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2006-12-20 11:06 PM

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: Watergirl's group - FULL!

NAME: watergirl/Stephanie (28)

In March of 2005, I ran my first 5K. It was a huge goal. I had surgery the week of Thanksgiving in 2003, and becoming active again took more work. Actually, sitting up without pain took a lot of work. I use that as my motivation, that and my awesome husband. I've been a benchsitting athletic participant all my life (I went to a small school, so there wasn't much else to do, and, honestly, I preferred to read), and pretty fast at very, very short distances, so running three miles was huge. In April of 2006, I ran, well, hobbled through my first marathon, finishing about 20 minutes shy of six hours. I'm not very fast, but I am determined. I love doing triathlons. I'm the kind of person who needs a reason to go to the gym besides the "oh, but you'll lose weight and look so cute/buff/whatever." I need goals. And putting down money for a tri helps keep me motivated. Plus, once you get into tris, it's like a family - here at BT and out there in the "real" world! As for my name - watergirl - it's not because I swim super fast. I chose it because I love the water. I lifeguarded for six years, so I'm not afraid of the wet stuff, although I am a little wary of my bike.

FAMILY STATUS: In March, I'll celebrate my fifth wedding anniversary. J and I have a beautiful dog, Rylie. She also helps me with my training. Her specialty is sprint work.

CURRENT TRAINING: I haven't been real structured lately except making the effort to get in four days of tri-specific training per week and two days a week of weights. That will change slightly as the weather warms up. I also want to get faster this year, so it might be a first for all of us as we try to follow something structured! Also, I got clipless pedals about a month or so ago. Taking them on the road is quite scary - well, at least the stopping on the road part. I definitely hope to improve my bike times this year.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: I've done three sprint triathlons - one in 2005 and two in 2006. I also did a marathon, two half marathons and a few 5Ks last year.

2007 RACES: I'm planning to do an olympic as one of my first tri races this year, specifically the new Peachtree City International (in Atlanta). I'm kind of nervous about adding all those distances together for the oly, but I figure I'll survive, hopefully. I also have an extensive "wish" list of races in my blog. I have to see which ones I can afford. And I'm running two half marathons in March. You're welcome to join me in Atlanta or Albany, Ga., or both.

WEIGHTLOSS: More than weight loss, I'd like to learn to eat well. If I could eat according to what training I'm doing, instead of eating like I'm constantly training for a marathon, my weight would be a little lower. And honestly, I'd like to lose about 10-15 pounds.


Edited by watergirl 2007-01-01 9:15 PM

2006-12-22 11:12 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
My name is Monique (20) and I am interested in joining your group.

The following is my bio and other information:

Bio: I was born,raised and currently living in Florida and was very active in my childhood until I entered high school. I became heavily involved in academics and graduated from high school with honors. I attend a small university close to my hometown and I discovered the triathlon club in my freshman year of college. I became interested in knowing more about triathlons and I became more interested in triathlons. I am a sophomore in college and I want to become more involved in the triathlon club and in participating in triathlons. I need someone to help keep me motivated and answer my questions because I want to continue doing triathlons for the rest of my life because I see triathletes being happy and confident about what they are doing and I want to be like that as well and I think that it is so FREAKING COOL!!!

Family Status: I have two sisters. My oldest sister is 21 and interested in creating her own web company. My youngest sister is 14 and interested in the legal system (plans to become a lawyer).

Current Training: I also haven't been structured with my training. I have been making an attempt to bike and run at least 2-3 times a week because I am so busy with school (determined to make an effort to train for triathlon season). I have been lifting weights, doing abdominal work and yoga. I intend on starting to swim more in the upcoming months (and in the process, learn how to swim from a friend of mine, a former member of her high school swim team).

2006 races: UNF Adventure and Triathlon Run-Walk- Crawl 5k: My first 5k and even though I finished last, I am proud to at least complete it. However, the next time, I WILL do SO much better.

2007 races: Right now, I am going to do the 5k race again and if anything else pops up, I will let you and the rest of know about it.

Weight loss: I am not interested in losing weight (however, if I do, it will be great, but that is not my main reason for wanting to participate in triathlons). Also, I need to eat healthier foods and change the times that I eat (instead of eating two meals a day, eat a couple of small meals a day while training).

Edited by nala 2007-01-28 1:04 AM
2006-12-23 10:53 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN

Hi, Monique! Welcome to BT! And to triathlons and all the craziness involved!

