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2006-12-01 1:00 PM

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: Calf Strain

This is what I'm dealing with right now.

It only hurts when I try to walk or run (and just a tiny bit when I'm on a bike).  It's not debilitating, but it's sore and makes me walk slower.

Anyone have any exp with something like this?  I have an appt with my Dr next week, but I'm hoping that I'm up and running before then. 


2006-12-02 9:29 AM
in reply to: #613534

Subject: RE: Calf Strain
The only advice I can offer you is to not rush getting back to running. Give yourself lots of time. I just came off a similar injury and twice tried to come back after taking a week off. That didn't work. I then took about 6 weeks off. I just strted running again this week and today did 7.5 miles with no effects. It was hard not to run but time seems to be the best healer. Good luck.
2006-12-02 10:00 AM
in reply to: #613534

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Calf Strain
I have a similar problem. I've backed down my runs to 12 minute miles and only run about 2 -3 miles a day on a treadmill to at least keep up some frequency at 7 days a week. Anything faster or farther or outside on the concrete or asphault, it acts up again. Also, I've cut down my biking to 30 minutes a day on one of those recliner bikes. It seems to alleviate the pressure on my calves as opposed to sitting upright.

I also try to stretch and ice more often than before. Seems to slowly be coming around. It's been about a month now.
2006-12-02 1:11 PM
in reply to: #613534

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Calf Strain

I tore my calf in August of '05.  Not realizing what I'd done, I continued to try and run on one weeks rest.  I could get two miles in, but then the pain would return.  In December, I finally went to my chiropracter and was diagnosed with a torn calf muscle.  He did two weeks of ultrasound and EMS.  I was able to run the Gasparilla 15k in February.

I did something similar, but to a much lesser extent, on the bike last Wednesday.  I've been icing, elevating and applying topical analgesic.  I'm not going to rush back into long/frequent runs.  Don't push it until you've had it checked out.

Good luck!

2006-12-13 7:39 PM
in reply to: #614126

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Calf Strain
ice anyone???  dealing w/ the same thing.  not sure how bad. 
2006-12-13 7:57 PM
in reply to: #613534

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Calf Strain

I went to my chiropractor and got it massaged out.  He gave me little heel-lifts to put in my walking shoes, if I started to cramp up again.  But I haven't had to use them.

Whenever I feel like my calf is starting to twinge, I stretch it, gently. 


2006-12-14 6:38 PM
in reply to: #613534

Subject: RE: Calf Strain
I tore my calf muscle about 10 years ago and it would flare up every few months or so, developing into a chronic problem. I decied to go to a sports thereapist about a year ago for treatment and he recommended ASTM (

I went through about 12 sessions of this (which can be painful; basically it's very deep massage with various instruments that break up the scar tissue. In your case--with a new injury--you may not have any scar tissue.) It worked like a charm and I've had no further incidents. This may be an option for you, as it absolutely cured my chronic problem...
2006-12-15 12:06 AM
in reply to: #613534

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Calf Strain
Muscle tears ONLY heal by scarring, so some degree of scar tissue is normal. Time is the best healer and repeated microtrauma to the muscle while it is trying to heal may only make the long term scar tissue situation worse as scar tissue is weaker than muscle.

I would advise not to do ANY type of activity that causes even the remotest pain. In other words, if jogging makes it hurt "just a little", don't jog, do something else to keep up your "cardio" fitness. Try water jogging eliptical or a recumbant bike at the gym like the above poster did.

Time heals all wounds.
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