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2013-09-29 6:49 AM
in reply to: robingray_260

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by robingray_260
Originally posted by kenj

Morning all!!

Busy week at work, so good thing it is somewhat of a recovery week.  Legs still feeling it but mentally I am ready to get back at it and finish the last 5 weeks till Florida. 

I am doing an easy bike ride in the trainer, then a massage at lunch.  Some upper body strength work too. 

What is everyone else doing?

Robin, how are the long runs going?

Hey All! I got my 20 miler run in on Tuesday. Was supposed to do it on Monday - but it was snowing!!!!! Tuesday was a beautiful day and had a good run. Legs are feeling good and ready for taper! I hope everyone is training well and are ready for the weekend! I am canoeing into a back country cabin!

Does this start your taper Robin?

I hope you are having a great time canoeing!

2013-09-29 6:52 AM
in reply to: bdenehy

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by bdenehy Good luck Adam and Jaime!. Adam, I'm sure you got all your flats out of the way last year and this time will be smooth sailing. Power- I use a quarq and love it. I change wheels more than socks so never gave the PT too much consideration. The only thing is that I leave it on one bike. When I bought it, I only had the one bike, but figured I would swap it out to whatever new bikes that came in the future. Since my tri bike has a threaded crank, so my quarq crackset is threaded too. When I got my road bike, its a BB30. I know I can get an adapter, but I'm just not much of a "wrench" so I leave it where it is. Its not a big deal since I do all trainer rides and 90+% of races on my tri bike. The roadie is for solo rides where i want to just tool around or for group rides where a power meter wont help (except for maybe post ride analysis). In group rides, the name of the game is Keep Up and if I can do that with the fast group, then I guess the effort was good enough. If I was in the market now, I'd be seriously looking at the pedal option. Racing - I think this season has been called early for lack of motivation. I may or may not do my Nov mary. The training has gone out the window and if I dont have a reasonable chance of hitting my goal, then I wont give up 2 days of a holiday weekend to race 4 hours from home. Gonna play it by ear. Happy training to all gearing up for late season races!

Whether it is this year or next, I hope you find your motivation again Bill!

I know what you mean though, I think I raced too much this year and for a while was either in taper or recovery.  Next year I may do as many races, but it wont be as many long races. 

2013-09-29 6:57 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Thanks for the advice on the Sufferfest videos.  I like them as I can put them on the Iphone or I pad and still have a ball game or something else on the TV.  I haven't figured out a way to do that with the spinervals yet.

I like the format of the video, or at least the one I did. Cant say I am a fan of the music.  The one I did was ISLAGIATT, and I flatted out on the trainer about half way.  Probably not an ideal video for where I am in IM training as it is a lot of 5 and 10 second sprints, but I will definately use it off season to improve cadence range and improve VO2 Max.  I also have Violator to try out later in the week.

2 weeks of conferences and business meetings and my lack of dietary discipline has my gout acting up this weekend.  Right in the middle toes of my right foot.  Perfect!  I can still bike and swim so hopefully it passes before too long. 

Happy Sunday and again, good luck to our racers today!!

2013-09-30 8:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
What a race yesterday! It was a beautiful day and everything pretty much went off without a hitch. I finished in 6:28 which was a little off my goal time but compared to last year it was a personal best which I expected given my troubles on the bike last year. I'll try and get a race report up soon.

I do love the HIM distance even though I'm so far back from the leaders it's almost laughable. The winner came in at 4:16, which I think was a course record.

I have so much to focus on this winter if I want to do better next year.

Oh and I feel asleep around 7:00 last night and woke up at 6:30 this morning. That's 11 1/2 hours of sleep - I think the last time I slept that long was back in college.

Edited by acv 2013-09-30 8:08 AM
2013-09-30 10:46 AM
in reply to: acv

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Well apparently being sick all week makes for a pretty good taper, I had a tough but very good Oly yesterday. The conditions were perfect, cool and sunny, and the course was a tough one. My age group this year, compared to last year was fairly deep, with 6 women faster or about the same speed as me. (Triathlon is a SMALL community here, so we've been racing against each other all summer) I was still having so much trouble with my breathing I didn't even make a race plan, figured I'd just see how the day went.

