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2004-04-21 6:35 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: motivation problem - pls help
Hello, dear people!
First of all in one word: Ron, God bless you!!! This is the most wonderful site I've ever been!

I am late 30' couch potato. Thanks to this site I dared to start walk/run routine. I was very excited at the beginning. And it was plenty of time ahead. I managed to run even 5 min at once! It was a great break-through. Or I though it was. But...
My problem is lack of consistency. Too often "something happens" and I fell off the wagon, and after a while start from the scratch again.
Now after all declarations I made I am totaly discouradged.
I could commute to work by bike twice a week (it took me 45min for 3m) but don't trust myself anymore to follow any program. I can run 1 min at once. And I can float easilly (1000m=1h).

I would appreciate any comment. Thanks anyway.
(excuse me for my english)

Small print: Is there any chance to catch on for the last sprint-tri (december)...?

Edited by sanjana 2004-04-21 6:38 AM

2004-04-21 8:45 AM
in reply to: #20436

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South Carolina
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Hello sanjana. Thank you for your warm welcome in my post.

As far as motivation goes, I am a lot the same as far as consistency goes. The best advice I've heard is to make an appointment for exercise and stick to it like you'd stick to any other important appointment. I actually haven't done this yet, though...but I'm planning it as my future strategy. ;-)

Good luck in your training!
2004-04-21 9:00 AM
in reply to: #20436

Princeton, MN
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Welcome aboard!
Motivation can be a difficult thing. I had a couple of "false starts" myself last year starting to get fit. It was really only since January when I signed up for my triathlons and joined a health club that I got the consistency together in doing something every day. Now I feel guilty when I don't train. So my advice would be to sign up for a triathlon towards the end of the year to give yourself something to aim for.

2004-04-21 9:12 AM
in reply to: #20436

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Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Sanja, congratulations! I'm very excited for you because you've already done the first best thing you can do to get and stay motivated!!! You have a goal - the sprint tri in December. Focus on that. Write it down. Get a calendar, devise a training schedule and WRITE IT DOWN. Cross off the days as you train. If you REALLY want to paticipate in the December tri, you won't let anything stand between you and crossed off training days. Be flexible. thugh. You'll miss a workout here and there. Everyone does. But with your plan in writing, you'll also know where to pick up. Please keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!!
2004-04-21 9:53 AM
in reply to: #20436

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Welcome! :-) You can do it! Absolutely - register for December. And then, break it down into small goals....i.e., this week I'll run 3 minutes straight and get on the bike, or next week I'll swim 200 yds and run 5 min straight. Put it in your calendar as an appointment! Maybe even get up early to do the exercise 1st before anything gets in your way! Keep us posted! :-)
2004-04-21 10:28 AM
in reply to: #20436

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Dayton, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Welcome sanjana!

The other have given you great advice so far. Aim for that December goal! I am the type that needs some kind of concrete goal in order to stay motivated, and actually registering (and paying for) my race worked well.


2004-04-21 10:58 AM
in reply to: #20436

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Mesa, AZ
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Welcome Sanjana;

A Sprint in December is definitely an achievable goal.. I went from not being able to run 30sec non-stop in Oct to running a 5K race (non-stop) at the end of Jan. really just by following the walk/ run interval training outlined on this site.

A key thing that kept me motivated is actually laying the money down for the event and telling everyone you care about that you are planning, NO, your DOING the TRI in December. Nothing motivates like support / pressure from loved ones.
2004-04-21 11:11 AM
in reply to: #20436

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: motivation problem - big THANK YOU!
Thank you, people, you gave me the boost!

I feal much, much better now.
I think I discovered what bothers me: here (in Croatia) there are no recreational events, only official... there is only one women in my age group and she is Europe champion... (I should never red those result lists, it was a big mistake... )
I am afraid when I show up I would need twice as time as the latest contestant... So what? I will try to put that aside and concentrate on shear pleasure of movement, sun, effort, new me, joy!

Other issue that bothered me is fitting the strength training in... I need couple of days to recover afterwards. If I run during that time, it lasts much longer to recover. But it is not a big deal. Yes, I should (gulp) get up earlier... commute to work by bike... there are plenty unexplored opportunities... make a realistic plan... make a "before" picture... if I miss, it is not the end of the world.... I am excited and confident again! And WOW anxious to start!

