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2007-04-05 12:26 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hi gang..sorry for being silent....I've checked in but not had time to log.

Ok, I missed my run goal too. And I haven't ridden the bike since last Friday....but I brought my bike trainer upstairs again...ever since I tuned up the bike that last nice weekend it's snowed & been -20, -15 with the wind chill. So, the bike came back inside. Started to ride it tonight, but family stress made me leave so I went for a swim instead. Grrr. All is good now.

I promise to keep tabs on the bike stress everyone, just get done what ya can.

Have a good week

2007-04-05 9:25 AM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hi all,

finally back from nicaragua and itching to get started. I didnt' do any training while there, but did do some surfing so maybe that sort of counts as swimming.

Wow, I came pretty close to meeting my running goal. Less than 2 miles short, I will take it.

Not sure I can do an official challenge this month, but I might just do an hours exercise challenge for myself, since I think I will be doing more lifting and classes and stuff this month.

Perhaps assuming 6 hours a week times 4 weeks, I am going to pledge to exercise 24 hours this month. That is one full day of exercise cool.

2007-04-05 12:32 PM
in reply to: #633464


Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)


Thank you OntheRun for keeping track.


I have learned that setting realistic goals and achieving them is more important than shooting too high and missing and feeling bad about yourself.

This month totaly sucked for me, especially the last week. Howvere, it is still 100% than March 2006 where I didn't do anything at all.

So my goal for April is:

2 hours in the pool.

2 hours run + 6 hours walk on treadputer. (Approx 25 miles)

3 hours bike.


On a side note, I have been browsing random profiles, March is a slow month for many users with dwindling new year's resolution motivation.

Cheers all, and lets have a good April


2007-04-05 11:14 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :) sum up everyone's goals...please correct me if I make a mistake...

Joe, Amy, CC, & myself are going to shoot for 200 miles bike....if I dream about biking, can I log those miles??? hahaha

Breezy.....busy so just getting time to workout is a goal

Fone....24 hours total workout time

Desty...13 hours total workout time....2 hrs in the pool, 2 hrs running, 3 hrs bike, 6 hrs walk...

I'm also going to add 5 strength training sessions to my goal. I'm lucky if I get one in every other month, so that is a huge goal for me! And hopefully....a few pounds will come off this month? My bf wants to have a goal too, but he's still working on his dislocated probably next month he'll join in...

If the weather ever warms up around here, I might get outside for a ride....sigh.

Have a good easter everyone!
PS....I pigged out today....on vegetables! I'm so proud of myself
2007-04-06 6:18 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

Desty, nice job on realizing your abilitys and making goals realistic. Something is always better than nothing. That is what I have to tell myself as I MUST get back on track in the mornings. I am racing in only about 9 weeks and am not even close to ready to put together anything more than a finsih. tommorow is a big day for me to get back on track. Unfortuanatly I to can not get out to ride yet. Schedualed to rain and not break 40 tommorow. I guess the lesser of the evils is to do the drainer for 3+ hours and get out for the run outside as the kicker. I hope to be able to actualy post those resluts tommorow. That would cover about 1/2 my ridding for a week

2007-04-08 6:45 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :) I sit here eating chocolate....

Ok, everyone's totals for the first week of April...I'm including today coz I didn't catch the totals yesterday, hope that's ok...

Joe....60 bike miles out of 200
Amy...16 bike miles out of 200
CC...17.5 bike miles out of 200
Helen...30 bike miles out of 200

Breezy...8 hrs 40 mins total workout I read that right?
Fone...2 hrs 23 mins out of 24 hrs total workout time
Desty...1 hr 55 walking mins out of 13 hrs total workout time (bike, walk, run, swim)

and I think that's it....hope everyone is having a wonderful easter. I'm heading out in a few mins to do the family supper thing. I hafta work when I get home....and study.....and I think I'm skipping work tomorrow

We rock!

2007-04-10 9:58 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
OK, who ordered the 10 cms of snow??? It's so unfair. Oh well....when I retire, I promise I will live in a nice warm place.

Workouts are going great these past few days....took today off...wanted to swim but that would mean leaving my little guy at home so I passed on that idea.

I'm feeling much stronger these days...before any type of strength training would tweak the back I don't notice anything so I must be healing. I can't wait to have buff arms again

I hope everyone is having a great week so far. I'm supposed to be taking some vacation time..had to go in for a meeting & left 7 hours later....sigh....

2007-04-12 3:37 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

I would like to start by saying I am sorry I have not been as supportive to the group as I had intended when this all started. I love keeping in touch, but my time constraints have changed a lot, and I am having trouble keeping my daily affairs in order right now. As with just about anything there are tons of reason. I have taken on a huge task of training for a 1/2 Iron without my kids realy being old enough to enable me to do it. In the process, each missed morning workout brings me emotionaly down. Then I am rarely able to compensate in the evening. When I do, it tends to force the morning workout out agian, thus beginning the cycle again.