Having a group to train with - especially in college - is an awesome way to get into this sport. I work at the University of Georgia, and I know our club team is pretty active - including swim help and other instruction. When I start on my master's, I'm thinking about checking it out.

Awesome job finishing your first 5K, btw. Last is still so much better than never trying. You will get better at all three sports with practice. It is so cool to see improvement. 

Start logging your workouts - even if it's not until after the holidays, because it's going to be crazy next week. This is probably the best time to start easing into tris. The season will get started for real in April. It will be fun to get ready.


2006-12-25 8:40 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hi Stephanie,

I'm Beth and i live in columbus, OH.

I would like to be in your "group".

Let's see...I'm competing in a tri in May of 07.
My goals are to run, swim and bike better!

Actually, i'm a beginner runner, swimmer and biker. I've been walking/running for about 2 months now and i'm slowly getting better. It was quite painful the whole time but i'm now to weight machines at the Y for my calves and eating bananas dailiy so that has seemed to work for me in making my calves not hurt so much.

I would like to get in shape and mostly lose weight. I've had two babies within the last two years and my weight has creeped up over the last two years.I'm married and like you my anniversary is in march and we'll be celebrating our 8th year.

I look forward to having a support system via this website. feel free to ask me questions!
2006-12-26 10:52 AM
in reply to: #629910

New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hi Stephanie~
My name is Cara and I would love to be a part of your group. I am a beginner in the truest sense! I live in the northwest 'burbs of Chicago. Having good weather to train now, but winter is going to return next week!

Story: My husband and I started losing weight ain 2005. He thought of doing triathlons to get into shape. I watched him take part of 3 this past year and was hooked on rush he talked about. I will be doing my first sprint in April of 07. I was a swimmer when I was younger and involved in every sport I was offered to try. I played tennis in college. I am highly competative with my hubby so I can't let him have all the fun!!

Family status: Married for 10 years as of the 21st of this month-yeah. 2 little girls, Gracie, age 3 and Madison, age 6, 2 stepchildren, Valerie, age 15 and Colin, age 17. I am a busy stay at home mom with the 3 girls.

Current training:
Have been at the Y 4 times a week to lift weights and do some cardio. Throw in a bit of biking and that's about all I have been up to. I plan on getting into the pool after Jan. 8 after everyone is back in school.

Last years races:
Just watching my husband-cheering him on

2007 races: Sullivan sprint in April, Y me breast cancer 5K on Mother's day, Wauconda sprint in July

Weight loss: Lost 40 in 8 months with the help of Weight Watchers, but have gaiuned a bit, but plan on going back down-again. Have to get back with the program -the holidays are always killer!

I am totally impressed with all of your running. That is the part I am dreading!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Happy holidays!
PS- sorry for the poor spelling- sitting at the kitchen table chatting with extended family.
I am on my husband's laptop. My email is [email protected].
2006-12-26 10:32 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
hi stephanie,

i too would like to join your group

my name is tina (33), and i live in lovely lethbridge, alberta, canada with my hubby and 9 month old daughter samantha.

ive been running for a while now, 8 years i think? im a super slowpoke, hehe.... but for some reason i just keep on running. ive done a bunch of 5 and 10 Ks over the years and 2 half marathons... the first one was great and the second one sucked.

i did my first triathlon in may 2005 and am going to do my second here in may 2007. i really like adding swimming and biking to my training, just for the variety. my goal for this tri is to beat my previous time by 10 mins, and to be able to run the entire 5K run part of the tri... last time i was too wiped to run it all and ended up walking quite a bit.

part of my training is to stop eating crap, especially sugar. i stepped on the scale just the other day and was none too happy to say the least. overall i'd like to drop about 40 pounds... but aiming for 20 pounds by may.

2006-12-27 6:38 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN

Welcome to BT and to my "group," Beth, Cara and Tina! And happy holidays! I've been out of town at my parents and off the Internet for the past few days. I think my eyes needed the break, especially since I usually stare at a computer most of the day during the week.

I'll be replying to each of you shortly. I'm looking forward to hopefully being an inspiration - or a good, swift kick out the door - for y'all, and you to me, too!  

2006-12-27 6:53 PM
in reply to: #632965

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN

Beth, that is so cool that we share an anniversary month, although you're ahead by three years! It's also awesome that you've decided to become active. It's something that your kids will notice and pick up as they grow older.

Bananas are a great source of potassium. My brother, who cramps without running, drinks a lot of Gatorade (he buys the powdered kind and mixes his own, which is cheaper), which he says really, really helps also. When I was marathon training, I found eating baked potatoes was a life-saver. It's kind of fun to discover the connection between eating and activity and to make it work for you.

