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2005-08-21 7:16 AM

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
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Subject: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS

L) knee lateral ligament has been hurting since a half marathon two weeks ago. Never had knee problems before and I can't seem to shake this one. After hobbling around for sevearal days following the race, I went for a run and had to quit early because the knee pain returned!

Resting for a further 4 days and being clear of pain when walking around, I went for a run on Sat. and the pain was back. My early (self) diagnosis was strained lateral ligaments, but I'm now wondering if it's an overuse injury affecting my ITB? Anyone have any experience in diagnosing this one?

2005-08-21 7:32 AM
in reply to: #229826

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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS
if it is fine while normal walking around, but becomes excruciating as soon as you run, and then stops immediately upon stopping running.... I vote ITBS . The next step is to figure out what is causing it, it is usally assumed that the ITB itself is too tight. In my personal case, it was due to very week butt muscles (gluteus medius specifically) so my rehab had nothing to do with stretching and everythin to do with strength and balance work...

my 2 cents.
2005-09-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: #229826

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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS
If you're still looking for an opinion, without actually looking at you I would also vote ITB as opposed to the fibular collateral lig (or LCL). If you have no pain while just passively bending and straightening your knee or tenderness over the LCL (about an inch &1/2 lateral to the patellar tendon beneath the patella), then you can pretty much rule out the ligament. Since the ITB has muscular components to its function (tensor facia lata muscle, etc) when you use those muscles, you will have the pain. You could in fact have an overuse injury/ tendonitis at the distal attatchment of the ITB... a common site due to the "gliding" action of the band across the lateral knee when performing repetitive knee flexing/ weight bearing activities like running. Make sure to always ice after your workout, take it easy and try your best not to push too hard too soon (maybe you'll have to go back to walking only or jog/walk intervals). Hope this gave you some insight as to what might be going on (however, keep in mind that i'm a few months shy of officially being a PT ) I wish you a speedy recovery!
2005-09-01 10:18 PM
in reply to: #239331

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS

Hi love2triPT, thanks for your comments. I have been to a phyiso and she has confirmed what you have said - ie ITBS . Since getting some treatment I have been able to do short (3km) runs every 2nd day and last night got to 5km. Rest day today and hopefully 10km tomorrow.

I'm in a bit of a jam as I have a marathon in 6 weeks and I need to be doing long runs, but clearly can't with this condition. I know I have to build up again slowly so as not to set myself back to square one - the tension is killing me!! (None of this is helped by the fact that it's the 2nd day of spring and everyones out training in the sunny warm conditons. )

2005-09-02 12:34 PM
in reply to: #239368

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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, and also that my diagnostic skills are developing...haha. I can COMPLETELY understand your frustration with wanting to do the long runs. I too have had to hault my long runs due to an injury- about 2 1/2 months ago I sprained my ankle pretty severely and as a result, also stretched the peroneal nerve. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do but wait things out just like you, but make sure to listen to your physio...she wants you to get better as much as you do! Best of luck at your marathon
2005-09-04 4:17 AM
in reply to: #239751

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS
Thanks for the good wishes. Sorry to hear of your ankle issue - I read about it in the thread you posted. (Must admit I'd never heard of that condition). Good luck with your recovery too

2005-09-10 5:42 AM
in reply to: #229826

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS

By way of update, I managed a 21km run today with NO ITB pain!!

I have done heaps of stretches for the ITB, strengthening for the Gluteus Medius and iced my leg after every "recovery" run on the way to this big run today.

So FWIW, it has been 3 weeks from being crippled with pain and unable to walk up stairs to completing 21km pain free. It all came together quickly in the last week and I'm hopeful that I can get in enough mileage to get through the marathon in 4 weeks time.

2005-09-10 8:21 AM
in reply to: #243733

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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS
That's great! Congrats on your acheivement Keep doing those exercises and using ice after your workouts. Let us know how the marathon goes!
2005-10-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: #243748

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
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Subject: RE: Lateral Ligament Strain or ITBS: Recovered & completed Marathon

Ran the Melbourne Marathon on Sunday and did a 3:35 for my first attempt!!! No trouble with ITBS or knee pain, so it can be done! For a while I thought I wouldn't get enough training in to compete but with lot's of self treatment and allowing enough time to get back into the running slowly seemed to work fine.

Thanks to all those that helped in the early diagnosis - I'm sure it sped up my recovery.

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