I say this, not because I am looking for sympathy, but just so you undertand that I do care what you are doing. I plan to keep in touch with the group as I have been to make sure you all have a good first race. I just feel bad I have not been able to motivate the group as much as I wanted to, but we have been doing a decent job of checking in on each other. The good part is after 3+ months of training together, we have not lost anyone to there old pre workout lives. I would like to commend all of you for getting past the New Years resolution drop out period. I know in gyms, that within 2 mos of New Years, a lot of the "tourists" have passed through and life in the gym gravitates back to where it was before the expected bost in attendance. So good job to all of you.

Now, to try and get things back on track a little. My charge to the group (me included) is to make sure that each week has more pink squares than others combined. Simply put, at least 4 workouts a week. I think that everyone has a chance at it this week if we get a workout in every day including today. I am starting to think that month long goals, and season goals are great, but we need to look a little shorter in time to find our collective rythems again. I will continue to shoot for my 200 miles on the bike this month, but am proud to annouce a new PR on todays run! What ever it takes to boost my enthusiasim to get me to my first race this year.

As always, keep up the good work.

2007-04-14 6:26 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hey happens...and we can't be & do everything we want to be or do. Your kids are #1 and no one should feel guilty for skipping a workout to be with them.

I know I haven't been as diligent with my workouts....I like to think I have a reasonable excuse as my personal life is H*LL at the moment and sometimes too emotionally exhausted to do much of anything except make sure my kid's ok & I get to work on time.

With time, this hiccup in my life will let me return to was a good day & I rode out on the highway, visited with a friend. etc.

We can only do our best, right?

Have a super weekend everyone
2007-04-14 7:38 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
thanks for the kind words. I guess it is just my "Puritain" New England guilt complex kicking up. I am still looking forward to seeing you all become "official" race vetrains in the sport of triathlon. If you have not done it already, consider posting your future race in your blog in the race log. By putting the races in the blog a green square will be held to mark the date. This makes it so easy for anyone checking in to see the impending race date. I love this feature.
2007-04-15 7:31 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hi gang.....hope everyone had a good weekend. I managed to get two workouts in again this weekend, so pat on the back for me, even if last week showed no pink squares...oops. But I have a good excuse, that's my story & I'm sticking to it.

Ok....everyone's totals.....

Joe...118.4 out of 200 miles bike
Amy...16 out of 200 miles bike
CC...34.5 out of 200 miles bike
Helen...65.2 out of 200 miles bike
Breezy...9.25 (rounded) hours total workout time...and a big congratulations to you!!!!
Fone...3.50 (rounded) hours out of 24 total workout hours
Desty...6 hrs (rounded) out of 13 total workout hours

It seems like we've all had a hard week, but we've managed to get some workouts in, so that is awesome.

I'll post our totals again next Sunday...let's go hard this week, ok????? Yes, life gets in the way, but don't we always feel better after a workout??? I know I do, it's the only thing keeping my sane these days.

2007-04-18 8:34 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :) here's the deal. How are all my tri buddies? Can everyone check in and let a "sister" know how they are.

As for me, I'm doing ok and back on track for the time being. I went this Monday after a kids drama day and signed up to be in the local YMCA tri training group, I felt like I have been putting everyone before myself and I decided it needed to be about me sometimes, so I will start training with the group in 6 weeks, I paid $80.00 so that makes it real in my eyes, no turning back now. I figured I needed that to get me going, so now my mind set is to get in as good of shape as possible so when I meet with the group I will already be in the game so to speak...ya know what I'm saying? I'm the type that tries to be the perfect Mom and Wife, people like us need to remember the best thing we can do for our spouses and children is to be happy ourselves, so take the time to do the things that challenge us too, there is a "balance"...

So I'm done venting now....

How is everyone else???????

I have another questions. Has everyone here already done a tri of some sort? Or are there some ya whos like me that are green?
2007-04-18 9:57 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
We have a local YMCA event called the Echo challenge that is supposed to be a team event but there is a solo category's like a tri, only more....

It's a 750 swim, 1km hill scramble, 10km bike, 5.5km run, ???km kyak accross the lake. SO I've done that a few years in a row & it's a lot of fun!!! We usually drink a pile of beer the night before to make the race even more challenging

So that's my 'tri' experience....but I'm thinking about the 1/2 IM July 1 here. It's not a challenging course, so I should be able to finish it, even if I walk the 1/2 marathon. Needless to say, there will be no beers the night before that! hahahahaha.

Hope everyone's having a good whiny shin muscles are still hurting from my monster walk the other day. I never get sore from running. Hmmmmm.

OK, off I go to work....gonna bke ride today.
2007-04-18 10:32 AM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I haven't been doing that well with my workouts. A lot of it is because it has been raining and windy for like a week now so going outside is diffcult. A lot of it is also just because exams are coming up and I have been busy. Trying to be better this week. So far worked out MOnday nad tuesday and plan to work out today. I have mostly switched from tri training to just general fitness, and will probably resume tri training when I return to CA and buy a bike, because here I have no bike, and the school pool is under renovation for the rest of the year.

