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2008-01-28 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1116595

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
It snowed last night. 4 inches for us. Not a lot for most of you (Colorado and Canada) but plenty for us. no school and mostly no work. I decided to be true to my login name and went running. I even skipped the treadmill because it is beautiful right now. The sun is bright and it didn't seem that cold to me. I thought about the 40s or so and I just saw it is 33. I must be getting pretty tough. Anyway fun run for me and pretty tough with the picking up the feet in the snow and stuff.
Have a great day.

2008-01-28 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Running in snow sounds like fun.  It's 53 here today so I don't think it will snow.
2008-01-28 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

From a website



The dictionary defines life as "an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction", or "the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual." (source:

We triathletes tend to be happy with the lives we've created for ourselves.   Why is that?  What is it about triathlon that allows us to accept our lives, enrich our lives, and enjoy our lives?  Now, I have yet to meet a person that is happy with everything in their life.  I think I wouldn't believe them if they told me they were.  But, for the most part, we triathletes are happy with ours.  So...why?  Is it that we spend time in our lives doing something we enjoy?  Is it because we gravitate towards sharing our lives with people who think like we do?  Or is it simply that we proactively create our lives?  We take responsibility for our happiness, and go get it?  We choose to do things, instead of things/circumstances/whatever choosing us?  Something to think about...

"Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself."

George Bernard Shaw

2008-01-28 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, NZ
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Hi all, it's been a few days since I posted, but I wanted to catch up with y'all and say hi.

We've just had 4 days away with my parents at their little beach place. The weather was way too hot for me, high 20s C, so we swam in the sea and generally tried to keep cool.

On the soul front, the swimming was absolutely the best thing that I could have done. It was my first time back in the water since I got a sore ear in August, and I morphed back into a fish instantly, which was great, considering I'd lost all my confidence. I was really happy with that part of our little trip. Some other parts weren't so good; my stepson head-butted me accidentally and I'm pretty sure he fractured my nose, we then discovered that he had headlice (he doesn't live with us, he arrived like that!), and then this morning, on the way home, he power-chucked all through my partner's truck.


So, anyone who's a parent with recognise this as a standard summer holiday, but it was all a bit much for me. It's all good development for me as a stepmum!

Hope you are all well and enjoying your training.


2008-01-29 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1180883

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Oh every parent has had that happen but each time it is JUST as frustrating, so I don't think anyone will think it strange that you find that to be a difficult vacation. It gets easier, well I guess not easier just more normal.
Good luck with the nose, gotta hate that!

2008-01-30 12:14 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, NZ
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Thanks for your support Kimberly! Everyone I've told has said "ooooh well, it's all part of having kids". That, kind people, is precisely  why I never had them!

I've just been for a 30km ride. It was a group ride from the bike store where my partner works. Unfortunately for me though, I can't keep up with the group, so it's actually a solo ride for me, at an inconvenient time of day! I might take that into consideration next time I think about going! It's no fun riding with a group if you spend the whole time trying to catch them.

On the riding front: I've come back from the last few rides with sore legs just behind my knees. I'm thinking that it's a seat height issue maybe. Any suggestions? Should I go up or down?

Anyway, I'm off to organise some food. Talk to you all soon,


2008-01-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

I have never had kids, but my wife and I got custody of her daughters kids almost 6 years ago.  They were 6 weeks and 2 yo.  I can tell some learning curve stories for sure.  I was 46 and my god I thought sometimes that something had died, but nope it was just diaper change time...OMG!!

Just a quick check on seat height is:  be barefoot, sit on your bike,  put your pedals parallel with seat tube and your heel should just barely brush your pedal.  Make sure you are sitting up straight.  

2008-01-30 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1116595

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Just a comment on the stepkid thing. There are times where I am a mom because I CHOSE to. They are mine and I am a responsible person. (did I just say I am responsible?) and honestly for NO OTHER REASON!!! true it is not very often but it happens.
But those of you who are step parents, or step grandparents you are AWESOME!!! It goes beyond the blood love that I have it is even deeper I think. It is hard to be selfless in parenting. In fact even when we think we are being selfless it really is about "US" becuase they are a part of us. A step parent who steps in ( step grandparent even more so) who do not have that, it is just PURE selflessness.
By the way I was adopted by my parents when I was a few months old and feel the same way about them. Of course after a few years of that I was "theirs" and there is no step parent or anything, but still they went outside of themselves and shared and gave.

