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2007-01-05 2:40 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
so far so good... i got my butt out of bed early twice this week to go for a run. it felt good to run again, even though i was sore after that first run!

i did some biking once here with my stationary bike at home and am going to try to go out for a longer ride tomorrow... so long as it doesn't snow.

next week im heading back to the pool to start swimming again.

2007-01-05 3:29 PM
in reply to: #643919


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Hey here's my list. My husband moved some of my email so I just got the latest from everyone!
You all have great ideas. This forum is going to really help me bc I can look to see how you all are doing. Keep it up!! You're awesome.
1. Buy swimsuit to train in- thanks for the reminder nala- did it today.
2. get back to the muscle cond class at the Y- back today, upped my weights on the bar to do lunges and squats- will pay for it tomorrow
3. follow the training scedule I printed from here. This week, have ridden the bike twice and done some eliptical to get back to running. - it seems to ease my knees back into it better. will be getting in the pool tomorrow AM and will get a 10 minute run in immed. after-at least that's the plan.
4. go back to weight watchers to lose more weight
Beth- i am so with you on the emo eating. i am stressed now and am determined not to reach for the chocolate
Everyone have a super weekeknd!
2007-01-05 4:58 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
this week was crazy for me!

My husband was on vacation which i'd hoped to get to the gym, no problem BUT instead I've been sick and run down! No gym at all this week! ahhh...but i don't think i've emotionally ate which is good.

I'm hoping to squeeze in the gym on saturday or sunday or a bike ride if it stops raining!

2007-01-07 6:31 AM
in reply to: #629910

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Here's my January Goals...

1. Increase milage slowly (no injuries this year)
2. Run 3x week
3. Spin Class 1 time a week
4. Swim at least twice/week

2007-01-07 11:28 AM
in reply to: #638766

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am thinking about doing something called Team In Training, an organization that has people assigned to a blood cancer patient to raise money for their treatment. In return, the people who are raising the money for the cancer patients have experienced coaches train them for 100 mile cycles, marathons and triathlons. I want to do because it will help me become a triathlete without injuring myself and it will look good on my grad school application. I just wanted to state my progress so far. What's going on with everybody else?
2007-01-07 12:05 PM
in reply to: #645281

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Team In Training is the organization i'm doing my triathlon through. For a triathlon i have to raise $4100 by April/May. So if you're willing to get out there and fundraise or send lots of letters to request funds from friends and family, go for it! Otherwise, there are usually organizations in your city like a city triatlhon team or running club where they usually have people that can help you and/or train with you, just a thought!


2007-01-07 2:03 PM
in reply to: #645297

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-07 1:05 PM

Team In Training is the organization i'm doing my triathlon through. For a triathlon i have to raise $4100 by April/May. So if you're willing to get out there and fundraise or send lots of letters to request funds from friends and family, go for it! Otherwise, there are usually organizations in your city like a city triatlhon team or running club where they usually have people that can help you and/or train with you, just a thought!


Does the amount of money that you have to raise vary? How long have you been doing Team in Training?
2007-01-07 7:17 PM
in reply to: #645366

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
this is my first time. It does vary. It depends on if the tri is in your state or another. For instance mine is in Tennessee so 25% of the $4100 will go towards my airline ticket and hotel. The rest goes towards research. But i believe if it's in your state you will probably have to raise around $2000 atleast that seems to be the case here and what a friend told me when she raced last year in a tri for TNT.
2007-01-07 7:35 PM
in reply to: #645593

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-07 8:17 PM

this is my first time. It does vary. It depends on if the tri is in your state or another. For instance mine is in Tennessee so 25% of the $4100 will go towards my airline ticket and hotel. The rest goes towards research. But i believe if it's in your state you will probably have to raise around $2000 atleast that seems to be the case here and what a friend told me when she raced last year in a tri for TNT.

