BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business Rss Feed  
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2015-03-03 10:22 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey Gretchen! First, thanks for your reply to my initial posting - made me feel welcome and ready to go

Question about the notation you use - 76/400? I've seen it a couple times and wondering if you could explain!

Nice going on the morning spin class! I have such a hard time peeling myself out of my bed in the winter.

2015-03-03 10:24 AM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey, Sandi! Thanks for your input! I have more or less accepted that I need to purchase *A* bike, if not a fancy one. I'm on a road bike from the 80s right now that needs a ton of work. So thanks for the input there - I probably won't go whole hog with the fancy pants tri bike! Also thanks for the wetsuit input. I've been thinking about that - what kind of wetsuit do you have? I see one with and without sleeves, etc. I wonder if it's worth it without the sleeves? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? But don't sleeves get in the way?

Right now my transition plan consists of throwing bike shorts over my swimsuit....need to do some research there.

Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by jeverett724

Hey everyone! I'm new to the group. I'm a rower turned runner. I've done 4 half marathons and I'm looking to get into triathlons. I'm a good swimmer and biker who just needs a training regimen.

A few questions!

1. When you first started training for triathlons, what tools really worked for you?

2. How much do you recommend investing in gear for the first time around? My bike isn't exactly new or fancy.

3. What's your favorite training plan/guide?

Re: beer - My roommate and I discovered we love beer during our junior year of college and we have an annual holiday celebrating that revelation. I love saisons and sours and I'm on a red ale kick lately. I'm saving up for a kegerator so I don't have to leave my apartment to have a good beer on tap.

Looking forward to participating!

Hi Jana,

This is only my second year at it but it always does help to know what other newbies have done. Like you I was pretty active...knew I could swim/run/bike the distances, just hadn't done it all together before! I think I downloaded some of the 12 week programs, but I didn't stick to them too religiously. I ran 3-4 days a week, biked 3 days a week (and increased focus on that over time as it was my weak spot), and swam whenever I could, usually a couple of days a week and then I increased my swimming in open water to 3-5 days a week once summer hit. I only did sprints, so really didn't have a ton of conditioning UP to do (in terms of needing to get my body doing lots of more of what it already knew how to do)...just honing the conditioning I had and then accustoming my body to transitioning to different sports in the same workout. So some of this probably depends on the distances you're planning on racing.

I invested in a fair amount of gear but honestly I don't think you should if you don't want to and it definitely isn't necessary. I bought a wetsuit because my first tri was in a COLD lake and I needed one...and I bought a very good one...but I also knew I'd likely be doing a lot of swimming as I got older and having that investment would make it easier (I've tried to do several open water swimming events that I'd chickened out on because I didn't have more of that!). My bike is/was a hybrid, which is ridiculously slow and heavy for tri-training, but buying a new bike seemed silly my first year. I was planning on putting money into a bike this year. I think it only matters if it's critical to you to do very well in times, place in age groups, etc....and even then, you might see how much you enjoy the sport and training first. Even with my hybrid I still managed a couple of age group placements (though they were at small events without very strong competition). And despite my plan of getting a new bike I'm actually not now sure that I will this year as I'm comfortable on the hybrid and it may be more practical for me this year to focus on finishing and doing so safely than quickly. So I'd start training and go from there. I do think that tri clothing is important...a good pair of shorts for sure....being able to comfortably transition from the water to bike is necessary IMO.

Kegerator....envy. :-)

2015-03-03 10:27 AM
in reply to: Lilmamaharv

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Seconded! I need a challenge!

Originally posted by Lilmamaharv

Hi guys! Can someone bump the March challenges? I want to partake in one or more of them to help me get back on track. I've been doing a little yoga (I have an app that I use), and need to get my training back on track.
2015-03-03 10:31 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Getting all settled in here... thanks everyone for the support and warm welcome!

Right now I'm focused on running, as I have a 10 mile race in mid-April (read: 10 mile run....speed isn't really my thing).