So my only goal is to work on core, and general fitness so I am in good shape to pick up with tri training when I get back.
2007-04-19 11:43 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

was just hitting my stride again for a potentail good week, and today I am home sick. Hope it is just the 24 hour thing going around work. If all goes well  Iwill be climbing the Kangamangous highway on saturday in NH. wish me luck.

Not green, 3 seasons of tris under my belt

2007-04-21 3:26 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hey gang....hope you're all having a great weekend. I'll be collecting totals tomorrow still time to get some workouts in

Work hard everyone!!!!

2007-04-21 3:29 PM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I have had two good running days in a row. So easy to be good when the weather is so gorgeous. Hopefully will go to the gym tomorrow to watch the Laker game and multitask
2007-04-23 12:16 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Well, no workout today for me....I've just finished work...started yesterday at 4 hours sleep...but that's just all the more reason why I look forward to freedom 55 Only 19 more years! hahahahahahhaa

ok...our totals for this week

Joe..178.6 bike miles out of 200
Amy 37.5 bike miles out of 200
CC 83.87 bike miles out of 200
Helen 103.2 bike miles out of 200
Breezy 9.25 total workout hours
Fone.....approx 32 total workout hours....but somehow managed a 20 hour strength training session in one day It's ok, I've done that lots
Desty 5.75 total workout hours out of 13 (2 pool,2 run, 6 walk, 3 bike hours)

Looking forward to a stress free week Aaaahhh

2007-04-23 7:59 AM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Lol. Yes, yes. I put 20 hours yesterday when I meant 20 minutes. The numbers should be fixed now.
2007-04-23 9:57 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Counting down the days till my first tri/adventure race, Sat April 28th. Boy I am excited. I guess it is normal to think you could have done more training or to think you should have worked harder. I know I am prepared, and trained hard enough, now I have to convince myself of it.

I am sure everyone here has improved leaps and bounds from day 1 of training. I remember struggeling to run 1 mile with out a break. Now a mile goes by and it is nothing and at five miles we are just getting started. We all have 1 mile warm ups and 10 mile long runs.

This has been a fun adventure. Thanks for all the support and the challenges, Joe thanks for all the advice. Lets keep on pushing.
2007-04-24 10:04 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I'm excited fo you too CC! I hope the day goes better than you expected.

I'm struggling to find time right now to get running in....I'm riding my bike to work this week so I can get at least a few miles to log....but one day at a time is all we can do, right?

I think the weight is coming off...although very slowly. Either that or my scales are having a midlife crisis and doesn't know which way to turn????

Hope everyone is having a good week!

2007-04-24 10:15 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hang in there Helen, your doing great! I know you have been losing weight, you look great!!!!! Hope the family things are going well for you. We are in this together, I won't leave....
2007-04-24 10:33 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hey Joe...where ya at? How are things? One smart lady told us once we all need to log something each day even if you don't workout, just put down our emotions for that day. I think she is in Texas right now and doing yet one more read through of dissertation....hey Breezy...
Lets all try to log something each day for a week and see if that helps us. I'm game, anybody else???? I know Helen will..... she been doing pretty good. Go Helen, and just so everyone knows, I WON'T BE MAKING MY BIKE GOAL...but I have been being consistant on workouts, I have about 5 weeks until I join my Y Tri Group and start training with them, so I want to be in decent shape when I meet with them for the first time....It's a personal thing.
2007-04-24 4:02 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

I am here, and trying to stay up on my blogs. I to like to see a daily logging of a something so white is not the color on my calander.

CC, I am sure you will do find, you have worked hard for it. As for being scared, I have you covered on that right now. I am about 5 weeks out from my first 1/2 IM and the self doubt is strong. I would like to have a few really long long rides and runs in. I have not gone over 3.5 hours on the bike, and can not remember the last time I ran more than 10 miles.

I am posting my goals here for what I want at my race on June 3rd. I expect to finish in under 7 hours. With no swimming as of right now, I am going to spot myself 1 hour for the 1.2 miles swim and T1. I know I can average 12 mph on the bike in the hills, last weekend showed me that. I should be able to cover that in well under 4.5 hours. I am going to need to run my 1/2 marry in under 2.5 hours. If you do the math that equals 8 hours. I figure I will end up with the run being pretty close to the 2.5 hours, may shave about 10 minutes off of it. I hope to shave at least 15 minutes, and maybe closer to 30 minutes off the swim. The bike is where the race will take place for me. I expect to take at least 30 more minutes off there. So it should be doable. If I can bike the first loop of the course in a couple of weeks, it would help my confidence, but it is not neccessary.

hope that shows that even I have fears pushing forward into the unknown once in awhile. No added pressure for me but I believe there is actauly a 7 hour cut off for an official finish time. Add to that, this may be my last 1/2 IM for a few years. Too much training to be done with such young kids around the house. I am thinking maybe 3 years before I get anouther good chance at this. We will see. In the mean time CARPE DIEM!!

2007-04-27 3:12 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Well tomarrow is my first attempt at a tri/adventure race. I am excited and ready to go. Went for a light run today, 2 miles at like 9:30 - 9:50 min/mile. I am ready to give it all I got tomarrow.

Then I start training for a 20k in Wheeling WV at the end of May.

I love this
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