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2006-12-21 3:46 PM

Subject: danielle860's group - FULL
NAME: Danielle

STORY: I've been a 'gym rat' off and on since high school, but found running in early 2005 as a form of stress relief from working 50 hour weeks and attending school full time. That summer, I started dating a guy who had been doing triathlons for a few seasons. I spectated one of his races, and thought that the whole thing looked like a blast. Three months later, after attempting to swim for the first time since summer camp, I decided to give triathlon a try for myself. That was a year ago, and since that time, I've completed the 2006 race season as a solid mid-packer in 4 sprint triathlons, one Olympic distance race, and a half marathon.

FAMILY STATUS: I now live with that triathlon guy. He trains a lot more since he met me, so it's a mutually beneficial relationship. And we have way too many sporting goods.

CURRENT TRAINING: Running is my weakest event, so I am currently focusing on that by training for two spring half marathons. After that, my focus for 2007 will become my first half ironman distance race. I utilize a coach for my running plan (amiine), and I believe that consistency in a training plan and smart (heart rate or RPE) training is key to showing improvement. Because I started training under a very heavy school and work schedule, I also believe that anyone who truly wants to can train for triathlons as long as they make the commitment and get a little motivation along the way.
Last year: I answered that one above, but all my 'first time' triathlon stories are archived somewhere in my verbose blog, so feel free to browse around. I'll just sum it up by saying that I really feel like I came into the 2006 triathlon season as a total newbie (and thinking I was going to drown) and left it with tons of confidence and experience that I can apply to the '07 season.
Next year: Two half marathons, Mooseman Olympic, Patriot HIM, Niantic Bay Sprint, Cranberry Country Olympic (A Race), full marathon (90% sure)

WEIGHTLOSS: I am currently at a 'maintenance level' weight, am am starting to focus more on nutrition as an overall part of triathlon training. I lost about 15 pounds, but have gone down four clothing sizes, so there's some proof that muscle weighs more than fat.

Edited by danielle860 2007-01-01 1:23 PM

2006-12-27 1:41 PM
in reply to: #630903

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Danielle,

I'm Kate - a 22 year old recent college grad now living and working in NYC. I played college soccer for 2 years before switching to triathlons and have so far completed 1 sprint and 1 olympic (NYC Tri) - both in 2005. I didn't know it at the time, but I was training and racing that first season with severe anemia and therefore found the whole experience to be frustrating, painful and extremly slow. Early last year I took almost six months off in order to get healthy (ie take enormous amounts of iron supplements) and finally started running again this past June. I did my first marathon in October, several half marathons and a bunch of shorter races. But now, after 6 months of doing nothing but run, I want to get back into triathlon training. I signed up for the Mooseman HIM in June and the Timberman HIM in August. I also qualified for the Boston Marathon (April) and would like to fit that into my training plan if possible. Swimming is definitely my weakest link, but I signed up for a 10-week triathlon swimming class that starts next hopefully I can make some headway in the pool. I love to train, but hate how lonely it can be so I wanted to use the mentor program to open up a dialogue with similar people that like to train and race. I'm looking forward to having guidance and support as I train for my first HIM.

2006-12-28 7:59 AM
in reply to: #630903

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi! It sounds like you could be MY mentor in running - it's great that you were able to recover and qualify for Boston. That is a huge accomplishment! I look forward to seeing you get awesome in the pool

Edited by danielle860 2006-12-28 8:00 AM
2006-12-28 7:45 PM
in reply to: #630903

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
bump so I don't feel like a loser all down on the second page.
2006-12-28 9:19 PM
in reply to: #630903

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Danielle!

My name is Todd and I would like to join your group if you are still taking on all comers. I am 36 years old, married with 3 kids (10, 6, and 3). Back at the end of 2004 a routine medical physical told me that I overweight (actually, I already knew that), my stress levels were through the roof, and my blood pressure was borderline high. That was a turning point for me. I have WAY too many good things in my life and I was not going to let poor health cut those things short. In March 2005 I dug out the old Huffy MTB and decided that biking would be a good way to start getting back in some sort of shape. After a grueling 10 minute ride on the bike, I realized that I had a long way to go. I kept at it, riding about 4 days a week and found some offroad trails around town to keep it interesting. I built up my "endurance" to be able to ride for 20 minutes without passing out and starting feeling pretty good about myself. I started to explore other offroad opportunities in the area and had delusions of being a macho MTB rider. Those visions kept me motivated. In May 2005, I got my first "real" bike, a Gary Fisher MTB, and felt like I had conquered the world! I kept increasing my time on the bike and started doing longer rides on the weekends. Late in the summer I found a riding group at a local bike shop that did Saturday morning rides and though I would give it a go. This was a great group of new friends that were all roadies. I took my MTB on a 25 mile ride with them and was amazed that I could actually keep pace with them pretty well. In September, we were riding on some local roads and ran into a large group of riders coming into the bike transition of a local triathlon (Lake Geneva Triathlon - Fontana, WI). Seeing the crowds and all the cheering had me hooked. I resolved to join this crazy bunch next year if it killed me.