My week:

Sunday 3/1: 4 miles (check!)
Monday 3/2: 3.1 miles + abs (check!)
Tuesday 3/3: 20 minutes on the erg (rowing machine) + legs and abs
Wednesday 3/4: 4 miles
Thursday 3/5: 3.1 miles + arms and abs
Friday 3/6: Rest
Saturday 3/7: 5 miles

I'm on the treadmill right now with consistently gross weather here in Washington, DC. Goal for the week is just to complete every workout I have scheduled - it's been stop and go so far.

I picked my first tri!!! I'll be signing up for the Tidewater Sprint Triathlon in Hampton, VA on July 18th! I plan to start swimming and stationary biking in about two weeks, will follow the 13 week training plan on this site. Aiming to buy some sort of decent used bike after my 10 miler in April (when the weather is good enough to get outside).
2015-03-03 10:38 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Alan, I found this really helpful, thank you! I'm not as in tune to nutrition as I should be, and appreciate the reminder to keep an eye on protein. Any recommendations for resources you've used for nutrition would be awesome! Thanks!

Originally posted by adempsey10

So I notice that a lot of people are using MFP to track their calories and what not. I've never used it before so I thought I'd give it a shot. A few things I noticed first off:

1) The fat, carb, protein values seem to be based on the RDVs. This probably doesn't apply if you're just starting out but if you are ramping up training or will be soon, consider that your carb, protein and fat intake should fluctuate with your training. If you're in the base period doing long moderate intensity rides, increase fat and decrease carbs a little (maintaining a balance). If you do HIIT or are in the build phase, decrease fat and increase carbs. 

2) If you're using it for weight loss and plan on training at the same time, be mindful that up to 50% of your total weight loss will come from muscle. Losing weight can decrease performance as a result. If you double your RDV for protein (but keep the cals and everything else in the proper range) you can significantly reduce muscle loss. (this is true even if you are not training but don't want to see a decrease in muscle mass). This is really important if you're a sprint tri person. You need all those type II muscle fibres intact on race day. 

I know everyone isn't as competitive and anal with their training as I am but something to think about as the sport takes greater hold of your life. :P

Also, forgive me if anything I've said has been covered earlier in the thread. 

2015-03-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: jeverett724

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by jeverett724

Hey Gretchen! First, thanks for your reply to my initial posting - made me feel welcome and ready to go

Question about the notation you use - 76/400? I've seen it a couple times and wondering if you could explain!

Nice going on the morning spin class! I have such a hard time peeling myself out of my bed in the winter.

Sure thing! I set a goal for myself of 400 workouts in 2015 (min 30 minutes, but not necessarily SBR). I post my progress to help keep me motivated and on track.

Mornings are my thing--I'm often annoyed that the gym doesn't open until 5:30am.

2015-03-03 11:11 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Cranked out a nice 2200yd swim today at lunch time (included 30X50, which just makes it a miracle that I even counted correctly!). That makes 74/400 counting Saturday's tri as one workout and the post-tri workout as one.

Nice Workout!!!

I find if you set your interval for 50s right it can make the timing a lot easier. I like :55 second 50s or :50 50s since based on where you are on the clock you can back out how many you did. I'll often do sets of 12 50s on :55 since you know all you have to do is get around the clock.

Ha! I do a lot of backwards math when swimming! I'm constantly forgetting how many laps I've done and where I am in my set. My rule is that if I can't remember where I am, I have to go back to the last time I firmly remember. It is a great motivator to remember and count, but math has helped save my butt on more than one occasion!
2015-03-03 11:52 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Nice! Where in CA are you? A lot of good west coast IPA's you should be training with(strictly for carbs)!!

Originally posted by Moonrocket I got in my long Bike on Sunday before leaving for my trip and busted out my long (these are all relative terms ) run last night. I am loving all of this oxygen at sea level (in CA) I am definitely going to try and get my second run in before I head home.

