General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Running experts - 50 miles/month Rss Feed  
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2013-11-04 1:44 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by trigal38

Thanks for the replies all. I am not opposed to running more frequently, running still hurts a lot of days and mentally sometimes I just break and can't do it day after day. But I will try harder. There, are you happy now?!

Why does it hurt?  Are we talking pain or just burning legs/lungs?

If it's injury-hurt, you're doing too much and you need to make sure there's no hurt before you try to build.

If it's breathing, etc., then you may need to slow down.

It IS hard to increase run mileage on top of an already heavy level of cycling.

2013-11-04 2:10 PM
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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.




Edited by trigal38 2013-11-04 2:40 PM
2013-11-04 3:26 PM
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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.




You and I have a lot of similarities. Right SI out of place frequently...boyfriend pops it back in. My hip flexors are tight, my gluts are weak, hamstrings are tight etc etc.

Running has always felt like a slog, making it hard to get out.

Last year I got some great advcie from Scout...just go out and do 10 minutes then stop and go home. 1 or 2 times around the block. Learn to just enjoy running...and that doesn't mean running until your endorphins kcik in.. Your problems with run likely have less to do with endurance and more to do with all of the emotional ties you have with running. when I read your posts, I do seem some physical stuff...but not necessarily more or less than I see in other people.

You don't sound like you enjoy running. At all. Except on a rare "good day" in which yoru emotions take over your knowledge of how much to do in a day.

Things that have helped me are doing many of the drills & exercises from bobby mcgee (he has a run DVD you can get from endurance films and a blog with tons of great info and videos). Active hip flexor stretching after running...this hurts and is hard because it is so tight...and it tightens up VERY quickly so I need to be consistent. Google PMF stretching for hip flexor for a start.

i ahve changed my run form and constantly work on it.

I don't run further than I can hold the form I am practicing...last month that has meant anywhere from 100yds to 1/4 of a mile at a time then I walk. I CAN run further, but my run form is not "durable". On reason for workign on form improvemnts is to reduce impact loading, rebalance muscles that are active, and teach yoru body to tolerate teh ability to run longer so that you CAN run longer. Strengthening Gluts and hamistrings and quads all helps, as does stretchign my hip flexors .

Google "Myrtle routine" by coach Jay for some good hip stuff.

Also, 50 miles a month is fine...but it needs to be in small doses with likely no more than 2 days off in between. it averages to more than 12 miles a week...if you do 3 or 4 days a week it's 3 or 4 miles at a time...there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Throw in the 10 minute 1 mile runs every other day and you're now running 5 or 6 days a week, low doses each time, short efforts to smile about adn short enough to think about form improvements or engage your newly strengthing gluts, etc.

Edited by AdventureBear 2013-11-04 3:28 PM
2013-11-04 3:27 PM
in reply to: trigal38

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month

Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.


Not sure on the hip flexor at the moment, but would really recommend backing down how much running you're doing. And do less each time you run. Probably a lot less even if you don't think it's that much. You should not need to ice things with any regularity and especially not all evening every time. How little do you need to run so that nothing flairs up? You're right in that you should not be increasing with these issues going on. You need to figure out how to take care of them and learn what you are able to do, staying below what will trigger something. It's possible you may need to see someone about the issues, but you really need to dial down what you're doing. Don't do more than what you are able. With your description of the pain and the frequency of it, you're doing too much. Do just a little bit, even if it's 10 minutes to start, and do it very regularly. Stay within yourself as it sounds like you're going well past what your body can handle at this point.

2013-11-04 3:28 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.


Not sure on the hip flexor at the moment, but would really recommend backing down how much running you're doing. And do less each time you run. Probably a lot less even if you don't think it's that much. You should not need to ice things with any regularity and especially not all evening every time. How little do you need to run so that nothing flairs up? You're right in that you should not be increasing with these issues going on. You need to figure out how to take care of them and learn what you are able to do, staying below what will trigger something. It's possible you may need to see someone about the issues, but you really need to dial down what you're doing. Don't do more than what you are able. With your description of the pain and the frequency of it, you're doing too much. Do just a little bit, even if it's 10 minutes to start, and do it very regularly. Stay within yourself as it sounds like you're going well past what your body can handle at this point.