I know what it was. I felt lonely in this adventure. Not any more!
2004-04-21 1:45 PM
in reply to: #20436

Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Welcome! This site can be a great way of staying focussed and motivated. I agree with the idea of planning "appointments" for exercise. Also, I would add that if you promise yourself to stick it out for a shorter period (say 6 weeks) you will be amazed how much your attitude toward exercise will change and your will start to crave your workouts!
Best of luck!
2004-04-21 3:22 PM
in reply to: #20436

Northern IL
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
One thing that I would do is volunteer your time at a race whether it be a triathlon or running race. I think when you feel the electricity of the excitement that may help. Your going to look at people and say I'm in better shape than they are I should be out there doing this race. I just find when I get around a race I'm not competing in I get very jealous and want to do it but it gives me the motivation to get train even harder so when my race does come around the person standing around staring can get jealous of me. My thinking may be off here but this is what works for me. If you could join a tri-club or a swim club where your around other people training that may help.

2004-04-21 5:07 PM
in reply to: #20436

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Gold member
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help

december sprint? no problem...and the english...well, its better than mine!

good luck and we hope to keep u motivated!

2004-04-21 10:55 PM
in reply to: #20436

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help


Something I do is when I see a real inspiration story on the site, is start looking at that person's training logs.  It helps me to see people that have some difficulties that TRI!

2004-04-22 3:45 PM
in reply to: #20436

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2004-04-23 10:50 AM
in reply to: #20436

Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help

Welcome to the site -- glad you found us.

You have already gotten great advice and tips here. I will add but one more that I gleaned from Malvey. When you do not have much time -- just shorten your workout to fit in even a small amount. Like run/walk a total of 10 minutes instead of your planed 20 or 30 minutes. It all helps, and sometimes if you start with short in mind, you end up doing a bit longer. But you don't necessarily have to go longer if you don't have the time. I have found this a huge help for myself.

Good luck in your December Tri -- you can do it.


2004-04-24 6:14 PM
in reply to: #20436

Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help

Sanja -

Good to have you here - it's a great place to be.  Key issue in "staying with it" is to count ont he fact that your interest / motivation will wax and wane while you are building the habit of training. It takes six to eight weeks to habituate a new behavior or to regain a behavior that once was working well. So - what happens is, you cajole, push, bribe, or whatever yourself for those six to eight weeks. It's the Nike "Just Do It" - and... sometimes it is not so much fun. There are tons of people here who will step along side of you and encourage - but only you can drag yourself out of bed - or during lunch or whenever (best that it's the same time every day) - until the thing is a part of your routine. You will know it is beginnning to "click" wwhen you are totally bumbed when something hits your routine and you miss a walk/run or swim or bike. Now - when I don't get my swim/bike or run, I get all edgy.

I noticed organ is one of your interests - don't know if it's build or play the organ - but I do know it takes this doing it over and over and over and over.....  With physical stuff - give the six or eight weeks and your body will take over the routine.

There's an article on this (gee, gollly, shucks - it's mine) at:    This article came out of my own three decade long frenzy of starting and stopping and generally going backward.

You can do it!  We can do it!  Si se puede!

2004-04-24 11:45 PM
in reply to: #20436

Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
I think that coming to this site and making your post in an honest and realistic way, is an awesome way to start!  We sometimes feel that we are the only ones that have faced this problem, when in reality others are facing it with us and have had an experince much like ours.  It gets me motivated reading everyone elses thought.  Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off for the Tri You Go! Hang in there.

2004-04-25 12:43 PM
in reply to: #20436

Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Hi Sanjana,
I too am new to the sport, and have started and stopped training several times in the past because I was bored, and not motivated.

I've started up again, and have kept with it for one reason...I'm being held accountable by someone else. I started working with a trainer at the gym, and she's keeping me in line. I go to the gym because I don't want to let her down. Is there someone that might share these same hobbies as you, but maybe not wanting to participate in a race? You can still run, swim or bike with someone every once in a while to help keep you on track.

I will say that since I found this site a few days ago, I've been on it everyday, learning and soaking up the motivation, support and enthusiasm that everyone shares here. This will probably help you quite a bit too.

Good Luck,
2004-04-25 3:05 PM
in reply to: #20436

Extreme Veteran
A'ali, Bahrain
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Hi Sanja,

Wow Croatia!! I'm sure you deal with some challenges unique from those that we have here in the U.S., but if you look around at folks on this website, there are a lot of people overcoming some big handicaps, weight, kids, illness, injury etc.

