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2006-12-15 5:22 PM

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Subject: mosc11's Group - FULL
Name Carol

User Name mosc11

Story - I am a 34 year old mostly stay at home mom of two daughters 4 and 18 months, the other time is spent as a pediatric speech therapist. I am married to a police officer whose schedule wreaks havoc on any kind of routine.

Training/Races - I have completed a duathlon and a sprint triathlon in 2006. Prior to these races I had never raced before. I was athletic in high school and played for company softball and volleyball teams in my early 20's. My motivation for starting triathlon training was to loose the baby weight after my youngest daughter. The scale has not shown a major decline but the size on the tag of my jeans has gone down twice (muscle replacing fat). I try to train as much as possible at the gym but that is usually once a week. A lot of workouts are done with weights at home or on the bike trainer after the kids are tucked in, or a quick run around the neighborhood pushing a jogging stroller. I am not the most technical trainer/racer and I am no guru on gear but have found great resources here so I don't have to be. I am registered for two sprint triathlons for the 2007 season with the hopes of fitting in two practice races in my area

Personally I have been bitten by a triathlon bug and it has changed my life. The numbers on the scale don't bother me as much as those on the stopwatch, instead of what weight do I have to loose, I think about how my run/bike/swim times can get better. I have begun to focus on the things that my body can rather than what it cannot (fit into a size 6 etc..).

Edited by mosc11 2006-12-23 10:48 PM

2006-12-18 8:52 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN

Hi Carol, I'm not so much a newbie but I was a little hesitant to have my own group, can I join yours?

I'm Mindy, autigers_1998 (stands for AU Tigers)

My story: I'm 31, a stay at home mom to my girls, 4.5 and 15 months. This year was my first year of triathlons. I played sports in high school (basketball, softball, tennis) and rowed a little in college but never really kept up with being active after HS. I was one of those "on again, off again" workout people. I never found anything that I really enjoyed enough to do on a regular basis, except for golf but it's very time consuming and expensive. I started swimming early this year to exercise after my youngest was born because I couldn't do any weight bearing exercise. (that's sort of a long story that I won't go in to right now) I gradually added running and one day it occurred to me that I could add biking and do a tri since I was already doing 2 sports. I started tri training in May and I love it. I did 2 sprint tri's this summer along with a 5k, a 10k and a 1/2 mary.

Training: For my races this summer I used a training program from here and it worked well for me. I still work out 4-6 times a week with 1 swim, 2 or 3 bikes (usually on the trainer) and 2 or 3 runs. I want to move up to do an Olympic distance next year and plan to up my training in January in preparation for my first Oly in May. I have lots of possible races next year (sprints and oly) but it will depend alot on what we can afford. My husband has recently started moving towards doing a tri so it will depend on that also. I would probably be considered a "weekend warrior" right now because my major workouts are on the weekends when my husband is home and we can take turns going to do something outside (running or biking.)

Weightloss/etc.: I'm not exactly sure how much weight I've lost since I started training. I know my old clothes fit better and I'm more toned than before. I weigh as much as I did in college before my heavy partying days. I still have the goal of losing 5-10 more pounds but if it doesn't happen it's okay; I feel better about my body for the first time in a long time.  

I have also been bitten by the triathlon bug and I like racing. I too look for my times to improve. I know I'll probably never be FOP but I'd really like to get to solid MOP performance. For my races this year I was definitely BOP.

2006-12-18 1:32 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
it would be great to have you on this thread. sounds as though we are similar in experience with tri's. i figured we could keep this one motivational, i am certainly no expert but we could definitely keep everybody motivated and on track with the goals they set for completing a tri. Maybe also pointing people in the right direction to find answers as i am sure that i don't have all the answers.
2006-12-18 2:16 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Sounds good! I spend way too much time on the internet so I know where to find lots of useful stuff!
2006-12-18 11:13 PM
in reply to: #625422