I had to stop and cough a few times on the swim but during the second half I got into my rhythm and came out of the water pretty well, 3rd or 4th out of the 6. My HR data on the bike was CRAZY, I think because of sickness and medications, I was about 180 for quite a while but I just decided to quit looking at it! The bike is usually my weakness, and 3 of these women are usually quite a bit faster than me, and at the turn around I saw all 4 of them right behind me! I was sure they were going to catch me but I just kept telling myself to make them work for it. In the end only one of the 4 caught me and it was maybe 3 miles before T2.

So now I'm in 4th in my AG heading into the run, with 2 more right behind me. I can see the girl ahead of me, but just barely, and I am pretty toasted and having some trouble wheezing. I'm telling myself 4th place is just fine by me, and then I see the girl way up ahead start walking. She looks back (I'm probably half a mile behind, but you can see a long way out here) and then picks it up again. So I think, well, I'd better keep running, because she looks like she might be tired, and maybe I'll get close enough to catch her.

I just keep reeling her in, and I'm actually able to pass her about mile 4. Which is great because the other 2 girls are still not far behind me. I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and pass me, because then I could walk! But I figure I'm going to run until they catch me. About a mile before the finish, 2 of them catch me and we are all running hard together across this gigantic dam. It was awesome! In these small races this hardly ever happens for me. One of them was too tired to keep pushing and dropped back. The other was running really strong and pulled away from me, but just as I was telling myself 4th place was fine again, I noticed she started limping (still running). I caught back up to her about 200 yards from the finish and asked if she was OK. She said she had a terrible cramp, at which point I said "I"m really sorry! We're almost there!" and ran for all I was worth.

The upshot was not only did I finish 3rd in my AG, we also ended up being the first 3 women overall (with next 3 finishing within a minute of me). Very exciting, and a very good experience for me of how important the mental aspect is in a race. I never could have pushed so hard without these other girls pushing me, and instead of telling myself this girl or that girl was faster than me, I just tried to get close enough that I could make a move if something happened. I was so disappointed earlier this week when I got sick, because my goal was to focus on racing the Oly distance this year. My A race got changed to a du when the lake dried up, my back up A race I couldn't finish because of a corneal burn, and for this one I was pretty sick. But that's the way it goes sometimes! I can't wait for next year.
2013-09-30 12:05 PM
in reply to: acv

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by acv What a race yesterday! It was a beautiful day and everything pretty much went off without a hitch. I finished in 6:28 which was a little off my goal time but compared to last year it was a personal best which I expected given my troubles on the bike last year. I'll try and get a race report up soon. I do love the HIM distance even though I'm so far back from the leaders it's almost laughable. The winner came in at 4:16, which I think was a course record. I have so much to focus on this winter if I want to do better next year. Oh and I feel asleep around 7:00 last night and woke up at 6:30 this morning. That's 11 1/2 hours of sleep - I think the last time I slept that long was back in college.

Awesome Adam!! Can't compare to the winners, those guys/gals are in another league than those of us that do this with family and work commitments! 

I look forward to reading your race report.