I am not a natural runner and I'm a novice swimmer. Long story short, I slowly build up my running and swimming, lost 35 lbs, bought a road bike in May 2006, and 2006 was my first year of tri's. I completed one sprint (Batavia Triathlon - Batavia, IL) and one Oly (Lake Geneva Triathlon - Fontana, WI).

What I discovered was that I was a moderately good swimmer, a relatively strong biker, and a slow but methodical runner. My competitive instincts took over and I resolved to become a stronger runner. I have been slowly building up my running milage to run my first marathon in June 2007 (Grandma's Marathon - Duluth, MN) and plan to do a HIM as well.

I am looking for a group to share tips, ups and downs, funny stories, general comraderie, and inspiration.
2006-12-29 10:52 AM
in reply to: #630903

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Great to hear that tris have helped you get in shape and healthy. Good luck with the marathon training...I did my first in October and it was a total high. The way you feel about running is the same way I feel with swimming...the amount of improvement I need is daunting, but I know how satisfying it will be in a few months time. For me the biggest challenge is forcing myself to get in the pool more often...

2006-12-29 6:25 PM
in reply to: #636037

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Welcome Todd! Funny that you mention being a moderately good swimmer, that's the thing I thought would be the hardest, but I always tend to place the best in that leg of the race. Are you currently doing any heart rate training for the run and bike? I have found that to be great for increasing my run speed (and burning fat), and now is the best time to start because it's base building season!
2006-12-29 6:27 PM
in reply to: #636507

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Kate - 3x per week in the pool and that class you signed up for is probably going to do the trick.

I'm doing swim workouts now from a plan, so I will share them with you since I tend to write them out before I head to the pool.
2006-12-29 11:48 PM
in reply to: #636924

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
I am currently wearing a HRM on my runs just to get a feel for roughly what my pace is at a given level, but I have not done much in the way of targeting certain "zones". In fact, I'm not even sure what the zones represent. What I have gathered so far is that if I can no longer breathe and my face turns beet red, I am probably pushing too hard :-)

Actually I try to keep my max in the mid-140's on long runs, but usually peak for a couple of minutes in the low-150's. This leaves me running around 9:45 miles at a 'conversational' pace. The one thing that using a HRM has helped me to do is to pace myself BEFORE I run out of steam. I have a tendancy to want to keep pushing faster and the HRM has helped to temper this somewhat.

I have only used the HRM once on the bike since I have not started using it regularly until after the tri season was over. I do most of my shorter rides at night to work them in without affecting my work and family life too much, but since I have a base level HRM, it does not track max HR and it is not lit so I have a hard time using it on these rides to control pace and tempo.
2006-12-30 7:57 AM
in reply to: #630903

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New user

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Danielle-

Finally, I've found people in the tri-state area! I'd like to join your mentor group.

My name is Laura. I'm 30, single, and living in Hoboken. I have a LOOONG history with weight loss and fitness is definitely my means of keeping my weight down.

Summer 2005 I started biking. And then January 2006, I decided to train with Team in Training for a century. In May 2006, I completed my first century, the Montauk Century. It was AWESOME. I kicked butt...I really became a cyclist over that season. Running on the other's always been my nemesis. I've been into fitness for about 4 years now, step classes, kickboxing, and now cycling. But's always been that activity that I just didn't like doing. My roommate trained for the 1/2 marathon last year and I have tons of other friends who just love to run. So I specifically signed up for a triathalon to get me over that hatred of running. And it's worked! I started running in November and I'm up to about 5 miles at this point. I can't even believe it!

So now what I've discovered is that the swim is going to be my hardest sport. I'm interested in learning more about that 10 week swim class that Kate? was talking about.

As far as my lifestyle, I can definitely handle 6 days a week of training and I can handle days where I have double workouts. My main problem is that I travel for work and am frequently on projects where I am out of town M-Th. I always stay at a hotel that has some type of gym so I am fairly confident that I can run consistently during the week. I just can't count on being able to hop on my bike or swim during the week.

So that's my story I think! What I'm trying to get out of this is a more structured schedule and support given my strength in cycling and my travel schedule.

I'm off. Going biking and swimming this morning!

Have a Happy New Year everyone!!

2006-12-30 9:14 AM
in reply to: #637124

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Laura - Congrats on completeing the century! I could always use some motivation on the bike, so this is good that you are here. Are you able to find good cycling routes in that part of NJ? I grew up in Jersey, a bit south from where you are in Monmouth County.