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN

mosc11 - 2006-12-15 6:22 PM Name Carol User Name mosc11 Story - I am a 34 year old mostly stay at home mom of two daughters 4 and 18 months, the other time is spent as a pediatric speech therapist. I am married to a police officer whose schedule wreaks havoc on any kind of routine. Training/Races - I have completed a duathlon and a sprint triathlon in 2006. Prior to these races I had never raced before. I was athletic in high school and played for company softball and volleyball teams in my early 20's. My motivation for starting triathlon training was to loose the baby weight after my youngest daughter. The scale has not shown a major decline but the size on the tag of my jeans has gone down twice (muscle replacing fat). I try to train as much as possible at the gym but that is usually once a week. A lot of workouts are done with weights at home or on the bike trainer after the kids are tucked in, or a quick run around the neighborhood pushing a jogging stroller. I am not the most technical trainer/racer and I am no guru on gear but have found great resources here so I don't have to be. I am registered for two sprint triathlons for the 2007 season with the hopes of fitting in two practice races in my area Personally I have been bitten by a triathlon bug and it has changed my life. The numbers on the scale don't bother me as much as those on the stopwatch, instead of what weight do I have to loose, I think about how my run/bike/swim times can get better. I have begun to focus on the things that my body can rather than what it cannot (fit into a size 6 etc..).

Hey!  I just wanted to say that you're awesome!  My boyfriend, who I live with is also a PO so I understand what you mean by the schedule wreaking havoc on the routine.  I can't say I complete understand, because you're balance training with your hubby and kids, but you give me hope that I can hopefully balance it out one day as well.   Hopefully I can use you as a resource for how you've handled everything.

2006-12-19 9:54 PM
in reply to: #627514

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
thanks so much for the kind words. it's great to be on this site and feel so supported. is your boyfriend a nyc cop?

also...i see one of your mentees is doing the nj state sprint in mercer county park, my sister mary (marymosc13) and i signed up for that. the park is 6 minutes away from my house by car (i guess a better triathlete would say how far away it is running or biking, ha ha) so if they want any park info or want to meet to maybe run the course in the warmer months, let me and mary know.

Edited by mosc11 2006-12-19 9:58 PM

2006-12-21 7:42 AM
in reply to: #626731

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN

Hi Carol, I'd like to join your group.  I've been logging on this site for about a year, but I haven't actually done a triathlon yet.

My story: I am 27 and currently looking for a job.  I'm eligible to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, but that won't happen until I find my first ministry job.  So, I'm spending a lot of time job searching.  Also, I'm getting married in May, so I am also spending a lot of time doing wedding planning.  I played lacrosse in high school and college.  Worked out sporadically in seminary and played one season of rugby.  About a year and a half ago, I decided I wanted to do something good for myself.  So I started dancing and running.  I go dancing about two nights a week (that's how I met my fiance!) and I started running 3 times a week.  This past April I did my first marathon.  Unfortunately, in training for that marathon I injured my left thigh and have not been able to run since.  I had planned to do a triathlon at the end of the summer, but had to put that on hold until I heal.  I finally met an orthapaedist this past week and have an MRI scheduled for Jan 3rd, so hopefully I can get back to running soon.  In the meantime I have been doing a lot of biking.

Training: I workout fairly consistently 6 days a week, but without much of a plan.  I weight train, bike, walk, spin, and do yoga.  I had been doing some swimming, but every now and then I just burn out on swimming and stop for a while.  My partner and I are planning to do the Spring Tune Up for the Bike Ride Across Georgia in April, hopefully doing the 105 mile option on the middle day.  Other than that, I'd like to do at least one sprint tri this summer, but that depends on how my leg heals.  My ultimate goal this year is to stay injury free.

Weightloss: I feel pretty comfortable in my body.  I'd like to get and stay below 140 consistently, but if I don't it's no big deal.  My partner got one of those cool body composition monitors/scale from her son for Christmas, so we've been playing with that some. 

 I love running and biking and am really looking forward to being able to complete my first triathlon.

2006-12-21 11:50 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
glad to have you. Sorry to hear about the injury, hopefully all will be back to rights as the tri season approaches. you are busy, looking for ministry work and planning a wedding, god bless ya!

the feel of this mentoring group is that of a cheerleader behind the information desk at the mall. keeping you motivated and pointed in the right direction so i hope that is ok with you.

mindy (autigers) is from GA as well.