2013-09-30 12:08 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by RunningJoke Well apparently being sick all week makes for a pretty good taper, I had a tough but very good Oly yesterday. The conditions were perfect, cool and sunny, and the course was a tough one. My age group this year, compared to last year was fairly deep, with 6 women faster or about the same speed as me. (Triathlon is a SMALL community here, so we've been racing against each other all summer) I was still having so much trouble with my breathing I didn't even make a race plan, figured I'd just see how the day went. I had to stop and cough a few times on the swim but during the second half I got into my rhythm and came out of the water pretty well, 3rd or 4th out of the 6. My HR data on the bike was CRAZY, I think because of sickness and medications, I was about 180 for quite a while but I just decided to quit looking at it! The bike is usually my weakness, and 3 of these women are usually quite a bit faster than me, and at the turn around I saw all 4 of them right behind me! I was sure they were going to catch me but I just kept telling myself to make them work for it. In the end only one of the 4 caught me and it was maybe 3 miles before T2. So now I'm in 4th in my AG heading into the run, with 2 more right behind me. I can see the girl ahead of me, but just barely, and I am pretty toasted and having some trouble wheezing. I'm telling myself 4th place is just fine by me, and then I see the girl way up ahead start walking. She looks back (I'm probably half a mile behind, but you can see a long way out here) and then picks it up again. So I think, well, I'd better keep running, because she looks like she might be tired, and maybe I'll get close enough to catch her. I just keep reeling her in, and I'm actually able to pass her about mile 4. Which is great because the other 2 girls are still not far behind me. I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and pass me, because then I could walk! But I figure I'm going to run until they catch me. About a mile before the finish, 2 of them catch me and we are all running hard together across this gigantic dam. It was awesome! In these small races this hardly ever happens for me. One of them was too tired to keep pushing and dropped back. The other was running really strong and pulled away from me, but just as I was telling myself 4th place was fine again, I noticed she started limping (still running). I caught back up to her about 200 yards from the finish and asked if she was OK. She said she had a terrible cramp, at which point I said "I"m really sorry! We're almost there!" and ran for all I was worth. The upshot was not only did I finish 3rd in my AG, we also ended up being the first 3 women overall (with next 3 finishing within a minute of me). Very exciting, and a very good experience for me of how important the mental aspect is in a race. I never could have pushed so hard without these other girls pushing me, and instead of telling myself this girl or that girl was faster than me, I just tried to get close enough that I could make a move if something happened. I was so disappointed earlier this week when I got sick, because my goal was to focus on racing the Oly distance this year. My A race got changed to a du when the lake dried up, my back up A race I couldn't finish because of a corneal burn, and for this one I was pretty sick. But that's the way it goes sometimes! I can't wait for next year.

Awesome Jaime!!  Glad you had a great finish to what sounds like a tough race!!

Congratulations on the podium finish!!

2013-09-30 1:54 PM
in reply to: kenj

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Eddie - Really? Is it time to put on the race wheels? That will make it so REAL! And CLOSE! But, I will probably get to that this week too. How is your training going?

Adam and Jaime - Sounds like there was some good, fun racing this weekend! Congrats!

I had a fantastic training weekend. I got in a 19 mile run on Saturday before the football game. One Sunday I rode 101 miles and ran a quick mile afterwards. It was my first century and I thought it went great! This week is a little easier, and I am looking forward to it!

Hope everyone has a good week!
2013-09-30 2:35 PM
in reply to: 0

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by kenj

Originally posted by RunningJoke Well apparently being sick all week makes for a pretty good taper, I had a tough but very good Oly yesterday. The conditions were perfect, cool and sunny, and the course was a tough one. My age group this year, compared to last year was fairly deep, with 6 women faster or about the same speed as me. (Triathlon is a SMALL community here, so we've been racing against each other all summer) I was still having so much trouble with my breathing I didn't even make a race plan, figured I'd just see how the day went. I had to stop and cough a few times on the swim but during the second half I got into my rhythm and came out of the water pretty well, 3rd or 4th out of the 6. My HR data on the bike was CRAZY, I think because of sickness and medications, I was about 180 for quite a while but I just decided to quit looking at it! The bike is usually my weakness, and 3 of these women are usually quite a bit faster than me, and at the turn around I saw all 4 of them right behind me! I was sure they were going to catch me but I just kept telling myself to make them work for it. In the end only one of the 4 caught me and it was maybe 3 miles before T2. So now I'm in 4th in my AG heading into the run, with 2 more right behind me. I can see the girl ahead of me, but just barely, and I am pretty toasted and having some trouble wheezing. I'm telling myself 4th place is just fine by me, and then I see the girl way up ahead start walking. She looks back (I'm probably half a mile behind, but you can see a long way out here) and then picks it up again. So I think, well, I'd better keep running, because she looks like she might be tired, and maybe I'll get close enough to catch her. I just keep reeling her in, and I'm actually able to pass her about mile 4. Which is great because the other 2 girls are still not far behind me. I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and pass me, because then I could walk! But I figure I'm going to run until they catch me. About a mile before the finish, 2 of them catch me and we are all running hard together across this gigantic dam. It was awesome! In these small races this hardly ever happens for me. One of them was too tired to keep pushing and dropped back. The other was running really strong and pulled away from me, but just as I was telling myself 4th place was fine again, I noticed she started limping (still running). I caught back up to her about 200 yards from the finish and asked if she was OK. She said she had a terrible cramp, at which point I said "I"m really sorry! We're almost there!" and ran for all I was worth. The upshot was not only did I finish 3rd in my AG, we also ended up being the first 3 women overall (with next 3 finishing within a minute of me). Very exciting, and a very good experience for me of how important the mental aspect is in a race. I never could have pushed so hard without these other girls pushing me, and instead of telling myself this girl or that girl was faster than me, I just tried to get close enough that I could make a move if something happened. I was so disappointed earlier this week when I got sick, because my goal was to focus on racing the Oly distance this year. My A race got changed to a du when the lake dried up, my back up A race I couldn't finish because of a corneal burn, and for this one I was pretty sick. But that's the way it goes sometimes! I can't wait for next year.

