BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-10 9:21 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Steve, love your description of taper!!!! So true, so true. While I know nothing of IM taper, it’s how I feel before A races.

Phil, have any shoes right near retirement that can carry you for 10 miles? I’ve never done TM but had a friend that did one and about 3 or 4 miles was thru the mud. I did a Warrior Dash (yes, baby race next to TM) but I wore retired shoes and added them to the shoe pile at the end. (They pressure wash the discarded shoes and donate.) As for the electrocution, read some reports. I’ve heard that people can feel numbness for several days afterward. I’m all for going for the gusto but dang, no for me.

Jay, you are a much faster runner than I am but I would start off slowly with probably 2 of the runs (maybe long and a short run) being ez pace. Then after a few weeks, add one more quality workout in but keep one at ez. Again, just my opinion.

Did I tell ya’ll that I’ve that the crazy idea to hit the stairs hard? Hubby had a girl in class last week that lost 31 pounds in 3 months by hitting the stairs 2x daily at work. I don’t need the weight loss but I decided to try since I have a 7 story building. Last week, up, down, up, down 2x which took me about 5 mins. Hour later, my thighs were quivering at my desk. Did again yesterday and was quivering before even got back to my desk. Good workout.

Did baby intervals today. 4*400 (all I had time for) and I’m feeling it. First time since Nov. Felt good to work hard and sweat more.

Poor hubby’s mentor leader wrecked at bike mile 52. 7 cracked ribs, broken collar bone, road rash. Poor guy! Be careful Everyone!

2014-06-11 5:10 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Rant here. A neighbor told me the other day about a new German Shepard hanging around that appeared nice but no one knew the owner. This morn. I saw the dog at 5:15am. Really?! I grew up in the country so I'm ok with dogs not always being on the leash. But a unknown dog at 5:15am that is about a half mile from his house and no one is looking for him? Oh Please! I really dislike some people.

Jay, Wow, that is great about Kiley!!!! She is strong and tough.
2014-06-11 2:57 PM
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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Pink Socks

As for the electrocution, read some reports. I’ve heard that people can feel numbness for several days afterward. I’m all for going for the gusto but dang, no for me.

Haha thank you for increasing my level of anxiety. Is that even considered an athletic obstacle? How should I train for that, stick my fingers in electrical sockets?

Edited by phifatech 2014-06-11 2:58 PM
2014-06-11 5:27 PM
in reply to: phifatech

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by phifatech

Originally posted by Pink Socks

As for the electrocution, read some reports. I’ve heard that people can feel numbness for several days afterward. I’m all for going for the gusto but dang, no for me.

Haha thank you for increasing my level of anxiety. Is that even considered an athletic obstacle? How should I train for that, stick my fingers in electrical sockets?

Happy to help. :-) Athletic obstacle? Yes, that is the right question to ask. Ask those masocists (sp?) that this weekend. Love to hear their logic.
2014-06-11 7:35 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
So say-eth Steve a golden bit of observation & truth -- " Once you get out of shape for running it just takes a really long time to get it back"

Amen to that, brother!!!


A guy starting back using a modified couch-to-5k plan just to get moving again (but it feels GREAT!!!!).

run goals -- 5k June 29th, 4.5 mi fun run July 4th, Half Mary Oct 26, with a couple 10k's in there as well.

Happy Training, kids!!!

- Mike

Phil -- your TV & mine will be tuned to the same things the next 2 months. WC & TdF!!
2014-06-12 11:30 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Mitch post your CDA race number so folks can stalk you better. Also where in the rolling start are you planning on lining up? Given how things have been going with my back and shoulder I will probably line up in the 1:25-1:30ish group and be happy with anything faster than 1:40. I am really hoping for no 2 foot wind rollers this year for the swim.

2014-06-12 5:25 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
My bib number is 1968.

Going to start with the 1:20 ish swim group. I'll take anything though. Hoping for no calve cramps that has happened in every race, but i've been in the ocean quite a bit these days with no issues.

Did a 4.67 mile run today that felt like a marathon. Had to walk a step or 2 at one point. My whole family has been very sick so I'm hoping it wasn't that and I'm just in repair mode...

have a very busy next 2 days of work culminating with an 18 hour work day on Saturday ending at 4 am. Still have to get my long-ish ride in Sunday as I haven't been on my bike in a while and It's starting to worry me!
2014-06-12 8:56 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
A friend did TM a few years back. She needed lots of help with climbing the walls, but did really great on steep uphill runs, so there is something for everyone's strength. Lot's of camaraderie and always a big military type on top of the walls to pull you over. She said the shocks at the end were like being hit with a sledgehammer, but then as soon as it came the pain was gone.
Suck it up buttercup (hope you don't mind the trash talking), it's like tri's, the pain is part of the reason the bragging rights are forever! Would I do it, never, but you'll be great!

