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2012-06-25 6:07 PM

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Subject: Achilles strain

Have a problem with the Achilles. Started mid last week with back to back mid distance runs. Then biked on it for 3+ hours Saturday. Realized I shouldn't stand to climb...

I know not to run on it now till it's not painful.

Q1- have you had a sprain (don't think it's ruptured)

Q2-if sprained how many weeks to recover

Q3- did you bike - did you do all seated

Iron Distance end of October....

2012-06-25 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4279908

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Colorful Colorado
Subject: RE: Achilles strain
I've struggled with Achilles issues for the last two years.  Until the last 6 months or so, I was stuck in a recurring pattern of doing too much too soon and re-injuring it.  There was also some poor biomechanics involved in my case.  Take this injury SERIOUSLY!

Here's what works for me -- your mileage may vary:
0) rest the Achilles (no run/bike) until it is not painful to run/bike.  If it becomes painful to run/bike, cease ASAP.
1) massage the calf with a Stick massage tool or foam roller -- calf muscle tension seems to irritate the Achilles by straining it
2) Massage the Achilles directly (painful, but believe it or not this helps)
3) calf compression sleeves after running or anytime the Achilles feels "stiff"
4) once pain-free, do eccentric calf drops

If your IM is end of October, you have a lot of time.  Dont be afraid to rest the Achilles and let it heal fully.

Good luck and heal well!
2012-06-26 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4279908

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Subject: RE: Achilles strain

Things that have helped me:

1. Eccentric Heel drops - I started with doing 8 or 10 and then I add a couple more each week.  Try building up to 3 sets of 15.  

2. Foam rolling - Foam roll the calf and soleus a couple of times a day.

3. Compression - Compression sleeves or socks during running/cycling and post exercise.

4. Ice - 20 min 3x daily

5. Night splint - I go to sleep in it but usually pull it off around 1 or 2am.  Only do this when it is really bothering me.  Several nights with the splint on really seems to help.

6. Orthotics - Orthotics seem to really help I think mainly keep your heel elevated a little bit.

7. Try to stay out of flip flops and walking around barefoot.

Unless it is really bothering me I continue to run and bike.  I just cut back on intensity. 

2012-06-26 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4279908

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Subject: RE: Achilles strain
Sorry you've both been through it. Thank you very much for sharing what's worked for you. I'm on it!
2012-06-26 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4279908

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Achilles strain
Like others have said, rolling and eccentric heal drops helped me.  My issue flared up when I ramped up running distance too fast.  Also, hills will tend to aggravate it too.  I have have a chiropractor who helps keep me together.  ART and Graston helped heal my Achilles.  I could ride but not run with mine.  Good luck to you.
2012-06-26 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4279908

Subject: RE: Achilles strain

N=1  I was training for a HIM last fall and had the brainstorm to do some hill repeats.  Couldn't walk the next day.  Two months later (no HIM), I still couldn't run.  I finally broke down (to cheap to pay the $60) and went to a deep tissue massage therapist.  Started running the following day and to date, I have had no problems

When she was digging around my lower calf she found some knots....felt real good!!  She said it was not actually the tendon that was inflamed.  The muscle where the tendon connects was knotted -up.  She has fixed several issues for me.  If you have never tried a massage therapist that does deep tissue (not the ones near the airport), you should give it a try.

2012-06-29 10:24 PM
in reply to: #4280819

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Extreme Veteran
Wahiawa, Hawaii.... but now in Florence, KY..
Subject: RE: Achilles strain
EKH - 2012-06-26 10:52 AM

Things that have helped me:

1. Eccentric Heel drops - I started with doing 8 or 10 and then I add a couple more each week.  Try building up to 3 sets of 15.  

2. Foam rolling - Foam roll the calf and soleus a couple of times a day.

3. Compression - Compression sleeves or socks during running/cycling and post exercise.

4. Ice - 20 min 3x daily

5. Night splint - I go to sleep in it but usually pull it off around 1 or 2am.  Only do this when it is really bothering me.  Several nights with the splint on really seems to help.

6. Orthotics - Orthotics seem to really help I think mainly keep your heel elevated a little bit.

7. Try to stay out of flip flops and walking around barefoot.

Unless it is really bothering me I continue to run and bike.  I just cut back on intensity. 

This is worked for me too.... ALL of it
2012-07-03 5:52 AM
in reply to: #4279908


Subject: RE: Achilles strain

I had bi-lateral achilles tendonapthy from Jan 2011 - Mar 2012.

I tried a variety of conservative treatments but here is how I would fix it if I had it again. 

See a running bio-mechanist or coach. Running puts a lot of strain on the body, it is quite technical and not always immediately resolved by reading born to run! They should film and critique your gait scientifically.  I run with a mid-foot strike but my foot lands in front of my hip. This means I use my quads not my glutes, my pelvis collapses and I over-pronate. 

See a podiatrist -orthotics may be on the cards

See a physio - a progressive program of eccentric heel drops is often advised for mid-insertional achilles problems (Google Alfredson achilles). You may initially only do 3x15 reps of heal drops to the floor with a slow 3 count. Eventually you will progress to below the floor at a faster 1 count and have added resistance. Progression is allowed when the perceived pain level is not increasing. A physio may also devise a program to work on muscular imbalances and massage therapy can release over-loaded muscles.

Take some fish oil, 2500milligrams a day. If you have good blood pressure try a glucosamine chondroitin msm potion.

Try to identify the bio-mechanical cause of your injury and treat that. Orthotics and heal drops worked for me, but not overnight.

2012-07-06 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4279908

Subject: RE: Achilles strain
I got mine by running hills too aggressively too soon.  I was out for 18 months with me constantly "testing" it to see if it is healed. I saw 5 events I had signed up for come and go.  Really take this injury seriously so it doesn't become chronic.  I would have done better to completely rest it for 6 month then rehab it back.  Tendons are white because they have so little blood supply.  That blood supply is what aids in healing.  You may have to kiss your season goodby.  I know that's hard to hear, but there is a return if you play it right.  Eccentrics are the only magic bullet for achilles tendonitis.   3 sets of 15, twice a day for 3 months religeously.  Read up on the study on line - I think University of Sweden.  Good luck. 
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