General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Extreme hamstring pain Rss Feed  
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2006-05-26 8:00 AM

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White Oak, Texas
Subject: Extreme hamstring pain
I changed my bike course yesterday from making laps on a 3.1 mile course with 10 hard turns per lap and short steep hills to a out and back 13 mile ride with only one turn and long ½ or more mile hills. Near the end of the ride my hamstrings became tight and weak when the ride was over I could not bend my knees with out the hamstrings just collapsing. I spent about 30 minuets trying to stretch them but they became to tight and cramped so I iced them then took a hot whirlpool bath. today they have regained most of their strength but are very sore, what have I done and what should I do now?

2006-05-26 9:30 AM
in reply to: #434967

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Haddam, CT
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain

You just worked the hammies a little biggie. 

 Massage, heat, light (!) stretching to start.  And, honestly, get back on the bike and spin (really light) to flush out your muscles.  Advil and a few light days will have you back on your feet.  Remember - when heading up those hills, work smarter, not harder.  Think Lance Amstrong, not Jan Ullrich.

Edited by lobstergirl 2006-05-26 9:31 AM
2006-05-30 6:00 PM
in reply to: #434967

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
Gold member
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain
Perhaps the longer hills meant that you spent more time seated and this changed your leg action? - ie perhaps you focussed on 'pulling' the pedals up more when seated?  I tried to emphahise this part of the revolution once and it really gave my hamstrings hell!
2006-05-30 9:25 PM
in reply to: #434967

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain
Overworked.  Take some time off. Stretch good and then suck it up and do it again.
2006-07-25 9:51 PM
in reply to: #434967

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain
just cruising along on our tempo run and then just tightness....could hardly walk. Can I even bike, not sure about the swim. I know I cannot extend...SOOOOO
2006-07-26 6:44 AM
in reply to: #434967

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Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain
I can not say what you did, but from having a hammy problem a few years ago, you MUST make sure you go easy and/or rest for a while. You do not want to make it worse as it will really mess up your you training for a while if you really DO injur it.

Good luck.

2006-07-26 7:51 AM
in reply to: #493339

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Extreme hamstring pain
woke up this am and seems to be more tender...may visit our athletic trainer at school Can I swim though??

Edited by CoachH 2006-07-26 7:52 AM
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Extreme hamstring pain Rss Feed