Oh, and did you have a white Christmas in Ohio? It was in the 70s down here. 

2006-12-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: #633203

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN

Cara, looks like you know what to expect when it comes to triathlons - at least as a spectator. That will really help you this upcoming season as you get into it yourself! I'm so glad that something you enjoy watching your husband do is something you'll get to experience.

Your swimming background will really help, even if you haven't done much swimming in the past few years. It's amazing how those learned skills come back with practice. As for running, don't let it scare you. It was the part I was dreading the most, too. That's one of the reasons I decided to do a marathon, so I'd have to train. Crazy, but it helped me love running.

Much congrats on losing all that weight on WW! My mom-in-law did great with the program, until she got off of it. And now she's back on. You'll notice, depending on how hard you train, that keeping the weight off won't be as hard during the season. It's during the off season that it gets hard. I think we're all there now.  

2006-12-27 7:09 PM
in reply to: #633685

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN

Tina, we can get faster together! Occasionally, I get depressed looking at other people's run times, but then I remind myself that I'm in this to get better, not run a 6-minute mile.

A lot of doing better at a triathlon is training. And eating better helps too. Just putting in the time to do all three sports consistently, and putting in the time to watch what you're eating really adds to your training. I haven't been so good on the eating end lately, either, especially with the holiday treats. I love cookies and those special goodies mom makes once a year! Right now, I'm a little bit afraid to step on the scale. So, it's something we can all work on.

So, do y'all say "eh" in lovely Alberta? I was in Quebec City earlier this year for a conference. It's a gorgeous place!  

2006-12-27 10:52 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
i feel so encouraged that you guys aren't in it to be fast necessariiy. Right now i can only run about 8 minutes at about 5mph. It ends up being around a .5 mile or so. So i guess if i get to a mile soon it will be about a 16 minute mile haha!
Between the leg pain i experience (felt some shinsplints today it was too difficult to push pass them i had to stop running and stretch them out) and the 50lbs i could stand to lose who know if i'll ever be fast atleast this year and the next aye!?

At any rate i'll keep on keepin on...hell i could only run 3 minutes in a row at about 4mph a month ago so i guess i am improving.

I did sign myself and my husband up for a 5k on Feb 17th so i do have a goal to complete a 5k then and i prefer to run the whole distance!

take care!

P.S. No white christmas here in OH! Instead we got a really wet and cold Christmas!

2006-12-28 3:09 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hi Stephanie,

I am interested in joining your group.

My name is Kenan and I turned 39 this year. My daughter, Allison, is 14 and my son, Jared, is 8. I live in Osceola, IN. I just moved here over the summer from Naples, FL. (What was I thinking!!)

I have a swimming background and have been running and biking off and on now for 3 years. I have not done any races, but I am shooting for a sprint and an olympic in '07.

My better half has been doing triathlons (mostly full Ironman) for 10 years now and I am tired of spectating. I don't know if I will ever achieve Ironman status, but you have to start somewhere.

I have not been following a schedule, but I plan on it after the first of the year. I need to eat better and could stand to drop 20 lbs. I will say that I am better at training than I am at getting in here and logging my workouts. Thsi will be good for me because I know you will be watching!!!

Lets do it!
2006-12-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
2006-12-30 7:05 AM
in reply to: #629910

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hello Gals...
I would like to join your group! My name is Leanne and I am 27 years old. It looks like we all come with various experiences and backgrounds and I am looking forward to have a group to share my triathlon/marathon goals, truimphs and pitfalls with!

I currently live in Wilmington, NC but I am originally from Ontario, Canada. I moved to NC almost 5 years ago (just for a year...ha, ha!). I work at a hospital as a RN Case Manager. In high school I ran competitively in cross country and track and field. When I started college I stopped running. I have always been active but I no longer raced and mostly just went to the gym on a daily basis. About two years ago I ran my first 5 km for the first time since high and I began hooked on running again. I ran recreationally with my friends and in the fall of 2005 I did a 5km and a 10km. Early this past summer I met my boyfriend Scott who is a triathlete. (In fact he just became an Ironman in Nov finishing IMFL). Our circle of friends are very active and our lifestyle/social life circles around training! I love it. Last year I competed in my first sprint (Aug) and now I am hooked plus while at IMFL this I became inspired to someday finished an Ironman...hmmm. After finishing my sprint this past summer, Scott bought me a new bike and I have I am excited about putting some miles on it this year. My only fear with triathlons is swimming. Swimming is my weakest discipline so my goal is to work on that this year.