The title of your post caught my eye since it is exactly what I struggle with (and, unlike a lot of people here, I, like you, have plenty of time and no excuses). Read Malvey's article; it has a lot of wisdom about motivation. Unlike some folks, the planning a workout appointment isn't what I do; I just try to keep moving, any kind of moving, whenever I can. Like you the &^%$#!! Damn TV can pull me into wasting time, so I have a trick/rule: "If I watch television, I have to do sit ups, push ups, yoga, wall sits while I watch." Call it couch intervals; it works for me. Play around with everyone's suggestions and find something that works for you.

Your English is great!

2004-04-26 3:58 AM
in reply to: #20436

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: motivation problem - what a great advices
what a great advices you gave me, folks! You blow my doubts etc. off! I'll put your posts on the refrigerator to lift my spirit and keep it lifted all the time (wow - how ambitious). Thank you, each of you, very much for terrific advices and great encouragement!

I humbly admit that I did nothing this weekend. Argh! Stupid TV! (I'll introduce Annie's rule.) But I observed carefully what my pitfalls are. The biggest mistake is to ever think "I have plenty of time, I can do it later". NOW or NEVER! First thing, first. I expel word "later" from my vocabulary from now on.

I only calculated my body fat composition and took the "before" pics which I had in mind for a long time. Somehow, it sets my mental counter on. And started to eat better.

Malvey, I will keep in mind the habituation thing and reprogram accordingly my neural pathways. I'm not kidding. LOL
(Yes, I play organ, or used to, long time ago... and should start again... still have few exams and graduation exams... a paralell story...) Thank you for your great and sincere life story and articles, I enjoy them very much.
Your article on motivation is my favorite on the site and it is of great help, I always read it again and again.

Yes! We can do it!

Edited by sanjana 2004-04-26 4:03 AM
2004-04-28 10:14 PM
in reply to: #20436

Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help

Hey Sanjana - I'm working on an article on "Busting the blahs for May - I'm thinking to suggest an "Accountability thread where we can check in and post for each day's work - comitment to working at this. It would be a kind of a mutual - "Go get 'em" kind of thing. If folks don't show up, we PM (private message them) and see what's up.

Hang in - Hey - I've an idea - burn your couch and donate your tv to some poor folk.  Check out my blog at:     the 4/28 update has some stuff on the joy of doing the physical thing just for the pure sake of how great it is to sense our body working in tune with the cosmos / creation.  (Geezzz... sounds like on of my lectures.)

Peace, M

2004-04-29 7:52 AM
in reply to: #20436

Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Ah, committment...the most difficult part of training. I can well understand your concern as I too am guilty of lack of committment at times like this week for instance. There is always a plausible excuse to get out of doing's too either too cold out or too hot, the gym is too crowed or it's empty and I feel alone, too depressed or too excited to exercise...heck, excuses can be unlimited. What I usually do to get out of such a slump is to look at all the triathletes online then look at myself in the mirror...that usually works! You sort of have to get mean with yourself and tell yourself that you have to shut off that tv, get off the couch and just go run or swim or bike...whichever. Now, I have to psych myself out to go run 3K, bike 15K, and run another 3K after work tonight with a local tri-club!

2004-04-29 9:32 AM
in reply to: #20436

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Malvey, you are reading my mind - I was just about openning a new thread in search of blogmate...
And I found your pure-joy-not-A-type concept very appealing. And WOW the pics! I will say no more...

Michael, I definitely agree... YES!
And that %&#TV set - it is not the TV that attracts me but my sweethart who is attached to it, they sort of come in package LOL ... I must find some other way, became mean! I like the idea!

Peace to you, too

2004-04-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: #20436

Subject: RE: motivation problem - pls help
Sanjana,It looks like you have some sage advice from this the folks here. If you want motivation B.T. is certainly the place to get it. One thing I wanted to add: Enjoy yourself. Often we don't exercise because we think of it as a chore. Find something enjoyable about every training day. Be it that you ran two minutes instead of just one, or that you swam 100 yards w/o stopping or that you lost one inch, or that the guy at the gym looked at you twice because you're looking so goood! Each day that I train I try to find one nugget of goodness, one thing that was better than before no matter whether it's my new shoes or that I swam 2000 m w/o stopping. This gives me daily accomplishments to keep me from given up. Heck if you win everyday then who wouldn't want to train! Good luck and keep coming back for more B.T. love.Ovetta.
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