2015-03-03 12:34 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by thor67

Nice! Where in CA are you? A lot of good west coast IPA's you should be training with(strictly for carbs)!!

Originally posted by Moonrocket I got in my long Bike on Sunday before leaving for my trip and busted out my long (these are all relative terms ) run last night. I am loving all of this oxygen at sea level (in CA) I am definitely going to try and get my second run in before I head home.

Thor - Come on man - it's california and there are a lot of fruit beers Kate could enjoy as well! Pyramid had a killer blueberry as I remember it. Would be tasty after a run in all that heat!
2015-03-03 12:36 PM
in reply to: jeverett724

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by jeverett724

Getting all settled in here... thanks everyone for the support and warm welcome!

Right now I'm focused on running, as I have a 10 mile race in mid-April (read: 10 mile run....speed isn't really my thing).

My week:

Sunday 3/1: 4 miles (check!)
Monday 3/2: 3.1 miles + abs (check!)
Tuesday 3/3: 20 minutes on the erg (rowing machine) + legs and abs
Wednesday 3/4: 4 miles
Thursday 3/5: 3.1 miles + arms and abs
Friday 3/6: Rest
Saturday 3/7: 5 miles

I'm on the treadmill right now with consistently gross weather here in Washington, DC. Goal for the week is just to complete every workout I have scheduled - it's been stop and go so far.

I picked my first tri!!! I'll be signing up for the Tidewater Sprint Triathlon in Hampton, VA on July 18th! I plan to start swimming and stationary biking in about two weeks, will follow the 13 week training plan on this site. Aiming to buy some sort of decent used bike after my 10 miler in April (when the weather is good enough to get outside).

Jana - So happy to see you diving into the BDAS and congrats on signing up for your first race! It looks like you have a killer set of workouts planned for the week. Enjoy them!
2015-03-03 12:39 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by jeverett724

Hey Gretchen! First, thanks for your reply to my initial posting - made me feel welcome and ready to go

Question about the notation you use - 76/400? I've seen it a couple times and wondering if you could explain!

Nice going on the morning spin class! I have such a hard time peeling myself out of my bed in the winter.

Sure thing! I set a goal for myself of 400 workouts in 2015 (min 30 minutes, but not necessarily SBR). I post my progress to help keep me motivated and on track.

Mornings are my thing--I'm often annoyed that the gym doesn't open until 5:30am.

Jana - As you have figured out right now - Gretchen is on fire this year. Her 400 workout challenge for herself is off to a stellar start. She is +16 workouts for the year (give or take a few) and she is well on her way to making it happen. She's one of the poster childs for BDAS that's for sure!

Keep it up Gretchen - you rock!

2015-03-03 12:52 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Finding my MOJO report:

I was able to take a break from my students and grab 15 minutes of computer time while away on my school trip. I'm so glad I did - I'm fired up about all that's going on in the BDAS these days. You guys are awesome!

As I mentioned last week - I'm going to make it my mission to get back on track this month. That's my soul/sole goal... Last night while waiting for the kids to fall asleep, I worked on a set of goals for the month to try to make that happen. And, I've volunteered to go snowshoeing in order to bag a workout - but I'm excited to report that I'm excited about the prospect of getting out and exercising even if it's with 20 of my favorite 5th and 6th graders.

Perhaps this whole finding my mojo thing is kind of like starting a fire. I just need to keep finding pieces of kindling and throwing them on "the fire" hoping some of them "catch". I know one thing - staying active in the BDAS is key. I've said it before and I will say it again - you get what you put into the BDAS and I thank you for all your support. With all our new members - this is an excellent opportunity to get active by support each other. The connections you make will benefit you in innumerable ways - which is just my way of reminding people to reply to each others posts and to leave inspires for people on their logs.