Awesome Jaime!!  Glad you had a great finish to what sounds like a tough race!!

Congratulations on the podium finish!!

Way to go!

Edited by acv 2013-09-30 2:36 PM
2013-10-01 7:41 AM
in reply to: gadgetlaw

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by gadgetlaw

Eddie - Really? Is it time to put on the race wheels? That will make it so REAL! And CLOSE! But, I will probably get to that this week too. How is your training going?

Adam and Jaime - Sounds like there was some good, fun racing this weekend! Congrats!

I had a fantastic training weekend. I got in a 19 mile run on Saturday before the football game. One Sunday I rode 101 miles and ran a quick mile afterwards. It was my first century and I thought it went great! This week is a little easier, and I am looking forward to it!

Hope everyone has a good week!

It is time, with two real weeks of training that really only means 4 rides for me and 2 of them will most likely be indoors so I felt like it was time. I also went ahead and put on the waterbottle on the handle bars, but found that it is not the best option (too much rattle) so I am looking to put on a torpedo style cage. Outside of that, my training has really not been where I want it to be, but it is where I should be... In other words, my wife has not written me off and I am still spending quality time with my kids without being too tired to be around them. I know I will be slow, but my goal is to finish and not have my family upset that I missed a year of their life to do it...

Going to try and build up two bike rides in the next two Sundays and run as much as possible without injuring myself too much...
2013-10-01 9:16 AM
in reply to: gadgetlaw

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by gadgetlaw Eddie - Really? Is it time to put on the race wheels? That will make it so REAL! And CLOSE! But, I will probably get to that this week too. How is your training going? Adam and Jaime - Sounds like there was some good, fun racing this weekend! Congrats! I had a fantastic training weekend. I got in a 19 mile run on Saturday before the football game. One Sunday I rode 101 miles and ran a quick mile afterwards. It was my first century and I thought it went great! This week is a little easier, and I am looking forward to it! Hope everyone has a good week!

Sounds like you had a great weekend of training Karen!!  Nice work!

2013-10-01 9:18 AM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by ramiedd
Originally posted by gadgetlaw Eddie - Really? Is it time to put on the race wheels? That will make it so REAL! And CLOSE! But, I will probably get to that this week too. How is your training going? Adam and Jaime - Sounds like there was some good, fun racing this weekend! Congrats! I had a fantastic training weekend. I got in a 19 mile run on Saturday before the football game. One Sunday I rode 101 miles and ran a quick mile afterwards. It was my first century and I thought it went great! This week is a little easier, and I am looking forward to it! Hope everyone has a good week!
It is time, with two real weeks of training that really only means 4 rides for me and 2 of them will most likely be indoors so I felt like it was time. I also went ahead and put on the waterbottle on the handle bars, but found that it is not the best option (too much rattle) so I am looking to put on a torpedo style cage. Outside of that, my training has really not been where I want it to be, but it is where I should be... In other words, my wife has not written me off and I am still spending quality time with my kids without being too tired to be around them. I know I will be slow, but my goal is to finish and not have my family upset that I missed a year of their life to do it... Going to try and build up two bike rides in the next two Sundays and run as much as possible without injuring myself too much...

I bought the new XLab torpedo bottle and cage for between the handle bars.  It worked really well other than it got kind of messy refilling it.  But, since the straw was in my face I drank better than I had been just grabbing a bottle out of a cage.

