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2006-12-15 5:21 PM

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: PTinVA's Group - FULL

User Name: PTinVA

First Name: Sue

Story: I've always been involved in sports, but not necessarily athletically gifted. I started running 4 years ago, mostly local 5K's, and have run 5 marathons to date, none of them faster than 5 hours. I have been doing triathlons for 2 years now and have completed up to half iron distance. I have become a decent swimmer and I am learning to love my bike. I work as a physical therapist and live and train in Virginia Beach, VA. I have been using the training plans from this site for most of my training to date; however I just began working with a coach this month.

Family Situation: Married, 1 border collie, no children

Weight loss: I have lost ~25 to 30 lbs during the past 2 1/2 years of my running and triathlon training. I would like to lose 10 to 15 more lbs over the next 6 to 8 months.

Edited by PTinVA 2006-12-19 5:27 AM

2006-12-17 1:54 PM
in reply to: #625421

New user

Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Hi Sue:

I would like to join your group.

My name is Tracye. I live in Nashville, TN (from Austin, TX). I am 33 years old and currently single.

I am fairly active. I teach aerobics and run regularly. Right now, I am recovering from a deep groin injury that sidelined me for 3 months. In the past 3 years, I have completed several 10ks, a couple of half marathons and a full marathon. I am not out there as a speed demon --I'm slow but steady.

I would like to try triathlons to diversify my training. Several of my firends are triathletes and the training has done wonders for them. Staying injury free and dropping a few pounds would be excellent. I am 5'10 and weigh about 175 (24% body fat). So, I am not overweight, but I could stand to lose a few pounds.

I am a terrible swimmer --good form, but completely uncomfortable in the water. I do have my own road bike and running is slow, but ok.


2006-12-17 3:50 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN

Hello Sue!

I too would like to join your group. 

My name is Nathalie and I'm a 40 year old transplanted french-canadian from Montreal (Quebec) who set foot in Toronto (Ontario) in late 2001. I am a full time shiftworker and part time college student in the fitness and wellness fields.

I was not much involved in sports until 2 1/2 ago when my doctor told me I had to lose weight: my blood cholesterol was going up and so was my blood pressure. Since then, I had lost 57 lbs ( 189 down to 132 for my 5'2" frame) and lowered my body fat from 45% to 25%.

I come from a bodybuilding and power lifting background and fell in love with the multisport and endurance training thingy this past summer thanks to a few friends who are into long distance running and triathlons. I participated in my first duathlon event last September. However, I found the "transition" from strength to endurance training somewhat hard as I gained 13lbs in the process but have lost 4 since October.

Biking is my forte but I struggle with running, even if I spend most of my time fine-tuning my technique. I keep thinking this has to do with me being vertically challenged (I'm short and have short legs) but I am confident that I will improve in this area rather sooner than later! I love swimming and am doing drill work to improve my technique; it's paying off, I'm a bit faster than I was a few weeks ago.

I have set a few attainable objectives for 2007, one of them is to lose whatever I have gained during my "transition" period but the biggest one is to do an oly next August; I have thrown a few sprints and short distance in the mix as well. My long term objective is to complete a HIM in 2008.

Without a doubt, what I found here is a goldmine of knowledge that will help me accomplish what I want to accomplish. I am looking forward to your feedback.

Thank you!


2006-12-17 4:06 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Welcome Tracye and Nathalie! Ive been out of town for the weekend and need to get a few things done. I'll be by both of your logs soon. Thanks for joining my group!
2006-12-17 7:13 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Tracye, using the logs is great way to keep track of your workouts and a good way for others to help support and inspire you. I highly recommend them. As far as your swimming goes, the fact that you have good technique is a great start. The more time you spend int he water the more comforatble you will be. I have been working hard on my swimming for 2 years now; it is probably my weakest sport. Feel free to ask any questions that you have!
2006-12-17 7:18 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Nathalie, from looking through your training logs it looks like you are doing well. As a slow runner, all I can say is keep at it. Sooner or later speed will come. I found that as I added distance to my weekely runs; the shorter runs became easier and faster. It sounds like your approach to swimming is very good; technique is very important and drills are great. Let me know if you have any questions and welcome to the group!

2006-12-17 8:06 PM
in reply to: #626494

New user

Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Thanks, Sue. I just found this site today so I will start using the logs tomorrow.

I am dreading the pool but I am going to start taking a swimming class in January so hopefully I will improve. Did you teach yourself to swim better or did you take lessons?
2006-12-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Tracye, swimming lessons are a great idea. It's always great to have someone else look at your stroke and give you input on what you can improve. I've worked with a swim coach 5 or 6 times over the past 2 years and he has been very helpful with improving my technique; that and lots of time in the pool. Good luck!
2006-12-18 9:38 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Hi Sue, Can I join in too? I come from a mostly running background and have started to love biking too. But I'm still struggling in the pool, and really need to be motivated to practice swimming more. I'm a 32 yo mom of 2 boys, married and work part time as a preschool teacher. I did a my first sprint in september and another in november. I hope to do a few more sprints and hopefully an Oly/International distance this spring. I'm not sure of my really long term goals, havent thought about a HIM or anything like that yet, I'm mostly still trying to balance training and my family life at the moment. I've just upgraded my membership and discovered the blogs.
We lived in Va Beach for 2 years while my husband was stationed in Norfolk, we loved it there! We still talk about all the great restaurants and beautiful beaches.
2006-12-18 9:45 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Sally, welcome to the group!
2006-12-18 10:03 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Williamsburg, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN


Could I join the group, too?  I'm  sort of a newbie to this tri thing but have become terribly hooked.  I live in Williamsburg and have viewed your logs a few times and thought about contacting you. I started last spring, training for my first tri in Sept.  My girl friend Klynne talked me into it.  I was a bit hesitant at first because I've NEVER been athletic and had hurt my back in Jan.  Started to train-registered and completed my first TRI at the Danskin NJ tri.  Did surprising well for a first attempt 1:36. Did another in Richmond in Oct and did pretty good to.  Hope to complete at least 3-4 in the next year and possibly attempt and OLY???

