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2007-04-25 11:15 PM

New user

Subject: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
I have done a few olympic tri's, and a Gu packet can get me through the race.

I am now considering a 1/2 Ironman but I'm concerned about eating something during the race as it may take me a while (somewhere for 7 hrs). Should I just plan on trying to eat something on the bike (something I have not yet done in training, as I usually stop to eat) and maybe some Gu on the run???or is it normal to stop and eat/use the restroom at some point since its a long day anyway.

2007-04-25 11:30 PM
in reply to: #777109

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

Hey, Curtis!  Welcome to BT!  What part of Texas are you from?

Here's some good info for HIM racing, nutrition, etc.:

There's a ton of other information on the topic, just search the forums here:

Happy Training!

2007-04-26 8:51 AM
in reply to: #777109

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

Ooo, ooo, I can jump on this one...

I just finished my first HIM this past weekend.   Like you, I've been successful in my Olympics with nothing more than sport drink in a single bottle and one gel.  However, the HIM is very different.  Your nutrition can make or break your race.  You definitely need to plan to take in calories on the bike and on the run.

It's easier to fuel on the bike, as your body is at least not bouncing up and down.  I can't say that anyone stops to eat; everyone just eats/drinks on the bike.  Personally, I had a concentrated bottle of Perpetuem that I'd sip from, and then an aerobottle of water that I refilled from the drink handups.  I also did a little Gatorade Endurance at one of the handups and a gel.  Looking back, I can say I probably should have had another bottle (or more concentrated) sport drink as well as at least one more gel, because....

You also will need some fuel for the run.  I can handle a half marathon on nothing but water; I've done it several times during training.  However, what I forgot for race day is that I wasn't starting my run with a full tank.  Even though I'd refueled on the bike, it can't be as much as I'd expended; the body can't process that much fuel. (General guidelines say you can only absorb 250-350 cal/hr during exercise.)  So I didn't have the reserve of fuel to get me through the run.  The first half went well, but the second was a real struggle, and I was downing Accelerade during the second loop of aid stations.  Definitely practice some run nutrition, and plan on taking in calories early and steadily.

Regarding restrooms, it's definitely normal to need to at least pee during the event (if not, you might not be taking in enough fluids).  As to whether you stop or not.... well, read my race report.  

2007-04-26 10:15 AM
in reply to: #777109

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
Coach Debi tells me to plan on around 200+ calories per hour. Not sure I get that much in, but I alternate drinking water and Endurox and suck down a gel every 30-60 minutes during the ride. On the run, I continue eating gels every 30-60 minutes and usually take the on-course Gatorade or whatever they may have along with water. I also try to get something solid in me, like a Clif bar (or pieces of one), preferably in T1. Seems to work for me (so far in training that first 1/2 is in 2 weeks). And I usually have to pee once.
2007-04-26 10:24 AM
in reply to: #777477

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

kvesey - 2007-04-26 10:15 AM Coach Debi tells me to plan on around 200+ calories per hour. Not sure I get that much in, but I alternate drinking water and Endurox and suck down a gel every 30-60 minutes during the ride.

Isn't Endurox a recovery drink? I wouldn't think that would be appropriate for on-the-bike nutrition. Is that what your coach recommends?

2007-04-26 10:49 AM
in reply to: #777109

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

This is starting to be on my radar as well, since I've signed up for my first HIM in July (training to start in earnest the second week of May).

I have trouble eating anything "solid" on the bike.  In the past, I've tried eating Clif Bars, and just chew and chew and chew.  Although, I did learn that an unwrapped Clif Bar fits perfectly in the top vent of my helmet, so that was a great place to store it between bites.

Other things I'm thinking of trying:
- bananas (seems to be a favorite)
- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (mostly jelly, I assume)
- pancakes (seriously, I know at least two people who do this)
- trail mix
- slices of bread (plain)
- whatever else I can think of

2007-04-26 11:01 AM
in reply to: #777530

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
madkat - 2007-04-26 10:49 AM

I have trouble eating anything "solid" on the bike...

So don't.  There are plenty of sport drinks today that will supply your calorie and nutrient needs, including the protein.  Infinit and Perpetuem are just two that come to mind.  There are others.  You can usually mix them very concentrated to create a 'multi-hour' bottle that you sip from, getting your regular fluids (water) from your other bottles.