Nice work Eddie. I hope you get your rides in as planned!!

2013-10-01 9:20 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Almost 2 hours in the trainer this morning, I need to get moving quicker as the weekday rides become 3 hours starting next week.  I need to fit a swim in sometime too, but I get some flexibility on when I do the swim.  The bike and the runs are pretty tightly scheduled with certain efforts so not as much ability to move them around.

4 weeks from Saturday for me!!  It is going to be an exciting month for some of us!!

2013-10-01 10:12 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by kenj

Thanks for the advice on the Sufferfest videos.  I like them as I can put them on the Iphone or I pad and still have a ball game or something else on the TV.  I haven't figured out a way to do that with the spinervals yet.

I like the format of the video, or at least the one I did. Cant say I am a fan of the music.  The one I did was ISLAGIATT, and I flatted out on the trainer about half way.  Probably not an ideal video for where I am in IM training as it is a lot of 5 and 10 second sprints, but I will definately use it off season to improve cadence range and improve VO2 Max.  I also have Violator to try out later in the week.

2 weeks of conferences and business meetings and my lack of dietary discipline has my gout acting up this weekend.  Right in the middle toes of my right foot.  Perfect!  I can still bike and swim so hopefully it passes before too long. 

Happy Sunday and again, good luck to our racers today!!

You might want to check out "WinX DVD Ripper Platinum" for converting your DVDs to a format that will play on a tablet. It works, but compresses the files some so a little quality may be lost, but I doubt that would be a problem for a Spinervals DVD. I make no representations about copyright issues, yada, yada, yada, but if it's yours, my feeling is you should be able to play it on what you want....
2013-10-01 11:35 PM
in reply to: kenj

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by kenj

Originally posted by robingray_260
Originally posted by kenj

Morning all!!

Busy week at work, so good thing it is somewhat of a recovery week.  Legs still feeling it but mentally I am ready to get back at it and finish the last 5 weeks till Florida. 

I am doing an easy bike ride in the trainer, then a massage at lunch.  Some upper body strength work too. 

What is everyone else doing?

Robin, how are the long runs going?

Hey All! I got my 20 miler run in on Tuesday. Was supposed to do it on Monday - but it was snowing!!!!! Tuesday was a beautiful day and had a good run. Legs are feeling good and ready for taper! I hope everyone is training well and are ready for the weekend! I am canoeing into a back country cabin!

Does this start your taper Robin?

I hope you are having a great time canoeing!

my taper has officially started! Great weekend at the public use cabin, caught quite a few rainbows and 1 dolly varden - good times!

I know taper doesn't mean no running, but may be hard with my husband and a few friends furloughed - they all want to get out hiking. Nice 3 hour hike today!
2013-10-02 8:27 AM
in reply to: robingray_260

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

I am starting to get in a bad place mentally and don't like it. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to train and what I hoped to be a weekly 12 hour training schedule has only been around 8 hours which may not be enough to finish. I have done what I could and kept my family and work life in the forefront but as they say, "it is what it is".... Now, I will have to rely on my limited fitness and a whole lot of race execution ability in order to finish this thing...

Looking for any advise related to the last 4 weeks before Ironman event. Related to anything you can think of. They key for me is going to be executing a plan.. pacing, nutrition, etc...

Pour it on me...

2013-10-02 1:38 PM
in reply to: robingray_260

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by robingray_260
Originally posted by kenj
Originally posted by robingray_260
Originally posted by kenj

Morning all!!

Busy week at work, so good thing it is somewhat of a recovery week.  Legs still feeling it but mentally I am ready to get back at it and finish the last 5 weeks till Florida. 

I am doing an easy bike ride in the trainer, then a massage at lunch.  Some upper body strength work too. 

What is everyone else doing?

Robin, how are the long runs going?

Hey All! I got my 20 miler run in on Tuesday. Was supposed to do it on Monday - but it was snowing!!!!! Tuesday was a beautiful day and had a good run. Legs are feeling good and ready for taper! I hope everyone is training well and are ready for the weekend! I am canoeing into a back country cabin!

Does this start your taper Robin?

