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2012-04-03 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

It is good to see so many from western NY! I was in Ken's previous group and I am a Rochester guy too. Unfortunately, I am also a homicide detective with the RPD and things are very busy right now. So, my "attendance" on the website has been sporadic. I am still training though and I would love to be part of things here. I will post a bio later on when I get a few minutes. I also have to type a lot of these posts from an I-PAD which sucks. So, bear with me and my silly auto correct. Happy training everyone.



2012-04-03 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4126371

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
gator22 - 2012-04-03 7:37 AM

It is good to see so many from western NY! I was in Ken's previous group and I am a Rochester guy too. Unfortunately, I am also a homicide detective with the RPD and things are very busy right now. So, my "attendance" on the website has been sporadic. I am still training though and I would love to be part of things here. I will post a bio later on when I get a few minutes. I also have to type a lot of these posts from an I-PAD which sucks. So, bear with me and my silly auto correct. Happy training everyone.






   I work at Strong Memoiral. I am the ED communication nurse so if you are ever in the ED seeing one of our many trauma's feel free to see if I am here. I usually work 8pm-8am.



2012-04-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: #4126133

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
bdenehy - 2012-04-02 11:01 PMI'd like to join in. I can post a bio in the AM if you there is room.
Absolutely! Post when you can!
2012-04-03 6:54 AM
in reply to: #4125987

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
Ybeal - 2012-04-02 9:41 PM

NAME:  Yvonne

STORY:   Turning 40, did my first tri this past oct, sprint rambling rose and I'm hooked. Did a half marathon w team in training in 2006, so much fun. But got injured training for the next two events, first stress fracture in rgt tibia, then later one in left foot, then eventually one in right foot. So thought maybe tri would be better.  Just got a new road bike, first ever, clip less pedals and all, still figuring out how to use it! I've already done two sprints this year and looking forward to doing some more.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids, 8 & 9 yo girls, both have done one tri and they are currently on a Youth Triathlon Team training for an event in May.  My dh is also on board to tri a sprint this fall! Working really hard to get the whole family on a healthier path with running and triathlons.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Pretty consistent since January, slacked a little the last week or two because I felt like I needed a break, but pretty active overall, weights and cardio at the gym, running ( couch to 5k to slowly work up tp distance),  swimming and biking.

2011 RACES:  Rambling rose sprint tri oct 2011 - my first one!

2012 RACES:   Azalea Sprint Tri (done!),Shamrock 8K (done!), Girls Run the World Sprint (done!), First in Flight 5K April 21, Warrior dash in may, ramblin rose may, Tower of Terror 10 Miler Disney in Sept., Ramblin Rose in oct. -  really want to do a longer distance in October, maybe white lake international but not sure if that's too ambitious?!?

WEIGHTLOSS:   Have lost 35 lbs in the last 14 months, another 25 to go. Working in some P90X starting this month too to jump start some more weight loss.

WHY I WANT TO BE PART OF THIS GROUP:    I love BT! Totally addicted! I'm reading all the posts, everything, and spending way too much time on this site lol.  I find it really helpful to stay motivated by reading about everyone's journey and all the diverse backgrounds.  I don't know many people locally so I use you all as virtual training buddies


Excited to get to know everyone!



Congrats on the weightless Yvonne! It is great that you have your whole family involved! Let me know how you like the P90X, I have been doing Insanity and am thinking of adding in the P90X next winter.
2012-04-03 7:00 AM
in reply to: #4126286

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
peterflagg - 2012-04-03 4:27 AM

Ok I have some time for my bio now... Sit back, relax and get ready to fall aspleep.

Story: So, I am a 42 yo male, divorced, living with my SO, Maureen this woman is a saint, my son Drew. In October I was weighing in at 304 lbs. I finally went for a check up at my dr's who sent me for lab work, come to find out I was diagnosed with Diabetes Milletus Type 2 and hypothyroidism. So I started taking pills for both. My fasting BG was 280's with a A1C level of 9.3. With hard work I have gotten my fasting BG down to 90 and a A1C level of 5.3. It is awesome to get there. Of course after looking at my diet and doing some research I read a book called WHEAT BELLY and have followed it pretty closely. That is what has helped me get my levels down. Of course in the process I have lost 74 lbs currently. Been plauteauing lately though. It is because of my diet lately, just need to refocus again. 