Oh, good stuff here.
2013-11-04 3:54 PM
in reply to: AdventureBear

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month

Really good stuff above from Ben and Suzanne!

2013-11-04 4:08 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Colorful Colorado
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Just to add another data point..

I was in the same boat and spent 2 years with SI joint, Achilles, etc injuries. Finally I gave up and had a gait analysis and functional strength screen with a VERY good PT and coach. The results were eye-opening -- turns out my glutes were essentially shut off and my hips were not at all stable. I took a few months off running and focusing solely on the strength exercises and stretches they assigned to me. After fixing the strength issues, I have been running injury free for several years.

You can google Functional Movement Screen to get a taste of the strength tests.

2013-11-04 4:35 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.




OK, with these kinds of issues you should NOT be trying to build up mileage. Running really isn't supposed to hurt.

First you need to figure out what you need to do to get rid of the hurting, and THEN gradually build up the mileage. As you increase, if you feel the hurting coming back then it's probably too much.

I will say, however, that often low- mileage or inconsistent runners get into patterns of pain/injury BECAUSE of low mileage. If you run infrequently you can tend to go out too hard on the days you do run. I don't mean "you", but in general. So the key is to figure out what's causing the pain, back it off to a a point of no pain, and then gradually eek it up.

Good luck...
2013-11-04 5:48 PM
in reply to: jennifer_runs

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Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Running does different things for different people.

I think the best advice here has been stated, just to go out and have fun. Walk lots. For the most part, no one got hurt walking. If you have fun you will go more often. Forget about speed. Forget about getting a workout in. Forget about the distance. If you can do that you will be able to get out 5 or 6 times a week. The time and the miles will add up, the fitness will build, you will walk less. It will all take time but it will be a fun time.
2013-11-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: AdventureBear

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month

Originally posted by AdventureBear
Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.




You and I have a lot of similarities. Right SI out of place frequently...boyfriend pops it back in. My hip flexors are tight, my gluts are weak, hamstrings are tight etc etc. Running has always felt like a slog, making it hard to get out. Last year I got some great advcie from Scout...just go out and do 10 minutes then stop and go home. 1 or 2 times around the block. Learn to just enjoy running...and that doesn't mean running until your endorphins kcik in.. Your problems with run likely have less to do with endurance and more to do with all of the emotional ties you have with running. when I read your posts, I do seem some physical stuff...but not necessarily more or less than I see in other people. You don't sound like you enjoy running. At all. Except on a rare "good day" in which yoru emotions take over your knowledge of how much to do in a day. Things that have helped me are doing many of the drills & exercises from bobby mcgee (he has a run DVD you can get from endurance films and a blog with tons of great info and videos). Active hip flexor stretching after running...this hurts and is hard because it is so tight...and it tightens up VERY quickly so I need to be consistent. Google PMF stretching for hip flexor for a start. i ahve changed my run form and constantly work on it. I don't run further than I can hold the form I am practicing...last month that has meant anywhere from 100yds to 1/4 of a mile at a time then I walk. I CAN run further, but my run form is not "durable". On reason for workign on form improvemnts is to reduce impact loading, rebalance muscles that are active, and teach yoru body to tolerate teh ability to run longer so that you CAN run longer. Strengthening Gluts and hamistrings and quads all helps, as does stretchign my hip flexors . Google "Myrtle routine" by coach Jay for some good hip stuff. Also, 50 miles a month is fine...but it needs to be in small doses with likely no more than 2 days off in between. it averages to more than 12 miles a week...if you do 3 or 4 days a week it's 3 or 4 miles at a time...there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Throw in the 10 minute 1 mile runs every other day and you're now running 5 or 6 days a week, low doses each time, short efforts to smile about adn short enough to think about form improvements or engage your newly strengthing gluts, etc.