I hope you are having a great time canoeing!

my taper has officially started! Great weekend at the public use cabin, caught quite a few rainbows and 1 dolly varden - good times! I know taper doesn't mean no running, but may be hard with my husband and a few friends furloughed - they all want to get out hiking. Nice 3 hour hike today!

Happy taper!!  You are still far enough away that a hike on a nice day won't cause any problems at all.

I am sorry that your husband got furloughed Robin, hopefully it isn't too long.  My guess is that when the government removes their heads from their arses, they will include some back pay. 

2013-10-02 2:16 PM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by ramiedd I am starting to get in a bad place mentally and don't like it. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to train and what I hoped to be a weekly 12 hour training schedule has only been around 8 hours which may not be enough to finish. I have done what I could and kept my family and work life in the forefront but as they say, "it is what it is".... Now, I will have to rely on my limited fitness and a whole lot of race execution ability in order to finish this thing... Looking for any advise related to the last 4 weeks before Ironman event. Related to anything you can think of. They key for me is going to be executing a plan.. pacing, nutrition, etc... Pour it on me...

With only 4 weeks left, there isn't a lot of time, but you certainly aren't over trained which means you really don't need a 2 week taper.  You could even do a long ride or swim the weekend before and have plenty of time to recover.  I would keep the run a little shorter, max maybe 10 - 12 miles as the recovery cost for a longer run is higher than the bike or swim.

I would highly encourage you to get at least one, preferably 2 long rides in of 5 or 6 hours.  The way I keep it out of the families way it to get up early and if it is dark, do it all or at least start it on the trainer.  I have a 10 am flight on a Saturday 2 weeks prior to my race so guess who is going to be getting on the trainer for a 5 hour ride at 3 am that morning. 

I wouldn't worry as much about the swim as the bike and the run as the swim at B2B is a little bit favorable as I understand you get some tidal currents to help.  Most people can walk a marathon in under 7 hours and with a power walk even get close to 6 hours.  But 2 things have to happen, one you have to get in before the bike cutoff, not sure what that is for B2B, and you need to be physically capable of walking.  This is why I am pushing you to find a way to get at least one long bike in and as many short bike rides in as you can. 

I know the race is close Eddie, but it is still to early to throw in the towel on your training!!

2013-10-02 2:31 PM
in reply to: kenj

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Originally posted by kenj

Originally posted by ramiedd I am starting to get in a bad place mentally and don't like it. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to train and what I hoped to be a weekly 12 hour training schedule has only been around 8 hours which may not be enough to finish. I have done what I could and kept my family and work life in the forefront but as they say, "it is what it is".... Now, I will have to rely on my limited fitness and a whole lot of race execution ability in order to finish this thing... Looking for any advise related to the last 4 weeks before Ironman event. Related to anything you can think of. They key for me is going to be executing a plan.. pacing, nutrition, etc... Pour it on me...

With only 4 weeks left, there isn't a lot of time, but you certainly aren't over trained which means you really don't need a 2 week taper.  You could even do a long ride or swim the weekend before and have plenty of time to recover.  I would keep the run a little shorter, max maybe 10 - 12 miles as the recovery cost for a longer run is higher than the bike or swim.

I would highly encourage you to get at least one, preferably 2 long rides in of 5 or 6 hours.  The way I keep it out of the families way it to get up early and if it is dark, do it all or at least start it on the trainer.  I have a 10 am flight on a Saturday 2 weeks prior to my race so guess who is going to be getting on the trainer for a 5 hour ride at 3 am that morning. 

I wouldn't worry as much about the swim as the bike and the run as the swim at B2B is a little bit favorable as I understand you get some tidal currents to help.  Most people can walk a marathon in under 7 hours and with a power walk even get close to 6 hours.  But 2 things have to happen, one you have to get in before the bike cutoff, not sure what that is for B2B, and you need to be physically capable of walking.  This is why I am pushing you to find a way to get at least one long bike in and as many short bike rides in as you can. 

I know the race is close Eddie, but it is still to early to throw in the towel on your training!!

Thanks for the thoughts... I have already told the wife that I will not be available for the next two Sundays. This Sunday I am planning on at least an 85 mile ride and next Sunday I plan on a 100 miler and then get a longer run of at least 10 miles the day before or after the rides. I do like the idea of starting on the trainer very early and then going on the road after daylight to help with the time I get back home. I think pacing is going to be my friend.
2013-10-02 2:58 PM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
I finally did a race report.

