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2011-05-16 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3501775

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


As much as I'm pleased for you, I'm ecstatic for Rtan. Is this his first podium in a "major" race -- that is, one in which there are a lot of excellent triathletes? I tried the results again later last night and they still weren't up, and then I haven't had time until, um, after this post! I will really enjoy seeing how the two of you pieced together those performances. PLEASE congratulate Ryan for me!

One of the things I was going to comment on vis-a-vis YOU was the thought expressed by a Fexy that you are a long-course person and shouldn' expected to excel at shorter distances. I see the merit in that, and to some extent it's true, but my view of you is that you are at nature a fast person who has managed to (almost effortlessly) become terrific at longer distances. I guess that's why you can do back-to-back centuries on one weekend, and then rebound to do really well at Kinetic -- because you have certain faster-twitch muscles ready to call upon when needed. Nice package to have --- slow-twitch training in a fast-twitch body!

All that said, it is almost scary to think how the two of you would've done at Kinetic (or Rumpass, for that matter) had you focused on training for sprints and olys, and with no TTT or IMLP in your sights.....or 50-milers not so long ago! I suppose that is something you both can look to in the future --- a nice, kinda simple, certainly inexpensive, season of sprints and olys. Low training volume, easy-to-moderate recovery times, and all with an eye to frequent podiums.

For now, though, I'm just grooving on TTT and how that ultimately works into IMLP. I think you will absolutely rock the Prologue on Friday evening, if that's in your plans, AND I expect you to do well at both olys on Saturday.....and I won't say yet how I see the half playing out for you on Sunday, although I have some pretty firm ideas!

So, when are you leaving for Ohio -- Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning? I am so envious of you for getting to do that. I just feel it slipping away from me, and all the more reason why I should've done it a few years ago when I was actually registered for it. that's not to say I've given up on it for good, but it does feel like a longlonglongshot right now. Heck, some of the things I was seeing in my '11 just a moth or so ago seem like longshots now! ....... ?

I am, of course, sorry that you have had your own injury confcerns, but that is counterbalanced some by your history of resolving your injuries fairly quickly. I guess that's an advantage to youth, along with a few other advantages, too.

I am referencing this post off of your Kinetic one, and need to go back to your previous one for things I have missed. I'll be back in a bit, but for now I'll just say that I do NOT expect any reply until sometime after TTT --- from which you won't return until at least Monday, I hope!! (That is, I hope you're planning Sunday night right near Portsmouth!!!!)

I shall return!

2011-05-16 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3491769

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

LISA again -

I don't think I mentioned this in my other-day post to you, largely cuz it hadn't happened by then, but I had my bike fit tweak slightly on Frdiay and it was disastrous. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, maybe, but a short 48 mninute ride did nothing for my groin/hip issue, and rally got the outer sides of both knees whining and moaning. I haven't been out since, and will probably wave the white falg to my LBS guy and ask for my old position to be restored. I might truy again in the off-season, but the last thing I need right now is another monkey-wrench thrown into my season. I have a small du planned for this Saturday, and it'll be funny thinking of me romping through 2km-20.8km-5km..............while you are heading out on the first of the three epic races that make TT what it is. I'll try not to be too smug about finsihing my day in about an hour!

I agree with you about the stress fracture, that no amount of foam rolling would improve that if it was indeed the problem. My tibail stress fracture from back when was a deal-breaker, period, and Jane's best friend in NYC had a run interrupted a few weeks ago by a pelvic s.f. She literally felt the pain, stopped, couldn't really walk, and aclled a cab to get her home. Couldn't make it into her apartment, and had to phone another cab to get her to the hospital. So, I think you can rule that baby out for now!

My tibial s.f. was preceded by a month or so of mock shin-splint pain befoire it exploded into my awareness as somehting vastly more dire than shin splints. Leading up to it, no therapies helped at all, so if you got relief from the roller I think that's a good sign. Ovarian cyst? Hmmm. And as for a hernia, well, I think sports hernias are not all that awful. But, of course, I don't wish that on you, either. And, tou have had hip problems in the past, yes? Like, about two years ago? Is what's bugging you now anything similar to back then?