Thank you for telling me that. How is your training going?
2007-01-08 6:53 AM
in reply to: #645593


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Are you doing Memphis in May? I was thinking about doing that one. I haven't been to the meeting yet, it is next week. I don't have a group close to me to do training for TNT. The closest group is in Birmingham over an hour away. There is a TNT group about 30 minutes from my home, but they only train for the marathons.
2007-01-08 10:47 AM
in reply to: #645845

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am doing the memphis in May. I originally signed up for the St. Anthony's but they had so many people that they couldn't register them all and so they asked a few of us (14) to do the memphis in may instead. I'm a bit bummed but it's fine. I can do St. Anthony's on my own next year if i want.

2007-01-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

I'm sorry you didn't get St. A's. It sold out pretty quickly, even for non-TNT people. Memphis in May sounds fun, though!

I started training for my marathon last year with Team in Training, but had to drop it because I didn't raise enough money. I should have started fund raising sooner, but it all worked out in the end. Lots of people had very creative ideas on fundraising, and lots of people here on BT have done numerous events through TNT. (my event was the Country Music Marathon in Nashville because our team didn't have a triathlon option either.)

From what I've seen, the really BIG value of Team in Training is on race day. The encouragement for anyone wearing a purple jersey is absolutely incredible!  

2007-01-08 9:17 PM
in reply to: #646839

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-08 5:16 PM

I'm sorry you didn't get St. A's. It sold out pretty quickly, even for non-TNT people. Memphis in May sounds fun, though!

I started training for my marathon last year with Team in Training, but had to drop it because I didn't raise enough money. I should have started fund raising sooner, but it all worked out in the end. Lots of people had very creative ideas on fundraising, and lots of people here on BT have done numerous events through TNT. (my event was the Country Music Marathon in Nashville because our team didn't have a triathlon option either.)

From what I've seen, the really BIG value of Team in Training is on race day. The encouragement for anyone wearing a purple jersey is absolutely incredible!  

So if you do not raise enough money, then you cannot participate in the race? I do not think that is right. I am worried about the fundraising part of Team In Training because I fear that I will not raise enough money. What are some of the items that they sell in order to raise money?
Can anyone give me advice on how to raise money for Team In Training? I am on the Triathlon Club at my college and I want to do the Team In Training as a team with the Triathlon Club and I was wondering if the people of Team In Teaming will allow that to happen.
2007-01-09 8:47 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

With TNT, you have a cutoff date, that if you don't raise the minimum by that time, you can either bow out or give them your credit card number so, if you don't raise the money by the race, they'll charge the balance to your card.

I ended up running the race anyway, paying my own race fees, and being proud of what I did raise, but I didn't get to wear the purple jersey. I don't know about the tri team thing. Probably the best thing to do would be to e-mail whoever is in charge of your TNT group and ask them.

As far as fundraising, one of my friends got junk donations and sold them at the flea market. Also, send out your letters now, and let them know what you're doing. Send out lots and lots of letters. You might could sell baked goods or something on campus, or get permission to collect donations in front of Wal-Mart. I'll be thinking of other ideas for you...

2007-01-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: #646839

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-08 5:16 PM

I'm sorry you didn't get St. A's. It sold out pretty quickly, even for non-TNT people. Memphis in May sounds fun, though!

I started training for my marathon last year with Team in Training, but had to drop it because I didn't raise enough money. I should have started fund raising sooner, but it all worked out in the end. Lots of people had very creative ideas on fundraising, and lots of people here on BT have done numerous events through TNT. (my event was the Country Music Marathon in Nashville because our team didn't have a triathlon option either.)

From what I've seen, the really BIG value of Team in Training is on race day. The encouragement for anyone wearing a purple jersey is absolutely incredible!  

Do you have to pay to train with Team in Training or does it come out of the fundraising money?
2007-01-09 5:25 PM
in reply to: #648305

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Team in Training does it as a service for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. I don't know if they pay them or what but we don't. 75% of what you raise goes directly to the LLS and the rest is your race fees, airline ticket & hotel stay. Part of you aggreeing to raise funds for them is that they train you for no compensation from you.

2007-01-09 5:46 PM
in reply to: #648328

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-09 6:25 PM

Team in Training does it as a service for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. I don't know if they pay them or what but we don't. 75% of what you raise goes directly to the LLS and the rest is your race fees, airline ticket & hotel stay. Part of you aggreeing to raise funds for them is that they train you for no compensation from you.