I'm still feeling it in my legs although it's getting less painful when I go down the stairs.
2013-10-03 7:47 AM
in reply to: acv

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Not training related, just something to share. This installation is on the West Side of NYC, along the Hudson, on a small lawn between the bike trail and the running/walking path (fitting I guess).

(WS Tri Statues 2.jpg)

WS Tri Statues 2.jpg (85KB - 12 downloads)

2013-10-03 9:05 AM
in reply to: bdenehy

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

That is intering Bill!! 

2013-10-03 9:08 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

I am doing well getting everything in this week other than a swim I missed yesterday.  I had a very stiff neck after the run yesterday that is better this morning but still an issue.  I did ok on the bike with it though.  Fortunately I can move the swim till Sunday and it will be ok. 

How are the rest of you doing? 

How about you guys that already did your A race?  Any fun training or racing?

2013-10-03 10:31 AM
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Northern CT
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed
Hey all -- fell off for awhile but using today to catch up!

Great racing Adam and Jamie. Those prepping for B2B - remember 10% under-trained is better than 10% over trained - at least that's what I tell myself!

september has been husband has been traveling most of the month -- I think he was home one week but I've been pulled in so many directions I'm not even sure. Between baseball, horseback riding, cub scouts, 2 trips to the dentist where the treaded root canal was mentioned...yikes!! and my 5th grader having a difficult adjustment this year (well she's OK - it's more me who's not satisfied with her programming - so many back and forth meetings at school) workouts have become "random" at best. I did run 2x last week and 2x this week...yeah! Hoping to get out for a ride tomorrow. I am doing a 5k with a friend on Sunday - her first and I'm hoping its the motivation I need to get back to the "land of the living." Definitely making nutrition and strength training my focus for Fall. Both those just tend to fall to the side when prepping for that A race.

I did sign up for the Runner World Hearbreak Hill 1/2 marathon next June. I signed up for the Hat trick - 5k & 10K on Saturday, HM on Sunday. Good excuse to skip REV3 Quassy for the first time in 3 years!! Really trying to break down each discipline and re-focus.

I definitely want to check out some Sufferfest videos - I love Spinervals and they really bust my a$$!


Edited by skitri 2013-10-03 10:33 AM
2013-10-03 3:07 PM
in reply to: skitri

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - Closed

Originally posted by skitri Hey all -- fell off for awhile but using today to catch up! Great racing Adam and Jamie. Those prepping for B2B - remember 10% under-trained is better than 10% over trained - at least that's what I tell myself! september has been husband has been traveling most of the month -- I think he was home one week but I've been pulled in so many directions I'm not even sure. Between baseball, horseback riding, cub scouts, 2 trips to the dentist where the treaded root canal was mentioned...yikes!! and my 5th grader having a difficult adjustment this year (well she's OK - it's more me who's not satisfied with her programming - so many back and forth meetings at school) workouts have become "random" at best. I did run 2x last week and 2x this week...yeah! Hoping to get out for a ride tomorrow. I am doing a 5k with a friend on Sunday - her first and I'm hoping its the motivation I need to get back to the "land of the living." Definitely making nutrition and strength training my focus for Fall. Both those just tend to fall to the side when prepping for that A race. I did sign up for the Runner World Hearbreak Hill 1/2 marathon next June. I signed up for the Hat trick - 5k & 10K on Saturday, HM on Sunday. Good excuse to skip REV3 Quassy for the first time in 3 years!! Really trying to break down each discipline and re-focus. I definitely want to check out some Sufferfest videos - I love Spinervals and they really bust my a$$! Maggie

Sounds like a busy month Maggie!  Glad you found some races to register for to get you focused again, but it is good to take a little mental break from training after your A race. 

Honestly I like the Spinervals a little better myself, or at least what I have seen so far of the Sufferfest, but 2 things I like better about the Sufferfest; 1 - the price is much better and 2 - they are easier to get onto my Ipad.  Although surfing around on the spinnervals site, it appears the downloads can be saved into Itunes and transferred onto the Ipad. 

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