As for the Achilles, just be careful on those we hills at TTT. Going either up or down them willbe a good time to keep your stride really short. And don't dig in too much going up; that activity is always good for getting my own Achilles nice and riled!

Who all from Fexyland wil be at TTT? Scott and a few others? And are you staying on site there, or away from the madding crowd in some quiet and comfy motel in Portsmouth?

Finally, what exactly have you done to improve your swims? My first tri of the season will likely be a print with a 500m swim, just to test how well I can hold together the seemingly-promising increased cadence work I have spent the off-season working on. That'll be on June 11 --- if my body holds together until then!

Well, that's it until after TTT, I expect. I will start sending all my mojo to you two on Friday evening, and will keep the vibes flowing until mid-afternoon on Sunday. As I said before, I am very envious that you are doing this, and I will look forward to everything you have to report about it. Take care of yourselves there, and have the time of your lives!

2011-05-19 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

one last post quick before we hit the road.  we're packed and (almost) ready.  still waiting for ryan to do his hair (literally-he's cutting his hair).  :/

i had a meeting with scott on tuesday to get some advice on "racing" TTT and in the process of it learned that all the talk on their website about "bringing your climbing gears" was for real.  eek.  we had to rush out and buy them.  well we've ever had were 12-25s (i think, is that the normal kind).  i'm guessing it will be an expenditure well worth it with TTT, diabolical double and savageman on the schedule.  (seriously, this all made so much sense in january at registeration time).

after meeting with him i've concluded that i have been living in a bubble about TTT and i have no freaking clue what i'm getting myself into.

so, the plan.....since i know you will ask   is to race the super sprint all out, race both saturday olys at half iron pace and then give it all i have left for the half.  ....oh, and rediscover my religion

on the injury report......
upper hip pain has nearly completely vanished.  left in it's place is a brand new and never previously experienced onslaught of plantar fasciitis....seriously? 

so, fexy has THIRTEEN people heading up to TTT.  isn't that cool?  the only bummer about it is that we can't wear our jerseys, so that does take a little of the team coolness mid race away.
of that thirteen:
scott is doing it for his SEVENTH time
scott's son, kevin, who's been to TTT a bunch of times with his dad is doing it for the first time.  he's s15!!!    he's been doing tris since he was 7 or something ridiculous
three girls, including myself

pretty cool.

we have 4 cabins we're all filling.  leaving today, coming back monday.  it should be a tough, yet amazing trip.  i'm excited.  scared, but excited.

oh, here is the link to my kinetic sprint can see ryan getting his award!!

you will also see one of me at the awards ceremony having some guy look at my calf.  that was me getting "carded" picking up my award.  they gave away a tote bag with a bottle of wine in it and he didn't believe i was old enough to drink!!!!!!!  again, seriously? 

okay, so i think ryan might actually be ready, so i have to run. 

i don't know if i'll have internet access there, so you might not hear anything from me until monday.

when i get back i finally have a lull in the race season so i will be able to respond to everything going on with you instead of being so darn selfish  

thinking of you often and sending YOU lots of mojo and love that your woes heal quickly.


2011-05-20 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3507536

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Nice note to wake up to this morning! I see you wrote it yesterday morning, but we left from here about 6:30 and didn't get back until late last night, and this is my first time on the computer since Wednesday night.

Blah, blah, blah!

ANYHOW, I'm sure glad you got some "climbing gears"! I used a 27 at IMLP, I think, and that's a molehill compared to Savageman, definitely, and I guess parts of TTT. You will love having that, it's that's what you have. I wasn't sure whether what you got was a 25, or if that was your softest cog previously. For both of you, though, weight (or lack thereof) will help lots. I wonder at what point a lower weight means that one can do well with a 25, say, as opposed to a 27.

