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2007-05-30 1:22 PM

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: Disc Cover on Road Bike

After reading the post on the wheel cover, it got me thinking about it.  I only have a road bike right now, and unless there is a huge blessing on the near horizon, that is what I will be riding in IMFL. 

Would it provide a significant benefit to use a wheel cover on a road bike or would I just look silly or be adding useless weight?   Is there a speed point where it would become beneficial?

The engine still needs a lot of work.  In my races, I have been at the faster end of the MOP on the bike

2007-05-30 1:37 PM
in reply to: #822561

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Disc Cover on Road Bike
If you don't have aero bars, get those first. Then the disc cover.....

IMO - A disc cover without aero bars would seem strange as the aero position adds the most benefit.
2007-05-30 1:55 PM
in reply to: #822561

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Disc Cover on Road Bike
The disc cover will provide you a benefit, especially on a flat course like IMFL.
2007-05-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #822561

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: Disc Cover on Road Bike
jcjsc00 - 2007-05-30 1:22 PM

...Would it provide a significant benefit to use a wheel cover on a road bike or would I just look silly or be adding useless weight?   Is there a speed point where it would become beneficial?

Same benefit that it would provide on a tri bike.  Nothing silly about it at all, and it's generally believed that the aero advantage outweights the weight disadvantage in nearly all cases. (And Florida is definitely not one of those cases.)

The aerodynamic benefits exist at any reasonable speed.  At lower speeds, there is less drag to be reduced (thus less overall drag reduction); however, you get that 'smaller' benefit for a longer period of time. (over a fixed-length course).  At higher speeds, you see a greater drag reduction, though not for as long. (Since you're not on the course as long.)  A win either way.

But if you're at front of MOP, you're likely going plenty fast enough to 'see' a benefit.  Of course, just to be real for a minute (blasphemy!), you're probably talking only 5-10 minutes over the course of the IM bike.

2007-05-30 10:30 PM
in reply to: #822561

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Disc Cover on Road Bike

Thanks all, Yes I bought aerobars when I bought the bike so that is covered (they actually have not been off the bike.)

Based on the other responses, I think I need to make a run up to Excel Sports in Boulder.    

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