2007-04-26 3:39 PM
in reply to: #777530

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Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

Shot Bloks & Sharkies


licorice chews

2007-04-26 4:15 PM
in reply to: #777109


Danville, CA
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
I cut up peanut butter sandwiches into bite-sized pieces and eat them on the bike. I also will take a gel per 30 minutes on the run. My total caloric intake for a HIM race is between 600-900. Everyone seems to have their own nutrition needs and likes/dislikes.

The most important thing, though, is to train eating whatever you plan to eat in the race, preferably on your long bike days. Good luck to you!
2007-04-26 7:53 PM
in reply to: #777109

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
This was my plan last year for my HIM - I think I may have actually been a little dehydrated due to a missed bottle handoff but otherwise it worked fairly well.

Week before - eat normal - with the reduced training you should have more than enough fuel to arrive at the start line fully fueled with your normal diet.

Day before - no solid food after 6pm and focus on hydration - small sips throughout the day and a bottle beside the bed

3 hours before start - 2 cans of Ensure, sip water until 30' out. 1 can of Full Throttle at this point and then Gatorade until the start

T1 - rinse the river out of my mouth

Bike - 20' just spinning, maybe a couple of small sips of water in this time. At the 20' mark, a some water and a gel then at 30' some sports drink. From this point on, alternate water/gel and sports drink every ten minutes until the end of the ride. At 1:00 and again at 2:00 I had half an energy bar in place of the gel. With 20' to go on the ride, switch to smaller sips of water sports drink to ensure I didn't hit the run too full.

T2 - nothing

Run - water and/or sports drink at each of the aid stations with flatted coke as an option if I felt that I needed a pick me up.

Finish line - pretty much anything that wasn't nailed down

Whatever you do, practice it in training and especially during race sims - race day is not time to find out something doesn't work.

2007-04-26 8:20 PM
in reply to: #777109

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Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

My goal is to eat 250-300 calories an hour with about 800-1000 mg of sodium...I have played around with different foods...we need water, carbs, and electrolytes. They can come in different forms. Sports food is easy but in a sense just fancy candy. Candy works with things with low or no fat so jelly beans, gummy bear type things. For me eating candy makes me want to eat it other times so I go with the "sports candy" type food.

What works best for me is gatorade with extra sodium either salt or nuuns with shot bloks. I can eat food on the bike and have been practicing on my 40-55 mile rides. Simple is best and easy to do and train so come race day it is just standard practice.

2007-04-26 8:28 PM
in reply to: #778339

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman
I did an aquabike last year (HIM without the run ) and am training for an IM at the moment. Last year I found that I was OK in training eating solid food (Cliff bar) but when I got all intense and worked up in a race situation I just couldn't get it down properly.
I have now swapped to sportsdrink and gels and feel much better now about getting the nutrition in.
2007-04-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #777109

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

You'll want to take in as many calories as possible on the bike.  I ate a peak bar (pretty dry, need lots of fluid, but about 300 calories) plus gatorade and a gel or two. 

Practice eating during your training rides.  Aside from the normal gu, gel, energy bar, consider fig newtons, peanuts (or a peanut-log), trail mix/sunflower seeds.  You can also eat on the run (they had grapes, bananas, energy bars, and gu packets during my HIM). 

If you're properly hydrated, you'll need to pee at least once or twice once you're out of the water.  I stopped in T2 for the portajohn.  Others stopped along the bike, and some just pee while riding.  (Me, I don't think the extra 75 seconds cost me a podium spot, so I'm not ready to do this yet.

2007-04-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #777109

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Eating during 1/2 Ironman

I read some race reports of others and did my best to emulated a nutrition plan from one of them:

Pre-race ~2.5hr before, I refrained from eating a meal beforehand and used a gel right before the swim start.

  • Large Banana
  • Water & a strong cup of coffee

Swim:  1 Gel and ~6 oz water 5-10 min before swim start

Bike: HIM (3hrs) 53 miles, ~ 75-85F

Every 15-20 minutes rotated electrolytes caps, Perpetuem mix, electrolytes caps, Gel and constantly sip on the some water. (Amount of Electrolytes is variable depending on temperature out)

  • At the start and every 60 min mark and the finish took in Gel pack (4 total).
  • Mixed 3 hr slurry of Perpetuem in a 24 oz bottle with water. Hit this 3x taking a 1/3rd of it at 30, 90 and 150 min marks on the bike
  • At 15/45 min marks on the hrs, took 1 or 2 Endurolytes caps.
  • ~40 oz of water plus ~24 oz Perpetuem mix fluids.

Run: HIM (~ 85F)

  • Gel at ~4 and ~8 mile marks
  • some Water every aid station
  • 1 or 2 Endurolyte caps every other aid station
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