  I had started to run shortly after I was diagnosed and in december I started having some pain in my right ankle. I just figured it was from running or something like that. Well, one day the pain became so bad that I actually came to the hospital I work at. My ankle was tapped and they thought I had a septic joint, so off to surgery for a washout. All the tests came back negative for infections with this, of course AFTER my surgery, so more tests were done. It came back that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am currently using methotrexate for treatment and feel wonderful. Will there be a day that I cannot run? Maybe, but until then it is my choice to be active and I will not give up that right easily.

Family status: Divorced father of 3 kids, Kaety 22, Drew 19 and Olivia 14.  I also have wonderful twin grandson Jayson and Steven almost 3 by Kaety, who is also pregnant with a girl right now. Kaety lives w/ her BF, Drew with me and Olivia wit my ex-wife. Been divorced for 6 years and it is still tough to adjust not having my little girl with me. I crave my time for her and always count down to our next time together. My grandson are the cutest in the world, obviously. I have a wonderful SO, Maureen who loves them like her own and is also supportive of my endeavors.

Current training...Well I definetly train at least 4 days a week, need to really do my 6. I am doing well with the biking (at the gym), running ( I am doing a c25k, however this weekend I ran and only walked for about 2 minutes total out of 30 min), my swim, well, I don't drown. It sucks to swim and not do well at it. Just bought a book on total immersion and will be looking into it.

Last year races: I only ran to the food line, I think I beat most people but it wasn't officailly timed.

2012 Races: Well just did my Spring Forward race here in rochester. I am teamed up with my GF to compete as a team for the Flower City Duathlon. She is doing the running 5kx2 and I am doing the 20 mile bike ride. I also am doing a 40 mile bike ride for the Tour DeCure in June. Just signed up for a nurses run and also the corporate challenge in May, both 5K. After these I am not sure.

Goals: Well, here it is. I want to keep practicing and do some sprint tri's middle to end of summer, along with some half marathons. Next year I want to do olympic tri's and some marathons. 2 years, HIM. 3 years IM. I am my hardest critic about my performance. If I would rate it in a smell, it would be fish left outside on a hot day and well for a couple of days with a skunk dead on top of it. OK maybe not that bad but I am hard on myself. Hope you like the visual!

What I offer. Well, I will be one of your best cheerleader. I do draw the line at wearing a skirt and jumping up and down for you. For the locals, well if I have off I will be more than happy to come cheer you on at your races. So want to volunteer for the HIM Syracuse. Figure I can learn some stuff there.



Quite a story Peter, congrats to you as well for turning you life around health wise! Being local I hope we get to meet sometime, but preferably at a race and not at your job!Volunteering at the races is both a learning experience and greatly appreciated by the participants. I would encourage you to find the sprint you want to do as they are filling up. Most of them are close to selling out. You may want to consider Finger Lakes in Canandaigua as a start, most people that are as comfortable with the swim like that you can stand up for most of the sprint swim.
2012-04-03 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4126371

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
gator22 - 2012-04-03 7:37 AM

It is good to see so many from western NY! I was in Ken's previous group and I am a Rochester guy too. Unfortunately, I am also a homicide detective with the RPD and things are very busy right now. So, my "attendance" on the website has been sporadic. I am still training though and I would love to be part of things here. I will post a bio later on when I get a few minutes. I also have to type a lot of these posts from an I-PAD which sucks. So, bear with me and my silly auto correct. Happy training everyone.



I guess living not far from you and considering your occupation, I hate to hear that you are busy at work! Welcome to the group Kirk and post a bio when you can!

2012-04-03 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4126371

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
gator22 - 2012-04-03 7:37 AM

It is good to see so many from western NY! I was in Ken's previous group and I am a Rochester guy too. Unfortunately, I am also a homicide detective with the RPD and things are very busy right now. So, my "attendance" on the website has been sporadic. I am still training though and I would love to be part of things here. I will post a bio later on when I get a few minutes. I also have to type a lot of these posts from an I-PAD which sucks. So, bear with me and my silly auto correct. Happy training everyone.



I guess living not far from you and considering your occupation, I hate to hear that you are busy at work! Welcome to the group Kirk and post a bio when you can!
2012-04-03 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

NAME: bdenehy/Bill Denehy 

STORY: I’m 37 and live in Cold Spring, NY (Hudson Valley).  I started on all 3 sports last spring.  The driving factor was my sorry state of fitness and health.  A year and a half ago, I was at my heaviest weight and was suffering terribly from a herniated disc and sciatica.  With 3 young kids to play with, I didn’t want to go through life acting like an old man at 36.  I had a background in recreational running from many moons ago but had never swam or biked, and have no history of team/organized sports.  I quickly found that biking is now my absolute favorite activity, but somewhere where I need a lot of improvement.

