BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2022-11-22 6:02 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Oh, and the mentor thingy for next year is up.  I'm assuming we're all staying, and guilting everyone we know is still lurking to come back for another year? 

I'll handle the switch-over as I know Gretchen has her hands full over there.

2022-11-22 1:52 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Oh, and the mentor thingy for next year is up.  I'm assuming we're all staying, and guilting everyone we know is still lurking to come back for another year? 

I'll handle the switch-over as I know Gretchen has her hands full over there.

I will be back for another lap round the sun. Thanks for getting us sorted.

Nice work getting some rides in, end even better work being smart enough to keep them nice and easy. Rushing back before we should is a challenge for all of us.

Gretchen 14 hour days on site, I would be taking much longer than a week off training. Good on you for listening to your body and backing off when you need too.

Nicole No treadmill recommendations from me sorry. Hope you find something suitable, having indoor training available at home, any time is a game changer.

So far this week I've had a lunchtime swim, and a 45min zwift with Vo2max intervals, a 20 minute brick run and an easy paced 60 minute run. A bit tired again, so Wednesday became a rest day. Hope everyone else is having a strong week.
2022-11-23 5:20 AM
in reply to: #5278903

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Hey all!
Nicole: congrats on the new job and thank you for the concise recap on all the goings-on. Hahaha. We just got a Sole TT8 direct from the company base off some good recommendations. It’s not a frilly one with a huge screen and need for membership stuff but we didn’t want that, just a solid machine. So far we’re liking it.

Nathalie : I can’t wait to hear about walking soccer, that sounds like fun!

Andrew: good effort on training and way to compromise and do it in the mornings; that’s what I had to do when training for IM.

Mike: I’m sorry you’ve been sick, our whole family has been as well which is part of the reason I’ve been silent yet again. I hope you get over it soon, there’s definitely nasty stuff going around.

Gretchen: your body is going to so appreciate you for giving it time to heal and rest. Very smart. You will come back hungry and ready to rip.

I got in a run and some core work down in Fort Myers yesterday. I’m heading to bed for my day sleep here in Manchester, NH - cold. Brrrr. There’s a gym attached to the hotel and apparently they have spin bikes so I brought my shoes. We shall see how I sleep.
Happy Thanksgiving to the US folks! Please travel safely! I’ll get home mid afternoon Thursday (I worked this week so I could be home earlier in the month for my kids’ volleyball state championship semi and final game and end of season banquet).
2022-11-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Jenn, thanks for the update. And hope your kid goes well at the state championships. Awesome work to make it there.

Friday morning has come and gone, got up for a 70 minute Z2 swift this morning. I've been working on staying down on the aero bars, and doing much better than a fortnight ago when I installed the ism saddle so I could make an effort to practice. Still a lot of practice to go till I'm properly comfortable again though. Baby steps.

Another week where I managed 4/5 days getting up for the dark o'clock workouts. Still not a habit, but I think getting there.

There have been 2 learnings this week, 1, when I get up make a bottle of milk, get Miss 2 out of her cot and put her with the bottle in bed with mummy. Much more chance of her sleeping through that way. And 2, I need to be finished workouts by 630. So need to be on the bike by 5, not getting out of bed at 5. I had penciled in a 90 minute ride today, but with both kids up and about after an hour, I thought better of it and wrapped things up. Kids up and about before/as I finish the workout is also the reason I haven't done any strength/flexibility this week.

We're off to my parents batch (NZ word for small holiday home) this weekend, to get away from the city and to do a few jobs getting prepared for the summer holidays. So no more rides, but I will be bringing my running shoes. The amount of beer drunk on the deck this evening will decide if they get used or not.

Have a good weekend everyone.
2022-11-28 9:00 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hi, everyone.  Back from the sick ward here and had a good week with 4 rides, and a couple of runs, and two short swims plus a bunch of yoga, core, and strength work.  One more week of my off-season plan left but considering I missed almost two weeks of it to traveling and illness I'll add another week of it before a short break, then 2023 training plan begins December 19th. 

@Andrew:  hope you had a nice time with the family and I'm sure the beer on the deck pre-empted some runs. 

@Jenn:  how'd the VB tournament go?  you have a couple of avid volleyballers here (well, one ex-VBer and one active one LOL); nice work getting the training in on the road...I know I've said this before but I don't know how you manage that sleep schedule of yours

2022-11-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome back to the land of the living Mike. Sounds like you had a nice balanced training week.

My weekend at the batch was productive, the driveway has been trimmed, the hedges have been tidied, the tractor and boat have new spark plugs, the outboard motor has new oil in its gearbox. I tried a new hazy pale ale which I'm unsure of. And the dog and I went for a 5km jog around the country side. All and all a good weekend, lots of jobs ticked off and we're ready for summer.