Didn't intend to post as training has been lax. The school where I can use the pool turns the hot water heater off for the summer so just joined a local gym for three months to have a place to swim. I am very fortunate to not work in the summer, but I find the initial lack of routine and schedule leaves me down and unable to get moving in any constructive way. This weekend is lost as the kids and I are taking my hubby to a Buddhist retreat for Father's Day. We;ve gone for the week long family retreats for many years now, but as the kids are now teenagers they negotiated a shorter retreat. I might try to get away for a long walk.

2014-06-12 9:51 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
I usually get calf cramps in the IM swims because the water is usually cold. I just let the leg go limp till it works its way out and keep going.
2014-06-13 9:40 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
I've had the calf cramp thing happen on a couple HIM swims, and occasionally just in the pool. If I just let the legs dangle, they go away. I've found the cause to be pointing my toes during the swim. Relax my feet and they go away.

Race tomorrow -- feeling nervous. This seems to have come up faster than I anticipated this year. Training has been a mess, but since its aquabike, and not the full run, I'm thinking I'll be OK. Had some weird foot & calf cramps last night for no apparent reason which was disturbing, but OK today. Oh, it may be raining the entire race as well. Fun!
2014-06-13 9:45 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Phil. I have a friend who is a Spartan Junky. Those are hard races, very Cross-fit type events. i do want to try one someday. Looks fun...

Carol. there are some very popular stairs in Santa Monica. People swear by them (and at them as well)

Good to see you running Mike.

Getting a bit nervous. everyone's sick at my house and i was up all night with the baby... No training today or tomorrow but I will get in my ride Sunday. not much running this week, but last Saturdays 17 miler took a lot out of me.... CDA is right around the corner...

2014-06-13 11:48 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hey all! Great to "see" everyone!

Mike, hope you have fun at the race this weekend!

For our IMCDA folks, happy tapers and healing up!

Hubby seems to be recovering from the flu faster than I did, so we are hopeful that things are on the upswing there. FIL fell again...not waiting for help to get up and down, but seems to be OK. Honestly, just getting some work and normal life things done still feels exhausting. I've tried throwing in a few walks and short yoga sessions, but that's about it for me right now, so I'm counting on you guys to tell about your adventures!
2014-06-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hope tape is going well for Mitch and Steve. Best of luck to Mike and Phil this weekend on their races. Did I miss anyone? If so, I'm sorry and hope you have a great race.

Hubby and I signed up for a 5k this morn. Ran to the race, did the hilly race, and then ez run/walk home for me while hubby ran the whole way home. Now a shower for me. A cousin that I love, an aunt that I don't like, and a great aunt that is a hoot are visiting my mom so I'll be driving up in a little while to see all. Dinner at a mexican restaurant at end of the day but no margaritas for me since I've got to drive home. :-( Tried to get the 16 y.o. to go to be my driver but for some reason he isn't interested in dinner with a bunch of old women relatives. Kids.
2014-06-14 4:48 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
congrats on the race, Pam!

My day went about as expected. Felt good the whole day. Ended up with a 40 minute swim and a 3:03 bike. I didn't really push it on the bike, and just kept in a steady groove the whole way. Would have been nice to break 3, but it really wasn't a concern, and today was all about and just seeing how I would feel, have some fun, and make it a cool training day. Success all around. I'm really tired now, though
2014-06-14 6:41 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hrm, 70 mile bike 3.5 mile brick run... not sure this feels like a taper week yet. Still tired. On the positive side muscle groups behaved themselves if not with much uphta.

Mitch is probably still out there.

Good news is now I am on summer break so on Monday I can sleep in 8).
2014-06-15 5:39 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Baowolf

Hrm, 70 mile bike 3.5 mile brick run... not sure this feels like a taper week yet. Still tired. On the positive side muscle groups behaved themselves if not with much uphta.

Mitch is probably still out there.

Good news is now I am on summer break so on Monday I can sleep in 8).

Wow, Steve it does not look like taper. But the Ironman taper is a long way down. I am excited for you. You will do great!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the dads, grandfathers, and uncles. Enjoy your day today!!

