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2007-01-31 10:45 AM

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: A Closeted Triathlete!
Hello! I am new to this website as well as new to triathlons. I have always wanted to do a triathlon and told my self that I soon as I lost weight and got in shape. In September I found out that my city (Long Beach, CA) has a sprint triathlon. I decided that training for a tri would be the best way to get in shape, and decided that I'd be competing next year.

So, I had already been swimming for a few months. I was a good swimmer, way back when, and got back into it this summer. I fixed up a mountain bike that we inherited from a friend and got it ready. I also got a new pair of running shoes, spent months walking to build calf/shin strength, then recently began some light jogging.

I also joined Weight Watchers. With training I saw my clothes getting looser, but it didn't translate to weight loss, as I was losing some fat while gaining muscle. Now I have lost 15 pounds since tracking my food better.

At this point, I can do about 3/4 of the swim distance easily, and could probably do more if I pushed. I can easily bike 2/3 of the distance. Running is the tough one. I could easily walk/run the 3 miles, but hope by September I can run it all. I am also strength training twice a week and hoping to start doing pilates for core strength.

I am a 32-year old wife, mother, and high school science teacher. I've been married almost ten years, and two years ago we adopted our son and daughter. I love kayaking, camping, going to the beach, yoga, west Afrikan drumming, and hiking. As I am training and planning for next September I am remembering what a competitive person I used to be and am getting very excited to compete again.

The reason I say I am a "closeted" triathlete, is that only my husband and kids know I'm doing this. I haven't told other family and friends, though I am dying to. I hesitate because I am currently very overweight (though I was a thin, athletic person up until my mid-twenties). I fear that people would doubt I could or find it stange, or even funny, so I haven't said a word. I'm not sure when I will. We'll see!

2007-01-31 11:20 AM
in reply to: #674095

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!

Yay for you for making such incredible life changes! Although it must be pretty hard to train in the closet. I couldn't resist.

Doing three sports is incredibly addictive, and the people who tri are incredibly encouraging. Take advantage of BT, log your workouts and ask questions on the forum. It's a great community! 

2007-01-31 11:28 AM
in reply to: #674095

San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Congratulations on your new goals!

You CAN do it, I was never athletic my whole life, and I still finish close to the bottom, but I'm finishing. That's all that matters.

Good luck with WW, it's amazing how much easier it is to change calories in rather than calories out. The lessons you're learning about impact and portion size will continue to payoff for a long time.

A couple training tips: make sure to try training in open water if that's where your race swim will be - it feels MUCH different than the pool. Also, don't worry about running your best after swimming AND biking, your body just physically cannot put out the same after you've put it through that. Running was always the bane of my existance too, but I finished my first 10K last year (not that I ran all of it, but the longest distance I had ever run non-stop was 1/2 mile in 7th grade).

Once you start to gain confidence in your body and your training, you'll start to feel more accepted about what you're doing. Your family and friends should be overjoyed that you're taking such good care of your body! I still feel like a fish out of water sometimes in this "new world", but it gets better all the time.

If you're ever up in northern CA, we have a great sprint series here called Mermaid (, it's all-women, and a very very supportive atmosphere.

Good luck and congrats again!
2007-01-31 12:39 PM
in reply to: #674095

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!

Welcome to BT and I loved your intro!

My wife and I are training together so I know what its like to train around kids.  We have a doodlebug to tow behind our bikes and they cheer us on occassionaly on a ride.  My whole family knows, but my wife hasn't told her brothers and their families yet (her mom knows).  Not sure why, but thats what she chose.  They'll find out in a few weeks when they visit and we have a brick scheduled during their stay. 

Adoption is also cool!  We're both adopted, so its great to hear others that adopt kids.  Most adoptees turn our normal (my wife and I being the exception ).

Oh.. and this will shed pounds quick.  I'm in a HR based training program and its falling off fast.  About a pound a week for me so far (down from 194-179).

2007-01-31 3:18 PM
in reply to: #674095

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Laval, Quebec
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Hey Sealion,

I am into week 4 now of this journey and it just keeps getting better. Sounds to me like you are doing this smart by starting slow to avoid injury.

I am a semi closeted pre-triathlete. I have told a few people and my wife. The people I told were those I thought might like it as well. I have gotten "good for you" to "are you nuts". Now I only talk to my wife about it. I can not really hide going out 6 nights a week from her!! She is very supportive although chuckles from time to time when my movements are slow and laboured due to soreness.

It seems that you have enough time under your belt now to say, "Yeh, I am going to do this!" Tell people, if they laugh or find it strange, that could be a little extra insentive to prove them wrong.

Personally, if it were me telling me I wanted to do a triathlon, I would laugh at me, but I like to laugh so it is all good!!!

Good Safe Training and you can do it.
2007-01-31 5:09 PM
in reply to: #674095

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Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!

Congratulations on your new venture.

I know the feeling of wanting to keep goals to yourself.  I feel that way about some things.

When it came to my triathlon training, I found that it was helpful to tell some people what my goal was.  It gave me even greater commitment, because then I had to put my money where my mouth was, so to speak.  On that note, it also helped me to sign up early for my first tri - long before I was even close to ready - just so I'd have that commitment to make the goal more real.

I actually found that most people were very encouraging and many actually expected more of me than I did myself.  On the other hand, I have enough of a rebel in me that I think it may have actually helped me if I ran into doubt from others. 

2007-02-01 1:37 AM
in reply to: #674095

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Watergirl – you’re right! The three sports are addictive. In the past I’ve gotten bored with workout routines, but I’m loving the variety of training for a tri!

