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2007-07-11 9:22 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
SO I had this eppihpany (sp?) of sorts today thinking about my OWS yesterday during which I managed to slice my toes. I'm thinking swimming is 90% mental. When I get in the water all I want to do is get out and I have unrealistic expectations of long (or short) it should take. I just need to relax and enjoy the moment, focusing on form and the glide through the water.

Also what I realized yesterday is that if I get overly obsessed with lifting my head to make sure I'm heading in the right direction, my form is shot. If I lift my head to much I stop laying on my lungs which props my hips and legs up in the water. As a result my hips buckle and my legs begin to sink and instead of swimming in a horizontal position, I'm swimming in sort of a jack knifed position. Trying to swim jack knifed causes me to get tired really quickly. So I'm going to concentrate on keeping my head down, laying on my lungs and looking up every other breath or 8 strokes.

I can't get over the weeds though and I need serious help here. 1st, it's hard for me to believe they can be 8', 12' or even longer. It creeps me out. 2nd, I hate when my arms get cuaght in them while stroking and they hook on to my hands, watch or head and goggles. 3rd, I've read to many Harry Potter books and I know my imagination is over stimulated, but I always think that there going to wrap around me and pull me down. How do you guys deal with weeds? I'm hoping to hear especially from ScottinSeatle because you seem like such a great swimmer. I know it's a mental block I just need to get over. I'm hoping if I can stop the jack knifing of my legs, stay horizontal while swimming I'll just glide over those freaky weeds and at my JD Rowling fueld imagination. Bye, bye weeds, you can't grab me and I'm swimming right over you.

2007-07-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #880769

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Mike, I got agreat tip a few weeks ago about looking up. She stated to just watch the person or people next to you, and let them do most of the sighting during a race. I havent used this yet in a race, but I will in the next one. If you start off nice and relaxed you should be in a good groove by 150 meters, and then find someone next to you to either draft off of, or at least follow. It should leave you with more energy at the end of your swim.
2007-07-11 9:58 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Unless you're swimming next to me, in which case we'll explore the lake together & leave the race behind!
2007-07-11 5:02 PM
in reply to: #880819

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Thanks I'll try it on Sunday and let you know. Heading out to jump on the bike and ride the Bike Leg Sunday.

By the way I forgot to mention my wife and I are doing a fun run Thursday night. It's a 5k and it kicks off Bastille Days in Milwaukee. The race is actually called Storm the Bastille and starts at 9:30 PM. It's my wifes first race. It not serious at all in fact half the participants are usually drunk. Of course we won't be, but it should still be fun.
2007-07-13 11:41 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Happy Friday everyone!!

Derek I hope your wife is doing much better now.


Mike, you need to learn to love all that live in the lake! I just can't get enough of it these days. My friend who is doing a tri on Sunday swam with me on Wednesday. The lake was actually nice and calm and because it was so hot here it was very welcoming. It was also clearer than normal too.  I guess that some people really are afraid of things touching them, I was too...totally petrified!!! But the more I got in, the more comfortable I got. I still get freaked out when I swim into a patch of milfoil, but no one can hear you scream under water.


I have volunteered to help out at the Seafair Triathlon this Sunday. I have to be at Seward park by 6am!!!! Gulp. I can't wait. I have 3 friends competing in it.


Also. I found my running shoes so I think tomorrow I am going to treat myself to a mini tri. It'll sort of be back to front as I have to bike to the pool, swim and then I think I'll try 20 minutes along the trail.


How is everyone else doing? And whatever happened to Jeslin!? 

2007-07-16 11:28 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Well, here are my results from yesterday's race.

Swim 8:19 - Wet Suit was a huge help
T1 3.17.5 - Wet Suit was not so helpful
Bike 50.01.0
T2 1.16.8
Run 27.52.8 - Slow

I'm a bit disappointed. My goal was 1.25. I finished 1 min 30 seconds slower than my last race, granted to toatlly different courses flat vs. hilly. During the bike I thought I was just crushing it, but looking at other friends it was a little slow. I was passing everyone and only got passed like 5 times. Psyhologically I think I eased up on the run for 2 reasons a) I thought I was out of gas, but I wasn't b) I thought I had time to spare because of such a "great" bike.

2007-07-16 12:17 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Mike. That is a fantastic time!!!!!!  Don't beat yourself up about it. It all makes good practice and makes you more determined to beat it everytime You should be proud of yourself no matter what! I'm sure everyone here in the group would say the same. Each race you get a little better.  Congratulations!
2007-07-16 5:19 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Mike, you rock!!  You did a great job, and I'm going to try to catch up!  I'm determined to swim more, and I do OK if nobody touches me.  I need to find a place where I can do training like in this clip (link below).  THEN I think I can stop being anxious in the OWS when it gets crowded!


2007-07-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: #888277

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
trymoretri - 2007-07-16 3:19 PM

Mike, you rock!! You did a great job, and I'm going to try to catch up! I'm determined to swim more, and I do OK if nobody touches me. I need to find a place where I can do training like in this clip (link below). THEN I think I can stop being anxious in the OWS when it gets crowded!



Jamie you should come to some of my lap swims, makes for good OWS practice batting everyone out of your lane  

2007-07-17 1:52 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Saweet Clip Jamie.

I'm feeling a little bit better about my performance today, even though everyone I know who raced beat me. I can't forget that only a few months ago I could barely swim 25 meters, run a mile or bike more than 5. It was my second race ever and it was so much more difficult than the first because of the hills. I really haven't practiced speed work and have just been working on form and endurance. Let's just say I'm not satisfied and it's fueling my competitive juices to train and race more.
2007-07-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I like the new avatar Lyn.