2006-12-21 12:20 PM
in reply to: #630450

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN

mosc11 - 2006-12-21 12:50 PM the feel of this mentoring group is that of a cheerleader behind the information desk at the mall. keeping you motivated and pointed in the right direction so i hope that is ok with you.


That's just what I need!

2006-12-21 10:32 PM
in reply to: #625422

New user

Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Hi Carol,

I am 39 (in 5 days) and determined to complete a sprint few sprint triathlons before I am 40. I am married with 2 girls, 9 and 6 and live in Colorado. I exercise regularly (around schedules) through biking, hiking, running, weight training, but have never competed in any event. I have always wanted to get in my best physical shape and really think training with a purpose and a goal like a triathlon would help me accomplish that. I would love to lose a little weight, but am not so worried about the number on the scale, just the way I look and feel in my clothes. I am a bit nervous about swimming because I have never really done much, but it's a new type of workout I am looking forward to. If you are willing to take on a total newbie, I would love to have your help and guidance!

Thanks so much,
2006-12-21 11:37 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Absolutely! Welcome.

Congrats on making the decision to complete a tri, you will be so happy you did!

2006-12-21 11:38 PM
in reply to: #631193

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
and an early happy birthday!
2006-12-22 2:12 PM
in reply to: #625422


Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Hey! I'd love to join this group. Everyone sounds somewhat similar to me; I did two sprint tri's last summer, the second of which was quite embarassing. My goal for this summer is to finish respectably in three tri's (sprint only at this point). Unlike a lot of people, the swim is my strong leg and then I just die on the bike! I ride a mountain bike, and I've told myself I'm not going to spend the money on a road bike until completing three seasons. By then I figure I will have proven to myself that I'm serious about this.

With regards to my personal life, I am 36 years old, married for ten years with three kids (7, 6, and 2 years old). I am a Registered Dietitian and work two or three days per week. My husband is pretty supportive and is great about allowing me time away from the kids to work out. The big issue here is my motivation, that's why I think this group will be helpful to me.

Oh yeah, my name isn't Lloyd (that's my beloved dog's name), it's Brenda.
2006-12-22 5:36 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Welcome to the group, sounds like we have a lot in common. i LOVE the swim and my dream tri is if somebody would say we will give you the option to run of swim at the end...i would pick swim! but of course then it woulddn't be a tri...

anyway welcome and i hope you find what you are looking for here.

now we just have room for one more.
2006-12-23 4:22 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN

hey all y'all in carol's mentor group... i may be biased, but you've definitely found someone who can keep you inspired and motivated - i wouldn't be doing this at all if it weren't for her... so while carol may not have the expertise that someone else might have, she makes up for it in pure heart and dedication to herself, her friends and her family (not always in that order, mind you)

good luck to you all and happy training!

-meebs (aka mary)


2006-12-23 7:13 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
Hi, Carol -

I see you have one more spot & I'd love to join your group...

My name is Kristen (enders_shadow). I'm a 34-yr old working mommy with two girls, almost 5 and almost 2. I'm a college professor when I'm not being a mom & wife.

I have never done a triathlon before - I've been mostly a runner, especially this past year. (I've also lurked here on BT this past fall, but fell off the exercise wagon for a while and was too embarassed to hang around here.) I was in awful shape a year ago (as was my hubby) - last January we decided to get off our butts and get in shape, and we've done fantastic. He's lost some 70 pounds and I've lost 40, and in this last year I've done some 5Ks and a 5-miler. We moved to a more rural area and I bought a road-bike...I've always wanted to do a triathlon but never knew how. Now that it's winter, I've discovered spinning, which I love, although I want to ride outside more than in a stinky gym. Also, I swim like a rock, so I'm taking swimming lessons starting in January. I love running and I also weight train a couple times a week at the gym.

So, I'm aiming for my first tri in late March - a short pool swim (safe for my pathetic swimming, I think) and typical sprint bike & run. If I love it, there are 2 other sprints I have my eye on through the year.