I did my first tri last year after picking up a basic training plan off of the internet (before finding this site) and starting with 1 mile run/walks and 5 mile bike rides.

FAMILY STATUS: I’m married for 9 years with 3 fantastic kids, 1 ½ to 6.  As much as I can, I try to keep my triathlon training/racing separate from family time.  This means very early workouts, never exercising in the evenings, and the occasional missed training day on weekends.  I’m excited that my son is now old enough to start some activities with me and we are planning on doing some .5 - 1 mile fun runs, before local races.

CURRENT TRAINING: This season got off to a pretty rocky start.  I crashed my bike in December, separating my shoulder and causing some more cosmetic damage.  The shoulder put me way behind in biking and swimming (where I hoped to focus in the winter) but I kept up with the running.   Another issue for me is the timing of busy season at work.  I’m an accountant and work some pretty rough hours from January-April, staying in hotels near work many nights to avoid the commute.  I learned too late that I need to start my tri season later and leave some runway after busy season to catch up.  The other disappointment was that I DNF’d my first race of the season this past Sunday (a very flat half marathon).  I can go on about the whys/why nots, but short story is that I thought I was faster than I am and could not hang.  Moving on to the next race.

2011 RACES: 2 Sprints and 1 Oly in the fall.  I felt like I was well trained for each and executed well, if a little conservatively.

2012 RACES:  Oh goodness.  I really jumped in with both feet and became addicted to racing as well as training, but I’m just racing against myself at my current speed.  I’m currently registered for 1 duathlon, 4 sprints, 1 Oly, 2 HIMs, IMAZ, 1 Marathon, and a partridge in a pear tree.  My focus is on Rev3 Quassy in June.  If I live through that, I’ll start worrying about Arizona in November.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Before Tri-ing and watching my food intake, I hit 180lbs.  That might not sound so bad, but on my little frame, it’s not good.  I’ve dropped to 150-155 and seem to be maintaining okay.  I’m considering trying to drop to 145 for my June HIM, to make up for my weak bike fitness on a hilly course. I can’t do much as far as strength training with my busted up shoulder, so if I’m ever going to be skinnier, now is the time.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am focused, focused, focused.  I spend a lot of time thinking about training (maybe too much).  I do like to share, but like the small group feel of mentor groups.  I’ve never been in one, but lurked around a couple.  The broader boards can suck you in and go any which way (maybe I’ll read them over the summer).  I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far, and would love some accountability in return.  Given my schedule, my dog will likely be my only regular “real life” training partner, and he cant ride a bike, yet…

2012-04-03 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

Story: Athlete in high school (basketball, baseball, track, XC) who went onto run DI XC/Track at Bucknell University from 1996-2000. Took an 8 year hiatus and started up running again on 1/1/10 at a New Years 5k. Slight running injury got me into the pool and I made a decision to train for a local tri that summer. I did 1 sprint tri in 2010 and 3 sprints in 2011. (4th, 1st, 3rd in AG)

Family status: Married to my wonderful wife, Amanda, with 2 awesome boys ages 4.5 and 3. Another wee one due later this year (our families don't even know yet!). Amanda has struggled with my training/racing regimen. Each year gets a little better as she realizes my enjoyment for the sport. I've had to plan my training time carefully around family commitments.

Current training: Currently, I'm running a lot as I'm preparing to run my first marathon in Pittsburgh on May 6th. I started the year swimming a lot, but that along with biking has definitely taken a back seat over the last 6 weeks and probably will until after the 'thon. I really enjoy running and it's by far my best of the 3 disciplines. I've even considered focusing on the run to "see what I can do" over the next few years.

2011 races: Tri in the Buff Sprint Tri, Willow Creek Sprint Tri and Presque Isle Sprint Tri along with various 5ks and 1 half marathon (1:23 personal best time)

2012 Races: Only thing definite is the Pittsburgh Marathon. I've tossed so many ideas around as to different tri's and also the notion of running a fall marathon; other local running races thrown in. There is a new HIM right in my backyard in September.

Goals: Weight loss isn't a goal for me at this point. I've steadily lost weight over the last 2+ years and I'm down about 35 pounds. My wife isn't too happy about it!

I have set some lofty running goals, but they're more long term. Hard for me to accept that I'm not 22 anymore.

