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2005-05-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #164028

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Baseball1 - 2005-05-26 3:05 PM As for hydr cars...we arnt there yet....5-10 years down the road maybe...but it aint a viable option now...

Actually, the first wave are coming out in the next 2 years!!! AIN'T IT COOL?!


"None of this is as pie-in-the-sky as it sounds. Potent commercial forces are bringing the hydrogen economy along faster than anyone thought possible only a few years ago. In the next two years, the first wave of products based on hydrogen-powered fuel cells is expected to hit the market, including cars and buses powered by fuel cells, and compact electric generators for commercial buildings and houses. Technology for generating hydrogen is ready now: "reformers" that extract hydrogen from natural gas, and "electrolyzers," Jules Vernian devices that extract hydrogen from plain water. Those electrolyzers, if powered by so-called renewable-energy technologies like wind turbines and solar panels, could truly put an end to oil. Wind turbines and solar panels are emerging fast; after long decades of development, they have entered a Moore's law-like pattern of rapidly falling costs. All these advances add up to a startling reality. Major oil companies have begun to bet quietly but heavily on a hydrogen future. So have many of the largest manufacturers, including United Technologies, General Electric, Du Pont--and every major car company. "

The exhaust from a hydrogen car smells like laundry! Too friggin' cool.

2005-05-26 4:05 PM
in reply to: #164038

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Baseball1 - 2005-05-26 12:05 PM Also, when you plug in your electric car, where does that electricity come from? Usually a coal, natural gas, or oil fired generating plant. To charge that car, that plant has to burn just a little bit more fuel, and that plant releases a lot more nasty stuff than your gasoline of diesel engine.

Actually, every watt of electricity burned at my house comes from renewables. My electric company has a program you can sign up for where, in response to customer demand, they acquire additional wind, solar, biomass, etc. power. We get clean energy and they save $ by building fewer expensive new coal plants and hauling less coal. Iowa currently gets nearly 10% of its electricity from renewables and that figure is growing all the time. Maine has over 30% renewable electricity. We CAN get beyond coal.

Be the change you hope to see in the world.
2005-05-26 10:31 PM
in reply to: #162805

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
After reading this thread, I feel the need to light up. Just Me? Okay then.
2005-05-30 8:39 AM
in reply to: #163443

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
another ASS here, yeah!
when i pass near the smoker in a public place, i simply close my nose
if i accidentaly inhale some smoke, i quickly exhale and then close my nose as i would do with any other odour passing by, and thats it! i don't swet over it

(now when i think about it, i stopped visiting my smoking friends long time ago, but we can meet outside during the warmer half of the year... somehow we don't... we have not much in common, anyhow... i enjoy company of people similar to me so they simply slipped off my mind...)

- i am also against lumping people together, everyone is unique - for example i noticed one of my smoking friends using a portable, pocket ashtray
- (what with poisonous remarks and even poisonous looks? it is also bad for health)
- i will buy a car suitable to convert to gas someday, until then i have my bike and public transportation
- my BF was a passionate smoker when we started dating, he used that as an opportunity to quit smoking
- drinking is not allowed in Croatia while driving, we have zero % law here, (although it is not very popular, you can imagine), i agree that drinking and driving was horrible thing to do
- it is not unusual here that smoker sits in non-smoking section and asks an ashtray, and actualy GETS it! that really piss me off
- etc. etc. everything was already covered in details, except
---> noone mentioned something even worse then parents smoking in their house/car with their children, and that is: pregnant smokers/drinkers...
2005-06-01 7:35 AM
in reply to: #162805

Grass Valley, California
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
i'm the original smoking snob. i quit 20 years ago. i can smell it before anyone else. and i will raise my voice, "someone is smoking" especially when it is a non-smoking area.

i will tell someone i just met, "do not smoke around me"

yes, the butts are a filthy eye-sore.
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