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Moderators: Silver_wlf, alicefoeller Reply
2013-01-25 7:21 AM

London, Ontario
Subject: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

I thought this might be of interest to those who have not seen this Press Release from Triathlon Ontario.

Press Release - January 24, 2013

Triathlon Ontario, in collaboration with MultiSport Canada (MSC) and World Endurance Canada (WEC) is pleased to announce a new fee structure for their respective race series. This new, simpler fee structure will provide the participants with a better consumer focused experience while at the same time generating much needed funding for Triathlon Ontario's mission of promoting and growing triathlon and multisport in Ontario.

Triathlon Ontario acknowledges and is grateful to the management of WEC and MSC for the hard work and time all parties put into the effort to provide a cost effective and customer friendly experience for the athletes. The funds generated will be put back into the sport through youth, junior, elite and age group developmental programs as well as club, coach and officials expansion.

Those athletes who choose not to become full Triathlon Ontario members with all the benefits conferred to them will be able to opt for a limited, series specific membership and a reduced, one-time fee. Athletes will pay the Limited Series Membership of $10 with their first race registration. Subsequent race entries for the respective race series, WEC* or MSC, will not be charged an additional fee (see below).

MSC and WEC have committed to working with the Board of Directors of Triathlon Ontario, to ensure continued development and implementation of programs targeting athlete development and in support of the growth of Triathlon and multisport in Ontario. They look forward to seeing the delivery of the various programs to which their events have contributed funding and will continue in their support of Triathlon Ontario.

The new fee structures are as follows:

  • Triathlon Ontario Annual Membership - $45 (Club Member) or $55 (individual
    • Covers race day fees for all race in Ontario 
  • Limited Triathlon Ontario Membership Race Fee - $10 
    • Covers MultiSport Canada or World Endurance Canada* races only. This fee is a ONE TIME fee and provides the athlete with coverage for all races in the respective series. 


  1. Athlete purchases a Triathlon Ontario Membership for $45 or $55. This athlete would not pay any additional race day fees for any race in Ontario. This is excellent value for those athletes who race in multiple events throughout the province. 
  2. Athlete who traditionally competes in only WEC or MSC races. The athlete will pay a Limited Triathlon Ontario Membership Race Fee of $10. This fee will cover the athlete for ALL races within the specific series. If an athlete competes in both series they would pay this fee for each for a total of $20. Should that athlete wish to compete in independent races they would be subject to the One Day Race Fee.

2013-01-25 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

How much was the one day fee last year?

Wasn't it $5?

2013-01-25 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4594017

London, Ontario
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes
The one day fee was $6. Triathlon Ontario wanted to increase it to $10. We (MSC and WEC) did not agree with this increase and we negotiated a deal over three months where the $10 is a one time fee for each series. Therefore if you compete in 2 races it works out to $5 per race, 4 races $2.50 per race. Both of the race series in Ontario are trying to look out for the best interests of our customer/athletes and the sport as well.

Edited by John Salt 2013-01-25 12:43 PM
2013-01-25 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4594017

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

I think it's an awesome approach! Glad to hear of it!


2013-01-25 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4594017

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

I think it's an awesome approach! Glad to hear of it!


2013-01-28 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes
Or, if you do one race in each series, and one race in a non-series event, the price went up from $18 to $26.

2013-01-28 1:05 PM
in reply to: #4597807

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

marvintpa - 2013-01-28 11:52 AM Or, if you do one race in each series, and one race in a non-series event, the price went up from $18 to $26.

That's only if you do a third non-series race.   For me, aside from having done the excluded Muskoka 70.3 and out of province IM Mont Tremblant this would have saved me money in the past few seasons. 

2013-01-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #4594017

Toronto, ON
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

Well that last series of "clarifying" emails didn't help me understand what I'm going to be paying for Triathlon Ontario fees next year at all, but in the end it doesn't matter; I'm going to sign up for whatever races I was going to sign up for anyway, and let the fees be what they may.

2013-01-28 4:57 PM
in reply to: #4597807

London, Ontario
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

Actually it will be $30 not $26 in the scenario of a race in each series and an independent race. If the increases would have proceeded as Triathlon Ontario was proposing back in November that is what you would have paid this year as well as an additional $10 for each race after that.

Triathlon Ontario was going to impose the $10 per race license fee for every race in Ontario in 2013 and without the new Limited Series License Fee you would be paying $30 for 3 races.

What we have done is get a better deal for customers who do multiple races in the respective series. You could do 10 races in each series and pay a total of $20 license fees.