2014-06-15 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4997711

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Phil - hope all goes well for you.

Happy Father's Day to all u dads out there. I'm currently occupying my hammock getting in some solid recovery :-).

Perfect weather day here and I plan on getting in a run later. Was a bit sore this AM but that's gone. Yesterday has inspired me to really get back on track with training. I feel I'm capable of so much more than the slacker I've been and its a disservice not to get out there, get consistent, and have fun.

On a more practical matter what are u IM folks using for saddle/run lube? Body glide isn't working well for me anymore. Need to try something else.

Steve and Mitch - happy taper!
2014-06-15 2:26 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Mike - so, so impressed. I wish I had a bike like that in me.

Have I ever mentioned i love being a dad. I have 2 of the most amazing daughters one could wish for!

Hoping Phil is doing well

Nice ride Steve. you're definitely the man!

Well, I got a 60 miler in with some climbing, about 2700 feet. 18 hour workdays each of the last 2 days and maybe a total of 5 hours sleep total the last 3 days... sick family and paying the price for a bit of success! Definitely not the confidence booster I was looking for. My left thigh cramped up bad about mile 50. Had to stop for maybe 5 minutes to let it calm down. Never had anything like that before. Was supposed to get a 15 min brick in but the leg just wont let me today...

Oh and Mike - I found this roll on stuff called "Butt Shield" by 2Toms...It's absolutely amazing. Way better than any product I've used in the past and easy application as a roll on...
2014-06-15 3:26 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
I don't use any kind of lubricant for where my seat hits the bike seat. I find that it makes the cloth stick to my skin and not slide causing additional problems. So I just ride and get my bum used to the saddle. If I have any issues after the ride, diaper rash cream usually clears things up in a couple 2-3 days. I have used it maybe 3x in the last 3000 miles. Usually I have more issues if I don't wash the shorts often enough and have a little sweat built up that increased the friction. So for the IM I will only put bodyglide around my waste, neck, etc. the edges of my clothing to reduce friction there, nothing for my feet or seat.

Mitch, don't worry about the ride and leg cramps. My calves were cramping on easy runs earlier this week, my hip flexor was bugging me for the past 3 weeks and the top of my knees have been iffy, and the shoulder and back are more sore than they should be. Just get in what you can and it should work its way out by the start of the race. The good thing about cramps is that they are temporary, not a pulled muscle or anything enduring. Just roll and ice those muscles and ease into your next workout and you should be fine. Things should resolve over the next couple of days.

Edited by Baowolf 2014-06-15 3:36 PM
2014-06-15 4:23 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Quick popin to say Happy Father's Day to all of you guys. Last week, we went trail running while son mtn bike. Son went a "new" way and wanted us to follow him. I knew that the route took us a back route to our favt pizza joint so had hubby follow him and I ran out and got the truck and met them. Today, hubby wanted to do the same thing. Now we are prepping some healthy food. Hope all of you have a great day.
2014-06-16 6:58 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
I hope all the daddies had a fantastic fathers day yesterday!

The Tough Mudder on Saturday was a success. As Mitzi said, lots of comraderie and helping other out. Most of the obstacles were upper body strength stuff (climbing walls, monkey bars, etc.) and the rest were just there to get you muddy. Everyone helps anyone who needs it. The electrocuting obstacle really did feel like I was a human punching bag. My fiancee was a spectator and took some great photos that I'll share for anyone interested (I think she wants to participate next time!). My GPS had me finishing at about 11 miles; it took a while because we had a huge group, about 13 or us, and luckily no one was injured. One of the last obstacles had us scaling over a 12-foot wall, and a girl landed wrong and snapped her fibula right above her ankle! Loud snap too. We were right next to her, and that sight always sends shivers down your spine... and it stays with you for a while.

Sunday I woke up early for our DC Dragonboat Festival in Georgetown. I had 4 races--2 prelims and 2 finals--that were both quick 500m sprints. Our 'A' team got bronze and our 'B' team stepped up and got gold (in different divisions). Our next festival is in August, with 1000m and 2000m races. Always something to look forward to.

After that, we BBQ'd for my dad, and brother (who is a father of 2), and watched the Argentina match.

It's one of those weekends that makes you feel like you were trampled by Sasquatch. But it feels good! I'll probably do nothing til Wednesday, our soccer summer league season opener.
Tri training has been a bit erratic, but I'm getting pretty excited for IMCDA for Team Baowolf! Does the Ironman site track people in realtime? Or just at transitions?