Pescalita – I TOTALLY agree and plan to begin training in open water this June. I’m a little weird about open water, being from the JAWS generation and all. The LA Tri Club has a morning swim, twice a week, in the marina right near my house. I’m planning to join and do that this summer. I figure I’ll be more comfortable with others. Of course, I need to be tough and get out there on my own as well. I want to start telling people, but it is a weird thing to just bust out with. I have been talking a lot more about the fact that I’m swimming, running and biking more. That’s my way of breaking the ice. When the opportunity presents itself, I’ll lower the boom. I’ll probably tell high school and college friends first. They knew the young, athletic swimmer I once was and won’t find it as strange as my newer friends and coworkers that have only known the “plus size” me.

Sunburnin – thanks for the adoption support! Our kids are amazing and life is good. Of course, there were some challenges. One minute it’s just the two of us…the next we have a 2 year old and a 3 year old. To say we jumped into parenting with both feet would be a gross understatement! The learning curve was steep, we had some tough times, but all is well now!

Bill0021 – I did think that by now (four months into training) I would tell people. I guess I’m scared of people patronizing me. As we all know…most people strongly dislike fat and just want everyone to be thin. When I became a vegetarian I had people get all excited hoping it would be the ticket to my thinness (not like it had anything to do with animal suffering, or anything!) So, I worry that people will either (a) not believe that a woman my size could ever do such a thing or (b) get annoyingly hopeful that this will transform me back to my thinner, prettier self. It’s a tough one!

Dredwards – you’re right…if someone told me I COULDN’T do it, I would SO have to prove them wrong. Maybe that is the angle to take! Thanks!
2007-02-01 9:28 AM
in reply to: #674095

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Congratulations on your lifestyle change and welcome. This is a great community to keep you going!
2007-02-01 11:06 AM
in reply to: #674095

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!

IT can be done, and you shouldn't wait until you are the "right size"- read Slow fat triathlete (available at barnes and noble and I think the store here). The author proves that you don't have to be fast or thin to be a triathlete!

Look in my album at my before and almost after pics. Tri training and WW helped me achieve that success! Although, I must tell you, that last summer I started training at levels that were off the activity points tracker and I had to abandon WW to some extent and eat more. I still used the principles, but I had to up the volume of calories because I wasn't eating enough and my weight loss plateaued. Once I started eating to train, and just made sure I had a daily deficit of calories of about 500, my weight loss started back up. Now my weight loss is much slower, but I don't even feel like I'm on a diet- I just eat to train and the weight keeps coming off. It's sooooo exciting and I am soooo happy for you. I am in love with triathlons and will be starting up with a coach in March. At first I just wanted to finish and lose weight. Now I want to be more competitive (read middle of pack instead of back of pack). It can happen!!


PS- just to show you how far you can come in a year. Last January I started running. In February I was was running about 15 minute miles and could only do about 3 miles before I would have to start doing a run walk situation. I did a marathon with Team in Training in early June and run/walked 26.2 miles in 6 hours, 30 minutes, 30 seconds.  That just barely under 15 minute miles. After the marathon I started back to running 3 miles straight and began to run longer little bit by little bit on the weekends. Now I can run a 5K in just over 30 minutes (10-10:30 minutes/mile) and I am going to be running (no walking) a half marathon this weekend. My goal is 2:30 which is just under 11:30 min/mile pace, a far cry from my 15 min/mile pace last spring!!!

If I can do it, you can do it!!!!!!!! 

2007-02-01 5:30 PM
in reply to: #674095

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Hamilton, Victoria
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Way to take massive action! The distances will come. Remember that DFL is so much better than DNF. You will be able to finish, I'm sure. The first tri is more of an orientation, to get familiar with the registration process, transition, etc. Relax and enjoy. You will love it.
2007-02-01 9:39 PM
in reply to: #674095

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
congrats on the lifestyle change and WELCOME!

2007-02-02 12:40 AM
in reply to: #675498

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
SuzanneS - 2007-02-01 9:06 AM

IT can be done, and you shouldn't wait until you are the "right size"- read Slow fat triathlete (available at barnes and noble and I think the store here). The author proves that you don't have to be fast or thin to be a triathlete>

I hear ya...I've already read it...TWICE! I thought I was crazy for trying to do this at my weight, but that book really helped and showed me that I'm not alone!
2007-02-03 10:21 AM
in reply to: #674095

Subject: RE: A Closeted Triathlete!
Welcome to the world of Tri's.. This place is awesome.

As for being a closeted tri, I found that people tend to either tell you good luck or what were you thinking. Just remember that you do this for yourself, and nobody else. I did my first 1/2 marathon in April of 2003, and thought ok what have I gotten myself into. It took me 3 hour and 40 mins to walk/jog it. I finished it, and felt GREAT.... So then I got into Team In Training and completed my first Olympic Tri in Orlando. Coming from Ky to FL, the weather was the hardest part for me to deal with. I also am trying to lose weight, and I can tell a difference from the when I started to now. In the entire time I've done this, I have completed several Sprint, Olympic and in May 2006, I completed my first HIM Orlando. It was an awesome experience and to see other athletes cheering you on, it's a great feeling. I was the last person to cross the finish line in 9 hours, 10 mins and 15 seconds... but I cross the line with a smile on my face and a check mark off another thing I"ve done. I am doing another HIM this year in May in Kentucky. and will then start training for Louisville IM for 2008.

One thing I love about the TRI community is that they all started in the beginning and have each added a race under their belt. They will always cheer you on, and tell you GREAT JOB... If you have any questions, please email [email protected].. I love talking TRI's and other non sense.

Just remember YOU CAN DO IT....
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