My problem right now is MOTIVATION!!!!!!!  Having trouble getting to the gym and have really been disappionted with myself because of that!  I have two beautiful girls ages 14 and 10.  I work part time as a respiratory therapist in Williamsburg.

I'm not a great runner---love to swim----love the bike.  It's really all about motivation for me right now. Plus have a time keeping the HR down on the runs.

Sure hope to hear from you!!


2006-12-18 11:03 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Susan, welcome! Nice to have a "local" in my group. I love coming to Williamsburg to ride. I'll do all I can to help you with your motivation!
2006-12-18 7:22 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
I hope everyone had a happy Monday! Try to use those training logs so I can keep an eye on everyone's great training and feel free to get on me if you think I'm being a slacker with mine. Please feel free to ask any questions about training, logs, nutrition, gear, etc; I can probably even answer a few injury questions, but let's try to stay injury free! I hope you all will participate and make this an active group.
2006-12-18 8:05 PM
in reply to: #627387

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to drop by and say hello and hats off to my fellow "mentorees"! I have added your blogs to my list.

Thanks for the inspires Sue, your feedback is much appreciated! I am looking forward to become an active participant within our group.


2006-12-18 11:05 PM
in reply to: #625421

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New user

Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Hi Sue!

My name is Leanora (Lay-ah-nor-ah), and I would like to join your group too.

ABOUT ME: I am a 25 year old female, born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I've always been naturally athletic, but have only officially played a sport for one season of middle school field hockey. I tried running track in high school, my coach saw potential, but my musician father said, "its either music or sports". Music won, but unfortunately I didn't succeed in either.

So here I am in my mid twenties, still wishing I stuck with the violin & piano, but wishing even more that I could have discovered my track star potential. In college, after getting restless from writing countless papers for my Urban Studies/Spanish B.A., I studied abroad with the Costa Rica Outward Bound Tri-Country Semester (fall 2004). I wanted to experience experiential education, throw myself into crazy, hiking, whitewater, subadiving and surfing adventures and return to my regular life with fresh inspiration. A couple of my Outward Bound instructors were triathletes and ever since I returned I've been dying to push myself in that way. I began training for 5k runs, but once I became a Baltimore/Philadephia Outward Bound Instructor, it messed up my training schedule and I never did the races.

TRAINING: But this is the year! I have two months of off season and an O.B. schedule that will allow me to train for MY FIRST (& maybe 2nd) SPRINT TRIATHLON! I'm stoked and up for the challenge! Swimming is my weakest, but I plan to take some fine-tuning classes Jan-Feb. I need to buy a good Tri bike, suggestions are welcome (I only have a mountain bike). I've most consistantly trained in running, although I've dropped from a 10/min mile to a 12/min mile, due to weight gain from a high carb hiking diet @ work. I tend to go by how physically fit I feel, but weight hasn't been an alarming problem. Loosing about 10lbs could help in being in GREAT Tri shape though.

I look forward to asking lots of questions and learning from your many experiences. The biggest need for me is having a little help holding myself accountable to training amongst busy schedules.

2006-12-19 5:27 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - OPEN
Welcome Leonora! You have a very interesting background and it sounds like a good fitness background for triathlons. In my spare time from training my husband and I like to hike and climb in the Shanandoah area of Virginia. Having someone look at your swimming technique is a great place to start; then lots of time in the pool. Welcome to the group!

2006-12-19 5:33 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
OK ladies, our group is now full. Hopefully I can help support you all with your training goals and you all can help support each other. Our training group includes:






2006-12-19 7:29 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
Great to meet everyone. I'll be leaving inspire messages in you logs/blogs. Have a great day!
2006-12-19 7:33 AM
in reply to: #625421

New user

Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
Perhaps this is a silly question, but how do I see someone else's log or blog? I have been looking around, but don't see a search function?
2006-12-19 7:50 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
If you click on somebody's name from their post you will get to their info screen. On the bottom of the screen there will be a link to their log. There is a good question/answer section on the forum for how to add people to your friend list, use the logs,etc. If this isn't clear I'll try to explain better later. I'm at work right now.
2006-12-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
Hope everyone is hanging in there; it can be tough to get workouts in around the holidays. Do your best; a short workout is better than no workout at all.

2006-12-22 3:47 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL

Hello ladies, hope you are all doing well despite the holidays craziness!

Just wanted to share a piece of information with those of you who have weaknesses with swimming...

I found an interesting website that has online videos of swimming and running drills. It's The cycling and triathlon sections are still under construction though. Hope this helps!

Happy holidays and happy training!


2006-12-22 5:08 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
Thanks Nathalie. I was just thinking while in the pool today that if I had more time/money I would love to get some swim coaching. I'll have to check out that link in more detail.
2006-12-23 10:39 AM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
I hope you all enjoy the holidays!!! I'll be travelling to Kentucky; so I probably won't be online everyday; but I will be working out and checking up on all of you. Everyone be safe!
2006-12-26 6:53 PM
in reply to: #625421

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: PTinVA's Group - FULL
I hope everyone is having a great week! Don't ignore your workouts!
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