If you are interested in training for a half marathon, the Long Branch Half is an excellent race that is happening on April 29. I started training for it last January on a run distance of 6 miles, so it's definitely doable, especially since it's a flat course so it would probably be good running on those hotel treadmills.

2006-12-30 9:18 AM
in reply to: #637081

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Todd - I have some good resources on Heart Rate training if you are interested, I'll try to post them when I get some more time search around my computer for the links.
2006-12-30 5:46 PM
in reply to: #630903

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Danielle,
I'm Tara and I've been saying for years now that I want to run a tri before I turn 50. Well, I turn 50 on May 29th so I better get going. I was athletic through high school and college, playing mostly basketball. I watched a triathlon years ago in Naples and loved the fun atmosphere and how fit every one seemed to be. I think thats when the seed was planted. Unfortunately, I work a lot and just have not made it an important enough goal to prioritize. I ran in a 5k about 4 years ago and another one a year later. I was so tired I swore I'd never do it again. About a year ago my husband bought me a Trek 5000 road bike. I love it! I've been sporadic but when I'm on my bike I feel great. I've done a 25 and 23 mile ride and plan to ride on Tuesdays and Saturdays with a group here in Citrus Co, Fl. I also swam some last year with a friend who trained for and ran in her first tri. The pool is closed until March I think but I have a pool that I can maybe do some training in. Running is hard for me because I seem to overdo it at first and then I hate it. Four years ago for about a year I was running 3 miles about 3 days a week with a friend. When she quit, I did too -dang. I've been walking a little and just 2 days ago went out and thought I'd just try jogging a little to see how long I could do it without dieing. I was able to run for 4 minutes straight without stopping which surprised me. I think if I can really discipline myself, since I have an athletic history I think my body will respond quickly (although I'm not a spring chicken any more.)

My goal is obviously not to win but to finish and finish well, with a smile on my face. I want to feel like I have a little extra energy in me and I want to have fun. Any suggestions you can give me would be great. I like this website and have dogeared the books "Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals," and "Triathlons for Fun." Oh ya, I've started a weight program too with dumbbells and a balance ball.

Thanks for any help you can give me!

Tara Bryant
2006-12-31 11:17 AM
in reply to: #637418

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Tara! Five months is plenty of time to train. Have you picked your first race yet? If not, there are some race schedules on I think the swimming should be a priority for you since you are comfortable on the bike and can always walk some of the run portion if you need to. Sprints up here tend to have 1/2 mile swims, but I know lots of areas have 1/4 mile swims in their races.

Take advantage of that nice Florida weather (and that nice bike) as much as you can... it's about 30 up here now so I am feeling envious of you.
2006-12-31 1:59 PM
in reply to: #630903

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Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN - 1 spot left :)
Hi Danielle!
I'm Megan, and I'd love to join your group if the 1 spot is still open.
I'm a 25 yo, former collegiate softball player. After I finished playing in college, I was burnt out and had just had ACL reconstruction. So I entered grad school and haven't had much time or motivation to be as active as I was before. But I sorely miss being athletic and active and did a team sprint tri 2 summers ago with my boyfriend. Since then, I've wanted to train for an Olympic tri, and the goal for this year is the Accenture Tri in Chicago in August, with some sprint tri's earlier in the summer. I need some help with managing strength training within the training programs. My legs are my weak point, specifically that blasted left knee, and I'd like to be strong enough to not only finish a tri, but to finish strong!
Happy New Year!
2007-01-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #630903

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi Danielle - My name is James and saw your group was made up of mainly Connecticut/NY people so hope you have room for another one. I live with my wife and two children in Wilton/Weston in Southern Connecticut. So would like to join up to get some help and share experiences.

I have done 15 -20 triathlons including 2 Half Ironmans. One catch though.....My last Triathlon was the Port of Tauranga Half Iron Man New Zealand in 1997 (I grew up in NZ). My company has recently transffered us from Switzerland to the US where I have made a firm commitment to get back into Triathlons.

I have found my body has adopted really well since I started training in Sep and I have lost 8 - 10 pounds, no pain. Seem to be easily able to swim 2k's and run hour runs and cycle 1 & half hour. The biggest problem I having is the constant dissapointment with how slow I do everything (I run 9 - 10min miles currently versus my last half Ironman I ran 1:38 go figure how you can lose so much speed in 10 years)and trying to find time to do things having a young family and working in a stressful demanding carreer.

Goals for 2007 - Loose another 10 pounds which would almost put me back to my 1997 race weight. Do the Mossman triathlons 1x short & 2 Olympic), run the NY marathon if I get accepted. Possibly a Half IM but that may have to wait for 2008.

Sounds like you are really on top of your nutrition and planning, things I definitely am not on top of.