13 of you there! Too cool!

And was it Kevin I met at Placid last July -- very helpful, very mature? And then was an older daughter there, too, right?

So! You're there now, bonding and getting a bit nervous. Isn't that part of the TTT experience, though?

Rock it tonight, Lisa! Enjoy your last semblance of unfettered speed for a while!!

2011-05-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Love seeing this group keep going, and impressed by Lisa's tenacity and transition from beginner to awesome. Jess, looks like you are doing great too.


You all are making me look bad

2011-05-23 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3510230

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Really pleased to see you still here, too! Let us know more or less exactly how it's going for you, okay?

2011-05-23 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3514155

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


The suspense is killing me! Still nothing on the TTT webiste beyond 2010 results -- not even Friday night's prologue. I went there yesterday figuring at leat Friday would be up, and just now I was hoping for the two olys, too......and nothing! Nada!

So! Hurry up and get here with some thoughts, eh? I hope you're okay, and thought about your "plight" all weekend. My du went well on Saturday, but was obviously dwarfed by the magnitude of Triple-T.


2011-05-23 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

It's going OK. I've been busy working non-stop since I left the Army, trying to do the whole "be your own boss" thing, and it's going well, just really cutting into my training time.

I'm still running and doing the occasional swim when we visit the beach, but nothing hardcore yet. For now, I'm living vicariously through this group

2011-05-24 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
so glad to hear your du went well, steve!!  can we please get more detail than that? 

so, i did not have the TTT i was hoping for. 

about 2 weeks ago, out of the clear blue sky i had what appeared to be my first experience with plantar fasciitis.  i figured it was something that would clear up on its on.

i did well at the super sprint on friday, but i came back and told ryan that i thought the foot was going to be a problem.

during the morning oly on saturday, every step of the run was hard.  it was the toughest run i'd done in a while.  it never loosened up and hurt like hell.  ...but, my results, again, were pretty solid.  i was figuring that as long as i could keep my pace up, i'd just push through the weekend. 
i came home, took a nap between races and when i woke up there was a slight bruising right on the PF.  i had a friend there who is a nurse she went with me to the massage therapists who were there and when i showed them the bruising their looks told me all i needed to know. 
it was a REALLY tough call to make 25 minutes before the pm oly, but i know it was the right one.  i didn't want to do more damage and not be able to make it to placid. 
the bad news really started, though, on sunday.  when i woke up i could barely walk, the bruising was significant and there was a hard bump on my foot.  all signs i've read online are pretty clearly pointing at a PF rupture of some sort.  i found a case study online with a picture and this is exactly what my foot looks like.
this guy was in a cast for 4 weeks

i have an appt with a highly referred foot and ankle doc tomorrow.  i'll update you when i know more.

ryan, though, did really well.  i was so proud of him.  sunday started looking like a death march throughout the race, but he looked solid every step of the way.  he is so well on his way to becoming an endurance machine. 

the first two races were really fun for us.  all their races are time trial start two at a time.  you're supposed to line up by number, but they were pretty lenient about it.  so, we were able to start together both races that i did.  it is ridiculous how similar our times are.  during the super sprint i was on the bike and within the first .25 mile i saw him ahead of me.  i caught him on the uphill, he lost me on the downhill.  i had no idea that i passed him in transition and he basically chased me the whole run.  i got into the finishers chute and felt a tap on my shoulder and it was him, literally 4 seconds behind me.  funny.  in looking at the numbers, we would actually make a fabulous TTT team, but i need to go back as a solo to get my revenge. 
we already have our cabin booked for next year

on the was the most intense course i have ever ridden/seen.  i COULD NOT believe the climbs.  the steepest climb is the morning oly, so i had the good fortune of being able to go up that.  it is only about .25 long, but it is at an 18% grade.  unbelievable. 
it really makes the three bears at placid look like chipmunks. 

i'm hoping to go back next year.  we'll see how everything plays out. 