The family I grew up with (parents, brother and other relatives) live in Ontario. Scott and I are in the process of moving in together (we pretty much do, but technically b/c we have own mailing addresses we consider it not to be official). My family down here in NC are not my relatives but my best friends and they include Terry, Amber, Erika, Brandon (their baby Harry), Sara and Brent. I am sure you'll be hearing a lot about all of them! Terry and Amber are Scott and my training partners!

Current Training:
Since IMFL Scott has been taking it easy. I was training for my first marathon (Kiawah Island, SC) with Amber and obtained two stress fractures in left foot in October which side lined me. So...I have been swimming and biking...but nothing 'structured'. January we will begin to start our training. Scott has been invited to IM Hawaii in October so he'll begin his IM training and I will begin my training as well!

Last Year (2006)
In 2006 I completed:

August- UNC Wellness Sprint
Sept - Virginia Beach 1/2 Marathon
Sept - Wilmington YMCA Tri (relay I did the 5km)

Then in early October I became injured, had to wear a walking boot and I have not been running since so I am eager to get started.

This Year (2007)
My goals are BIG and hopefully and hopefully not impossible

March 31 Cooper Bridge 10km (Charleston, SC) registered
May 6 The Flying Pig Marathon (Cincinnatti, OH) it will be my first marathon
June - nothing yet
July - Triangle Triathon Sprint (Raleigh, NC)
August - Women's Only Tri in Raleigh
September 15 Duke Half Ironman
September 29 Wimington YMCA Tri (will do the run part of the relay again)

Wt Loss - I have never had an "overweight" problem. In fact shortly after nursing school I suffered from anorexia/bulimia. I struggled for 5 years and just in the past two years have learned to overcome it. It was never a "fat" issue with me...more of a control issue.

Anyhow...looking forward to joining the group!

2007-01-01 10:34 AM
in reply to: #629910

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New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hi Stephanie...I read your profile and am interested in joining up with your group.

I don't have a very long story...I currently have no plans of completing a tri but I will be competing in two to three duathlons this summer (May, June and September). I having been doing much reading on the subject and find that I have MANY questions about training and nutrition especially. I am a beginner runner and my main focus at this time is to finish and finish healthy!

I am married and we too will be celebrating our 5th anniversary in February. We have no children but we do have a 5 year old sheppard/rotti named Mathew that is the centre of our world.

Currently I have been running (a very basic training plan I found reading through some tri books) and cycling. My main focus right now is my running and endurance. I am running two days a week, cycling 3 and training with a personal trainer 1 day a week. I am also doing some reading on nutrition and fueling the body as I have many questions about that.

As for weight loss, I do have a few pounds to drop...hopefully through the training some of those will come off.

2007-01-01 2:17 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
I am interested in joining your group.

NAME: bryan_t / Bryan (38)

STORY: I am getting ready to turn 39 and I am not looking forward to 40 already. I have completed a few 5ks over the years and would love to do a sprint tri next year. I am concerned about my recent weight gain and my laziness to do something about it. I am an eight grade Social Studies teacher who feels that all of my hard work to achieve my teaching position is going to go to waste because of my physical health. My cholesterol levels are high (305 last time I checked) and I am worried what might happen if I don’t take care of my health. My goals are to do a sprint when I’m 39, and a half iron man when I’m 40.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been happily married to my wife Annette for 7 years. We have no children together but we do have two dachshunds that we call our babies.

CURRENT TRAINING: At the present time I am not doing any kind of training. I haven’t been in the gym for almost six months.


2007 RACES: I would like to do a sprint this year…

WEIGHTLOSS: I would love to get down to 200 pounds. More importantly than weight loss I want to take care of myself physically. I want to be able to let my dogs out without getting winded going up the six stairs that I have. I would love to play with my nephews again without having to stop to catch my breath.

2007-01-01 7:42 PM
in reply to: #629910


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
My name is Terri. I am 36 years old. I did a sprint tri in 2004. Since then, I have been fighting injuries including a pulled intercostal muscle (ab muscle - severe pain), a shoulder injury, plantar fasciitis. I also was living in Biloxi, MS when Hurricane Katrina came last year and that put a big damper on training. I have recently decided to do the Team In Training Olympic distance tri this year either the Memphis in May or the Disney Tri in September.