Happy New Year to all James Graham

2007-01-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #637866

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN - 1 spot left :)
Hi Megan! Very cool that we have two former college athletes in the group. I am also hoping to do more strength sessions in the off season in order to be strong for my HIM. Are you following any sort of plan right now?
2007-01-01 1:35 PM
in reply to: #638314

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi James, I was going to close the group at the suggested five, but this is very cool that we have two guys in the group now and another CT person. So, welcome! It sounds like you are well into building your base right now, I'm sure the speed will come once you get the base back and then down to your goal weight. Normally, I log my nutrition here on the site (although not during the holidays), which helps me be aware of what I am eating because I know other people will see it.

If you are looking for a good Olympic distance race in August, I recommend the Cranberry Country Triathlon. It's up in Massachussetts, so a bit of a drive, but it is a very well run race and completely worth the trip. The Niantic Bay Triathlon is a little closer to you, but a very nice race as well. I will be at both this year.
2007-01-01 2:13 PM
in reply to: #630903

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - FULL
Here is a list of the group members and just a little bit about our goals:
danielle860: Danielle - Connecticut - sub 6:00 HIM, sub 1:50 half marathon
kat2012: Kate - New York - Complete first HIM and strengthen swim
tvwatters: Todd - Wisconsin - Training for first marathon and HIM
lngmba: Laura - New Jersey - Completing first triathlon and strenghten swim
tbryant: Tara - Florida - Complete triathlon before May 29, 2007
mpietrucha: Megan - Illinois? - Olympic distance triathlon, weight training
JamesG: James - Connecticut - Successful comeback after 9 year break

I noticed from everyone's first posts that we all have one thing in common, which is juggling triathlon training with a busy work/school/family schedule. This is probably the hardest part of training, so I hope we can all motivate one another to get out there and get it done!

I suggest that everyone do the following so that we don't lose track of the group:
1. Start logging workouts if you haven't already. It's 1/1/07 so a perfect time to start!
2. Put each other's member names on the friends list in the control panel. This will give us quick access to each other's logs. You can get to the control panel by clicking the first icon under the section that says "Quick Links" next to your calendar.
3. Add a link to this forum so you can check up on new messages. It might also be a good idea to add a link to this thread in your goals section of your training log.
4. Make a list of at least three short term and long term goals (if you haven't already) in that section of your training log. This will help us to remember what everyone's general goals are, and will remind you of the reason why you are commiting so much time to your training.

2007-01-02 12:16 PM
in reply to: #637124

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New user

New York, NY
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
The 10 week class is run by the Asphalt Green Tri Club. The first session is this Saturday (January 6th). All the details are at this site:

Let me know if you sign up!

2007-01-02 12:30 PM
in reply to: #630903

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - FULL
Hi All,

Not sure if any one is interested in competing in South Connecticut Triathlons in 2007. I am going to do all three of the Mossman triathlons. (See Attached)

The Norwalk Sprint is about 20 mins drive from my house and is supposed to be a good Triathlon for beginners.

I have just joined this Tri Group and start doing their swim training from the 10th of January. They sound like a really good bunch.


James G

2007-01-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #630903

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - FULL
James - It's funny you mention this, because I was just talking about switching my original planned race (the Mooseman in New Hampshire) for their first race since it fits into my schedule better. I'll let you know what I decide.

Do you have a wetsuit? If not, I highly recommend one for that early June swim!

Edited by danielle860 2007-01-02 2:24 PM
2007-01-02 2:28 PM
in reply to: #630903

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New user

Subject: RE: danielle860's group - FULL
Hi Danielle-

I can't seem to find how to add a link to this forum. Any directions would be great!

I still have to sign up for it but I think my first tri is going to be the Devilman in South Jersey. Every heard of it?

Oh, and I think I'm going to sign up for that swim program that Kate is doing.

2007-01-02 3:35 PM
in reply to: #638392

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Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN - 1 spot left :)
HI Danielle,
Happy New Year!
I'm actually not following any set plan right now, and any advice on where to start is welcome.
Oh, btw, I am from Chicago, Illinois. Sorry about that
2007-01-02 4:02 PM
in reply to: #637791

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: danielle860's group - OPEN
Hi again,

I know I'm a total newcomer but I'm excited. I think there is a Crystal River Triathlon scheduled for 5/26/07 but I'll be darned if I can find it now. I'm only about an hour from Clermont and I see they have an even shorter sprint triathlon in April. Either way I'm going to shoot for one of those.

I agree - I think swimming will be my hardest (or most terrifying) part (especially the CR Tri cuz its in the Gulf of Mexico). I swam laps last year with a friend who was training for a tri and found that there is a master's swimming group who meets regularly at a local park. I'm going to try to connect with them for some pointers.

I'm open to any suggestions you or the group have to offer. My tendency is to overdo at the beginning of something and then get sore or fatigued and quit so I'm really going to pace myself this time and try to listen to my body.

Thanks again,

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