healthy. i consider it a public health risk beyond the personal health risk the smoker is taking. smoking bans are more in line with laws requiring restaurants to follow certain health codes in order to protect public health versus a mandate to smokers to 'clean up their acts'.

2005-05-25 4:51 PM
in reply to: #163379

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
will race for beer - 2005-05-25 2:28 PM
your constant complaining about how boned up our government is offends the hell out of me...ya don't like it, run for office or head for another country, we won't miss you!

Sorry, I forgot that in the new Republican America dissent has been outlawed by you true patriots.
2005-05-25 5:00 PM
in reply to: #163407

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
will race for beer - 2005-05-25 1:54 PM
foreign oil hell, we have all we need once drilling commences in alaska.

Where did you get this information? That is contrary to everything I've read on the subject.

I am all about finding DOMESTIC sources of oil so that we don't have to rely on the ragheads Middle East (OPEC) for fuel.

Ah, so you're a racist. That makes sense.

2005-05-25 5:18 PM
in reply to: #162805

New user
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Here's a message of hope to ne one who read to the end of this thread and is seeing my message. In around 10 yers from now we can put full blame on smokers for polluting our air because there going to be changing all the engines in cars to fuel cells that run on hygrogen. No I'm no nut do some research on it yourself and you'll find that theses cars are the future. The only emmision is water that is clean enough to drink. Unitll then.... ride when the weather channel says air quality is in the green zone
2005-05-25 5:25 PM
in reply to: #163457

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

The hydrogen economy is coming, baby!!

I wonder why that bothers some people. Hmmm..

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