I hope to be an encouragement to the other mentees as they head into race season. Ken's a great mentor with tons of knowledge. We're lucky to have him at our disposal.



2012-04-03 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
hahahaha Steve! I had to laugh about the part where your wife wasn't happy about the weight loss! When I lost all my weight the first thing my wife said is that she was going to miss using my belly as a pillow when she layed down on the couch!! Thankfully, I got her more involved in the sport too and neither one of us spend too much time on the couch anymore anyhow. LOL
2012-04-03 9:15 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN


Not sure if I'm in the right place! I'm a total beginner in the triathlon world. I've just started to get back in shape for one on 7/21/12. I've always been very active, just needed something new and different that I have not done yet. Please point me in the right direction for the correct forum I should be in.



2012-04-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
Lynda you ate fine I am sure. Hey I'm newer to it myself so learn and we will both get through this in good shape. Where is your race?
2012-04-03 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4126793

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

Hey Peter,

My race is in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine! Currently only training in running. My bike is up in the race area. I live in southern Maine. Going up this weekend to pick up my bike so I can start training in that event. In a couple weeks, hope to clean the pool out and MAYBE swim in a month or so. Still some snow on the ground here, not much though!

Have you completed any triathlons yet?

2012-04-03 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4126714

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
Lynie13 - 2012-04-03 10:15 AM


Not sure if I'm in the right place! I'm a total beginner in the triathlon world. I've just started to get back in shape for one on 7/21/12. I've always been very active, just needed something new and different that I have not done yet. Please point me in the right direction for the correct forum I should be in.



Hi Lynda,

I am not sure what you were looking for, but you found the mentor groups, and ours in particular.  You are welcome to join our group.  We help and support each other through the training and help with questions on gear or training issues.  If you want to join us please post a bio about yourself. Thanks Ken

2012-04-03 10:06 AM
in reply to: #4126466

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
bdenehy - 2012-04-03 8:50 AM

NAME: bdenehy/Bill Denehy 

STORY: I’m 37 and live in Cold Spring, NY (Hudson Valley).  I started on all 3 sports last spring.  The driving factor was my sorry state of fitness and health.  A year and a half ago, I was at my heaviest weight and was suffering terribly from a herniated disc and sciatica.  With 3 young kids to play with, I didn’t want to go through life acting like an old man at 36.  I had a background in recreational running from many moons ago but had never swam or biked, and have no history of team/organized sports.  I quickly found that biking is now my absolute favorite activity, but somewhere where I need a lot of improvement.

I did my first tri last year after picking up a basic training plan off of the internet (before finding this site) and starting with 1 mile run/walks and 5 mile bike rides.

FAMILY STATUS: I’m married for 9 years with 3 fantastic kids, 1 ½ to 6.  As much as I can, I try to keep my triathlon training/racing separate from family time.  This means very early workouts, never exercising in the evenings, and the occasional missed training day on weekends.  I’m excited that my son is now old enough to start some activities with me and we are planning on doing some .5 - 1 mile fun runs, before local races.

CURRENT TRAINING: This season got off to a pretty rocky start.  I crashed my bike in December, separating my shoulder and causing some more cosmetic damage.  The shoulder put me way behind in biking and swimming (where I hoped to focus in the winter) but I kept up with the running.   Another issue for me is the timing of busy season at work.  I’m an accountant and work some pretty rough hours from January-April, staying in hotels near work many nights to avoid the commute.  I learned too late that I need to start my tri season later and leave some runway after busy season to catch up.  The other disappointment was that I DNF’d my first race of the season this past Sunday (a very flat half marathon).  I can go on about the whys/why nots, but short story is that I thought I was faster than I am and could not hang.  Moving on to the next race.

2011 RACES: 2 Sprints and 1 Oly in the fall.  I felt like I was well trained for each and executed well, if a little conservatively.

2012 RACES:  Oh goodness.  I really jumped in with both feet and became addicted to racing as well as training, but I’m just racing against myself at my current speed.  I’m currently registered for 1 duathlon, 4 sprints, 1 Oly, 2 HIMs, IMAZ, 1 Marathon, and a partridge in a pear tree.  My focus is on Rev3 Quassy in June.  If I live through that, I’ll start worrying about Arizona in November.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Before Tri-ing and watching my food intake, I hit 180lbs.  That might not sound so bad, but on my little frame, it’s not good.  I’ve dropped to 150-155 and seem to be maintaining okay.  I’m considering trying to drop to 145 for my June HIM, to make up for my weak bike fitness on a hilly course. I can’t do much as far as strength training with my busted up shoulder, so if I’m ever going to be skinnier, now is the time.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am focused, focused, focused.  I spend a lot of time thinking about training (maybe too much).  I do like to share, but like the small group feel of mentor groups.  I’ve never been in one, but lurked around a couple.  The broader boards can suck you in and go any which way (maybe I’ll read them over the summer).  I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far, and would love some accountability in return.  Given my schedule, my dog will likely be my only regular “real life” training partner, and he cant ride a bike, yet…