Training: So far I have been going to the YMCA during my lunch hour doing Firming and weight loss. I am currently at 165 lbs and want to loose at least 40 lbs. I have been out on my bike a few times, but no certain schedule - YET.

Life: I am married to a wonderful man who supports me by encouraging me and even going with me on my training rides and to the YMCA to lift weights. We have 4 children ages 16, 13, 11, 10. So I am very busy, but I feel this is something I need to do.

Goals: I need to work on my swimming and running. I am going to start going to the YMCA on Tueday and Thursday mornings to swim and run at night. Rides on weekends until the weather gets better and weight training on my lunch hour. (I told you I really need to loose weight!!!!)

I look forward to being a part of this group and would love to offer any encouraging words if anyone needs them.
2007-01-01 8:19 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - OPEN
Hey Isuretri,

I'm doing the Memphis in May tri this year!

good luck!!

2007-01-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

Welcome, Kenan, Leanne, Christine, Bryan and Terri! Looks like our group ended up with nine total. Whoohoo!

I've been off work for the last week, and staying away from the computer to let my eyes rest. It's been awesome - lazy, crazy, etc. So, today I went running for the first time since Dec. 26.

Traditionally, it's the time of year when everybody makes New Year's resolutions - and then breaks them. What I like to do is make monthly goals - knowing that some of them I won't hit, but others I will. So, question: What are your January training goals? Think about what you'd like to accomplish this month only - if it's running 10 minutes straight or swimming 600 yards or buying new running shoes so your knees don't hurt. I've listed mine below to get us started.

1. Buy new running shoes. DONE today!
2. Do strength training two days a week.
3. Do four days of triathlon training a week.
4. Add drills to my tri training.
5. Use my new kickboard and pull buoy.
6. Write down what I'm eating so I can actually see what I'm eating.
7. Find somebody new to "inspire" in their training.

So, what do you want to do in January of 2007? 

2007-01-01 11:27 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
The following is what I want to do in January of 2007:

1. Buy a swimsuit.
2. Increase my running and biking mileage.
3. Eat healthy.
4. Train whenever I get stressed out about school.

I know that it is a small list, but I know that this list will increase when I go back to school.
2007-01-02 5:33 AM
in reply to: #638710

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Okay here are my goals for this month. I'm going to be pretty specific.

1.Run atleast 3 days a week for 10 minutes straight. If not at the Y at home in the evening.
2.Do Strength training two days a week.
3.Ride trainer at night 2 days a week or squeeze in a longer bike ride on the weekends.
4.Be conscious of eating b/c of my emotions and instead try to eat only when i'm hungry.
5.Drink atleast 64oz of water a day.

Hey Everyone!

take care,

Edited by montyb49 2007-01-02 5:33 AM

2007-01-02 6:15 AM
in reply to: #629910


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am with Beth. Here are mine:
1. Be careful about why I eat...I am an emotional eater.
2. Eat clean meals
3. Drink 64 oz of water each day
4. Follow my training schedule of 2 days each of tri training
5. Do weight training 2x's per week
6. Be happy!!!!!

2007-01-02 9:56 AM
in reply to: #629910

New user

Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
My goals for January:

- ease into my tri training (doing my sprint tri in May) by running and biking each twice a week... just shorter runs to build back some foundation

- get back into swimming, i havent been in the pool since i was prego in 2005... im going to spend january focusing on the TI drills (i started the total immersion swimming method in 2005 and LOVE it). this means i have to put on my bathing suit, eek!

- quit eating so darn much sugar, i can be a sugarholic if im not careful and paying attention to my eating

- get some yoga in there at least twice a week, i find i feel so much better when i add yoga into the mix too

overall january is my 'get back into the habit of working out' month... so im not going to focus too much on the intensity of my workouts, but rather the fact that im doing them again.
2007-01-02 3:48 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

Great goals, y'all! It's going to be fun - and hard - this month as we work towards them - especially when the weather doesn't agree with our plans, etc.

One thing that will help keep you on track and help us to encourage each other is BT's training log. When I first signed on to Beginner Triathlete, I mostly just lurked and didn't really start using the logs until later. But when I found them, it was incredible to watch the progress I was/am making and also to inspire and be inspired by others.

The log is something I'd like each of you to consider. Check it out, think about it and try it. It will help you make those goals real. For help on where to get started, I've put the link to mine below: />

2007-01-05 2:33 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
It's been a few days, and I thought I'd check and see how you're doing! How's your training progressing? Are you enjoying the new year?
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