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2007-05-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #635206

Beatrice, Nebraska
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Set my Half-Mary goals today.

1. Finish
2. Finish with a smile
3. Finish in 2:11:00 for a 10 min./mile
4. Ultimate goal, under 2:00 for a 9:09/mile
5. Ulitmate, ultimate goal: beat my running partner Jeremey

2007-05-16 9:38 AM
in reply to: #635206

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Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Hey, so it's been a while. we are just about into race season, how is everyone feeling? I've been sidelined from running this week with some ankle/achilles problems but otherwise feeling good. So has anyone registered for their tri's yet? One thing I would recommend is that if your races include an open water swim (OWS), get out to a lake and give it a go before the race. It is quite different from swimming in a pool and can be intimidating to some people at first. Happy training.
2007-05-22 1:19 PM
in reply to: #635206

Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
I'm all registered for my first sprint end of June and my first oly end of July. I'm feeling pretty good. I wish my running would be better, but I guess I need to compare myself to myself and realize that only 4 months ago, I could barely run a mile and just the other day i did 7.

I wanted to ask for ANY advice you can give for the OW swim. I did my first one 2 weeks ago. What a humbling experience. Being a good and confident swimmer, I went in thinking I was goign to kick and take names. I almost hung onto the lifeguards kayak I was so freaked out. I guess between the cold water, wearing a wetsuit for first time, not being able to see a foot in front of me, being very congested and phlemy, and forgetting I needed to sight and therefore zig zagging...I had a panic attack. I did, and it sucked. It took me about 600 yds to catch my breath again and be able to bi-lateral breath. And even still, it was taking me 2:00/100...WTF!?! I'm not that bad on a terrible day. So as you canguess, I'm quite frustrated. I need advice, help, encouragment, whatever ya got. Also, my goggle fogged somethign firece as well. Any spit doesn't seem of the anti-fog nature

So other that that debacle, all is good. Got my uniform from my tri-club I joined and have been getting in soem quality workouts, even though I feel I could be doing more. Looks like today is going to be a rest day as I pulled a muscle in my back and it feels like I have been punched in the spine.
2007-05-23 11:17 AM
in reply to: #812058

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Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Magella - 2007-05-22 12:19 PM

I'm all registered for my first sprint end of June and my first oly end of July. I'm feeling pretty good. I wish my running would be better, but I guess I need to compare myself to myself and realize that only 4 months ago, I could barely run a mile and just the other day i did 7.

I wanted to ask for ANY advice you can give for the OW swim. I did my first one 2 weeks ago. What a humbling experience. Being a good and confident swimmer, I went in thinking I was goign to kick and take names. I almost hung onto the lifeguards kayak I was so freaked out. I guess between the cold water, wearing a wetsuit for first time, not being able to see a foot in front of me, being very congested and phlemy, and forgetting I needed to sight and therefore zig zagging...I had a panic attack. I did, and it sucked. It took me about 600 yds to catch my breath again and be able to bi-lateral breath. And even still, it was taking me 2:00/100...WTF!?! I'm not that bad on a terrible day. So as you canguess, I'm quite frustrated. I need advice, help, encouragment, whatever ya got. Also, my goggle fogged somethign firece as well. Any spit doesn't seem of the anti-fog nature

So other that that debacle, all is good. Got my uniform from my tri-club I joined and have been getting in soem quality workouts, even though I feel I could be doing more. Looks like today is going to be a rest day as I pulled a muscle in my back and it feels like I have been punched in the spine.

That sucks about the back, might be time for a massage. As far as OWS goes, I think all you can really do is to just keep getting out there until you get comfortable. You are a strong swimmer, so I suspect it won't take too long. The water is still really cold this time of year, probably cold enough to take your breath away when you put your face in the water, so make sure you give yourself some time to get used to the water before you start the swim. Put your face in the water and swim a few minutes until your breathing is under control. Sometimes I do a breast stroke to warm up since it gets your face wet but you are able to easily get a big gulp of air.