i love being able to do this with ryan.  times like this really remind me of that.  ...poor ryan too.  he was so sad when i told him i was pulling out.  i feel bad that my situation put a damper in his happy experience.  HOWEVER, what sucks is that when you're injured, you still have to go to all the races anyway and it's like rubbing salt in the wound.  if he wasn't at TTT, i might have head home on sunday.  instead, i have to sit there and watch everyone.  ....and i've already started to panic about what could happen at placid.  if i have to go to placid for a week and spectate it will be exceedingly painful.  i'll be so happy and proud of ryan, but it will not be fun.

we'll see what i hear at tomorrow's appt.  keeping my fingers crossed., the cabin we have booked for TTT next year sleeps 6.  who's in? 
2011-05-24 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3515340

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I suppose you got my email response to you, and it wou;d've been smart for me to come here first -- lots of info! I haven't got rooting qround for my log yet, but I think it will mention swelling -- just not like what is shown in the photo in the case study. Mercy! Plaeas tell me that yours doesn't look quite like the one shown.

I went through the entire '08 season with a modest taping job on it for EVERY SINGLE RUN. For races, I taped over the cloth tape with duct tape just so the cloth tape wouldn't unravel. that systemt worked really well. There's a small trick to the taping that I can tell you if it comes to it, but it really is nothing rpofound at all.

I have seen taping jobs for p.f. that are very elaborate. but for whatever reason i didn't need that degree of support/protection/reinforcement. But like everything else, one gets used to it after a while, so if you need elaborate taping at some point, you should adjust to it quickly.

From about Feb until late Oct. '08 I wore one of thsoe boots EVERY night while I slept. When we went to the running store in Reston Town Center, there was one of them there. I think the website is; I will try to dig up the deatils right away. It is actually a pretty comfortable thing, and that's coming form someone who is a crappy sleeper --- and whose sleep was not affecetd by the boot. And "boot" is an overblown term for it; it's not near as rigidly confining as a boot.

As for how long I wore it, most of those months were just to be precautionary. I think my sprots doc told me to wear it until May or June......but in the spirit of "if some is good, lots is better", I just kept using it and kept using it. Only our trip to Spain made me stop using it -- too much of a nuisance to travel with!

I wish I could tell you that watching Ryan race won't be difficult, but I'm a real baby at watching others race when I cannot do so myslef. My '06 season was just aquabikes due to my torn meniscus, and it just killed me to pull into T2 and watch everyone go out on the run. So, for me, it was finish the bike, keep my head down, pack my stuff, and leave -- didn't even go to the food tent!

Hopefully, though, it won't come to that for you. You might've caught yours more quickly than the guy in the case study did, and certainly you have youth - and less brittleness in your fascia, I would assume - on your side. Plus, your base is big enough that you can afford a layof and stil be ready for LP. I can tell you that in that '08 season I managed DoubleMussel on about July 10, and then di the Triple Challenge at Chicago in late August, along with a bunch of others -- all with a taped foot.

Hang in there, and please keep me in the loop!

2011-06-03 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Hey there all -

Been a while since I checked in, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive!

Lisa - been following your injury/recovery on FB - I was very impressed by the sexy FeXy boot Love the way you've thrown yourself into the 30 swims in 30 days challenge, and it sounds like you had a fun day on the bike today.

Steve - I hope things are on the mend? The good race bodes well, and I'm glad you've got yoga to turn to when tri things are rough.

I've been in a bit of a rut myself, lately. Actually, I just got completely and utterly overwhelmed with everything. Essentially, work - and life in general- got really really intense. So I've been cutting myself lots of slack. It's a total learning experience for me, because I'm so used to just setting goals, achieving them. But I can't do everything, so I'm just trying to stay sane!