2006-12-23 10:48 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - OPEN
GREAT! Welcome! we would love to have you.
2006-12-23 11:12 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
here we are, one big happy support group! hope that you all are not going too crazy with the holidays and forgiving yourself for missed workouts and not missed cookie trays. i know i won't be able to workout again until tuesday!

BTW, marymosc13 is my sister so feel free to add her to your logs or to peek at hers. it was my idea that we start this triathlon thing but she is now a full fledged loveable tri addict! she is always on this site so bug her whenever you want.
2006-12-24 12:46 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

I just wanted to welcome everyone to the group! I'm so happy to meet some new folks! And if you don't already, how 'bout everyone log their stuff so we can stop by and say hey?!


2006-12-24 1:14 PM
in reply to: #632629

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hi, everyone! I'm so excited to join you all....I've logged my last week, just to get in the groove & I look forward to peeking in on y'all.

Happy Holidays!
2006-12-24 3:04 PM
in reply to: #632638

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
By the way, how can you tell your husband supports your efforts??? Guess what I got for Christmas? Presta adapter valves for our bike pump and new swim goggles. :-) (Of course, Santa is bringing me goggles and a new running outfit, but I'll have to hide the goggles and appreciate hubby's good work.) Hope it is all merry for y'all.

2006-12-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #625422


Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hey everyone, hope you had a great Christmas (if you celebrate Christian holidays) and are all rested up and back to normal! I hope to be actually entering things in my training log from here on out. I live in Wisconsin, so the temps are not ideal, nor is there much daylight left by the time my husband gets home from work so workouts have been few and far between for the last couple of months. I got a bike trainer and set my bike up on it, so I plan to do that at least a couple times per week. I have a question, though. If anyone has used a trainer in the past, how do you know the distance you've gone? My bike computer is a wired one, so I'm not able to put the transmitter thing on my rear wheel to measure wheel revolutions. Should I just go for time right now instead of distance? Any comments are appreciated!

I'm having a really hard time right now making myself work out. We don't belong to a health club, so I'm on my own and somewhat limited with regards to equipment. My husband is injured and doesn't expect to be able to run again, so I can't rely on him for a training partner either. Does anyone have some words of wisdom, motivation or inspiration they'd like to share? I need a big kick in the butt to get going!
2006-12-28 8:54 AM
in reply to: #634252

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

Brenda, I can totally understand your lack of motivation when you live where it's so dark and cold for many months! It's hard but I know you can do it!

Do you have an upcoming race picked out? I know for me, I don't have any motivation unless I have some sort of race on the calendar! I can't workout just for the sake of working out, I have to have some competition! (even if I'm way in the back ) Are there any 5k's or other road races coming up in the next couple of months? Since tri season is still probably about 5 months out for you then maybe you could shoot for road races and/or conquering a new distance?

As far as your trainer goes, I've heard not to worry too much about distance. I like to know approximately how far I've gone but it's not exact even though I do have a rear wheel computer. I would go by time for the moment and I've heard trainer time is great to build a base since there's no time to stop pedaling because if you do the trainer stops!

Good luck and remember Spring isn't too far away!


2006-12-28 9:25 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
there are also dvd's that you can buy that make your trainer time resemble that of a spin class. intervals and hills and such, they tell you how to set the bike so you get a different type of workout rather than distance and time. i don't have any of these yet but i can look into where you can get them.

as far as running motivation goes all i can say is my ipod is my biggest training buddy. i would wait until you thaw out a little up there though.

Edited by mosc11 2006-12-28 9:26 AM
2006-12-28 3:45 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hi y'all!

I was in the pool today for the first time since was both a horrible and wonderful experience. The good news - I can swim lengths without stopping (I used to stop mid pool and stand up). The bad news - I can't yet make a whole lap. Oh well - I'm taking swim lessons starting in January that is supposed to help me with form and endurance, so I'm hoping I can do a 300 pool swim by the end of March (the first tri I'm aiming for). The new goggles rocked. I'm thinking with enough time in the water, I could get to like this. It's very peaceful (when I'm not gasping and pretending to drown).

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