It's great that you are practicing OWS so far before your 1st race. Make sure to practice sighting too, as it can take a little while to get comfortable. Watch out for lifting your head too high and dropping your hips. But basically I think you just need to get out there and do it. The weird thing for me is that it doesn't feel like you are moving at all because you don't have the pool bottom to watch go by, but just concentrate on keeping your stroke the same as it is in the pool. You'll probably find that once you get comfortable you will swim faster due to the wetsuit! Sorry about the poor anti-fog properties of your spit - I don't have much advice for you there. Otherwise, it sounds like you are doing awesome, just keep doing what you're doing. And let us know how your next OWS goes.
2007-05-25 8:04 AM
in reply to: #635206

Beatrice, Nebraska
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
I think my training is going O.K. I am finally getting to the pool, trying to stay consistent with running and am getting my trusty old mountain bike out and ready to go. Seems like the only thing holding me back is life. Seems like things can become so busy that training can sometimes take a back seat. I try and plan ahead but with an odd work schedule, two fast growing kids, a busy wife and everything else that comes up, training seems to sometimes fall to the back burner. Am going to try and do better. Finished my first half-mary and felt respectable. I was definately undertrained and it gave me a whole new perspective on both the half and full ironman. I now know that I am much farther away than I would have dreamed. I will keep plugging away and hopefully someday will be called an ironman. Taking my first baby steps in that direction with at least one sprint tri in July. I really want to find a couple of more before the year is out. If all goes well this year and I am still enjoying it, I want to upgrade to a real street bike next year and then watch out here I come world.
2007-05-29 10:11 AM
in reply to: #635206

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Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Jeff, I'd say you're doing great. Unless you make your living doing tri's family & work & life are going to come first & all you can do is to fit in training when you can. The hardest part in the beginning is just finding out where in your schedule you can fit workouts in without neglecting the rest of your life and then making it a habit. I see threads on it all the time so keep a lookout for those in Tri Talk or even start your own if you need to.

And everyone (who is still checking this!) make sure to give a shout out to Jeffd who survived 60* water to become a triathlete over the weekend!

2007-06-02 8:33 AM
in reply to: #635206

Beatrice, Nebraska
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
What is everybody using to count laps while swimming? Are you keeping track in your head, using a ring counter or one of those that you stick on the wall and tap everytime you come by? I've been using my head but with trying to keep my form together, breath and not drown I seem to lose count on occasion.
2007-06-02 12:49 PM
in reply to: #826608

Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
jeff417 - 2007-06-02 8:33 AM

What is everybody using to count laps while swimming? Are you keeping track in your head, using a ring counter or one of those that you stick on the wall and tap everytime you come by? I've been using my head but with trying to keep my form together, breath and not drown I seem to lose count on occasion.

I use the alphabet. For some reason, when I count numbers, I lose track. So I just use the alphabet and each time I hit the wall, move onto next letter. Then, while swimming down lane, come up with words that start with that letter.(this helps me remember which letter I'm on)
2007-06-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #635206

Beatrice, Nebraska
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Thanks for the advice. Went out and got me an official road bike today. Bought me a Trek 1000. I've only ridden it for a short four mile run tonight but love it already. Increased my speed almost five miles per hour from my old mountain bike. Can't wait to really put the miles on it. Now I just need a name for it....any suggestions?
2007-06-04 9:56 AM
in reply to: #635206

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Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Sweet! A road bike really is a big change.

I usually just count numbers when I do laps. I try to break it down into smaller chunks so if I have to swim 500 say I'll make it say a 200, then a 200 then a 100. I hit the lap button on my watch after every 100 so I have some idea of what my time should be and if it doesn't match what i think I did I know my counting was off. Still, I do lose track now & then. Maybe my system isn't so goo after all. I've heard of people putting a stack of something like pennies on the deck and after each 100 moving one over. So if you were supposed to do 1000m put 10 pennies on the deck and keep moving them over until you are done. Might be hard if you do flip turns though.

Good luck naming your bike!
2007-06-05 8:18 AM
in reply to: #635206

Beatrice, Nebraska
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL
Thanks for the penny idea. Used it today and it seemed to work well. Still haven't found a name for my bike yet. My five year old want to name it George Washington, but I told him I didn't think that would work.

2007-06-22 10:01 AM
in reply to: #635206


Appleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: drewb8's group - FULL

Hey all,

Just thought I'd check in and let you know that I have in fact, not fallen off the face of the earth. Work has been so busy, I haven't had as much time to post logs, and have just gotten out of the habit. I've stayed on schedule with workouts as much as I can, though. I was in NY for work last week, and only got a run in, though, and will be in D.C. for a conference all week next. A couple days before I left for NY I went to the doctor for what I thought (hoped) was allergy-related breathing issues that have gotten progressively worse.. turns out I have asthma instead! I should have gone to the doctor months ago!! I have an inhaler now, and am just trying to get used to using it. But

Anyhow, don't know how much time I'll have on the computer, so also wanted to say goodluck to everyone with your upcoming races. Still have about a month before mine, but it's coming up fast!!
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