Anyway, I basically stopped training after Devilman. I rode my bike and swam a bit for the week after the race, but in the three weeks since then, I haven't been on my bike or in the pool.  I have been running, and I have been going to this super intense kickboxing class, so I've been active. Actually, kickboxing has been super good for me - it's a pretty intense hour workout, and I think I've lost about 5 pounds since starting, and really trimmed up a bit. Plus, it feels good to hit things, haha! And I've been doing 5-6 mile runs every couple of days, just because the weather has been perfect.

For the past two weeks, I haven't been sure about what I'll do with Eagleman... At first, I was thinking I wasn't going to do it because obviously, my training during what would be the peak period hasn't been where it should have been.  But yesterday I got the "10 days til race day!" email, and I realized that I really want to be there. I really love being part of that crowd, you know? And I think that my base miles through the beginning of May, along with my recent running and kickboxing mean I can finish the race if I want. As of right now, the weather is looking perfect (high is in the low 80s, hopefully it stays that way!)  So, I'm thinking I'll go down. No pressure. No goals. Just to have a fun day swimming, biking, and running. Doing things I like to do. Heck, if I want to call it a day after the swim/bike, I can do that.

Does that sound absolutely stupid? I don't think I'm setting myself up for injury or anything, because it's not like I've been sitting on my couch for the past 3 weeks.

On a side note, Mark's officially back in school and loving it. He's doing really well in his bio and nutrition classes. It's fun to see, and I'm super proud of him

2011-06-04 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3531841

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I was just beginning to seriously wonder/worry about you.....and here you are!!

Your comments about Eagleman are eerily similar to the ones I've been conversing about with a woman in one of the other groups -- to do it, and if so, at what intensity, and if so, how much of it. I think she'll make it an-end-of-the-week decision, and on last check she is kindasorta looking at the whole thing. She is most interested in the swim, and then the bike.....and then there is the run for which she is not well prepared at all.

You, however, sound in better form overall, and I don't think you have anything to truly dread there -- short of high temps, if that's what happens. And if it comes to that, then you'll be in the same boat as about 1800 other people, huh? That won't necessarily make you feel any better on-course, other than the misery-loves-company aspect.

Are you still enjoying Julia, and having workouts ready and waiting for you doily? I mostly treated that aspect kind of like having a maid.....but at times it was also like being in a cell and hearing the little slot at the bottom of the door slide open and in came a food tray. Hmmmm.

It's good you are enjoying kickboxing -- touigh workout and just something new and different. I am still adoring Yoga, although the past week has been bad. Soemwhere along thw way I developed an allergic reaction on my forehead, and that expresses itself as itchy redness when I get hot - as in Yoga. And then on Wednesday I wrenched my back somehow, so I've been Yogaless since then. This is tough. I had literally done about 70 classes since maybe March 18, and couldn't really get enough of them. And now I'm in a cold turkey phase. I think I have the head thing worked out, but the back is still a prolem. Bah.

And, I'm officially bailing on a race even as I type. I was signed up for Keuka Lake oly, in upstate NY, but didn't want to spend the travel costs to get there when those other parts of me aren't 100%. On the other hand, my recent duathlons have shown good speed, so I probably would've been okay. Motsly, it came down to money issues.

I ahve other things to say, but need to clear the phone lines for a phone call from son Peter.

Stay close to us, okay? And congrats to Mark!

2011-06-05 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

I'm ready to get back at it.


I need a race, a goal...


I love you all but have been distracted.  I am sorry.

2011-06-05 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3533354

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Fabulous to hear from you, to know that you're alive and still care about us!

"Distracted"? Is that a good thing or a bad thing....or just a prolonged state of distraction? I hope it is nothing unpleasant, anyhow.

Looking for a race, are you? What distances are you aiming for, and roughly when? Is either L.A.. or Mailbu (is that the one you're done?) still open.....and is either desirable? You've always been pretty handy at setting goals, so I think that'll be fine for you; it's the find-a-race thing that might be a bit more problematic!

