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2010-11-09 3:37 PM

Subject: Mixing swimming with lifting
So last year I finally caved on lifting.  I had moved it down to 2 workouts a week in the gym, and as it became crunch time I removed lifting and replaced with extra s/b/r.

I noticed that even with 2 day lifting I was very sore whenever it came to swimming, and this had a noticeable effect on my performance.  How did you guys deal with this (not sure if its nutrition or what)?

My workout is/was for 2 days a week:
Chest & Tri - 3 sets incline bench, 3 sets flat bench, flies or pushups, 1 set tri pull down, abs
Back & Bi - 3 sets wide grip pull ups, 3 sets close grip pull ups, 4 seated rows, 4 shoulder raise supersets, 1 bicep, abs.

I don't mess with legs since I'm biking and running. 

2010-11-10 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3203415

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Subject: RE: Mixing swimming with lifting
How many reps are you doing on each set?  Maybe back off the weight or off the reps.  I've found that working down to a working set of 3-5 effects my s/b/r the least.  I also find I can dead and hack squat with this set up.
2010-11-10 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3203415

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Subject: RE: Mixing swimming with lifting

Last year this time, I noticed that my lifting was affecting my swimming as well so I all out just stopped lifting.  I couldn't take it any longer so I've slowly gone back to the weights.  I don't go crazy like I used to but I do enough to feel much better.

For my back, I do 3 sets 10 of upright rows, v-bar rows and pulldowns.  I started very light and have just gradually added more every so often.  I am far from the "train until failure" days but it still feels great.  It has not affected my swim at all.  In fact, I feel much stronger in the pull now.  I feel as though I don't need as quick of a turnover to keep the same pace. 

Personally, I believe that I am using a high elbow and my lats more than I did when I had trouble mixing weights and swim.  Back then, I think I was using my arms too much.  I'm certainly not saying that is what you are experiencing.

For my Chest/tri days, I use a machine which has 4 positions so I get a good range of decline to shoulder press.  I do 3 x10 for each, then do a set of 3x10 on tricep extensions. 

For back and biceps day, I mentioned my 3 back exercises.  I then do 3x10 with a bent bar for curls, then do dumbells for 3x10 each arm.

I added a legs / abs day where I do narrow leg presses 3x10 and wide leg presses 3x10.  Then I do leg extensions 3x10.

2010-11-10 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3203415

Subject: RE: Mixing swimming with lifting
I have began strength training again for about a month. It has worked very well to do swim workouts in early AM and then do three total body circuits of about 5 different exercises at 12-15 reps. That way you work out all body parts. It has really helped with my swim and bike so far; can't run yet due to foot issues.
2010-12-08 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3203415

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The Nation's Frosty Capital
Subject: RE: Mixing swimming with lifting
It takes a while for the body to get used to the loads it experiences with weight training. Lighten the loads and build your sets over time.  I lift heavy three times a week in the winter and swim either the same day (after the weights) or as early as I can the next day.  I find that beyond 24 hours the muscles are too raw rebuilding that I don't have a very good swim.

I never stop lifting all year.  I go to twice a week in the spring and early fall and once every 5-6 days in the summer (race season).  Huge benefits to my swimming; OK for my biking; extra weight to move around on the run!
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