Monday was a dark o'clock start, but for work not training. Left home at 4:30 for a 6am flight down country. A day onsite and back home for dinner. Tuesday, still a bit tardy getting onto the bike. Only 40minutes zwifting and a 20 minute brick run. I had planned a longer ride but had to cut it short to get the run in before little people woke.

It's a bit of al light week this week, Sunday is my last race of the year. The Omaha half marathon (Omaha is a local beach town, not the state) I'm looking forwards to this one.

Have a good week team

2022-11-28 5:05 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Hi everyone!

Mike - So glad you are feeling better! And thank you for the advice on treadmills (Jenn as well)! I have decided for the time being I'm going to suck it up and run outside, then if it gets too cold, for now I might get a month by month membership to Crunch fitness for the colder months. Once my basement is finished I will probably explore treads more. Mike, you confirmed my fear of some of these lower deck treads. I felt like they would be a little flimsy.

Andrew - So jealous you're getting ready for summer right now, but that's probably how you felt during our summer, so I guess it's only fair

Gretchen - those are some LONG days. Definitely good that you took some time off. Keep crushing it!

Jenn - Love to get your updates! And definitely would love to hear how your kid's vball went!

Mike, let us know when the new forum is up and running!
2022-11-28 5:13 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Went to my parents' for Thanksgiving last Tuesday and stayed until Saturday evening. Yesterday I tried a pretty tough PZ ride but failed miserably. Lots of zone 5, but I guess I hadn't eaten well the night before so was feeling really lightheaded. Made it through one of the 3 intervals.

Tried another ride this morning (less intense) and felt much better. Followed it up with a mile run. I'm starting a Garmin program for half marathon training with the end date being mid-April, when I will likely have that Seneca 7 race I've done before (7 people split 77.7 miles). I usually end up doing about a half marathon so figured it's a good plan. This morning's run was a benchmark run. Training will start out slow (this week I have 2 2-mile runs and 1 3-mile run).

Also hoping to hit up masters practice this weekend (Mike?!).

I'm also (again) focusing on my food and trying to save money by cooking more and eating out less. It's soup season so this is exponentially easier! Love me some soups!
2022-11-28 10:40 PM
in reply to: #5283497

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Back to the grind! Yesterday was a 55’ Z2 run (surrounded by barking, growling, snarling local dog pack—fun!) and then today was 30’ Z2 spin and strength training. And…the obligatory 12-14 hour day of actual work.

Anyone have any suggestions for how to stop nighttime leg cramps? They’ve been insane this season and I’ve tried magnesium, Gatorade, hydration salts…all the usual suspects (including water!). Might get a friend to really roll my calves later to see if that helps. I’m kinda a wimp and won’t do it anywhere near hard enough.
2022-11-30 7:21 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

@Gretchen:  OMG another day in the park, right?  Maybe you should carry some mace with you or something, if that's legal there.  As for night leg cramps, I would get them in my hamstrings if I didn't hydrate and electrolyte enough after long hard bike rides.  It's definitely a nutrition issue for me, but  I know you've tried a few things so maybe not for you.  Maybe the rolling would help, along with some yoga stuff and calf stretches.

Yesterday for me was a 30 minute slow plodding treadmill run and legs day, plus a short swim.  This morning was 6 AM sprints on the bike and arms day.  Those sprints are brutal - I pick courses Zwift that have 4-6 sprints over a 45-66 minute ride and just hammer them all-out, which is tough early in the morning.  It's all leg speed indoors whereas outdoors I can stand and sprint (which would be bad on a trainer for me).

Hope everyone is having a good week so far.

2022-11-30 7:28 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by nicole14e  Also hoping to hit up masters practice this weekend (Mike?!).

Not this week, Nicole.  We're headed to Orlando for a week on Saturday.  I might start back up there when my training plan starts up later next month on Friday mornings. 

2022-11-30 8:10 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Gretchen, the dog things sounds go terrifying. Stay safe!
As for the cramps, I agree that more stretches might help, and probably more hydration (I'm sure you're drinking a lot, but I also know you are digging and such all day so might need a little extra!).

Mike, have fun in Orlando!
2022-11-30 9:19 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Have had a good week so far. Did a 2 mile run yesterday (first official run of my plan), and got in a 30 minute ride this morning. I still need more yoga! I put some more limits on my phone so it should hopefully cut down on me being lazy in bed in the morning for a little too long, so I can get up and be productive.

My run plan is ramping up a little faster than I thought it would. I have another 2 mile run, then a 3 mile run, then Sunday a 5 mile run. Luckily I felt pretty good on my run yesterday so think I still have some residual fitness (or it's from my cycling). Either, way, we'll see how it goes!