This is good, having five of us here who are periodic/sporadic in our presence. We are still functional, i guess! You can see what Jess is up to, and Lisa's foot problem from American Triple-T. i'm having my own physical issues, enough to keep me racing lcoal and low-key and low-budget. i think I'm fine with that.....mostly. And Nathan is still interested in the whole triathlon process thing, but is just having difficulties dealing with, oh, things like career and family. Nothing big at all!

KEEP IN TOUCH! Let me know what you think you want from the season, okay?

2011-06-07 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
don't call it a come back, but we seem to have some activity here

jess, i don't think you're stupid at all for doing Eman on your training.  in fact, i think you might surprise yourself.  kickboxing is intense and you already have a nice base of swim/bike/run....and you've shed pounds.  5lbs is a lot.  you might find that the weight loss will have a bigger positive effect than you'd think.

i'm going out on a ledge here, but i think you're going to PR it.....and I WILL BE THERE cheering you on.

FeXY's got probably around 20 people going and i volunteered to be race mom (planning the team dinner on saturday, getting the tent to the site and set up, etc).  i'm so excited!  we're camping at the HS this year.  are you there again?  Also, our team dinner is Saturday at a house that a bunch of people rented.  you are so more than welcome.  i'll get you the details today.

either way, we need to connect while we're there.  i also need to know what you're racing in so i can look for you and scream my head off!!!!!!!

i'm also excited because the pro field looks awesome.  when i last checked it included craig alexander and mirinda carfrae!  yay!!

i have so much more to say, but i have to get my butt working.

talk to you all soon!!!

so happy to see you back, neil!!!
2011-06-07 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3536472

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Lisa!! Thanks for the boost of confidence Glad to hear that a semi-expert doesn't think this is the dumbest thing in the world I doubt I'll be PR (that would be 6:11!), BUT, I did do that 5k this weekend in 23:13, so there is still some speed in the tank, at least. Having not been on my bike in 3 weeks is the biggest limiting factor. But we'll see! So far weather looks ok - mid-80s would be fine. Anything under 100 is a plus in my book.

Yes, we'll be camping!! That's one of the biggest reasons we're going - I LOVE camping haha. I bought us all this camping gear last year for Eman, and we've used it a bunch of times since then. I actually still have to send in my camping sheet. Last year they didn't check who was there though, so I think its ok to mail it in late.

Keep us updated on your plans! Can't wait to see you

Oh, and I'll be wearing a white/blue top and black shorts. And riding my trusty Felt (still needs a name!) I actually want to switch out my saddle before the race, need to figure that out.

Ok - to worth with me too!

2011-06-07 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

I am thinking an OLY in a month or so then go from there...perhaps a late season HIM.


in other news, have you guys been watching the rise of Tim O'Donnell?  I was in the Navy with him and knew him briefly.  He just made the cover of inside Tri and is a serious contender for KONA this year...after a 8:09 at IM Texas...his first IM.  Wow!  Kinda cool to see a Navy guy rise up like that.

2011-06-07 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3536472

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Work, shmerk. Jeez, you guys!

I wish I was going to Eagleman, too. Sniff.

2011-06-07 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3538039

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


An oly and then proceed from there? Perfect! The oly will set you up nicely for anything, be it another oly or two; an HIM and then whatever; or two sprints, an oly, a sprint, a HIM, another oly, and then a sprint to finish the season. It's all, like, so doable!

I haven't followed his rise per se, but only know what I've seen of him lately. It's intriguing how so often someone comes out of the blue and makes their mark. names escape me now, other than him and Chrissie W. But there are others....enough to make it seem that ironman really isn't that hard after all!

2011-06-09 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
jess!!  here's the info for the dinner on saturday.  hope you can come!!
2011-06-09 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3540348

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hooslisa - 2011-06-09 8:52 AM jess!!  here's the info for the dinner on saturday.  hope you can come!![/QUOTE]


UM, Lisa - why did you link to this thread? You do see that they say that there are RAYS congregating in the shallows where you head back in to transition?!?!?!