Another New Yorker!  I spend too much time just north of you in Albany.  Good to have you with us, and it sounds like your training is off to a good start, especially getting a handle on how to fit it in with life's other obstacles!

2012-04-03 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4126542

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
Trout - 2012-04-03 9:22 AM

Story: Athlete in high school (basketball, baseball, track, XC) who went onto run DI XC/Track at Bucknell University from 1996-2000. Took an 8 year hiatus and started up running again on 1/1/10 at a New Years 5k. Slight running injury got me into the pool and I made a decision to train for a local tri that summer. I did 1 sprint tri in 2010 and 3 sprints in 2011. (4th, 1st, 3rd in AG)

Family status: Married to my wonderful wife, Amanda, with 2 awesome boys ages 4.5 and 3. Another wee one due later this year (our families don't even know yet!). Amanda has struggled with my training/racing regimen. Each year gets a little better as she realizes my enjoyment for the sport. I've had to plan my training time carefully around family commitments.

Current training: Currently, I'm running a lot as I'm preparing to run my first marathon in Pittsburgh on May 6th. I started the year swimming a lot, but that along with biking has definitely taken a back seat over the last 6 weeks and probably will until after the 'thon. I really enjoy running and it's by far my best of the 3 disciplines. I've even considered focusing on the run to "see what I can do" over the next few years.

2011 races: Tri in the Buff Sprint Tri, Willow Creek Sprint Tri and Presque Isle Sprint Tri along with various 5ks and 1 half marathon (1:23 personal best time)

2012 Races: Only thing definite is the Pittsburgh Marathon. I've tossed so many ideas around as to different tri's and also the notion of running a fall marathon; other local running races thrown in. There is a new HIM right in my backyard in September.

Goals: Weight loss isn't a goal for me at this point. I've steadily lost weight over the last 2+ years and I'm down about 35 pounds. My wife isn't too happy about it!

I have set some lofty running goals, but they're more long term. Hard for me to accept that I'm not 22 anymore.

I hope to be an encouragement to the other mentees as they head into race season. Ken's a great mentor with tons of knowledge. We're lucky to have him at our disposal.



I can't wait to see how you do in your marathon Steve!  It seemed you got faster every time you strapped on your running shoes for a race last year!

2012-04-03 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4126852

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
kenj - 2012-04-03 11:05 AM
Lynie13 - 2012-04-03 10:15 AM


Not sure if I'm in the right place! I'm a total beginner in the triathlon world. I've just started to get back in shape for one on 7/21/12. I've always been very active, just needed something new and different that I have not done yet. Please point me in the right direction for the correct forum I should be in.



Hi Lynda,

I am not sure what you were looking for, but you found the mentor groups, and ours in particular.  You are welcome to join our group.  We help and support each other through the training and help with questions on gear or training issues.  If you want to join us please post a bio about yourself. Thanks Ken


Lynda, I'm also new, this looks like a great mix of new and more experienced triathletes, I think it will be a great group for you! Welcome!

2012-04-03 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

Hey Ken,

I'm in for another round. 

2012-04-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4126953

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
Thanks for the warm welcome Yvonne! Bio will be going up soon...
2012-04-03 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4127180

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN
acv - 2012-04-03 12:21 PM

Hey Ken,

I'm in for another round. 

Great to have you in the group again Adam!

2012-04-03 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4127234

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN


Real Name : kirk

Story : I am a 37 year old fatty. I started doing tris in 2005 after a nasty divorce. I am trying to get back into them this year after a year off. I weigh 240 pounds and I need to lose about forty of them. Like I said before I have a demanding job so I train in spurts when things are not too crazy. I am re-married to a saintly woman and I have two sons 12 and 10 that are also involved in several sports and live two hours away from me to add to the fun.

Issues : Weight loss and injuries. I have a broken back with two herniated disks. This acts up me from time to time and causes running to be a big problem. I am in that stage currently and have been walking instead of running. Things are getting better.