You guys are inspirational in triing and in life!!!
2008-01-30 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Aww heck Hail you almost made me cry.  I do try my best with my limited parenting skills and the fact they are both "girls" and I don't understand women let alone little girls.  The 5 yo is the most trying as she (since she was 6 weeks) is like a added growth when I am home.  I know that if/when she stops I will be sad, but I would like a few minutes without kisses and hugs and I love you's....
2008-01-30 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Ha, Saling, my 19 year old daughter still likes to sit on my lap! Good luck with that!

She begged for years for a little brother or sister and we told her it was impossible, never going to happen (my husband had a vasectomy after she was born, but never went back for that test). Big surprise, when she was 10 years old and my sons were 11 and 17. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and 5 months after getting my thyroid regulated, at the age of 40, I came up pregnant. My husband was actually very excited, and his comment was "Well, we could be finding out we were going to be grandparents!". It's hard to think that we'd have all of ours "grown up" (even though my 19 and 20 year old are still at home, and I feel like my 27 year old thinks I'm a bank) but we were blessed with another one. I can't imagine life without him around. (My husband did have to go back and have his vasectomy done again, on the doctor this time!)
2008-01-30 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, NZ
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Oh that's so lovely Kimberly, thanks for that comment. Some days I am a selfless, loving parent, and other days I just can't get my head around why I am even doing it!

It's a no-brainer though, really, I love the little guy's father like I've never loved anyone, so it's just a part of my life that was unexpected. I get great joy from my relationship, this is just another facet of it.

The wee guy does crack me up quite often though: the other day he disappeared, and when I found him he was outside, running really slowly with a highly determined look on his face. I was a bit puzzled, so asked what he was doing. He said "I'm shraining." (Wee speech issue, he climbs shrees as well...) What was so funny was that he had my running posture down pat; eyes down, shoulders back, open hands etc.

He used to watch me on the indoor trainer, back when I didn't have my bike properly set up. I'd take skin off myself time and time again, and sometimes got off the trainer in tears because I didn't think I'd ever sit down again. When we started taking him out mountainbiking on the tag-along behind his Dad, he announced one day that his "bum feels like shraining". Another moment of suppressed mirth for David and I.

It's not all bad, I promise, I am just a grumpy old bag who doesn't enjoy the heat or 5 hour car journeys in vehicles that stink of vomit!

2008-01-30 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Hello everyone - long time no see.
We went up to Snow Mountain Ranch for a few days w/extended family - all flatlanders from warm areas at sea level. So hanging out at 8,000 feet w/25 mph blowing snow & 10 degree days was a big change for them! SMR is a YMCA facility near Winter Park, Co. If you ever want a family winter holiday in Colorado - this is a great place. Family oriented, inexpensive, variety of activities to do - even if you don't want to go out in the snow. (the kids spent as much time in the arts&crafts shop as they did tubing and skiing)

Did some skate skiing, xc skiing, a bit of snowshoeing. Went telemarking at Winter Park on Tuesday - very very cold - there had been so much snow that they closed the main pass from Denver - so no real traffic could make it to the mountain! It was like having our own ski resort for a whole day! Many of my muscles have sore muscles!

So, no S/B/R

I will say that I've never had to endure a head butting, puking, and head lice in the same day. Perhaps that is a special treat saved for girlfriends of dating dads. I was a girlfriend of a dating dad for a bit several years ago but never spent enough time with the kiddos to get that, er, intimate. They were still cute darlings who thought I was cool.

Hope everyone is warm and toasty. I'm glad to be home where at least it isn't blowing snow, and my bed is comfy!

I will try the masters swim program next week & check in. The gym I go to starts a 2 hour spin class this Saturday!!! Wahoo!!! So that we don't have to ride on ice!

Later, have a great weekend - Helen
2008-01-30 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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New user

Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I should check out that winter park next time I visit my family in CO.

Mathsgeek - I have no comments with the kids, as I have none, but for the pain behind the knees I suggest stretching religiously. If it is the same thing I got on my long-distance bike trips, stretching should get rid of it. You could do the yoga downward dog, or try this one (this is the one that really stopped me from having this pain):
Sit flat on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you (be careful of your lower back here - if you have any lower back problems, go talk to a chiropractor or physical therapist or some other professional). Assuming you have no back problems, stretch your arms straight up in the air, bend forward at the waist, keeping your knees straight and take your hands as far forward as possible. If you can, bring your fingers or whole hands around the balls of your feet. Take deep, even breaths and hold for 10 seconds.
After that, spread your legs as far out as you can, turn your torso to face the same direction as one leg, stretch your hands straight up again and bend over that leg and grab it if you can, or hold your ankle otherwise. Deep, even breaths and hold. Repeat with other leg.