Mike, those are killer times and definitely targets that I'd love to train for! If I can do 18-19mph on my superflat course without toasting my legs I'd be ecstatic! I probably haven't done races long enough for me to require lube, so I got no advice for you. I just use petroleum jelly if I'm sensitive in some areas after long rides.

Pam, congrats on the 5k! Bummer what happened to your husband's mentor! Crashing on a bike is always a scary thing. Was it during a race?

Super pumped about Team USA playing tonight! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!

2014-06-16 10:12 AM
in reply to: phifatech

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Back in the pool today, and I was feeling beat. Did manage 2600 yards, but they were not overly fast . after some warm ups, the main set was 18x100 on :20 (a mix of drill/stroke & freestyle), and while I managed to keep most in the 1:30-1:36 range, it was not what I'd say was fun.

One thing I did notice from the race was my swim fitness kind of fading for the last 2-300 yards, and while I made my way in to shore, i knew I had to get back in teh pool more often to make this better next time. One good thing is that everyone agreed the swim was a bit long (0.05-0.1 miles), so my time wasn't as bad as I thought. I did a 34 minute swim at my prior 70.3 last August, and I'd like to get back to that level. A couple navigation zig-zags didn't help.
2014-06-16 10:44 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
@Mike and PaM

Congrats!!! Still have to read your RRs.

@Steve and Mitch

Goodluck at IMCDA!!!!

@ Carol

Get well soon!! dont rush to get out there its scorching outside only good thing outside is OWS.


2014-06-17 9:54 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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New user
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hi group!

Congrats Mike on your aquabike, great results and way to build up confidence!
Phil : I think I am afraid of Toughmudders or similar events. These seem like fun but scary!!!

Lost track of everyone's races, season is in full swing!!

Can't wait to hear about IMCDA for Steve and Mitch. GO GO GO!

As for me I am back from an incredible birthday weekend that started last Saturday with a 135 km (84 miles) bike event, all under heavy rain from start to finish. It was a TON of FUN and I really impressed myself with how good I rode (average 29 km/h - 18 mph) on a very slippery road, how I managed nutrition, cold, wet etc. And I had the nicest surprise at the finish...
I might write a race report (even if it was not timed) just so I can remember all the details for next year. Woot!

I also swam 2000 yards Sunday night and did 8 km run intervals with a group last night. The best part? Not too sore at all from the ride. All this work seems to pay off.

Now I am focusing on the Oly this July. A sprint comes before that but not too stressed about that.

Happy training!!!


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2014-06-17 9:55 AM
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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Fun In the Sun Mentor Group (OPEN)
Nice to see quite a few of our group posting, so thought I'd join the fun!

Mike D -- congrats on your aqua/bike! Glad it was a good day for you.I have a feeling that the intense bike training you did this winter has helped you on the bike leg.

Phil -- congrats on the tough mudder and the dragon boat races. I think it's great the variety of things you enjoy doing!

Carl -- glad to have a fellow Texan to commiserate with regarding the heat. I think Pam, our Florida friend, also gets it . Morning is where it's at!

Mitch and Steve -- sounds like you are both ready for IMCDA. The physical hay is in the barn, now time to get your mental game on. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences!

Mitzi -- I know what you mean re: the energy suck of changes in schedules. My schedule is never really fixed anymore. In some ways I love that after many years in a cubicle/office. But at times, I get bogged down in picking what to do next.

Linda -- how is your less structured summer going?

Isabella - we were simul-posting! Congrats on your long ride! Great to hear that you are reaping the rewards of your training, and had such a great experience. Nice groove you are in Happy birthday!

Which reminds me -- Jay slipped a birthday in as well, so happy birthday to Jay!

I have finally shaken off the residual cough from the flu, hubby is back at work, and we are getting our "normal" back on here. I have set out a training plan for myself. I'm attempting to rebuild a run with a zero to 10K in 10 weeks plan. So 3X/wk for run, 3X/wk cycling (to get in shape for some rides from San Francisco at the end of the summer), and 2X swimming (to be able to do my bucket list swim). Getting a little stretch/strength in with 20 minutes of yoga X 5/wk. I have my eye on a few events in the fall and would like to be fit enough to enjoy them.

Edited by squirt 2014-06-17 9:58 AM
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Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

Started by Baowolf
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2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group

Started by Baowolf
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2014-05-18 12:48 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's Summer Extravaganza Mentor Group

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2014-05-18 12:01 AM Baowolf
date : January 1, 2015
author : Team BT
comments : 2
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