General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Does anyone (else) get sick after racing? Rss Feed  
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2013-03-18 1:06 PM

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Subject: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

This could very well be a coincidence, but I sometimes get sick after a hard race.

After IMCOZ I came down with a nasty stomach flu, and today (two days after my HM) I had/ have a fever/ chills/ congestion, etc.

I remember reading somewhere that racing lowers your immune system for a couple days and can make an athlete more susceptible to illness.

Anyone else experience this? It sucks !

2013-03-18 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

Oh, like illness...

Not really.  But many times I feel like puking right when I'm done. 

2013-03-18 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4664636

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
Kido - 2013-03-18 1:17 PM

Oh, like illness...

Not really.  But many times I feel like puking right when I'm done. 


2013-03-18 1:51 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

Make sure you get some vitamins in after your race/hard workouts.  

For me personally, I need to make sure I take some vitamins and extra nutrition to help my body through the recovery process.  If I overwork myself, all of my resources go to repairing the muscular system and abandon my immune system.  This makes me very suscepible to sickness.

Make sure you are getting enough calories and take an emergen-C or a multi-vitamin.

2013-03-18 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4664599

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
trishie - 2013-03-18 1:06 PM

This could very well be a coincidence, but I sometimes get sick after a hard race.

After IMCOZ I came down with a nasty stomach flu, and today (two days after my HM) I had/ have a fever/ chills/ congestion, etc.

I remember reading somewhere that racing lowers your immune system for a couple days and can make an athlete more susceptible to illness.

Anyone else experience this? It sucks !

After big events I haven't actually become sick, but have been in a state where it felt like I more easily could.

2013-03-18 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Euless, Texas
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
i sometimes get sick to my stomach for several hours after a race.  It'll start about 30-60 minutes after i finish the race and last several hours.  Most recently, I ran a 5k and was sick for the entire day afterwards.  I had some bad gas beforehand and never threw up afterwards, but felt very sick.  i think it was something i ate the night before.  But this usually happens after my sprint tri's.

2013-03-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4664751

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Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

jjupiter100 - 2013-03-18 3:05 PM i sometimes get sick to my stomach for several hours after a race.  It'll start about 30-60 minutes after i finish the race and last several hours.  Most recently, I ran a 5k and was sick for the entire day afterwards.  I had some bad gas beforehand and never threw up afterwards, but felt very sick.  i think it was something i ate the night before.  But this usually happens after my sprint tri's.

This happens to me after every race.  I wish I could figure it out.

2013-03-18 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4664766

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
KWDreamun - 2013-03-18 2:11 PM

jjupiter100 - 2013-03-18 3:05 PM i sometimes get sick to my stomach for several hours after a race.  It'll start about 30-60 minutes after i finish the race and last several hours.  Most recently, I ran a 5k and was sick for the entire day afterwards.  I had some bad gas beforehand and never threw up afterwards, but felt very sick.  i think it was something i ate the night before.  But this usually happens after my sprint tri's.

This happens to me after every race.  I wish I could figure it out.

This happens a lot I think.  What I've found to work is regularly taking probiotics, and drinking Kefir as a recovery drink post race. 

2013-03-18 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
I got a cold right after a marathon I did. It was in the fall during the busiest part of my year. Between the travel for work and the stress of the race, I easily got sick.  After longer races, I can feel run down a bit after. I usually equate that to an adrenaline 'hangover'.
2013-03-18 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4664678

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
Lumber Dad - 2013-03-18 2:40 PM
Kido - 2013-03-18 1:17 PM

Oh, like illness...

Not really.  But many times I feel like puking right when I'm done. 


I have actually barfed at the finish line of a race before.  Just a little embarrassing ... sprinted too hard at the end.

Almost the same thing at MCM the year I did it - I was at the end and didn't realize that the finish was still a bit away from the uphill and sprinted it a little too hard only to turn and find I was still a couple of hundred metres away - i was worried my finisher photo would be of me retching ... yuck. 


I rarely get sick after a race but it's not unheard of. I know my hubby got pretty sick the year he raced a HIM in pouring rain all day.  This time of year - the temp changes can be hard on the body  - along with a hard race effort.

Feel better soon!

2013-03-18 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
I think this a lot more common then you would think. I don't think it is from decreased immunity and an actual virus but instead a reaction to muscle injury and the byproducts of metabolism which in turn cause a release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines. The good news is, it goes away.

2013-03-18 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Extreme Veteran
, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
Not sick but I get GI issues from the gel and my asthma usually kicks in.
2013-03-18 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4664918

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Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

lakelandsledder - 2013-03-18 7:24 PM Not sick but I get GI issues from the gel and my asthma usually kicks in.

Oooh, same. After one half marathon I was, uh... not far from the bathroom for at least 3 days.

2013-03-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
Yes, I had a HM yesterday and am at the doctor's office as I type this. I was fine up until yesterday morning. Woke up with a tickle in my throat and today its full on head cold. Not good timing as I have an OLY on Sunday.
2013-03-18 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
trishie - 2013-03-18 2:06 PM

This could very well be a coincidence, but I sometimes get sick after a hard race.

After IMCOZ I came down with a nasty stomach flu, and today (two days after my HM) I had/ have a fever/ chills/ congestion, etc.

I remember reading somewhere that racing lowers your immune system for a couple days and can make an athlete more susceptible to illness.

Anyone else experience this? It sucks !

My first couple of years in long distance racing I used to get "post marathon sickness" as I called it. I haven't been sick post-race in several years as I seem to have perfected my post-race recovery (for me!). 

I make sure I get enough sleep the week leading up to the race, eat very healthy fruits & veggies (oranges, greens, etc), especially after. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. Hydrate. Hydrate. 

Even after my first 50m, I was SURE I'd get sick. However, I didn't. The next morning I went and got some oranges, had a big salad, rested as much as I could. 

Maybe look at your routine? What can you change to get more rest and optimal nutrition? Having a small child probably makes this a little difficult. 

2013-03-18 6:15 PM
in reply to: #4664599

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

I would sure like to see an actual study on this because I was thinking about it last week.

Last Saturday, I ran a very hard effort HM and had a great time (for me).  On Monday, I had a blood test for semi-annual cancer screen and my white cell count was below normal.  Not alarmingly but below the normal range and I wondered if there could have been a correlation with decreased immunity from lower white blood cell count after a race.  I asked the doc but he has little experience with sports related issues.

2013-03-19 7:16 AM
in reply to: #4664599

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Extreme Veteran
, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?
Going at this from a strictly ignorant standpoint (LOL), it may be from us stressing our bodies.  As we stress our systems it may allow any type of virus/germ to gain easier access to our cells as our immune system is compromised.  For myself, I feel like I have a chest cold after a very hard run.  I cough, feel congested, and get nasally for quite a while afterwards.  Once in a while I get a sore throat.  At that point I start upping the zinc and Vit C.  
2013-03-19 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4664599

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Does anyone (else) get sick after racing?

Definitely. My job always exposes me to a lot of germs and I do tend to come down with colds and flu after a hard race. Some things I've noticed that seem to reduce the possibility (besides pre-emptively calling in sick or avoiding my students!), are getting a massage after the race (maybe it clears the junk out), taking a nap, having a good post-race meal with plenty of protein, and drinking lots of water. But sometimes I still get sick. I think in many cases I was already coming down with something and the race just further lowered my resistance.

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