Have a great day everyone and have a beer for me....
2015-03-03 1:54 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
gear for tri can be as much as you want or as little as top/bottom, googles, bike, helmet, running shoes. I love my Garmin 920 because people can track you in real time. It will post to facebook so family and friends can watch you. I also use body glide on runs and chamios cream for the bike. I have found a indoor trainer to be great. While I hate riding on it, I can ride even when its nasty outside or at 4am before work without having to worry about a car or a deer hitting me. I also bought a waterproof ipod for long swims and i use ear plugs due to several ear infections. As for training plans I did this plan last year and it worked well. This year I am doing the plan from Iron Fit.

DQ- I'm sure you can build the fire back a little at a time. Just enjoy 1 workout at a time.

My training plan starts Monday, I am excited to get down to it. Saw Doc today and he is happy with my progress and the fact that i have feeling in my hand again, so I will be back to regular duty next friday. I think I am going to sign up for an early season sprint just to get a race under my belt for the season.
2015-03-03 1:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Finding my MOJO report:

I was able to take a break from my students and grab 15 minutes of computer time while away on my school trip. I'm so glad I did - I'm fired up about all that's going on in the BDAS these days. You guys are awesome!

As I mentioned last week - I'm going to make it my mission to get back on track this month. That's my soul/sole goal... Last night while waiting for the kids to fall asleep, I worked on a set of goals for the month to try to make that happen. And, I've volunteered to go snowshoeing in order to bag a workout - but I'm excited to report that I'm excited about the prospect of getting out and exercising even if it's with 20 of my favorite 5th and 6th graders.

Perhaps this whole finding my mojo thing is kind of like starting a fire. I just need to keep finding pieces of kindling and throwing them on "the fire" hoping some of them "catch". I know one thing - staying active in the BDAS is key. I've said it before and I will say it again - you get what you put into the BDAS and I thank you for all your support. With all our new members - this is an excellent opportunity to get active by support each other. The connections you make will benefit you in innumerable ways - which is just my way of reminding people to reply to each others posts and to leave inspires for people on their logs.

Have a great day everyone and have a beer for me....

Dave--that is GREAT!! Snowshoeing sounds awesome! I've never been,, but I've heard it is quite a workout!
2015-03-03 1:58 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
To keep track of my laps in the pool before i had my watch I would count out pennies and put them on the pool deck. I had a little plastic cup I would put a penny in each time I got to that side of the pool. Can't take credit for it I saw someone else doing it.
2015-03-03 2:01 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I love snowshoeing! I am super jealous that you get to go, even if it is with bratty kids :-)

True story, I visited a boyfriend (now ex) in Vermont when I was in college, and he mentioned snowshoeing. He had to explain what it was. I had seen cartoons (snoopy comes to mind) where they had snowshoes, but I actually thought it was made up. We don't get enough snow down here for it to be a thing, so I didn't realize there were actually shoes that helped you walk on snow!

Sorry for the randomness...memories! haha

2015-03-03 2:01 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14
My training plan starts Monday, I am excited to get down to it. Saw Doc today and he is happy with my progress and the fact that i have feeling in my hand again, so I will be back to regular duty next friday. I think I am going to sign up for an early season sprint just to get a race under my belt for the season.

Scott - that's fantastic news!!!
2015-03-03 2:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Also, just kidding about the bratty part! I'm sure they're lovely children!
2015-03-03 3:04 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey, welcome back Alan!! Amazing your extremely detailed posts and your ambitious plan for 2015: win a race, while I struggle to cross the finish line with dignity (even a fake smile will do) of a HIM. Very good to see you around!