You really do know what I am talking about. Thanks for all the recommendations and links. I'm excited to check them all out and look for some solutions. The hip flexor issue is new, just this fall since I started running again after the August lay off so I'm a little lost.

Actually I really like running. I don't think I would have stuck with this for 20 + years (more than that even if you count junior high cross country ha ha ha) if I didn't like it! Sometimes I just feel like it doesn't like me. But I agree I do have some emotional ties after all these years and all these different issues, it works me over and I almost kind of expect another problem.


2013-11-04 7:55 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by trigal38

"hurt" this last month was really tight hip flexors  to the point that just beginning a run I could feel them tightening up, and sleeping on that side of my body was painful.  And some kind of random pain on the outside and top of my right foot.  I think that was shoe related from some Brooks PureFlow shoes. I have not worn those shoes for the last week and that pain is not bothering me at all. But you know, it is hard to get all geared up to run every day when you know you are going to be sticking your foot in an ice bucket all evening afterwards.

The hip flexors I will take any advice on. I have started stretching before a run and foam rolling a couple of days a week. Yesterday I did a series of leg swings side to side & back/forth before my run and I have felt much better. I'm off my tri bike for the winter which I hope will help also.

I also have a hip that does not stay where it should so earlier last month it was out. I am  trying to increase distance & pace in the pool so I was getting after a hard effort, flip turned and I felt my SI joint on that side catch. So I was dealing with the after effects of that.

To me, and maybe I am wrong here, but it does not seem like a good idea to run every day when you've got a hip out of place, SI joint pain and foot pain. I'm actually pleased I managed my largest volume month in 3 years while managing all of these issues! 

The hip is back in and the chiro showed me how to tap that back myself, the SI joint paint is better, the foot is better so now it is just the tight hip and I need to figure out.

So no real injuries, just aches and pains but day to day, it takes a toll.


Not sure on the hip flexor at the moment, but would really recommend backing down how much running you're doing. And do less each time you run. Probably a lot less even if you don't think it's that much. You should not need to ice things with any regularity and especially not all evening every time. How little do you need to run so that nothing flairs up? You're right in that you should not be increasing with these issues going on. You need to figure out how to take care of them and learn what you are able to do, staying below what will trigger something. It's possible you may need to see someone about the issues, but you really need to dial down what you're doing. Don't do more than what you are able. With your description of the pain and the frequency of it, you're doing too much. Do just a little bit, even if it's 10 minutes to start, and do it very regularly. Stay within yourself as it sounds like you're going well past what your body can handle at this point.

I no longer have to ice the foot. I have run 5 out of the last 6 days, 2 or 3 miles each time with no ice needed.It was the shoes. I mean, not that I don't have other issues but in this instance with my feet it was the shoes .

Thanks for the advice


2013-11-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
I'm sure it's already been mentioned amongst all the other good advice but I thought it might be worth stating again all by it's lonesome...

Rather than trying to build up volume right off the bat, you may be best served to focus first on consistency. Keep your weekly milage the same for a month. Run nice and easy and just focus on getting out on the road 4-5 (or whatever frequency you've settled on) times a week. If you can stay pain free through a month, then start looking at tacking on 10% every couple of weeks or so.

Don't focus on chasing the miles. If you focus on frequency and consistency the milage will come along of it's own accord.
2013-11-05 12:21 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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East Greenbush
Subject: RE: Running experts - 50 miles/month
Here is a very rudimentary spreadsheet that you can use to calculate the daily miles for the BarryP plan. Just plug in your starting weekly mileage in cell A2. doesnt have to be mileage either.. Substitute minutes for mileage...

BarryP.xlsx (10KB - 19 downloads)
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