2022-11-30 2:39 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Looks like its my turn to visit the sick bay. Mrs Bullfrog and I both have 'minor head cold' type symptoms, which in normal times would mostly be ignored. Unfortunately, my Father in law, who we had lunch with on Sunday has had a positive covid test, so that is a very suspicious timeframe. We've both tested, and are all in the clear so far, but the timing is terrible. I'm supposed to be racing a half marathon on Sunday, and then it's only 13 weeks training until my 70.3

I'm taking a couple of days off to try and give my body the best chance to be ready for the weekend. But the 70.3 is way more important than Sundays run, so if not right I will do the responsible thing and DNS. Losing a week or so is not good. But if I make it worse and lose 3-4 weeks recovering that is almost terminal for the 70.3 plans. Damn it.

Also, this run is race 2 of a 5 race series. This is the 4th time I've entered the series, and through injury, canceled races (thanks covid) and sickness I've never done all 5 races yet. Will be gutted if I have to pull the pin.
2022-11-30 2:42 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nicole Nice work ramping up your plan.

Mike Enjoy Florida again. Hope you get some good runs/rides in while you're away

Gretchen No advice for nighttime leg cramps sorry, that's not really something I've had to deal with. Running with a pack of feral dogs like that? No thank you. You're hardcore getting it done. I'd be sticking to the treadmill I think if I were in your shoes.
2022-12-01 12:28 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by bulfrog Looks like its my turn to visit the sick bay. Mrs Bullfrog and I both have 'minor head cold' type symptoms, which in normal times would mostly be ignored. Unfortunately, my Father in law, who we had lunch with on Sunday has had a positive covid test, so that is a very suspicious timeframe. We've both tested, and are all in the clear so far, but the timing is terrible. I'm supposed to be racing a half marathon on Sunday, and then it's only 13 weeks training until my 70.3 I'm taking a couple of days off to try and give my body the best chance to be ready for the weekend. But the 70.3 is way more important than Sundays run, so if not right I will do the responsible thing and DNS. Losing a week or so is not good. But if I make it worse and lose 3-4 weeks recovering that is almost terminal for the 70.3 plans. Damn it. Also, this run is race 2 of a 5 race series. This is the 4th time I've entered the series, and through injury, canceled races (thanks covid) and sickness I've never done all 5 races yet. Will be gutted if I have to pull the pin.

That's a tough break, Andrew.  Your kids are at an age where you're going to be catching stuff from them all the time.  I swear my little bundle of joy and I passed the same cold back and forth every winter for like 10 years and like you, if it's a cold I just take it easy a couple of days and mostly ignore it, but once a year like clockwork I'd get a chest infection that would knock me out for two weeks.  I planned for it even though I wasn't sure of the exact timing.  I think it's going to be like that for you for a while. Hopefully COVID just becomes another virus at some point.

Also, that's a really ambitious racing schedule you have and while I'm not gonna throw stones in my glass house here (I've outkicked my coverage on signing up for races, too), it's likely to set you up for disappointment.

So don't be gutted, buddy.  Like you said, focus on the 70.3 prize and hit up the halfzies when you can. 

Hope you're feeling better quickly and no 'VID. 

2022-12-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Andrew nooooo! So sorry to hear you are sick. Fingers crossed it goes away quick and you don't have to miss your race this weekend!

Got in another 2 mile run this morning. Felt good again and met my pace for the most part (slower on the one big hill I run up, but faster towards the end). It was FREEZING outside. Amazing the difference from just 2 days ago. I'm going to have to layer up more if I'm gonna try to be a tough guy and run outside.
2022-12-01 1:57 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Mike, Are you saying that I'm in my late 30's, not my 20's and I need to acknowledge that fact and act responsibly? You are right tho, I've already decided this is probably the last time for the foreseeable future that I do the half marathon series. Its either that or 70.3s/140.6 over summer, can't really do both. And for now, I'd rather do the 70.3s.

I'm on another day of rest, still a little bit sinusy, and a minor cough but the scratchy throat from Wednesday has gone. And another negative covid test. (2 on Monday for work, 1 Thursday and 1 today after discovering the potential exposure) If it wasn't for the fact that my father in law is positive, and we were around him on Sunday, my symptoms are at a level I would most likely have been training as planned the last couple of days, like Mike said an easy couple of days but mostly ignore it. If I continue to test negative I'm leaning towards doing the run, I might try a short run on the treadmill tonight or tomorrow and see how that feels and make a call.

Of course if I have a positive test between now and Sunday, that makes the decision for me I guess. :/
2022-12-04 4:13 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Well, that weekend was not what was planned. Saturday afternoon the cough started getting a bit worse, a bit chesty so I made the decision I had been avoiding and pulled the pin on Sundays half mary. Today, on Monday, still a bit chesty, bust still negative. Maybe its just a regular cough.