Although I have "experience", I would say that I am still a new guy. I have a lot of knowledge in strength training and I love what I seem to learn from everyone else.  Hope to see some of the locals in action this summer!


2012-04-03 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

I think that for now anyways I am going to close the group.  I believer there is a couple more from the last group that will join us and that will put us in the 15 - 17 range. 

I am currently on vacation in Florida, so only running off my bad diet this week.  When I get home this weekend it will be full on training time for the upcoming season!

With the mix we have we can start off taking about training plans, bikes, running, or swimming!  What ever you want to talk about.  Those in past groups know we can get into a lot of different things!

Just redid the math on the head count.  Might leave it open for a couple more!

Edited by kenj 2012-04-03 12:40 PM
2012-04-03 12:59 PM
in reply to: #4126852

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

My Bio...Lynda

Story  --  Well...I'm now 50 years old, ugh! But still act like I'm 30ish. I'm 5' 6" and currently weigh in at 170 lbs. I work in the printing industry and have for over 25 years. A desk job that is! Was an avid field hockey player in HS and College. Also coached thereafter for a few years. A few of my favorite activities are downhill skiing, swimming, and mild mountain biking. Running has never been a favorite, but I'd rather run than walk, you get there faster!

Like many people, my weight has fluctuated over the years. As has my level of activity. Over the past year I've been visiting with our occupational health expert (approx. 2-3 times monthly), who is also a personal trainer. She has helped me with my exercise and eating habits. Since then I've lost 10 lbs. Should be more over the course of a year! She suggested a 5K. Not being a huge fan of running, I thought triathlon. If there's a will, there's a way! So here I am starting a completely new venture, with running included!

Family Status  --  Married for 17 years. Wish he were as supportive as all the other spouses are! We have a 14 year old son. He was bullied two years ago for his weight. Since then he's lost over 50 lbs. and is the most disciplined and incredible kid when it comes to eating and exercise. I can't keep enough fruit and veggies in the house! I find my inspiration from him. He just finished his first year wrestling and made it to "State's"! He and dad go to the gym several times a week and are both in awesome shape. I hope to join them in the shape dept...

Current Training  --  Second week, on the treadmill a minimum of four x's a week. Fast pace walk and get a couple of jobs in. Increasing the job vs. walk time. I don't go to the gym with my "boys", too expensive. We have the treadmill, free weights and a pool right at home. Getting my bike this weekend to start mixing that into my training. And once the weather warms up, getting in the pool, then the lake for more intensive training.

2012 Races  --  Starting with one to see how I do. A Sprint Triathlon in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, in July.

Goal  --  Become healthier, lighter, and look better in my bathing suit! Surprised

2012-04-03 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN

NAME: acv/ Adam

STORY: I'm a 43 years old.  I live on Long Island in New York.  My wife actually signed us up for our first tri. She never trained and I sort of trained for it. The kicker was that we had a wedding to go to the night before. I got 4 hours of sleep and almost packed it in during the swim. I was exhausted but pushed through to finish. It was a great experience!

This will be my 4th year doing tri’s. Last year was my best year so far and this year is off to a great start.

FAMILY STATUS: I’ve been married 11 years, I have three children (all boys) 8, 7 and 3. I’m pretty busy with the family.

 CURRENT TRAINING: I’ve got 2 more weeks before my taper starts for my marathon on May 6th. I’ve been concentrating on running since January so that I can complete my marathon program. Less than a month to go.

 This past season I did a sprint in the summer and an Olympic in the fall. I also did a 10K and a couple 5K’s last year.

2012 RACES:   My marathon is May 6th. I have a sprint in July, which is kind’a special since it takes place right down the road from me. In fact the swim is the exact spot where I do my open water swims. It’s also the first tri I did. This year I’m going to end the season with a HIM.

 I’m around 185 right now and was at 240 at one time. I need to stay active and be careful about what I eat in order to maintain my weight. I’m up a little and I’ve been trying to shed a few pounds before my race.

GOAL: Do better than last year!

I’m excited to be part of another mentor group w/ Ken!

Edited by acv 2012-04-03 3:51 PM
2012-04-03 7:19 PM
in reply to: #4126805

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training OPEN


   No I have not done any triathlons yet, want to this summer. My swim is the WEAKEST area I have right now. God, i would love to have a pool. I goto the YMCA for theirs and love it. I had picked up a cheap bike this winter for future events so I can get a good feel for everything. I would love to save up for a better bike down the road. Maine...My son moves up to the Vermont area at the end of the month. I will be so sad then!

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