Today 45 min spinning class followed by 45 min run@ 5.30 per km, still looooong way to improve.
2015-03-03 3:16 PM
in reply to: jeverett724

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Welcome to the group Jana!
Regarding equipment, tri-gear can be an endless shopping list, but also there are so many different things that it is easy to find extra-presents for whatever reason, great motivators. My basics would be, in this priority order, a good pair of running shoes (rest of gear for running up to you, but shoes are worth investing a bit extra), a good pair of swimming googles (bad ones may make your swimming leg miserable, I had the experience in my last Oly where my googles broke right before the start and had to swim with child googles, terrible...), and a good biking pant. Rest will depend on how much money you want to spend (race vs tribike, conventional vs aero helmet....). And, nutrition wise, find a brand of gels and bars that you enjoy as well as a good electrolyte drink!
2015-03-03 3:20 PM
in reply to: jeverett724

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by jeverett724

Hey, Sandi! Thanks for your input! I have more or less accepted that I need to purchase *A* bike, if not a fancy one. I'm on a road bike from the 80s right now that needs a ton of work. So thanks for the input there - I probably won't go whole hog with the fancy pants tri bike! Also thanks for the wetsuit input. I've been thinking about that - what kind of wetsuit do you have? I see one with and without sleeves, etc. I wonder if it's worth it without the sleeves? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? But don't sleeves get in the way?

Right now my transition plan consists of throwing bike shorts over my swimsuit....need to do some research there.


My advice is that unless you feel pretty confident that you'll be doing more tri's, just invest in a bike that you know you'll use in the future. Keep weight in mind if you're going to buy a bike, but the end result is you can always spend more money on a bike later. :-)

I got a wetsuit with sleeves because the lakes I swim in are COLD. A wetsuit gives you buoyancy...once you get used to swimming in one you'll love it because it's easier in many ways...which you'll get with both types of suits. I'm never in water warm enough to get too warm in a wetsuit. The downside to sleeves is that the wetsuits take some time to get off, and the sleeves are one more thing to get in your way, so it adds to transition time. But really...not much. A few seconds maybe?...and the speed you gain with the wetsuit will far more than make up for that! Mostly you just want a very good fitting suit....tight...get someone with knowledge to fit you.

I wear under my wetsuit tri shorts and a sports bra. Pull off the wetsuit and throw a lightweight tank top over the sports bra. Takes moments. Most people get a tri top too...I've never found one I love and this worked for me in three triathlons last year. I don't recommend swimming in real bike shorts, the padding will really be uncomfortable. Tri shorts are similar to bike shorts with *some* padding, but they dry VERY quickly and do not get weighted down by the water. You can generally get a decent deal on tri shorts on line....and even if you hate the sport down the road can always bike or run in them....they really are awesome because they dry so quickly. And if you don't get a wetsuit, you can just swim in the tri shorts/tri top or sports bra too.

2015-03-03 3:22 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
2.5 mile run today. Getting there. That surgeon better not tell me to take it easier. :-) I'm hoping to be in a position to set some goals later this week.

Dave, if I have anything to say about it I'll be snowshoeing next week. Enjoy!

2015-03-03 4:14 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ah snowshoeing....that's how I get my mail.....I love snowshoes. Last year when I had to rake my roof multiple times I wore them and my head was above the soffits! that made it a lot easier to do!
Seriously, snowshoeing - particularly up mountains is fabulous and one heck of a workout. I have heavy duty snowshoes with more of a crampon-like bottom as opposed to the straight bar of "teeth." This helps me to not slide sideways on steeper terrain.

Everything you wanted to know and didn't want to know about snowshoes...

I need to get my workout in for today. I've been correcting mid-term exams and homework and created a powerpoint to go over the mid-term. Yuk. All. Day. Long.
Even my fitbit is retaliating.

You guys are awesome for getting it done!!!!
2015-03-03 5:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Perhaps this whole finding my mojo thing is kind of like starting a fire. I just need to keep finding pieces of kindling and throwing them on "the fire" hoping some of them "catch".

Now that's a good metaphor!
2015-03-03 6:33 PM
in reply to: chayes

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I faild to mention I did a run this morning (treadmill) 35 min got in 4.1 miles. After work I did 1500 in the pool. I'm still very slow in the water good thing my iron man has a current.

As for snow shoes I just wear my work boats seeing as how we get 3-4 inches at the most.
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