Well I have been resting a sore knee this past week and today is the first day I can walk and go up & down stairs without pain. I'm psyched! I've been resting, icing, elevating and pain relieving all week. I'm also going to my local running store to have them analyze my foot strike to see if I'm wearing the right kind of shoes. Being a part time internet Dr. I have diagnosed myself with IT Band Syndrome which is a common running injury caused from overuse, over pronation, running on a slanted or crowned surface or having 1 leg longer than the other. All of these refer to me except the leg length thing. It also hurts on the outside of knee which is where the band is located and hurts when the knee is flexed and the IT Band stretched.

I have swam twice this week but that's it. I hope I can get back to running and biking starting next week.

2007-07-20 1:30 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
DOes anyone have any suggestions on an indoor bike trainer? What's best Wind, Magnetic, Fluid or rollers?
2007-07-20 9:20 PM
in reply to: #894593

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sorry I can't help with the trainer. I have a Lemond Revmaster, which is a spin bike. I love it and it very smooth and easy to use. It was a bit expensive, but I bought it a few years ago when I gave up riding on the roads with all the crazy drivers.
2007-07-23 6:08 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I did a lot of research before I bought mine.  Fluid is quietest & best.  Don't worry about getting one with multiple speeds, though.  You can get that effect by changing gears.  Also, several people I do spin class with have traded in their Blackburns because they didn't like them.  Cycleops seems to be the preferred brand.  That's what I have.  I bought mine used on e-bay.  It rains so much here lately that it's about the only bike training I get, so my husband got me a special rear wheel to use with the trainer as a gift, since I finally melted my other tire.  I've been told that if I had better tires, they wouldn't have melted, though.
2007-07-26 12:21 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Hey. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing? I have a race this coming Saturday and I'm really, really excited about it. Going to meet up with a couple of other people from BT!! They even have a pancake breakfast at the end of it!! Woot!  I also recently upgraded to clipless pedals. I tried them out today, what a difference they make. I was gliding along and the hills were far easier too. I fell only once when I couldn't get my foot out, really quite funny to tell you the truth. I toppled over sideways, feet still attatched to the pedals...teehee.  The weather is warming up again and today was such a good day to bike.  Tomorrow I'm going to try the outdoor salt water pool and bike as well now that I've kinda got the hang of the pedals. I feel so lame, you know that?


I hope everyone else is doing well.  

2007-07-29 10:53 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
so how was the race, Lynne?

2007-07-30 10:16 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
It was good. Check out my RR
2007-07-31 8:12 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Rock on!  Great job cutting time on your bike and run.  Your slow swim is stil WAY faster than my PR swim, so I'm extremely jealous.  Fun pictures, too.  I like the muscle pose.
2007-08-01 6:24 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Hi. Where has everyone gone!????   I feel so alone. *sniff*
2007-08-01 10:16 PM
in reply to: #910373

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Great Job Lynne. You should be very proud of those results. I don't mean to neglect the forum I just always tend to focus on the blogs.

I have a question does anyone take supplements...protein, creatine, multi vitamins, etc... and if so do you feel like you're getting benefits?
2007-08-02 8:33 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I take glucosamine, lots of calcium & a multivitamin.  My knees were much better after about six months of glucosamine, and I don't have nearly as many problems any more.  Also, I was having trouble getting stress fractures, and the additional calcium seems to have helped that.

2007-08-02 10:29 AM
in reply to: #910764

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I take Glucosamine too. I buy it at Sam's club and get it pretty cheap. I also take a multivitamin in the am. After workouts (when possible) I have been drinking a protien shake .
2007-08-14 2:19 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

OK, we've all been offline too much.  I'll start the catch-up note, and I'm hoping you'll all do the same.  School starts next week, so I've been buried up to my ears at the office, and it probably won't slow down for a while.  (I work at the University of Houston.)

I've been trying to train, but I haven't been good about blogging.  I've got a short race Sunday, but nothing big until October.  It is TOOOOO HOT in Texas right now!  Triple digits every day and it's in the 90s before the sun comes up.  Even the pool water is too warm to swim in.  Meanwhile my heart rate has gotten weird so I've been going to a cardiologist.  Will get more insights next week.  He told me to keep training, so I am.  (My doctor told me to keep the training and ditch the job and its related stress, but my husband & my boss didn't buy into that diagnosis.)  Also have decided to work with a nutritionist to see if I can manage the heat better by eating & drinking better.  This heat makes me BONK big time!

 What are all of you doing????

2007-08-14 2:20 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Oh, yeah!  I forgot my happy news!  Just saw the SouthMidWest Regional Mid-year rankings & I'm 13th for my age group!!  (Women, 40-44).  I was thrilled!  Now I'm just hoping not to mess that up with the rest of the season, because my October race is a stretch goal for me.
2007-08-14 2:59 PM
in reply to: #925639

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
OK, it has been a while. I'm finally getting back into training after all the illness and death in the family. My mom passed away from brain cancer on July 29th. It was discovered in mid-April, she had surgery and 3 weeks of radiation and was doing well. We went out to see her in early June and she was doing great, then she started feeling bad in July, went into the hospital on the 15th, and was gone 2 weeks later. We are glad that it was quick and painless for her, but it was hard on us seeing her go so fast.

So now I'm finally getting back to a normal life again, and trying to get in some good training. My race plans have gone out the window, so I'm looking to see what I can do for the rest of the year. There is a HIM in Austin, in October that I've got on my calendar, I'll just have to see how my training goes.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Jamie, what race are you doing in October?

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