So the weekend was the local santa parade on Satuday with the 2 little ones. A kindy friends birthday party at a park on Sunday with Mr 5. Spa pool cleaned and refilled, tested with a very splashy swim with the 2 little ones, Christmas tree/lights up and some yard work. Life could be worse

Now, I just need this phlegm to off so I can get back into some training. 5 days off so far. Taper madness without a race to taper for...

Hope everyone had a good weekend
2022-12-06 11:34 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Sorry to hear you didn't get to race, Andrew, and that you're still dealing with a cough. Those can be so nagging. Glad it wasn't COVID though!

I've been having some pain in my IT band the last few days so have mostly taken it easy. I did a 30 minute ride yesterday, a 45 minute ride on Saturday, but haven't run since last week. (full disclosure, it's also been cold and rainy here and I'm a huge baby and think maybe I am using my knee as an excuse...).

Did some yoga this morning, and am going to do some more right after I'm done posting this (finally going to use the yoga mat in my office). Want to do at least a 10 minute session every day when I have a little break. My entire body is just one huge knot, so need to start working that out.

Also have been good about cooking and not eating out too much the last few weeks so am feeling pretty good about that. I'm back to trying to stick to a budget to tamp down on overspending, and a big part of that is not eating out as much. And I generally eat better when I'm making my own food, and have dropped a couple pounds in the last week or so. Gotta keep it up!

Last change, I'm going to avoid drinking except for a few key events through the end of January. I usually do dry January, but I have a vacation to Jamaica at the end of the month, so I'm starting now and will only drink at my work holiday party, New Years, and maybe one or two other times. I want to get through the holidays better than I am right now in terms of health, so think this is going to be a key part.
2022-12-07 12:53 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Aaah, bummer Andrew, sorry you had to cancel one of your races, but it was the right thing to do

Hope the knee/weather gets better Nicole.

Winter is here now, snow on the ground -5 C in the air. Didn’t stop me run intervals with my running club tonight, a much needed activity after the stressful days I have at work at the moment and for the few weeks ahead.

Other than that, it’s easier runs/zwift but I have been consistently trained 6 days a week for 3 weeks now. Doesn’t make a difference on the scale, even though I track calories and stay under 5 to 6 days a week (weekends are harder)

Good plan Nicole, staying off the booze is a challenge for me too. I don’t drink much every time but quite often and those empty calories add up quickly

2022-12-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nathalie, way to push through the cold!

I did some yoga and stretching the past few days. My knee is feeling much better, as is my neck (it's always tight but was extra tight earlier this week). I got in a 30 minute PZ ride this morning. It was HARD. My zones are really tough now that they are correct, haha, and this ride was mostly in zone 4 and 5, with a little zone 6. Felt so good when I finished though.

I've been a bit tired this week. Can't wait for the weekend and sleeping in!
2022-12-08 5:17 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
9 days off... Feel pretty much fine, my resting HR is back down to normal so on the mend, but unfortunately still having some random coughing fits, it's a chesty cough too. So the responsible thing to do is another few days off till the chestyness goes away.

Officially getting grumpy now.

Nicole Hope your IT band is behaving itself. They can be so frustrating.

Nathalie Great job with your consistency, 6 days a week is awesome. -5 degrees and you're out running? You are officially hardcore. If it gets to +5 degrees I consider that arctic.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. And hope I wake up with a clear chest tomorrow and get to go for a run at some point.
2022-12-09 12:03 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

My zones are really tough now that they are correct, haha,

LOL, funny that!

There is no bad weather, only bad clothing. The problem is not so much the cold (anything over -10 is good to go) but the ice and snow on the ground, that can be tricky and you have to choose carefully where you run. And also don’t skip a proper warm up and don’t hang around at the end of training chatting.

Next week we’re training indoors on a track (not because of the cold, it’s planned that way but the previsions say -10 to 15 so I am happy with that)

Hope the chesty cough gives in soon Andrew . You’re not supposed to be sick in the Summer, didn’t anyone tell that to your cough?

Have a great weekend all!

2022-12-11 6:07 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hi, all.  Back from Florida after a week of spectacular weather (about 80 degrees and sunny almost every day).  Got in a few short runs and outdoor swims in additional to some debauchery (like drinking our way around Epcot).  One more week of non-structured stuff then I get going on 2023's plan. 

@Nathalie:  agreed on weather/clothing...while I hate cold weather in general (as evidenced by the previous paragraph) I can do it with the right clothing.  Hands and feet are sometimes the toughest.

@Andrew:  sounds like you have my permacold going - UGH.  Hope you finally shake that thing.

@Nicole:  yes, once your zones are properly set up they can be hard; I hear of people doing "5 x 10 minutes @ 110% of FTP" (so Vo2 max) and I'm like "no you didn't" LOL.  It really takes a while to nail down the zones even with some proper testing as we all have our unique power profiles.  Once you do, though, it really makes training effective.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


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