That alone would make me bag this race. THANKS FOR MESSING WITH MY HEADDDD.....

As for dinner - looks great!! We'll try to make it - it all depends on if we end up bringing Eli down for the weekend or not. If we do, we'll probably be stuck near the tent with him

2011-06-09 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
haha.  oops.  sorry.  i didn't even think of that.  you were just supposed to read the part about dinner! 

not that i think you need any advice, but since i've put nasty thoughts of rays in your head, i will also share with you an email i sent a teammate who was panicking a little.

i so know what you are feeling because i have totally been there.  your first half is already a huge deal and then you start hearing about jelly fish and cow rays- been there.  done that.
i've attached both my Eman race reports.  2009 was my first half, it was wetsuit legal, but there were a TON of jellyfish.  i remember heading to the water on saturday to get in a practice swim and instead i ended up standing on the beach in my wetsuit welling up with tears.  i just couldn't get in.  people kept saying things like, "it only feels like a pin " or a "bee sting".  neither of those helped me since neither sounded like pleasurable experiences.  i can tell you that what they actually felt like was nothing of the sort.  for starters, you go off in the 8th wave.  Cow rays will be nowhere in sight be the time you get there.  You start a full hour after the pro wave go off.  before you get in, there will be hundreds of people who will have long since scared the rays off.  if by some reason, there are a few retarded rays around, then just remind yourself that people actually PAY money to swim with these damn things.  little kids touch them at aquariums.  you are so fine.
if the jellies are bad this year, there will still be some around when you get in.  however, they will be so broken up they won't even be a problem.  like i had said, i was in a panic about them and when i first got "stung" during the swim, i almost laughed underwater.  it felt like seaweed just brushing against my arm.  maybe warm seaweed.  think of it as a spa treatment   i just couldn't believe that something that had me freaking out, was such a non-event.  i trust it will be the same for you. 
a few tips:
1) i had heard that a coating of vaseline protects your skin from them, so i would put a layer on any exposed parts of your body (feet, hands, arms, legs).  i did this.  maybe this is why i didn't have any issue?  not sure.
**please be advised:  make sure the vaseline gets no where near your goggles!!!!  i would not advise putting it on your face.  it will keep your goggles from sealing properly
2.) keep your face down.  this is good swim form anyway, but lead with the top of your head, and keep your face pointed down.  this way, as you are swimming, any jellies that might be around hit your cap and not your face.
3.) do NOT let your swim time get to you!!  this is true especially, if it's a nonwetsuit swim.  in 2010 i had a certain time goal that i wanted.  when i got out of the water i was around 10 minutes slower!!!!!  i am so grateful that scott was at the swim finish and yelled to me not to worry about the time because EVERYONE was slower.  i have seen this happen several times in races now.  if you are way off your time it's likely that the current was strong or the course was long.  if that is the case, then EVERYONE will be impacted the same way.  keep moving and don't let it bother you.
2011-06-09 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3540535

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hooslisa - 2011-06-09 10:09 AM if by some reason, there are a few retarded rays around, then just remind yourself that people actually PAY money to swim with these damn things.  little kids touch them at aquariums.  you are so fine.

Ok, this cracked me up at work. If any rays actually stick around for the W25-29 AG to roll through at like 9:30, they are truly special-needs rays.

And I'm just going in with the expectation that this will be a non-wetsuit swim, especially given the temps yesterday and today. Everyone will be in the same boat, so I'm not too stressed about that

Are you guys going down Friday night or Saturday? We're still undecided, probably Friday night though, because despite my low-key approach to this, I'm getting excited

2011-06-09 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
we're heading down friday.  we've got 100 miles of riding on our training agenda on saturday so we're gonna do two loops of the bike course early saturday morning.  oy. 

my cell is 703.371.1540.  hit me up, girlie!    i'm excited too.  i know that i'll be jealous i'm not racing, but i'm so excited to cheer everyone on.
2011-06-10 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3540599

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


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