My first bike trip I got pains behind my right knee and eventually they started behind my left knee. I wasn't sure what it was. I spoke with a physical therapist after the trip (by the end of the 450km trip, I was actually limping). She said it was likely that I hadn't stretched enough. From then on in, I stretched that part of my body religiously during bike trips and have had no further trouble.

Ok, that's enough for tonight... have a good one everyone!!
2008-01-30 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
welcome back Helen.  Sounds like a great time was had by all.  Spin class now that sounds like fun for sure (not!)...LOL.
2008-01-30 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, NZ
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I have reinstated my membership at the pool today, I'm going to get back in the water!! I'm really excited about it, stupid as that sounds, because I haven't been since August, and it's really important for me to get back into it, especially while I have some enthusiasm! It might abate a bit when it starts to get cold down here.....
2008-01-31 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1116595


Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Ok, i'ts been a while since I've posted (or even log my training).

So, the update. Now we (my husband, daughter and me) are living in Mexico. So, we left behind the winter and WELCOME sunny days... but a little bit dissapointed that Mexico City is so large that all the good places to run or even bike are far far from home (at least an hour by car due to traffic).

So, what are my possibilities? The gym (well equiped with a pool and everthing I need) and some sporadic weekend trainings outdoors. I've made myself to the idea that I CAN train at the gym as properly as an outdoor training. So...

 And because of the polluted air of the city my daughter became sick, so I've been at home with her with really no chance to train this week. And officially my training schedule is broken. Not that I'm complaining... but the story of my life.

Hopefully by the weekend I'll startup and catch up my workout.

With all these days of almost doing nothing, I've been thinking about the IronGirl Tri @ Las Vegas... will 12 weeks of training will do?

 OOoooor... I was also checking that there is another IronGirl Tri at Irving Texas.... anyone has been there or know someone who has? Since Vegas is on an artificial lake, they say the swim leg is practically as on a pool, but what about Texas??? You know, the swim thing is my weakest, but that doesn't mean I can't achieve it.

  Thinking about a goal and getting ready for it.

2008-02-01 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Speaking for the Vegas Irongirl,  I can say that the lake is NOT like any pool I have been in.  It starts in a cove and goes out under a walkway to the bigger part of lake and back.  The shore is never to far away, but the smell was BAD!! and moss on the water...yuck.  The bike course is like a V with 5 mile loops.  Up one side than down then up and then down.
2008-02-01 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1116595


Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Ok then, now we know that this girl who told me that the lake was pool like:

a) Never swam on a pristine nice pool

b) Trains on a gutter!


Any comments on the Texas IronGirl?

2008-02-02 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Sorry Go,  I haven't lived in Texas for a while and when I did I raised cows and didn't exercise much.
2008-02-03 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
OK, Saling, way to perpetuate everyone's idea that all we have in Texas is tumbleweeds and cowboys (lazy ones at that!).

Go, I know nothing about the Texas IM but will keep my eye out on info on the Texas forum (which is only open for us cowpokes).
2008-02-03 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Heck Luff,  I didn't say I was lazy, just that I didn't exercise much.  A Tri on the ranch was Round em up, give shots and dehorn (without getting hurt).

2008-02-03 11:40 PM
in reply to: #1116595


Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Alrightie, seems I've created a little of southern conversation/debate. Well, maybe I'll tell you about it... if any longhorns on the road, I will absolutely report on them.

Should I decorate my bike with a couple of longhorns instead of an aerobar? Ok, my husband is now telling me that I shouldn't tell that infront of his Texan clients... who knew he had those? yeeehaaaa!

2008-02-04 6:59 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I will admit, I did ride past the cow pastures on my ride last weekend. And there are a couple of longhorns in the field next to wear my son plays baseball. But we don't walk around in cowboy hats and boots.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'll just be happy to get rid of this darn upper respiratory crud that I have.
2008-02-04 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Now he is making fun of my cowboy hats and my boots.  Does the the abuse never end?  My current wife doesn't like me to wear them either so they collect dust in the closet,  but if it ever gets really cold here in vegas I am wearing my duster.  A duster is one WARM coat.

Luff,  The one time you should NEVER run is with a respiratory infection.  A head cold is okay, but chest cold NEVER. 

2008-02-04 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I did know I was not doing as advised but really wanted to get back out since I had already taken a couple of days off. I guess I'll try to contain myself, ha, and plan on another couple days off.
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