How is your training going for Memphis in May? How many days do you train with your triathlon group?

Edited by nala 2007-01-09 9:21 PM
2007-01-09 8:33 PM
in reply to: #629910


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I've heard that Memphis in May is a good course. The bike is flat and the run is good.
How's your training going? I swam this morning and did 3 miles on the bike. I did upper body weights tonight.
2007-01-12 1:05 PM
in reply to: #643919

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Is it okay to have a cheat day (eat junk food) during the training process?
2007-01-12 4:46 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
i think my training is okay although i'm severely lacking in the run dept. I think i'm going to pay the cost of joining a mini marathon training group that meets tomorrow morning to run and ever saturday after. I'm just not cutting it! But i'm taking a spinning class on thursdays now and a pilates class to work on strengthing my abs. Come January 23 i start swimming weekly with TNT and also i start a spinning class with them on sundays beginning that same week. My running is not all bad i am able to run 25 minutes which is 100% better literally than 3 months ago (the whole month of Dec i hardly ran b/c my household passed the flu and multiple infections around). My calves were really underdeveloped before which would cause me to stop running everytime i tried. I finally began working them on some machines at the gym and so i don't seem to have a problem now. But I do have a problem now with a shin splint so i don't know how running tomorrow will go. I think i need to stretch a lot!

How is everyone else?

I am curious what others daily eating looks like? i guess i mean what do you eat generally? I'm personally all over the place and can't seem to get that under control. But i'm working on it.
2007-01-12 4:51 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
so this is a logistical question but how do i add you guys to my "friends" on my log? I can't figure it out fo the life of me.

2007-01-12 5:18 PM
in reply to: #652959

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-12 5:51 PM

so this is a logistical question but how do i add you guys to my "friends" on my log? I can't figure it out fo the life of me.

You click on training logs, then you click on the blue box next to the calendar (on the left side of the screen) and there is a place where you can add your "friends" to view and comment on your training. On my eating plan, mine is also all over the place this week because it is the first week of school and I am back to the dorm life. I think that I will get back on track because I have healthier choices now, such as turkey burgers and salads. However, I also have multigrain chips with salsa, sun chips, fruit and candy. I am going to start training tomorrow by running and biking in the morning.
2007-01-12 10:05 PM
in reply to: #652408

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

nala - 2007-01-12 2:05 PM Is it okay to have a cheat day (eat junk food) during the training process?

Yes. It's all about moderation. You want this to become a part of your life, and life will eventually have some chips, ice cream and chocolate in it!

Beth, the running group sounds like an awesome way to keep consistent. And TNT also. Accountability helps so, so much.

Well, this week I ran two days and am hoping to run tomorrow (Saturday), swam two days and lifted one. My bike is back on the trainer, but that's about as far as I've gotten with it. I pretty much took Wednesday and Thursday off, except for a lot of walking around where I work. And I haven't lost any weight because I can't resist cheesecake and soup in a bread bowl (Panera for lunch. MmMm). But I'm enjoying training! Yay! And I used a kickboard today while swimming. My legs were begging me to stop making them work. 

2007-01-12 10:26 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
i just reread my previous email...holy crap it sounds like i was on speed ha!

anyways, thanks for the help!
2007-01-12 10:45 PM
in reply to: #653216


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
You are too funny. You just sound like you are a mom with a very full life.
To help with training, I did print off a schedule from here and I have to say, it makes training a lot easier for me since i just have to do what it says. I reccommend the 2x a week beginner schedule. You'll most likely do more that you are supposed to , but anything extra is gravy!
I am back to trying to lose more weight. My YMCA sets up something they call the Biggest Loser. It's basically like the show. They have challenges and will give tips and recipes and stuff. I would be happy to forward anything I get to the group.
If anyone is intersted in a cardio workout that is like a run, but not, I have a great one for the treadmill. Did that make any sense? It is a walking workout i got from a friend. She runs, but hurt her knee and was unable to do intense runs for a bit. This workout uses speed and varying inclines to get your heartrate up like a run would. Hopefully, that explains it a bit better
Everyone have a good weekend and happy training!
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