Edited by John Salt 2013-01-28 5:00 PM
2013-01-29 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

This actually works out really well if the bulk, or all the races you do are TSC and/or MSC. It can save a few bucks in that respect and perhaps boost numbers in these race series because of that.  A win/win for  both the athlete , and the organization.

It will be interesting to see if this change actually effects turnout on single race events  that aren't part of TSC or MSC.  I didn't see anything on price increase for single events in the emails.  A bad weather day or a number of other variables could have that effect too.  With the amount of money spent on this sport, I can't see a $4 dollar change really effecting much...

It will also be interesting to see if actual membership in Triathlon Ontario changes...I know a few people who do mainly TSC and MSC events.  With a one time fee in each series...why buy an OAT membership now?


2013-01-29 7:59 AM
in reply to: #4599218

London, Ontario
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

You are right, or we hope you are, in that this should be a win/win for everyone. Just to provide some further insight into the decision making process. Triathlon Ontario had decided to increase the one-day fee to $10 for all races in Ontario, whether our series or independent races. When we balked at this increase and looked for a different option, the last thing we wanted to do was hurt the independent races or the athletes who compete in several of our races and were not TriOn members. 

We have always communicated with and supported local races and have helped promote them when asked. When we were discussing this with Triathlon Ontario we felt that athletes who compete in local races, along with races in the two series, would still do so. Given that the $10 fee was going to be charged at ALL races we looked at several scenarios. The one you refer to (athlete normally competes in our or the WEC races, as well as an independent race) should not affect entry into the independent races. We do not want to see local races affected negatively. All that does is hurt the sport, which affects all of us.  

2013-01-29 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

I disagree that this is a win-win for "everyone". My fees just went up, if I do the same three races I did last year.

Tri Ontario is raising the fee by up to *60%*. Have they noticed the economy lately? How does this make sense? Who in their right mind soaks the public for that kind of increase in one year?

Of the $10, $1.50 is going towards coaching I'll never use.

As much is going towards high performance (I'll never use) as insurance, $2.

Another dollar is going towards Ontario Summer Games and Canada Summer games. Why is it I am I paying for that?

And, I have no choice but to pay it. Yeah, that's really supporting the sport and encouraging people to participate.

I can see how this favours the series, and hurts the independent race, also not helping the sport.

Was there any user feedback into these increases, I mean from the athletes and not just the profit-making entities?

2013-01-29 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

don't get me wrong marvintpa.  I agree with your frustration.  Im just saying that it was a win/win in a particular instance.  If your into these series and you do a lot of em..your saving a nice chunk of change.  So i think a lot of people will win out with a single fee for the series... 

But...I share your sentiment on the the fee increase overall.  I know in the overall scheme of things when we are blowing thousands on bikes, wetsuits and fancy shoes a $4dollar increase it isn't a lot..but the point is that another layer of legislation is taking more money.  I get to choose if I blow money on bikes, wetsuits, etc.  Its my money.  But we have little say on a 60% increase on fees...and why/where it goes... 

I'd like to go into a big speech on this as an example of a larger issue with organizations having a monopoly, public sectors and taxes...but maybe I shouldn't..    We'll leave my signature as my view on the matter! XD


2013-01-29 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4599410

London, Ontario
Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes


To set the record straight we heard of the increases after the fact as well. I found out that fees were going up when I received the November newsletter from Triathlon Ontario. As stated in our email yesterday we took exception to the increase in fees and immediately contacted Triathlon Ontario to voice our displeasure. That lead to three months of meetings, phone calls and negotiations. We did not have many options and tried to make this as much of a win/win as possible. 

Here is the excerpt from the Triathlon Ontario newsletter. 

FEES 2013


NOVEMBER 1, 2012

You may remember the member survey that was sent out recently.  As a result of your feedback the Board of Directors made a recommnedation for a small fee increase which was approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Members recently. 2013 Member Fees


Edited by John Salt 2013-01-29 10:37 AM
2013-01-29 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4594017

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Subject: RE: Innovative Approach to Day of Race Fees for Ontario Triathletes

I hear ya there Crown.

It's a tax, and the rate of increase is hard to appreciate.

They dictate and we pay - not a pattern I particularly care to endorse. I have no problem with paying to play, but when it comes to paying for things that have no bearing on me (or the vast majority of athletes for that matter), which I would opt out of if given half a chance, being forced is an uncomfortable position.

Is this another "taxation without representation"? Certainly feels like it, and we all know how popular that has been in the past.

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